Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2012 | Chinese Cooking with Ionic Seasonings May Enhance Migration of Perfluorooctanic acid from Food Contact Articles | Chiang, C. F.; Hsieh, D. P. H.; Hsu, H. C.; Chang, C. C.; Min-Pei Ling ; Huang, L. L.; Chen, P. W.; Chiang, K. H. | Journal of Food and Drug Analysis | 2 | |
2019 | Design of an intelligent ketogenic diet service platform using the ontology case-based reasoning strategy | Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Min-Pei Ling ; Wang, W-C. | BASIC CLIN PHARMACOL | 0 | |
2021 | Design of an IOTA Tangle-Based Intelligent Food Safety Service Platform for Bubble Tea | Ku, Hao-Hsiang; Chi, Ching-Ho; Ling, Min-Pei | PROCESSES | 0 | |
2021 | Dietary Exposure of the Taiwan Population to Mercury Content in Various Seafood Assessed by a Total Diet Study | Lin, Pinpin; Nan, Fan-Hua ; Ling, Min-Pei | INT J ENV RES PUB HE | 2 | |
2019 | Inspections of imported foods to Taiwan: an overview | Lien, K. W.; Chen, S. Y.; Pan, M. H.; Min-Pei Ling | Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety | 1 | |
2021 | Levels of heavy metal cadmium in rice (Oryza sativa L.) produced in Taiwan and probabilistic risk assessment for the Taiwanese population | Lien, Keng-Wen; Pan, Min-Hsiung; Ling, Min-Pei | ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R | 14 | |
2020 | Microbial Risk Assessment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Beef Imported from the United States of America to Taiwan | Lien, Keng-Wen; Yang, Meng-Xuan; Ling, Min-Pei | MICROORGANISMS | 4 | |
2017 | Mixture risk assessment due to ingestion of arsenic, copper, and zinc from milkfish farmed in contaminated coastal areas | Lin, Yi-Jun; Ling, Min-Pei ; Chen, Szu-Chieh; Chen, Wei-Yu; Hsieh, Nan-Hung; Cheng, Yi-Hsien; You, Shu-Han ; Chou, Wei-Chun; Lin, Ming-Chao; Liao, Chung-Min | ENVIRON SCI POLLUT R | 4 | |
2018 | Probabilistic health risk assessment for dietary exposure to aflatoxin in peanut and peanut products in Taiwan | Wang, Xin; Lien, Keng-Wen; Ling, Min-Pei | FOOD CONTROL | 20 | |
2020 | Probabilistic risk assessment of patulin in imported apple juice and apple-containing beverages in Taiwan | Lien, K. W.; Min-Pei Ling ; Pan, M. H. | Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2 | |
2023 | Quantitative microbiological risk assessments for Salmonella spp. contaminated taiwanese salty chicken in the taiwanese population | Lien, Keng-Wen; Yang, Meng-Xuan; Ling, Min-Pei ; Tsai, Guo-Jane | HELIYON | | |
2020 | Risk Assessment of the Dietary Phosphate Exposure in Taiwan Population Using a Total Diet Study | Ling, Min-Pei ; Huang, Jun-Da; Hsiao, Huai-An; Chang, Yu-Wei ; Kao, Yi-Ting | FOODS | 4 | |
2012 | Total Dietary Studies and Food Safety Assessment in Taiwan-Food Preservatives as an Illustration | Hsieh, D. P. H.; Huang, H. Y.; Min-Pei Ling ; Chen, Y. S.; Huang, L. L.; Wu, C. H.; Ni, S. P.; Hung, H. C.; Chiang, C. F. | Journal of Food and Drug Analysis | 10 | |
2012 | Use of Seasonal Influenza Virus Titer and Respiratory Symptom Score to Estimate Effective Human Contact Rates | Chen, S. C.; Shu-Han You ; Chio, C. P.; Liao, C. M.; Min-Pei Ling | Journal of Epidemiology | 6 | |
2019 | Using disease-burden method to evaluate the strategies for reduction of aflatoxin exposure in peanuts | Wang, Xin; You, Shu-Han ; Lien, Keng-Wen; Ling, Min-Pei | TOXICOL LETT | 2 | |