Results 1-1000 of 1233 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/9/17Biofilm formation comparison of<i> Vibrio</i><i> parahaemolyticus</i> on stainless steel and polypropylene while minimizing environmental impacts and transfer to grouper fish filletsSu, L. M.; Huang, R. T. ; Hsiao, H. I.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY
22024/9/15Electromagnetic fields and radiation from localized current source interacting with a cosmic axion field in the context of massive axion electrodynamicsChang, Railing ; Leung, P. T.PHYSICS LETTERS A
32024/9/1Construction of broad-spectrum photocatalyst films through interface engineering: Orchestrating Bi nanoparticles in TiO2/BiVO4 Z-scheme heterojunctionsLiang, Yuan -Chang ; Kuo, Chih-ChenJOURNAL OF SCIENCE-ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES
42024/9/1Triangular BiVO<sub>4</sub>-Bi<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> ultrathin sheet composites for enhancement of photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performanceLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chen, Shang-HaoJOURNAL OF SCIENCE-ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES
52024/8/30Pt(II) phosphors with dual 1,6-naphthyridin-5-yl pyrazolate chelates and non-doped organic light emitting diodesWang, Sheng-Fu; Wu, Chi-Chi; Chou, Pi-Tai; Kung, Yu-Cheng; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Yu, Cheng-Ju; Yeh, Chia-Hsiu; Zhou, Fan; Yan, Jie; Chi, YunJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C
62024/8/23Multiple Enol-Keto Isomerization and Excited-State Unidirectional Intramolecular Proton Transfer Generate Intense, Narrowband Red OLEDsWu, Xiugang; Wang, Chih-Hsing; Ni, Songqian; Wu, Chi-Chi; Lin, Yan-Ding; Qu, Hao-Ting; Wu, Zong-Hsien; Liu, Denghui; Yang, Ming-Zhou; Su, Shi-Jian; Zhu, Weiguo; Chen, Kai; Jiang, Zi-Cheng; Yang, Shang-Da; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chou, Pi-TaiJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
72024/8/1Optimizing luminous efficiency in polymer light-emitting diodes through anode oxygen-plasma treatment under diverse pressure conditionsChen, Sy-Hann; Chiu, Chih-Chia; Chang, Yi-Shiang; Chen, Kuan-Ming; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang OPTICAL MATERIALS
82024/7/23The corrosion of FeCoNiAl-based medium- and high-entropy alloys in various ratios of CO2/CO gas mixtureKai, Wu ; Huang, Yu-jing; Hsu, Yung-chuan; Huang, Rong-tan ; Zhou, Yinghao; Kai, Ji-jungINTERMETALLICS
92024/7/2Enhanced Optical Properties via Energy Transfer of Layered Biomaterial/Metal-Organic Framework CompositesFeria, Denice Navat; Lo, Chi-Jen; Hsu, Hsiao-Chi; Wang, Chih-Min ; Lin, Tai-Yuan JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C
102024/6/25The Improvement in Corrosion Resistance of Electroless Ni-P Coating on Micro-arc Oxidized AZ31 Alloy Prepared with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Additive and Post-supercritical CO<sub>2</sub> Mixed ElectrolyteLee, Chun-Ying; Chen, Kun-Lin; Yen, Ting-Jui; Lee, Hung-Bin JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE
112024/6/17The effects of nontoxic bio-based substances (egg white) on the performance and passivation of ZnO nanorods arrays-based light emitting devicesChuang, Sung-Hao; Feria, Denice Navat; Lo, Yan-Shawn; Hsieh, Tung-Han; Lin, Tai-Yuan NANOTECHNOLOGY
122024/6/15Synergetic effects of micro-shot peening and gas nitriding on the fatigue performance of AISI 4140 steelLin, Guan-Wei; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Hsu, Hsiao-Hung; Tsay, Leu-Wen SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
132024/6/1Effects of Antifoaming Agents on Manufacturing Silver Dendrites Through Fluoride-Assisted Galvanic Replacement ReactionLee, Pee-Yew ; Li, Chen-Yu; Bai, Yi-Hong; Huang, Hung Ji; Weng, Chun-Jen; Lin, Yung-ShengJOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME
142024/6/1Bacteria Contaminants Detected by Organic Inverter-Based BiosensorsFang, Po-Hsiang; Chang, Han-Chun; Cheng, Horng-Long; Huang, Chih-Chia; Wang, Shuying; Teng, Ching-Hao; Chia, Zi-Chun; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Ruan, Jrjeng; Shih, Wei-An; Chou, Wei-YangPOLYMERS
152024/6/1Electric response of a composite of topological insulator nanoparticlesLeung, P. T.; Chen, Chih-Wei; Chiang, Hai-Pang CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS
162024/5/31High-performance near-infrared OLEDs maximized at 925 nm and 1022 nm through interfacial energy transferHung, Chieh-Ming; Wang, Sheng-Fu; Chao, Wei-Chih; Li, Jian-Liang; Chen, Bo-Han; Lu, Chih-Hsuan; Tu, Kai-Yen; Yang, Shang-Da; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chi, Yun; Chou, Pi-TaiNATURE COMMUNICATIONS
172024/5/15Characterization of cosputtered (TiZrHfY)N x filmsOu, Tzu-Yu; Chang, Li -Chun; Chen, Yung -, I ; Yu, Chun-ShengSURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
182024/5/1Corrosion Resistance of Fe-Based Amorphous Films Prepared by the Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputter MethodLin, Tai-Nan; Liao, Pin-Hsun; Wang, Cheng-Chin; Lee, Hung-Bin ; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS
192024/4/22Effects of external light in the magnetic field-modulated photocatalytic reactions in a microfluidic chip reactorHuang, Hung Ji; Wang, Yen Han; Shih, Xuan-Yu; Chen, Sy-Hann; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Chou Chau, Yuan-Fong; Chi-Sheng Wu, JeffreyRSC ADVANCES
202024/3/8Enhanced dual function of Ag nanoparticles decorated one-dimensional polymorphic TiO2 composites for sustainable environmental applicationsLiang, Yuan -Chang ; Kuo, Chih-ChenJOURNAL OF SCIENCE-ADVANCED MATERIALS AND DEVICES
212024/3/4Enhanced photoluminescence of DCJTB by silver nanohole arrays with ring-shaped silver nanoparticles over hyperbolic metamaterialsChen, Sy-Hann; Fang, Jun-Kai; Du, Cheng-Han; Shih, Min-Hsiung; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Chiang, Hai - Pang OPTICAL MATERIALS
222024/3/2Effects of thermal treatment on sea-urchin-like platinum nanoparticleseHuang, Hung Ji; Wu, Li-Yan; Ko, Tsung-Shine; Wu, Chi-Wei; Liu, Chu-Chi; Fan, Jia-Jun; Lee, Pee-Yew ; Lin, Yung-ShengAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
232024/3/18Facile synthesis of <i>β</i>-Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> based high-performance electronic devices via direct oxidation of solution-processed transition metal dichalcogenidesFeria, Denice Navat; Huang, Qi-Zhi; Yeh, Chun-Shao; Lin, Shi-Xian; Lin, Der-Yuh; Tseng, Bo-Chang; Lian, Jan-Tian; Lin, Tai-Yuan NANOTECHNOLOGY
242024/3/12Selective syntheses of homoleptic Ir(III) complexes bearing di-CF<sub>3</sub>-functionalized benzoimidazol-2-ylidenes for generation of blue phosphorescenceYan, Jie; Pan, Yi; Peng, I-Che; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Hu, Bingjie; Ni, Guowei; Yiu, Shek-Man; Chi, Yun; Lau, Kai ChungINORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS
252024/3/1Improving mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of AZ31 alloy by micro-arc oxidization and post supercritical CO2-assisted electroless platingLin, Ming -Yuan; Wu, Po-Hsun; Lee, Hung -Bin ; Lin, Hwai-EnMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
262024/2/5Effects of Deuterium Isotopes on Pt(II) Complexes and Their Impact on Organic NIR EmittersWang, Sheng-Fu; Zhou, Dong-Ying; Kuo, Kai-Hua; Wang, Chih-Hsing; Hung, Chieh-Ming; Yan, Jie; Liao, Liang-Sheng; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chi, Yun; Chou, Pi-TaiANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION
272024/2/23Speckle-Free, Angle-Free, Cavity-Free White Laser with a High Color Rendering IndexHou, Cheng-Fu; Tsui, Wei-An; Chou, Rou-Jun; Hsu, Chih-Hao; Feria, Denice N.; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
282024/2/13High-Efficiency Near-Infrared OLED Enabled by Exciplex-Forming Hosts and a New Organic Fluorescent EmitterChen, Yi-Yun; Kung, Yu-Cheng; Wang, Miaosheng; Lo, Yuan-Chih; Chia, Yao-Te; Wang, Chun-Kai; Chen, Deng-Gao; Cheng, Ju-Ting; Chou, Pi-Tai; Wu, Chichi; Li, Elise Y.; Hu, Bin; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-TsungADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
292024/2/1Investigation of low pulse repetition passively mode-locked Nd:YVO4 lasers via multi-pass periodic trajectories in a confocal cavityLiang, Hsing-Chih ; Hsu, Yu-Hsin; Chiang, Hai-Pang OPTICS LETTERS
302024/2/1Special Issue on the State-of-the-Art Optical Properties and Applications of Metallic Nanostructures in AsiaChiang, Hai-Pang NANOMATERIALS
312024/10/2Tetradentate Pt(II) Complexes Based on Xylenylamino Linked Dual Pyrazolate Chelates for Organic Light Emitting DiodesZhou, Fan; Pan, Yi; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chen, Ching-Feng; Chen, Kui-Ming; Li, Jian-Liang; Yiu, Shek-Man; Liu, Yi-Mei; Chou, Pi-Tai; Chi, Yun; Lau, Kai-ChungCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL
322024/10/10Developing a vulcanization approach to functionalize WO<sub>3</sub> nanoplate photocatalysts with sulfide crystals for improved photoelectrochemical properties and environmental cleanupLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Huang, Hui-YunCRYSTENGCOMM
332024/1/5Deep-eutectic solution adding threonine additive associating with supercritical carbon dioxide to enhance zinc electroplating characteristicsLee, Chun-Ying; Chen, Wei-Yang; Chang, Jun-Kai; Lee, Hung-Bin MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS
342024/1/30Exciplex-forming cohost systems with 2,7-dicyanofluorene acceptors for high efficiency red and deep-red OLEDsChen, Yi-Sheng; Lin, I-Hung; Huang, Hsin-Yuan; Liu, Shun-Wei; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-TsungSCIENTIFIC REPORTS
352024/1/1Fretting Corrosion Wear of Titanium-Based Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) in 0.9 wt.% NaCl SolutionLu, Chen-En; Li, Wen-Ken; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Lee, Jeou-Long; Lee, Hung-Bin JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN
362024Light-Material Interactions and Applications in Optoelectronic DevicesAnjali Chandel; Sheng Hsiung Chang 
372024Structural and excitonic properties of the polycrystalline FAPbI<sub>3</sub> thin films, and their photovoltaic responsesHuang, Yi-Chun; Yen, I-Jane; Tseng, Chih-Hsien; Wang, Hui-Yu; Chandel, Anjali; Chang, Sheng Hsiung NANOTECHNOLOGY
382023/12/1Endodontic Radiopacifying Application of Barium Titanate Prepared through a Combination of Mechanical Milling and Heat TreatmentLin, Hsiu-Na; Chen, Wei-Wen; Hsu, Chun-Chun; Chen, May-Show; Chang, Pei-Jung; Chang, Wei-Min; Zhang, Fang-Hao; Chen, Chin-Yi; Lee, Pee-Yew ; Lin, Chung-KweiMATERIALS
392023/11/21Enhanced optical sensing with metal-insulator-metal nanohole arrays integrated with silver nanoparticlesChu, Cheng Hung; Lin, Gu Yu; Wu, Pin Chieh; Chou, Wei-Yang; Chen, Sy-Hann; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Chiang, Hai -Pang RESULTS IN PHYSICS
402023/10/1Revealing the enhanced crystalline quality mechanism of perovskites produced by microwave-assisted synthesis: toward the fabrications in a fully ambient air environmentFeria, D. N.; Su, J. -W; Wu, G. -H; Zeng, Y. -T; Lian, J. -T; Lin, T. -Y MATERIALS TODAY SUSTAINABILITY
412023/10/1Ag/Ag<sub>2</sub>S-TiO<sub>2</sub> composite film formed using dual phase Ag/Ag<sub>2</sub>O layer as a sulfurized layer for enhanced photocatalytic activityLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Sun, Wei-YangCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL
422023/1/1New phenyldibenzophosphole oxide- based acceptors for blue exciplex-forming systemsLin, Chun-Yen; Chen, Yu-Neng; Wang, Cheng-Kai; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-TsungARKIVOC
432023Effects of Bubbles on Manufacturing Gold Dendrites and Silicon Nanowires Through the Fluoride-Assisted Galvanic Replacement ReactionLee, Pee-Yew ; Huang, Hung Ji; Ko, Tsung-Shine; Hung, Ying-Lun; Wu, Li-Yan; Fan, Jia-Jun; Lin, Yung-ShengJOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME
442023Angle-free random laser enabled efficient photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine 6G moleculesYou, Jheng-Syun; Hou, Cheng-Fu; Chao, Yu-Chieh; Tsao, Yu-Chuan; Feria, Denice N.; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangAPL MATERIALS
452023The oxidation of an equimolar FeCoNiAl medium-entropy alloy at 900 °C in various oxygen pressuresKai, Wu ; Yang, Yi-Rong; Yu, Wun-Jhen; Huang, Rong-Tan ; Liu, Shaofei; Kai, Ji-JungCORROSION SCIENCE
462023Mitigating Stress Corrosion Cracking of 304L and 316L Laser Welds in a Salt Spray through Micro-Shot PeeningKang, Chia-Ying; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS
472023Deep ultraviolet random laser disinfectionHou, Chengfu; Kuo, Minju; Lin, Peihsuan; Wu, Mengjer; Huang, Chihching ; Lin, Taiyuan ; Chen, YangfangOPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY
482023Entropy-driven charge-transfer complexation yields thermally activated delayed fluorescence and highly efficient OLEDsLin, Chun-Yen; Hsu, Chao-Hsien; Hung, Chieh-Ming; Wu, Chi-Chi; Liu, Yi-Hung; Shi, Emily Hsue-Chi; Lin, Tse-Hung; Hu, Yuan-Cheng; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-Tsung; Chou, Pi-TaiNATURE CHEMISTRY
492023Effects of Bias Voltage and Substrate Temperature on the Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of CrWSiN FilmsChang, Li-Chun; Tzeng, Chin-Han; Ou, Tzu-Yu; Chen, Yung-, I COATINGS
502023Structural, mechanical, and anticorrosive properties of (TiZrNbTa)N<i><sub>x</sub></i> filmsLai, Cheng -Yi; Chen, Yung-, I JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T
542023Improved fatigue strength of Cr-electroplated 7075-T6 Al alloy by micro-shot peeningSu, Chih-Hang; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Tsay, Leu-Wen INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE2
552023The oxidation behavior of Tix(AlCrNb)100-x light-weight medium-entropy alloys in dry air at 600-800 degrees CKai, W. ; Liao, C. C.; Yang, I. R.; Chu, C. I.; Liu, S. F.; Kai, J. J.CORROSION SCIENCE0
562023Effects of Micro-Shot Peening on the Fatigue Strength of Anodized 7075-T6 AlloySu, Chih-Hang; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Ding, Yi-Shiun; Lu, Guan-Xun; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS0
572023Prediction of Carlson Trophic State Index of Small Inland Water from UAV-Based Multispectral Image ModelingLin, Cheng-Yun; Tsai, Ming-Shiun; Tsai, Jeff T. H. ; Lu, Chih-ChengAPPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL1
582023Effects of Micro-Shot Peening on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steel WeldsKang, Chia-Ying; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS2
592022Large photoluminescence enhancement in the chlorophyll from the energy transfer in perovskite-chlorophyll hybrid derivativesFeria, Denice Navat; Luo, Yi-Shiuan; Hsu, Bing-Kuan; Tseng, Yu-Chien; Lian, Jan-Tian; Lin, Tai-Yuan APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS0
602022Ultrathin arch-like labyrinthine acoustic metasurface for low-frequency sound absorptionChen, Jung -San; Chung, Yu-Ting; Wang, Cheng-Yi; Liu, Chien-Hao; Yu, Chi-Hua; Chang, I-Ling ; Lin, Tzy-Rong APPLIED ACOUSTICS
612022Mechanical and Anticorrosive Properties of TiNbTa and TiNbTaZr Films on Ti-6Al-4V AlloyChen, Yung-, I ; Chen, Yi-Jyun; Lai, Cheng-Yi; Chang, Li-ChunCOATINGS0
622022Supercritical-CO2 electroless nickel plating enhanced anti-corrosion properties of micro-arc oxidized AZ31 magnesium alloyLee, Hung-Bin ; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Jian, Jia-Sian; Chang, Sheng-Yueh; Yen, Chien-Hsien; Lin, Hwai-EnMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS0
632022Ultrawide bandstop filter with high sensitivity using semi-circular-like resonatorsChao, Chung -Ting Chou; Chau, Yuan -Fong Chou; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Lim, Chee Ming; Thotagamuge, Roshan; Chiang, Hai -Pang MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING4
642022Enhanced CO Gas Sensing with DFT Optimized PbS Loading on ZnO and CrZnO NanocompositesBrahim, Nur Sadrina; Thotagamuge, Roshan; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Lim, Chee Ming; Syaahiran, Mohammad Ammar; Usman, Anwar; Shahri, Nurulizzatul Ningsheh M.; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Mahadi, Abdul HanifSUSTAINABILITY0
652022Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of TaWSiN FilmsTzeng, Chin-Han; Chang, Li-Chun; Chen, Yung-, I MATERIALS0
662022A self-powered dual-functional hybrid Cu2O/SiNWs heterojunction with applications in broadband photodetectors and ozone gas sensorsHuang, Chun-Ying; He, Xin-Rong; Jhang, Jhih-Jyun; Wu, Jin-Han; Wu, Tsung-Han; Lin, Tai -Yuan SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL2
672022Effects of nitrogen flow ratio on the structural, mechanical, and anticorrosive properties of co-sputtered (NbTaMoW)Nx filmsLee, Jyh-Wei; Chen, Chun-Yen; Chen, Yi-Jyun; Tzeng, Chin-Han; Chen, Yung-, I JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T0
682022Discoloration Improvement by Mechanically-Milled Binary Oxides as Radiopacifier for Mineral Trioxide AggregatesLin, Hsiu-Na; Wang, Ling-Chi; Chen, May-Show; Chang, Pei-Jung; Lin, Pin-Yu; Fang, Alex; Chen, Chin-Yi; Lee, Pee-Yew ; Lin, Chung-KweiMATERIALS0
692022Modulation and Direct Mapping of the Interfacial Band Alignment of an Eco-Friendly Zinc-Tin-Oxide Buffer Layer in SnS Solar CellsThi-Thong Ho; Zi-Liang Yang; Fang-Yu Fu; Efat Jokar; Hung-Chang Hsu; Pei-Chi Liu; Shaham Quadir; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Ya-Ping Chiu; Chih-I Wu; Kuei-Hsien Chen; Li-Chyong ChenACS Applied Energy Materials0
702022Polyatomic molecules with emission quantum yields > 20% enable efficient organic light-emitting diodes in the NIR(II) windowWang, Sheng-Fu; Su, Bo-Kang; Wang, Xue-Qi; Wei, Yu-Chen; Kuo, Kai-Hua; Wang, Chih-Hsing; Liu, Shih-Hung; Liao, Liang-Sheng; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Fu, Li-Wen; Chuang, Wei-Tsung; Qin, Minchao; Lu, Xinhui; You, Caifa; Chi, Yun; Chou, Pi-TaiNATURE PHOTONICS12
712022Crystal Design and Photoactivity of TiO2 Nanorod Template Decorated with Nanostructured Bi2S3 Visible Light SensitizerLiang, Yuan-Chang ; You, Shao-Yu; Chen, Bo-YueINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES2
722022離島體驗學習對博雅課程教育目標與敘事表現的影響:馬祖行動研究分析曾聖文 ; 周維萱 ; 謝玉玲 ; 林泰源 通識教育學刊
732022All-carbon stretchable and cavity-free white lasers: publisher's note (vol 30, pg 20213, 2022)Lu, Guan-Zhang; LI, Ya-Jhu; Hou, Chen-Fu; Ghosh, Rapti; Shen, Ji-Lin; Wu, Meng-Jer; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangOPTICS EXPRESS0
742022Adiabatic theorem independent of the quantum representations: Resolution of the Marzlin-Sanders inconsistencyChou, Hsiang-Shun PHYSICAL REVIEW A
752022Exciplex-forming cohost systems with highly twisted hexaphenylbenzene-core donors for high-efficiency orange and red OLEDsChen, Yi-Sheng; Wei, Wei-Chih; Chen, Hao; Tsai, Tsung-Lin; Kung, Yu-Cheng; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-TsungMOLECULAR SYSTEMS DESIGN & ENGINEERING0
762022Oxidation behaviors and mechanical properties of L1(2)-strengthened high-entropy alloys at 700?Liu, Shaofei; Kai, Wu ; Hou, Jinxiong; Zhao, Yilu; Li, Qian; Yang, Chin-hua; Yang, Tao; Kai, Ji-jungCORROSION SCIENCE4
772022Selective CO2-to-CO photoreduction over an orthophosphate semiconductor via the direct Z-scheme heterojunction of Ag3PO4 quantum dots decorated on SnS2 nanosheetsFu, Fang-Yu; Fan, Chi-Chan; Qorbani, Mohammad; Huang, Chih-Yang ; Kuo, Ping-Chun; Hwang, Jih-Shang ; Shu, Guo-Jiun; Chang, Sue-Min; Wu, Heng-Liang; Wu, Chih-, I; Chen, Kuei-Hsien; Chen, Li-ChyongSUSTAIN ENERG FUELS1
782022Cosputtered SnO2-ZnO composite nanofilms with improved dual functionLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Yu, Shao-YouJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY1
792022New bipolar host materials for high power efficiency green thermally activated delayed fluorescence OLEDsChen, Chia-Hsun; Lin, Shih-Chun; Lin, Bo-Yen; Li, Che-Yu; Kong, Yu-Cheng; Chen, Yi-Sheng; Fang, Shao-Cheng; Chiu, Ching-Huang; Lee, Jiun-Haw; Wong, Ken-Tsung; Lin, Chi-Feng; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chiu, Tien-LungCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL5
802022Mid infrared sensing structure based on a metal-insulator-metal waveguides with a triangular-shaped resonatorTan, Yu Ming; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Huang, Hung Ji; Thotagamuge, Roshan; Lim, Chee Ming; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Chau, Yuan-Fong ChouOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS10
812022Tuning Surface Plasmonic Resonance and Surface Wettability of Au/CrN Films Using Nitrogen-Containing GasWei, Da-Hua; Tong, Sheng-Kai; Chen, Sheng-Chiang; Hao, Yong-Han; Wu, Ming-Ru; Yang, Cheng-Jie; Huang, Rong-Tan ; Chung, Ren-JeiNANOMATERIALS1
822022Continuous wave dual-wavelength Nd:YVO4 laser at 1342 and 1525 nm for generating a 714-nm emissionChen, Y. F.; Zheng, Z. X.; Huang, C. Y.; Guo, B. C.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS2
832022Structured transverse modes governed by maximum entropy principleTung, J. C.; Ke, H. T.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.OPTICS LETTERS0
842022Continuous-Wave Crystalline Laser at 714 nm via Stimulated Raman Scattering and Sum Frequency GenerationHuang, Chien-Yen; Guo, Bo-Cheng; Zheng, Zi-Xuan; Tsou, Chia-Han; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Chen, Yung-FuCRYSTALS2
852022Effect of the Applied Voltages on the Corrosion-Wear Behavior of Thermal Spray Al CoatingJian, Shun-Yi; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Chang, Jun-Kai; Chen, Chih-Hung; Hong, Yuan-Huan; Lin, Ming-Hsun; Lee, Hung-Bin LUBRICANTS0
862022Resonant enhancement of photoluminescence from dye molecules in lithium niobate substrate using photoinduced silver deposition with concentration dependenceChau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chang, Hao-En; Huang, Po-Sheng; Wu, Pin Chieh; Wang, Tzyy-Jiann; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Kao, Tsung Sheng; Shih, Min-Hsiung; Chiang, Hai-Pang RESULTS IN PHYSICS2
872022Ag sputtering-assisted phase formation of Ag2S-decorated ZnS composite sheets and their photoactive performancesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Huang, Chia-HungJ AM CERAM SOC1
882022Sputtering-Assisted Synthesis of Copper Oxide-Titanium Oxide Nanorods and Their Photoactive PerformancesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Li, Tsun-HsuanNANOMATERIALS-BASEL4
892022Back Contact Engineering to Improve CZTSSe Solar Cell Performance by Inserting MoO3 Sacrificial NanolayersChen, Cheng-Ying ; Kholimatussadiah, Septia; Chen, Wei-Chao; Lin, Yi-Rung; Lin, Jia-Wei; Chen, Po-Tuan; Chen, Ruei-San; Chen, Kuei-Hsien; Chen, Li-ChyongSUSTAINABILITY-BASEL1
922022Characterizing propagation-dependent spatial entanglement for structured laser beams generated by an astigmatic mode converterYu, Y. T.; Hsieh, M. X.; Liang, H. C. ; Chen, Y. F.OPTICS LETTERS1
932022Short- and Long-Range Cation Disorder in (AgxCu1–x)2ZnSnSe4 KesteritesShaham Quadir; Mohammad Qorbani; Amr Sabbah; Tai-Sing Wu; Aswin kumar Anbalagan; Wei-Tin Chen; Suneesh Meledath Valiyaveettil; Ho-Thi Thong; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chih-Hao Lee; Kuei-Hsien Chen; Li-Chyong ChenChemistry of Materials1
942022Moisture retention of glycerin solutions with various concentrations: a comparative studyChen, H. J.; Lee, P. Y. ; Chen, C. Y.; Huang, S. L.; Huang, B. W.; Dai, F. J.; Chau, C. F.; Chen, C. S.; Lin, Y. S.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2
952022The dual-detection mode and improved photoresponse of IGZO-based photodetectors by interfacing with water-soluble biomaterialsFeria, Denice N.; Hsu, Feng-Hsuan; Chan, Yi-Chieh; Chen, Bo-Rui; Wu, Chang-Jer ; Lin, Tai-Yuan NANOTECHNOLOGY0
962022All-carbon stretchable and cavity-free white lasersLu, Guan-Zhang; Li, Ya-Jhu; Hou, Chen-Fu; Ghosh, Rapti; Shen, Ji-Lin; Wu, Meng-Jer; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangOPTICS EXPRESS1
972022Ultrathin, transparent, flexible, and dual-side white light-responsive two-dimensional molybdenum disulfide quantum disk light-emitting diodesChien, Y-C; Shen, T-L; Wu, W-K; Li, C-Y; Chin, H-T; Chang, C-W; Lin, T-Y ; Chang, S-H; Shen, J-L; Chen, Y-FMATERIALS TODAY NANO3
982022Diffusion Barrier Characteristics of WSiN FilmsChen, Yung-, I ; Yeh, Kuo-Hong; Ou, Tzu-Yu; Chang, Li-ChunCOATINGS2
992022Shedding light on defect states of (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4-based absorber solar cellsS. Quadir; Cheng-Ying Chen 
1002022Increase the molecular length and donor strength to boost horizontal dipole orientation for high-efficiency OLEDsChen, Yi-Kuan; Jayakumar, Jayachandran; Ko, Chang-Lun; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wu, Tien-Lin; Cheng, Chien-HongJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C0
1012022Mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of CrWSiN filmsChang, Li-Chun; Sung, Ming-Ching; Chen, Yung-I ; Tseng, Chin-HanSURF COAT TECH1
1022022Suppressing intermolecular interactions for enhancing the performance of exciplex-based OLEDsHu, Yuan-Cheng; Chen, Li-Ming; Lin, Zong-Liang; Lee, Jhih-Wei; Wei, Wei-Chih; Ko, Tzu-Yu; Lo, Chun-Yuan; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-TsungJOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY3
1032022Design of thin-film configuration of SnO2-Ag2O composites for NO2 gas-sensing applicationsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Hsu, Yu-WeiNANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS2
1042022Effects of W Content on Structural and Mechanical Properties of TaWN FilmsChang, Li-Chun; Tzeng, Chin-Han; Chen, Yung-, I COATINGS3
1052022Effect of synthesis time on plasmonic properties of Ag dendritic nanoforestsHuang, Hung Ji; Chang, Han-Wei; Lee, Chia-Yen; Shiao, Ming-Hua; Chiu, Yen-Ling; Lee, Pee-Yew ; Lin, Yung-ShengIUCRJ0
1062022Breaking the Symmetry of a Metal-Insulator-Metal-Based Resonator for Sensing ApplicationsChao, Chung-Ting Chou; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang NANOSCALE RES LETT7
1072022Enhanced photoluminescence and shortened lifetime of DCJTB by photoinduced metal deposition on a ferroelectric lithography substrateChau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chang, Hao-En; Huang, Po-Sheng; Wu, Pin Chieh; Lim, Chee Ming; Chiang, Li-Ming; Wang, Tzyy-Jiann; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Kao, Tsung Sheng; Shih, Min-Hsiung; Chiang, Hai-Pang SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2
1082022Failure Analysis of a C-276 Alloy Pipe in a Controlled Decomposition ReactorChen, Tai-Cheng; Yue, Gui-Lin; Kai, Wu ; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS1
1092022Influence of charge transfer strength on emission bandwidth for multiple-resonance emitters via systematically tuning the acceptor-donor assemblyHuang, Jing-Wei; Hsu, Yu-Chieh; Wu, Xiugang; Wang, Sai; Gan, Xiang-Qin; Zheng, Wei-Qiong; Zhang, Hu; Gong, Yin-Zhi; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chou, Pi-Tai; Zhu, WeiguoJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C7
1102022Earth-abundant Metal Chalcogenide Materials for Photovoltaics: Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 and Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4Cheng-Ying Chen 
1112022Enhancing the photovoltaic properties of SnS-Based solar cells by crystallographic orientation engineeringLi-Chyong Chen; Thi-Thong Ho; Efat Jokar; Shaham Quadir; Ruei-San Chen; Fang-Chen Liu; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Kuei-Hsien ChenSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells5
1122022The Use of Gigantochloa Bamboo-Derived Biochar for the Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous SolutionSuhaimi, Nabilah; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Lim, Chee Ming; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Mahadi, Abdul Hanif; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Hassan, Nurul Hazimah Haji; Thotagamuge, RoshanADSORPTION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY16
1132022Mechanisms of negative differential resistance in glutamine-functionalized WS2 quantum dotsFeria, Denice N.; Sharma, Sonia; Chen, Yu-Ting; Weng, Zhi-Ying; Chiu, Kuo-Pin; Hsu, Jy-Shan; Hsu, Ching-Ling; Yuan, Chi-Tsu; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Shen, Ji-LinNANOTECHNOLOGY0
1142022Formation of liquid crystal gratings with crystal/quasicrystal patterns through photoalignmentLin, Hui-Chi; Xu, Zhe-Wei; Li, Ming-Hsien; Hsu, Chi-Shiang; Liang, Hsing Chih LIQUID CRYSTALS0
1152022Surface plasmon resonance in the presence of topological insulatorsChang, Railing ; Xie, Huai-Yi; Leung, P. T.OPTIK1
1162022Vacuum Brazing of Metallized YSZ and Crofer Alloy Using 72Ag-28Cu Filler FoilHuang, Liang-Wei; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Liu, Chien-Kuo; Cheng, Yung-Neng; Lee, Ruey-Yi; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS0
1172022Plasmonic hybridization in the presence of topological insulatorsChang, Railing ; Xie, Huai-Yi; Leung, P. T.JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS1
1182022Modeling for Spatial Overlap Effect of End-Pumped Passively Q-Switched Nd:YVO4/Cr4+:YAG Laser and Its Experimental VerificationTu, Yueh-Chi; Hsieh, Min-Xiang; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Yu, Yan-TingAPPL SCI-BASEL1
1192022Theoretical Study of CO Adsorption Interactions with Cr-Doped Tungsten Oxide/Graphene Composites for Gas Sensor ApplicationSyaahiran, Mohammad Ammar; Mahadi, Abdul Hanif; Lim, Chee Ming; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Thotagamuge, RoshanACS OMEGA3
1202022Biosensing on a Plasmonic Dual-Band Perfect Absorber Using Intersection NanostructureChao, Chung-Ting Chou; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang ACS OMEGA12
1212022Controllable morphology of Bi2S3 nanostructures formed via hydrothermal vulcanization of Bi2O3 thin-film layer and their photoelectrocatalytic performancesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Li, Tsun-HsuanNANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS9
1222022Time evolution for quantum systems with a dynamical Hilbert spaceChou, Hsiang Shun EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS0
1232022Experimental verification of near-field lattice spectroscopyHan, Pin; Hsu, Hsun-Ching; Cheng, Hsu-Wen; Hsieh, Tsung-Han; Lee, Cheng-Ling; Lee, Hung-Bin MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS0
1242021Kerr-lens mode-locked Yb:SrLaAlO4 laserLin, Zhang-Lang; Zeng, Huang-Jun; Zhang, Ge; Xue, Wen-Ze; Pan, Zhongben; Lin, Haifeng; Loiko, Pavel; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Petrov, Valentin; Mateos, Xavier; Wang, Li; Chen, WeidongOPTICS EXPRESS5
1252021Luminescence of Pyrazinyl Pyrazolate Pt(II) Complexes Fine-Tuned by the Solid-State Stacking InteractionHung, Wen-Yi ; Yu, Cheng-Ju; Fu, Li-Wen; Ko, Chang-Lun; Su, Bo-Kang; Liu, Shih-Hung; Kong, Yu-Cheng; Chou, Pi-Tai; Chi, YunENERGY & FUELS7
1262021Effect of Tantalum Pentoxide Addition on the Radiopacity Performance of Bi2O3/Ta2O5 Composite Powders Prepared by Mechanical MillingLin, Hsiu-Na; Lin, Chung-Kwei; Chang, Pei-Jung; Chang, Wei-Min; Fang, Alex; Chen, Chin-Yi; Yu, Chia-Chun; Lee, Pee-Yew MATERIALS1
1272021The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Resistance of Fe-Based Amorphous Alloy Coating Prepared by High Velocity Oxygen Fuel MethodLee, Chun-Ying; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Hsiao, Po-Sen; Lin, Tzu-Jing; Hung-Bin Lee 
1282021Effects of bias voltage and substrate temperature on the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of CrSiN filmsChang, Li-Chun; Sung, Ming-Ching; Chen, Yung-, I VACUUM4
1292021A multichannel color filter with the functions of optical sensor and switchChou Chau, Yuan-Fong; Chou Chao, Chung-Ting; Huang, Hung Ji; Chen, Sy-Hann; Kao, Tsung Sheng; Chiang, Hai-Pang SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2
1302021Localized surface plasmon resonance enhanced by the light-scattering property of silver nanoparticles for improved luminescence of polymer light-emitting diodesHuang, Cheng-Liang; Huang, Hung Ji; Chen, Sy-Hann; Huang, Yu-Siang; Kao, Po-Ching; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang J IND ENG CHEM8
1312021Reliable self-healing FBG sensor network for improvement of multipoint strain sensingHayle, Stotaw Talbachew; Manie, Yibeltal Chanie; Dehnaw, Amare Mulatie; Hsu, Yuan-Ta; Li, Jyun-Wei; Liang, Hsing-Chin ; Peng, Peng-ChunOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS7
1322021High-temperature air-oxidation of NiCoCrAlx medium-entropy alloysKai, W. ; Jiang, Z. Y.; Chen, G. T.; Lee, I. H.; Lin, H. J.; Hsieh, H. H.; Lin, W. T.; Kai, J. J.CORROSION SCIENCE3
1332021Exploiting Modern Chladni Plates to Analogously Manifest the Point InteractionTseng, Yu-Chen; Hsu, Yu-Hsin; Lai, Yu-Hsiang; Yu, Yan-Ting; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Huang, Kai-Feng; Chen, Yung-FuAPPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL1
1342021A study on corrosion and corrosion-wear behavior of Fe-based amorphous alloy coating prepared by high velocity oxygen fuel methodLee, Chun-Ying; Lin, Tzu-Jing; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Lee, Hung-Bin JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T18
1352021Ultrahigh Sensitivity of a Plasmonic Pressure Sensor with a Compact SizeChou Chao, Chung-Ting; Chou Chau, Yuan-Fong; Chen, Sy-Hann; Huang, Hung Ji; Lim, Chee Ming; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Thotagamuge, Roshan; Chiang, Hai-Pang NANOMATERIALS7
1362021Study on the Characteristics of MAO/Polymer/Ni Three-Layer Composite Film formed on AZ31 Magnesium AlloyLee, Hung-Bin ; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Jia-Sian, Jian; Hsiao, Ruey-ChangINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE1
1372021Characterization of cosputtered NbTaMoW filmsChen, Yung-, I ; Chen, Chun-Yen; Chang, Li-Chun; Kai, Wu JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T3
1382021Nontoxic/Earth-abundant Metal Chalcogenide Materials for Photovoltaics: Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 and Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 (Invited Talk)Cheng-Ying Chen 
1392021Quantum entanglement by a beam splitter analogous to laser mode transformation by a cylindrical lensChen, Y. F.; Hsieh, M. X.; Ke, H. T.; Yu, Y. T.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS5
1402021The role of host-guest interactions in organic emitters employing MR-TADFWu, Xiugang; Su, Bo-Kang; Chen, Deng-Gao; Liu, Denghui; Wu, Chi-Chi; Huang, Zhi-Xuan; Lin, Ta-Chun; Wu, Cheng-Ham; Zhu, Mengbing; Li, Elise Y.; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Zhu, Weiguo; Chou, Pi-TaiNATURE PHOTONICS56
1412021Dissimilar Brazing of Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al and Commercially Pure Titanium Using Ti-Cu-Ni Foil<br>Yue, Gui-Lin; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS2
1422021Self-Start Multi-Wavelength Laser Source with Tunable Delay-Line Interferometer and Optical Fiber Reflector for Wireless Communication SystemDehnaw, Amare-Mulatie; Shiu, Run-Kai; Chen, Ruei-Bin; Li, Jyun-Wei; Manie, Yibeltal-Chanie; Liang, Hsing-Chih ; Peng, Peng-ChunAPPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL1
1432021Improving the Corrosion Resistance of 6061 Aluminum Alloy Using Anodization and Nickel-Cobalt based Sealing TreatmentLin, Ming-Yuan; Hsiao, Po-Sen; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Chang, Chin-Chun; Tsai, Ming-Shiun; Wuu, Dong-Sing; Lee, Hung-Bin INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE1
1442021Hybrid Graphene-Based Photonic-Plasmonic Biochemical Sensor with a Photonic and Acoustic Cavity StructureYang, Chan-Shan; Cheng, Yi-Sheng; Hsu, Young-Chou; Chung, Yi-Cheng; Hung, Jing-Ting; Liu, Chien-Hao; Hsu, Jin-Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Yang, Chii-Rong; Li, Yu-Tai; Huang, Nan-Nong ; Lin, Tzy-Rong CRYSTALS1
1452021Visible-Light-Assisted Photoelectrochemical Biosensing of Uric Acid Using Metal-Free Graphene Oxide NanoribbonsYu-Jen Lu; Chia-Liang Sun; Cheng-Hsuan Lin; Chia-Heng Kuo; Chia-Wei Huang; Duc Dung Nguyen; Tsu-Chin Chou; Cheng-Ying Chen Nanomaterials0
1462021Significantly enhanced coupling effect and gap plasmon resonance in a MIM-cavity based sensing structureChou Chau, Yuan-Fong; Ming, Tan Yu; Chou Chao, Chung-Ting; Thotagamuge, Roshan; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Huang, Hung Ji; Lim, Chee Ming; Chiang, Hai-Pang SCIENTIFIC REPORTS31
1472021Systematically Investigating the Structural Variety of Crystalline and Kaleidoscopic Vortex Lattices by Using Laser Beam ArraysChen, Chengshang; Fang, Yuhan; Jang, Chichen; Chen, Wenchi; Lin, Hui-Chi; Liang, Hsingchih APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL0
1482021Effect of Micro-Shot Peening on the Fatigue Performance of AISI 304 Stainless SteelChung, Yu-Hsuan; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Lee, Hung-Bin ; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS11
1492021Improved Refractive Index-Sensing Performance of Multimode Fano-Resonance-Based Metal-Insulator-Metal NanostructuresChau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chou Chao, Chung-Ting; Jumat, Siti Zubaidah Binti Haji; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Thotagamuge, Roshan; Lim, Chee Ming; Chiang, Hai-Pang NANOMATERIALS21
1502021Characterizing the spatial entanglement from laser modes analogous to quantum wave functionsHsieh, M. X.; Zheng, X. L.; Yu, Y. T.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.OPTICS LETTERS5
1512021Multiple Fano resonance modes in an ultra-compact plasmonic waveguide-cavity system for sensing applicationsChao, Chung-Ting Chou; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chiang, Hai-Pang RESULTS IN PHYSICS18
1522021Aggregation-induced negative differential resistance in graphene oxide quantum dotsSharma, Sonia; Cheng, Chieh-An; Santiago, Svette Reina Merden; Feria, Denice N.; Yuan, Chi-Tsu; Chang, Sheng-Hsiung; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Shen, Ji-LinPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS3
1532021Boosting photoresposive ability of WO3-Bi2O3 nanocomposite rods via annealing-induced intrinsic precipitation of nanosized Bi particlesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Yang, Ho-ChungNANOTECHNOLOGY4
1542021Triarylamine-Pyridine-Carbonitriles for Organic Light-Emitting Devices with EQE Nearly 40%Chen, Yi-Kuan; Jayakumar, Jayachandran; Hsieh, Chia-Min; Wu, Tien-Lin; Liao, Chun-Cheng; Pandidurai, Jayabalan; Ko, Chang-Lun; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Cheng, Chien-HongADVANCED MATERIALS71
1552021Enhanced Sensing Ability of Brush-Like Fe2O3-ZnO Nanostructures towards NO2 Gas via Manipulating Material Synergistic EffectLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Hsu, Yu-WeiINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES6
1562021Impact of cation substitution in (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4 absorber-based solar cells towards 10% efficiency: experimental and theoretical analysesS. Quadir; M. Qorbani; Y. R. Lai; A. Sabbah; H. T. Thong; M. Hayashi; Cheng-Ying Chen ; K. H. Chen; L. C. Chen
1572021The study of mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of the Fe-based amorphous alloy coatings using high velocity oxygen fuel sprayingLin, Tzu-Jing; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Lee, Chun-Ying; Lee, Hung-Bin JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS31
1582021Matrix phase induced boosting photoactive performance of ZnO nanowire turf-coated Bi2O3 plate compositesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chou, Yu-HsunJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY5
1592021Plasmonic refractive index sensor based on the combination of rectangular and circular resonators including bafflesJumat, Siti Zubaidah binti Haji; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Mahadi, Abdul Hanif; Kooh, Muhammad Raziq Rahimi; Kumara, N. T. R. N.; Chiang, Hai-Pang CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS35
1602021Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and environment-induced cracking of CF8A steel in simulated BWR waterChen, Tai-Cheng; Huang, Jiunn-Yuan; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING1
1612021Effect of oxygen pressure on the oxidation behavior of NiCoCr medium-entropy alloy at 800 degrees CKai, W. ; Lin, H. C.; Cheng, F. P.; Hsieh, H. H.; Lin, W. T.; Chen, D.; Kai, J. J.CORROSION SCIENCE4
1622021Microstructural Evolution of 9CrMoW Weld Metal in a Multiple-Pass WeldChuang, Yu-Lun; Wang, Chu-Chun; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS1
1632021Influence of N2O/TEGa Ratio on Deposition of beta-Ga2O3 Films and Performance of Au-beta-Ga2O3-Au Solar-Blind PhotodetectorsHuang, Chun-Ying; Liu, Yen-Yang; Lin, Pei-Te; Lin, Guan-Yu; Chou, Cheng-Ping; Liao, Pei-Chun; Hsu, Feng-Hsuan; Peng, Yu-Hsiang; Huang, Zi-Ling; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Gong, Jyh-RongECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2
1642021Powerful Q-switched Raman laser at 589 nm with a repetition rate between 200 and 500 kHzHsiao, J. Q.; Huang, Yu Jung; Lee, C. C.; Yu, Y. T.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Chen, Y. F.OPTICS LETTERS8
1662021Non-toxic Kesterite Solar Cells by Atomic-Layer-Deposited Wide Bandgap (Zn,Sn)O Buffer LayersJ. J. Che; P. C. Liu; K. H. Chen; L. C. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen 
1682021Substitution effect on carbazole-centered donors for tuning exciplex systems as cohost for highly efficient yellow and red OLEDsChen, Li-Ming; Lin, I-Hung; You, Yu-Chi; Wei, Wei-Chih; Tsai, Meng-Ju; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Wong, Ken-TsungMATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS8
1692021Formation and Application of Core-Shell of FePt-Au Magnetic-Plasmonic NanoparticlesWei, Da-Hua; Lin, Tei-Kai; Liang, Yuan-Chang ; Chang, Huang-WeiFRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY7
1702021Optimizing crystal characterization of WO3-ZnO composites for boosting photoactive performance via manipulating crystal formation conditionsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Wang, Yu-PinCRYSTENGCOMM3
1712021Rational Tuning of Bis-Tridentate Ir(III) Phosphors to Deep-Blue with High Efficiency and Sub-microsecond LifetimeTai, Wun-Shan; Gnanasekaran, Premkumar; Chen, Yi-Yang; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Zhou, Xiuwen; Chou, Tai-Che; Lee, Gene-Hsiang; Chou, Pi-Tai; You, Caifa; Chi, YunACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES22
1722021Pedagogically fast model to evaluate and optimize passively Q-switched Nd-doped solid-state lasersChen, Y. F.; Hsieh, M. X.; Tu, Y. C.; Lee, C. C.; Yu, Y. T.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS6
1732021Dipole emission characteristics near a topological insulator sphere coated with a metallic nanoshellXie, Huai-Yi; Chang, Railing ; Leung, P. T.RESULTS IN PHYSICS6
1742021Purification and Characterization of Fractions Containing Polysaccharides from Talinum triangulare and Their Immunomodulatory EffectsYeh, Shu-Hui; Hsu, Wen-Kuang; Chang, Zi-Qing; Wang, Sue-Hong; Hsieh, Chang-Wei; Liou, Gunn-Guang; Lee, Hung-Bin ; Jiang, Bo-Hao; Tsou, Hsi-Kai; Tsai, Ming-ShiunPROCESSES5
1752021Highly Efficient Simple-Structure Sky-Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diode Using a Bicarbazole/Cyanopyridine Bipolar HostLi, Deli; Li, Jiuyan; Liu, Di; Li, Wei; Ko, Chang-Lun; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Duan, ChunhuiACS APPL MATER INTER24
1762021Corrosion of high-velocity-oxygen-fuel (HVOF) sprayed non-crystalline alloy coating in marine environmentLee, Hung-Bin ; Lin, Tzu-Jing; Lee, Chun-YingSURF COAT TECH14
1772021Magnetic Pulsations Triggered by Microseismic Ground MotionChen, Chieh-Hung; Lin, Jing-Yi; Gao, Yongxin; Lin, Cheng-Horng; Han, Peng; Chen, Chun-Rong; Lin, Li-Ching; Huang, Rong ; Liu, Jann-YenqJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH
1782021Ultralow-Threshold Continuous-Wave Room-Temperature Crystal-Fiber/Nanoperovskite Hybrid Lasers for All-Optical Photonic IntegrationDuc Huy Nguyen; Sun, Jia-Yuan; Lo, Chia-Yao ; Liu, Jia-Ming; Tsai, Wan-Shao; Li, Ming-Hung; Yang, Sin-Jhang; Lin, Cheng-Chia; Tzeng, Shien-Der; Ma, Yuan-Ron; Lin, Ming-Yi; Lai, Chien-ChihADV MATER10
1792021Crystal Growth and Design of Disk/Filament ZnO-Decorated 1D TiO2 Composite Ceramics for Photoexcited Device ApplicationsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Zhao, Wei-ChengNANOMATERIALS-BASEL6
1802021Highly efficient solid-state Raman yellow-orange lasers created by enhancing the cavity reflectivityChen, Y. F.; Li, D.; Lee, Y. M.; Lee, C. C.; Huang, H. Y.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS11
1812021Exciton Delocalization in Amino-Functionalized Inorganic MoS2 Quantum Disks: Giant Davydov Splitting and Exchange NarrowingFeria, Denice N.; Jhan, Wei-Jie; Chen, Yu-Ting; Wang, Hong-Jyun; Santiago, Svette Reina Merden; Yuan, Chi-Tsu; Chou, Chih-Lung; Shen, Ji-Lin; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Lu, Guan-Zhang; Chen, Yang-FangPHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED2
1822021Tunable pretilt angle based on gelator-doped planar liquid crystal cellsLin, Hui-Chi; Ke, Li-Yun; Liang, Hsing Chih ; Kuo, Wen-KaiLIQUID CRYSTALS3
1832021Oxidation behavior and interdiffusion of Ta-Al multilayer films and Inconel 617 alloyKe, Yi-En; Chang, Li-Chun; Kai, Wu ; Chen, Yung-, I SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY0
1842021Highly sensitive metal-insulator-metal plasmonic refractive index sensor with a centrally coupled nanoring containing defectsChung-Ting Chou Chao; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Hai-Pang Chiang Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
1852021Investigation of anisotropic thermal lens effect in a dual-polarized Nd:YLF laserChen, Chi-Wen; Fang, Yu-Han; Cho, Chun-Yu; Liang, Hsing-Chih OPTICS LETTERS3
1862021Growth of Tm:Lu3Al5O12 single crystal fiber from transparent ceramics by laser-heated pedestal method and its spectral propertiesDai, Yun; Zhang, Zhonghan; Wang, Yangxiao; Su, Liangbi; Li, Jiang; Lo, Chiayao ; Wu, AnhuaOPTICAL MATERIALS7
1872021Propagation-dependent evolution of interfering multiple beams and kaleidoscopic vortex latticesChen, Y. F.; Tu, Y. C.; Li, S. C.; Hsieh, M. X.; Yu, Y. T.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS2
1882021Thermal stability of atmospheric pressure plasma jet-deposited ZrO2 top coats and sputtered RuAl/RuAlZr/Ru bond coats on Inconel 617Huang, Rong-Tan ; Ke, Yi-En; Lu, Ting-En; Chen, Yung-, I JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T2
1892021Impact of Cation Substitution in (AgxCu1−x)2ZnSnSe4 Absorber–based Solar Cells Towards 10% Efficiency: Experimental and Theoretical AnalysesShaham Quadir; Mohammad Qorbani; Ying-Ren Lai; Amr Sabbah; Ho–Thi Thong; Michitoshi Hayashi; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Kuei–Hsien Chen; Li–Chyong ChenSolar RRL8
1902021Structure and Photocatalytic Influence of N-doping ATO Nano-tubes on Antibacterial Activity Toward Escherichia coliWang, Shing-Hoa ; Liu, Shiu-Mei; Hu, Kan-Hung; Chen, Chien-Chon; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Juang, Shuei-Wan ; Yen, Chia-Yuen; Lu, Shu-Ting; Liu, Chia-HengJOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN0
1912020Improved photoelectrode performance of chemical solution-derived Bi2O3 crystals via manipulation of crystal characterizationLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chou, Yu-HsunRSC ADVANCES12
1922020Effects of minor alloying addition on He bubble formation in the irradiated FeCoNiCr-based high-entropy alloysChen, Da; Zhao, Shijun; Sun, Jianrong; Tai, Pengfei; Sheng, Yanbin; Yeli, Guma; Zhao, Yilu; Liu, Shaofei; Lin, Weitong; Kai, Wu ; Kai, Ji-JungJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS13
1932020Effects of the Nitrogen Flow Ratio and Substrate Bias on the Mechanical Properties of W-N and W-Si-N FilmsChang, Li-Chun; Sung, Ming-Ching; Chu, Li-Heng; Chen, Yung-, I COATINGS4
1942020On the response of gamma irradiation on atomic layer deposition-grown beta-Ga2O3 films and Au-beta-Ga2O3-Au deep ultraviolet solar-blind photodetectorsHuang, Chun-Ying; Lin, Guan-Yu; Liu, Yen-Yang; Chang, Fu-Yuan; Lin, Pei-Te; Hsu, Feng-Hsuan; Peng, Yu-Hsiang; Huang, Zi-Ling; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Gong, Jyh-RongJOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A4
1952020Effects of minor alloying addition on He bubble formation in the irradiated FeCoNiCr-based high-entropy alloysDa Chen; Shijun Zhao; Jianrong Sun; Pengfei Tai; Yanbin Sheng; Guma Yeli; Yilu Zhao; Shaofei Liu; Weitong Lin; Wu Kai ; Ji-Jung KaiJournal of Nuclear Materials
1962020Earth-abundant Metal Chalcogenide Materials for Photovoltaics: Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 and Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 (Invited Talk)Cheng-Ying Chen 
1972020Morphology-dependent photocatalytic and gas-sensing functions of three-dimensional TiO2-ZnO nanoarchitecturesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Zhao, Wei-ChengCRYSTENGCOMM20
1982020Understanding the Structural Disorder of (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4 Based Kesterite Semiconductor by Neutron Diffraction StudyS. Quadir; Cheng-Ying Chen ; C.W. Wang; S.-I. Yano; W.T. Chen; K.K. Wu; C.M. Wu; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
1992020Multifunctional Random-Laser Smart InksSu, Chen-You; Hou, Cheng-Fu; Hsu, Yun-Tzu; Lin, Hsia-Yu; Liao, Yu-Ming; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES14
2002020Methoxy-substituted bis-tridentate iridium(iii) phosphors and fabrication of blue organic light emitting diodesTai, Wun-Shan; Hsu, Ling-Yang; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Chen, Yi-Yang; Ko, Chang-Lun; Zhou, Xiuwen; Yuan, Yi; Jen, Alex K. -Y.; Chi, YunJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C11
2012020Ultrawide Bandgap and High Sensitivity of a Plasmonic Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguide Filter with Cavity and BafflesYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; Muhammad Raziq Rahimi Kooh; Narayana Thotagamuge Roshan Nilantha Kumara; Chee Ming Lim; Hai-Pang Chiang Nanomaterials
2022020Thermal stability of laminated Ru-Al/Ru-Si-Zr coatings on Inconel 617Chen, Yung-, I ; Lo, Hsing-Hao; Ke, Yi-EnSURF COAT TECH3
2032020Design and Synthesis of Novel 2D Porous Zinc Oxide-Nickel Oxide Composite Nanosheets for Detecting Ethanol VaporLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chang, Yen-Cheng; Zhao, Wei-ChengNANOMATERIALS11
2042020High-power diode-pumped Nd:GdVO4/KGW Raman laser at 578 nmChen, Y. F.; Huang, H. Y.; Lee, C. C.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS7
2052020Efficient solid-state Raman yellow laser at 579.5 nmChen, Y. F.; Chen, C. M.; Lee, C. C.; Huang, H. Y.; Li, D.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS12
2062020Coherent Forster resonance energy transfer: A new paradigm for electrically driven quantum dot random lasersShen, T. L.; Hu, H. W.; Lin, W. J.; Liao, Y. M.; Chen, T. P.; Liao, Y. K.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Science Advances
2072020Efficient solid-state Raman yellow laser at 579.5 nmChen, Y. F.; Chen, C. M.; Lee, C. C.; Huang, H. Y.; Li, D.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Tsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang Optics Letters12
2082020High-power diode-pumped Nd:GdVO4/KGW Raman laser at 578 nmChen, Y. F.; Huang, H. Y.; Lee, C. C.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Tsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang Optics Letters7
2092020Enhancing plasmonic effect in periodic nanometal square prisms with fences and cavities for refractive index and temperature sensing applicationsChung-Ting Chou Chao; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Hai-Pang Chiang Journal of Nanoparticle Research21
2102020Overcoming the energy gap law in near-infrared OLEDs by exciton-vibration decouplingWei, Y. C.; Wang, S. F.; Hu, Y.; Liao, L. S.; Chen, D. G.; Chang, K. H.; Wang, C. W.; Liu, S. H.; Chan, W. H.; Liao, J. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wang, T. H.; Chen, P. T.; Hsu, H. F.; Chi, Y.; Chou, P. T.Nature Photonics
2112020The oxidation behavior of Ni2FeCoCrAlx high-entropy alloys in dry airWu Kai ; Cheng, F. P.; Lin, Y. R.; Chuang, C. W.; Huang, R. T.; Chen, D.; Kai, J. J.; Liu, C. T.; Wang, C. J.Journal of Alloys and Compounds2
2122020Effects of Thermal Simulation on the Creep Fracture of the Mod. 9Cr-1Mo Weld MetalLiao, C. C.; Wang, C. C.; Chen, T. C.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals3
2132020High-power structured laser modes: manifestation of quantum Green's functionChen, Y. F.; Tseng, Y. C.; Ke, H. T.; Hsieh, M. X.; Tung, J. C.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS3
2142020High-power structured laser modes: manifestation of quantum Green's functionChen, Y. F.; Tseng, Y. C.; Ke, H. T.; Hsieh, M. X.; Tung, J. C.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.Optics Letters3
2152020Vacuum brazing Zircaloy-2 alloy with a clad 60Ti-25Ni-15Nb fillerLin, C. Z.; Kao, C. S.; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Shiue, R. K.Vacuum1
2162020Design of Hydrothermally Derived Fe2O3 Rods with Enhanced Dual Functionality Via Sputtering Decoration of a Thin ZnO Coverage LayerLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Hung, Chen-ShiangACS OMEGA12
2172020Growth temperature-dependent phase evolution and photoactivities of sputtering-deposited crystalline Bi2O3 thin filmsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chiang, Kai-JenCRYSTENGCOMM7
2182020Highly Sensitive and Tunable Plasmonic Sensor Based on a Nanoring Resonator with Silver NanorodsChung-Ting Chou Chao; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Hung Ji Huang; N. T. R. N. Kumara; Muhammad Raziq Rahimi Kooh; Chee Ming Lim; Hai-Pang Chiang Nanomaterials63
2192020Exploiting a monolithic passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser to mimic a single neuron cell under periodic stimulationChen, Y. F.; Lee, C. C.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Huang, H. Y.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS1
2202020High-power structured laser modes: direct generation of a vortex arrayChen, Y. F.; Ke, H. T.; Tseng, Y. C.; Hsieh, M. X.; Tung, J. C.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS9
2212020Reusable TiN Substrate for Surface Plasmon Resonance Heterodyne Phase Interrogation SensorRu-Jing Sun; Hung Ji Huang; Chien-Nan Hsiao; Yu-Wei Lin; Bo-Huei Liao; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Hai-Pang ChiangNanomaterials11
2222020Corrosion and Biocompatibility Behavior of the Micro-Arc Oxidized AZ31B Alloy in Simulated Body FluidLee, C. Y.; Chen, K. L.; Xu, Z. M.; Hung-Bin Lee International Journal of Electrochemical Science6
2232020Highly Efficient Near-Infrared Electroluminescence up to 800 nm Using Platinum(II) PhosphorsWang, S. F.; Yuan, Y.; Wei, Y. C.; Chan, W. H.; Fu, L. W.; Su, B. K.; Chen, I. Y.; Chou, K. J.; Chen, P. T.; Hsu, H. F.; Ko, C. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Lee, C. S.; Chou, P. T.; Chi, Y.Advanced Functional Materials
2242020New exciplex systems composed of triazatruxene donors and N-heteroarene-cored acceptorsHu, Y. C.; Lin, Z. L.; Huang, T. C.; Lee, J. W.; Wei, W. C.; Ko, T. Y.; Lo, C. Y.; Chen, D. G.; Chou, P. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.Materials Chemistry Frontiers
2252020Exploiting a monolithic passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser to mimic a single neuron cell under periodic stimulationChen, Y. F.; Lee, C. C.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Huang, H. Y.; Tsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.Optics Letters1
2262020Wear Properties of Sc-Bearing Zr-Based Composite BMG with Nano-CuZr(2)under LubricationShing-Hoa Wang ; Chung, H. H.; Hsu, C. A.; Liaw, P. K.; Chau-Chang Chou ; Rong-Tan Huang ; Horng-Yi Chang Applied Sciences-Basel
2272020Thermal Annealing Induced Controllable Porosity and Photoactive Performance of 2D ZnO SheetsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Hung, Chen-Shiang; Zhao, Wei-ChengNANOMATERIALS-BASEL22
2282020Modulation of Solid-State Aggregation of Square-Planar Pt(II) Based Emitters: Enabling Highly Efficient Deep-Red/Near Infrared ElectroluminescenceChen, W. C.; Sukpattanacharoen, C.; Chan, W. H.; Huang, C. C.; Hsu, H. F.; Shen, D.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Kungwan, N.; Escudero, D.; Lee, C. S.; Chi, Y.Advanced Functional Materials
2292020Enhanced photoluminescence of DCJTB with ordered Ag-SiO2 core-shell nanostructures via nanosphere lithographyYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chieh-Jen Lin; Tsung Sheng Kao; Ya-Chih Wang; Chee Ming Lim; N.T.R.N. Kumara; Hai-Pang Chiang Results in Physics18
2302020Ultra-broad bandgap metal-insulator-metal waveguide filter with symmetrical stubs and defectsYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hai-Pang Chiang Results in Physics35
2312020Tunable Visible-Light Optoelectronic Properties in TiO2/SrRuO3 HeterostructuresH.J. Liu; C.H. Huang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; S.W. Hsiao; Y.S. Chen; M.H. Lee; Y.C. Chen,; P.J. Wu; M.W. Chu; J.G. LinPhysica Status Solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters
2322020Large Photoresponsivity in the Amorphous-TiO2/SrRuO3 HeterostructureJauyn Grace Lin; Heng-Jui Liu; Chin-Han Huang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Sheng-Wei Hsiao; You-Sheng Chen; Ming-Hao Lee; Ming-Hao Lee; Yu-Chen Chen; Pin-Jiun Wu; Ming-Wen ChuPhysica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters2
2332020Timing jitter reduction of passively Q-switched solid-state lasers by coupling resonance between pumping and firing ratesChen, Y. F.; Chien, P. Y.; Lee, C. C.; Huang, K. F.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS6
2342020Experimental research and industrial application on bypass flue gas evaporation technology for FGD wastewaterMa, S. C.; Jin, C.; Xuan, B.; Wu Kai ; Qu, B. Z.; Wan, Z. C.; Zhang, J. R.; Liu, N.; Yue, P. H.Desalination and Water Treatment
2352020Design and tuning functionality of rod-like titanium dioxide-nickel oxide composites via a combinational methodologyYuan-Chang Liang ; Chiang, K. J.Nanotechnology
2362020Diboron-Based Delayed Fluorescent Emitters with Orange-to-Red Emission and Superior Organic Light-Emitting Diode EfficiencyHsieh, C. M.; Wu, T. L.; Jayakumar, J.; Wang, Y. C.; Ko, C. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Lin, T. C.; Wu, H. H.; Lin, K. H.; Lin, C. H.; Hsieh, S. C.; Cheng, C. H.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
2372020Insights into energy transfer pathways between the exciplex host and fluorescent guest: attaining highly efficient 710 nm electroluminescenceHuang, C. Y.; Ho, S. Y.; Lai, C. H.; Ko, C. L.; Wei, Y. C.; Lin, J. A.; Chen, D. G.; Ko, Z. Y.; Wong, K. S.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chou, P. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry C
2382020Timing jitter reduction of passively Q-switched solid-state lasers by coupling resonance between pumping and firing ratesChen, Y. F.; Chien, P. Y.; Lee, C. C.; Huang, K. F.; Hsing-Chin Liang Optics Letters6
2392020Rapid thermal annealing of Cr-Si-N, Ta-Si-N, and Zr-Si-N coatings in glass molding atmospheresYung-I Chen ; Ke, Y. E.; Sung, M. C.; Chang, L. C.Surface & Coatings Technology1
2402020Effects of Nitrogen Flow Ratio on Structures, Bonding Characteristics, and Mechanical Properties of ZrN(x)FilmsKe, Y. E.; Yung-I Chen Coatings1
2412020Coverage Layer Phase Composition-Dependent Photoactivity of One-Dimensional TiO2-Bi2O3 CompositesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chiang, Kai-JenNANOMATERIALS-BASEL12
2422020Photoelectron c memory based on nitride multiple quantum wells and the hybrid of graphene nanoflakes and a-IGZO filmLiou, Yi-Rou; Lin, Hsia-Yu; Cai, Shu-Yi; Liao, Yu-Ming; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangOPT EXPRESS4
2432020Generation of resonant geometric modes from off-axis pumped degenerate cavity Nd:YVO4 lasers with external mode convertersLiang, Hsing-Chih ; Lin, Han-YuOPTICS LETTERS6
2442020Criterion for optimizing high-power acousto-optically Q-switched self-Raman yellow lasers with repetition rates up to 500 kHzChen, Y. F.; Chen, K. Y.; Liu, Y. C.; Chen, C. M.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS8
2452020Interactive Color-Changing Electronic Skin Based on Flexible and Piezoelectrically Tunable Quantum Dots Light-Emitting DiodesHu, H. W.; Shen, T. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Advanced Optical Materials
2462020Stretchable and Broadband Cavity-Free Lasers Based on All 2D MetamaterialsYang, Y. F.; Hu, H. W.; Wu, M. J.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Shen, J. L.; Chen, Y. F.Advanced Optical Materials
2472020The effect of Ni content on gas-sensing behaviors of ZnO-NiO p-n composite thin films grown through radio-frequency cosputtering of ceramic ZnO and NiO targetsYuan-Chang Liang ; Chang, Y. C.Crystengcomm
2482020Versatile Pt(II) Pyrazolate Complexes: Emission Tuning via Interplay of Chelate Designs and Stacking AssembliesKo, C. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, P. T.; Wang, T. H.; Hsu, H. F.; Liao, J. L.; Ly, K. T.; Wang, S. F.; Yu, C. H.; Liu, S. H.; Lee, G. H.; Tai, W. S.; Chou, P. T.; Chi, Y.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
2492020Mechanical properties, bonding characteristics, and thermal stability of magnetron-sputtered HfNx filmsKe, Y. E.; Yung-I Chen Surface & Coatings Technology1
2502020Perfect Dual-Band Absorber Based on Plasmonic Effect with the Cross-Hair/Nanorod CombinationYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; Muhammad Raziq Rahimi Kooh; N. T. R. N. Kumara; Chee Ming Lim; Hai-Pang Chiang Nanomaterials65
2512020Compact efficient high-power triple-color Nd:YVO4 yellow-lime-green self-Raman lasersLiu, Y. C.; Chen, C. M.; Hsiao, J. Q.; Pan, Y. Y.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Chen, Y. F.OPTICS LETTERS16
2522020Enhanced photoluminescence of InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well with tungsten disulfide quantum dotsWilson Yeung-Sy Su; Svette Reina Merden S Santiago; Chia-Cheng Chiang Hsieh; Chii-Bin Wu; Jyh-Shyang Wang; Kuan-Cheng Chiu; Ji-Lin Shen; Chih-Yang Huang ; Cheng-Ying Chen Nanotechnology1
2532020Effects of Milling Time, Zirconia Addition, and Storage Environment on the Radiopacity Performance of Mechanically Milled Bi2O3/ZrO2 Composite PowdersChen, M. S.; Lin, H. N.; Cheng, Y. C.; Fang, A.; Chen, C. Y.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Lin, C. K.Materials7
2542020The use of surfactants and supercritical CO2 assisted processes in the electroless nickel plating of printed circuit board with blind viaHung-Bin Lee ; Chen, K. L.; Su, J. W.; Lee, C. Y.Materials Chemistry and Physics8
2552020Optical Responses of the Heterojunctions in Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells Studied by Electric Modulus SpectroscopyCheng-Ying Chen ; Shih-Sen Chien; Asmida Herawati; Ming-Yuan He; Chih-Yang HuangACS Applied Electronic Materials2
2562020Generation and characterization of burst modes in passively mode-locked lasers with internal Fabry-Perot cavitiesLi, S. C.; Huang, T. L.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.OPTICS LETTERS2
2572020Ultrahigh-Performance Self-Powered Flexible Photodetector Driven from Photogating, Piezo-Phototronic, and Ferroelectric EffectsShen, T. L.; Chu, Y. W.; Liao, Y. K.; Lee, W. Y.; Kuo, H. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Advanced Optical Materials
2582020Harnessing a New Co-Host System and Low Concentration of New TADF Emitters Equipped with Trifluoromethyl- and Cyano-Substituted Benzene as Core for High-Efficiency Blue OLEDsYi, C. L.; Ko, C. L.; Yeh, T. C.; Chen, C. Y.; Chen, Y. S.; Chen, D. G.; Chou, P. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
2592020Review of Experimental Setups for Plasmonic Photocatalytic ReactionsHung Ji Huang; Jeffrey Chi-Sheng Wu; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Yung-Sheng Lin; Yen Han Wang; Po-Jui ChenCatalysts2
2602020Phase Transformation of a Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al Brazed Joint Using Clad Ti-15Cu-15Ni FillerYue, G. L.; Chen, T. C.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals2
2612020Integration of Nanoscale and Macroscale Graphene Heterostructures for Flexible and Multilevel Nonvolatile Photoelectronic MemoryLiou, Yi-Rou; Lin, Hsia Yu; Shen, Tien Lin; Cai, Shu Yi; Wu, Ya Hsuan; Liao, Yu Ming; Lin, Hung I.; Chen, Tzu Pei; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Yang FangACS APPL NANO MATER8
2622020Effective difference of oxytetracycline concentrations on anaerobic batch digestion of pig manureWei, M.; Wang, C. M.; Zhao, X. L.; Wu Kai ; Boualy, V.; Jing, L.; Hong, Y.; Liu, S. Q.; Fang, Y.; Zhang, W. D.Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
2632020Phase Transformation of Furnace Brazed Ti-15-5-3 Joint Using the Clad Ti-15Cu-15Ni FillerGui-Lin Yue; Tai-Cheng Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay 1
2642019Stress corrosion cracking of simulated heat-affected zone in a CF8A weld in high temperature waterChen, Tai-Cheng; Chang, Hau-Han; Huang, Jiunn-Yuan; Tsay, Leu-Wen J NUCL MATER3
2652019Origin of continuous curves and dotted spots in laser transverse modes with geometric structuresChen, Y. F.; Tung, J. C.; Hsieh, M. X.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS9
2662019Sputtering control of Ag2O decoration configurations on ZnO nanorods and their surface arrangement effects on photodegradation ability toward methyl orangeYuan-Chang Liang ; Liu, Y. C.; Hung, C. S.Nanotechnology
2672019Surface Morphology-Dependent Functionality of Titanium Dioxide-Nickel Oxide Nanocomposite SemiconductorsYuan-Chang Liang ; Xu, N. C.; Chiang, K. J.Nanomaterials
2682019Oxidation Behavior of Ta-Al Multilayer CoatingsYung-I Chen ; Lin, N. Y.; Ke, Y. E.Coatings1
2692019Diffusion controlled helium bubble formation resistance of FeCoNiCr high-entropy alloy in the half-melting temperature regimeDa Chen; Shijun Zhao; Jianrong Sun; Pengfei Tai; Yanbin Sheng; Yilu Zhao; Guma Yeli; Weitong Lin; Shaofei Liu; Wu Kai ; Ji-Jung KaiJournal of Nuclear Materials
2702019Plasmonic perfect absorber based on metal nanorod arrays connected with veinsYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; Usman Anwar; Chee Ming Lim; Nyuk Yoong Voo; Abdul Hanif Mahadi; N.T.R.N. Kumara; Hai-Pang Chiang Results in Physics59
2712019Topological magnetoelectric effect as probed by nanoshell plasmonic modesRailing Chang ; Huai-Yi Xie; Ya-Chih Wang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; P.T. LeungResults in Physics8
2722019Microstructural Evolution and Short-Term Creep Rupture of the Simulated HAZ in T92 Steel Normalized at Different TemperaturesTai-Jung Wu; Chien-Chun Liao; Tai-Cheng Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals
2732019High Performance CZTSSe Solar Cells by Using Cadmium-Free Non-toxic Zn(O, S) Buffer LayersW.H. Chen; Y.F. Chen; Y.H. Yu; Y.C. Lin; C.C. Kei; J.S. Hwang; K.H. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; L.C. Chen
2742019High Performance CZTSSe Solar Cells by Using Cadmium-Free Non-toxic Zn(O, S) Buffer LayersW.H. Chen; Y.F. Chen; Y.H. Yu; C.C. Kei; J.S. Hwang; K.H. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; L.C. Chen
2752019Millimeter-Sized 2D Crystals by Capping Vapor-liquid-solid ReactionF.Y. Lin; M.F. Tseng; M.C. Chang; P.H. Ho; L.C. Chen; K.H. Chen; P.W. Chiu; C.W. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen 
2762019Fabrication and Characterization of a Metallic-Dielectric Nanorod Array by Nanosphere Lithography for Plasmonic Sensing ApplicationYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Kuan-Hung Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Chee Ming Lim; Hung Ji Huang; Chih-Hsien Lai; N. T. R. N. KumaraNanomaterials64
2772019Many-body effects in doped WS2 monolayer quantum disks at room temperatureLin, T. N.; Santiago, S. R. M.; Caigas, S. P.; Yuan, C. T.; Lin, T. Y. ; Shen, J. L.; Chen, Y. F.NPJ 2D MATERIALS AND APPLICATIONS25
2782019Generating High-Order Transverse Patterns in Optically Pumped Semiconductor LasersTuan, Pi-Hui; Hsieh, Yen-Hui; Tu, Chin-Wei; Lee, Chi-Chun; Tsou, Chia-Han; Liang, Hsin-Chih ; Huang, Kai-Feng; Chen, Yung-FuIEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS1
2792019Generalized wave-packet formulation with ray-wave connections for geometric modes in degenerate astigmatic laser resonatorsChen, Y. F.; Tung, J. C.; Hsieh, M. X.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS9
2802019The missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle: probability conservation as a consequence of time-reversal symmetryHsiang-Shun Chou European Journal of Physics1
2812019Earth-Abundant Chalcogenide Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 Thin Film Growth for Photovoltaic AbsorberJ.M. Lin; Y.S. Ye; C.Y. Huang; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen 
2822019Understanding the Defect Property of Kesterite based (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4 Thin Film Solar Cell: A Study by Photoluminescence Spectroscopy with Device PerformancesS. Quadir; Cheng-Ying Chen ; S.I. Yano; K.K. Wu; W.T. Chen; C.W. Wang; C.M. Wu; H.T. Thong; S.Y. Chen; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
2832019High Performance CZTSSe Solar Cells by Using Cadmium-Free Non-toxic Zn(O, S) Buffer LayersW.H. Chen; Y.F. Chen; Y.H. Yu; Y.C. Lin; C.C. Kei; J.S. Hwang; K.H. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; L.C. Chen
2842019Millimeter-Sized 2D Crystals by Capping Vapor-liquid-solid ReactionF.Y. Lin; M.F. Tseng; M.C. Chang; P.H. Ho; L.C. Chen; K.H. Chen; P.W. Chiu; C.W. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen 
2852019High Performance CZTSSe Solar Cells by Using Cadmium-Free Non-toxic Zn(O, S) Buffer LayersP.C. Liu; W.H. Chen; Y.F. Chen; F.Y. Fu; Cheng-Ying Chen ; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
2862019Study of Metal Chalcogenide:CISSe for PhotovoltaicI.J. Hsieh; Y.S. Ye; Y.F. Chen; Y.C. Chen; C.Y. Huang; P.C. Chen; L.C. Chen,; K.H. Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen 
2872019Defect Engineering on TiO2/SrRuO3 Thin Film Heterostructures for Potential Visible Light Optoelectronic DeviceH.J. Liu; C.H. Huang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Y.C. Chen; G. Lin
2882019Earth-abundant Tin Monosulfide (SnS) Thin Film Solar Cell by Vapor Transport DepositionH.T. Thong; Cheng-Ying Chen ; S.Y. Chen; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
2892019Magnetic Field-Enhancing Photocatalytic Reaction in Micro Optofluidic Chip ReactorHung Ji Huang; Yen Han Wang; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Jeffrey Chi-Sheng WuNanoscale Research Letters15
2902019Ultra-High Refractive Index Sensing Structure Based on a Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguide-Coupled T-Shape Cavity with Metal Nanorod DefectsYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; N. T. R. N. Kumara; Chee Ming Lim; Hai-Pang Chiang Nanomaterials62
2912019Effects of sputtering deposited homoseed layer microstructures on crystal growth behavior and photoactivity of chemical route-derived WO3 nanorodsYuan-Chang Liang ; Hung, C. S.Crystengcomm
2922019Mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of W-Si-N coatingsLiu, Y. H.; Chang, L. C.; Liu, B. W.; Yung-I Chen Surface & Coatings Technology3
2932019Vacuum Brazing Ti-15-3 with a TiNiNb Braze AlloyKao, C. S.; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Wang, S. B.; Shiue, R. K.Metals1
2942019The Requirements for Additional Strength Biowaivers for Immediate Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms in International Pharmaceutical Regulators Programme Participating Regulators and Organisations: Differences and CommonalitiesCrane, C.; Santos, G. M. L.; Fernandes, E. A. F.; Simon, C.; Tam, A.; Triana, D. G.; Potthast, H.; Kuribayashi, R.; Okada, Y.; Myoenzono, A.; Calderon, I. O.; Rodriguez, Z.; Ben, Jones; Park, S. A.; Eum, S. Y.; Rodrigues, C.; Van Oudsthoorn, J.; Nolting, A.; Walther, C.; Roost, M. S.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Braddy, A. C.; Garcia-Arieta, A.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2952019Effect of Bias Voltage on Mechanical Properties of HiPIMS/RFMS Cosputtered Zr-Si-N FilmsYung-I Chen ; Zheng, Y. Z.; Chang, L. C.; Liu, Y. H.Materials2
2962019The oxidation behavior of a Ni2FeCoCrAl0.5 high-entropy superalloy in O2-containing environmentsWu Kai ; Cheng, F. P.; Chien, F. C.; Lin, Y. R.; Chen, D.; Kai, J. J.; Liu, C. T.; Wang, C. J.Corrosion Science
2972019大地豐富的金屬硫族化合物光伏電池:銅鋅錫硫(CZTS)Cheng-Ying Chen 化學季刊0
2982019Self-Healing Nanophotonics: Robust and Soft palmi Random LasersHsu, Y. T.; Tai, C. T.; Wu, H. M.; Hou, C. F.; Liao, Y. M.; Liao, W. C.; Haider, G.; Hsiao, Y. C.; Lee, C. W.; Chang, S. W.; Chen, Y. H.; Wu, M. H.; Chou, R. J.; Bera, K. P.; Lin, Y. Y.; Chen, Y. Z.; Kataria, M.; Lin, S. Y.; Inbaraj, C. R. P.; Lin, W. J.; Lee, W. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lai, Y. C.; Chen, Y. F.Acs Nano
2992019Design of Nanoscaled Surface Morphology of TiO2-Ag2O Composite Nanorods through Sputtering Decoration Process and Their Low-Concentration NO2 Gas-Sensing BehaviorsYuan-Chang Liang ; Liu, Y. C.Nanomaterials
3002019Bending-Type Electron Donor-Donor-Acceptor Triad: Dual Excited-State Charge-Transfer Coupled Structural RelaxationLin, J. A.; Li, S. W.; Liu, Z. Y.; Chen, D. G.; Huang, C. Y.; Wei, Y. C.; Chen, Y. Y.; Tsai, Z. H.; Lo, C. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.; Chou, P. T.Chemistry of Materials
3012019Cross-linkable hole transporting layers boost operational stability of high-performance quantum dot light-emitting deviceChao, S. W.; Chen, W. S.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, Y. Y.; Lin, Y. M.; Wong, K. T.; Chou, P. T.Organic Electronics
3022019Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of Cr-Si-N CoatingsChang, L. C.; Liu, Y. H.; Yung-I Chen Coatings5
3042019Nanotip-assisted photoreduction of silver nanostructures on chemically patterned ferroelectric crystals for surface enhanced Raman scatteringTzyy-Jiann Wang; Hsuan-Wei Chang; Ji-Sheng Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang Scientific Reports7
3052019New naphthyridine-based bipolar host materials for thermally activated delayed fluorescent organic light-emitting diodesYeh, T. C.; Lee, J. D.; Chen, L. Y.; Chatterjee, T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics
3062019High-power dual-color yellow-green solid-state self-Raman laserChen, Y. F.; Liu, Y. C.; Gu, D. Y.; Pan, Y. Y.; Cheng, H. P.; Tsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang Laser Physics8
3072019Electrically Pumped White-Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Histidine-Doped MoS2 Quantum DotsLu, Guan-Zhang; Wu, Meng-Jer; Lin, Tzu-Neng; Chang, Chi-Yuan; Lin, Wei-Ling; Chen, Yi Ting; Hou, Chen-Fu; Cheng, Hao-Jan; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Shen, Ji-Lin; Chen, Yang-FangSMALL18
3082019Laser wave-packet representation to unify eigenmodes and geometric modes in spherical cavitiesChen, Y. F.; Li, S. C.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Tung, J. C.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS14
3092019Effect of Oxygen Concentration and Tantalum Addition on the Formation of High Temperature Bismuth Oxide Phase by Mechanochemical ReactionLin, H. N.; Chen, M. S.; Chang, Y. H.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Lin, C. K.Materials5
3102019Preparation and physicochemical and cytocompatibility analyses of a magnetic polymer colloid of xanthan gum-chitosan/nickel nanowiresChang, Y. T.; Wang, S. H.; Tsai, M. S.; Hsieh, C. W.; Hung-Bin Lee Results in Physics3
3112019Enhancement of Acetone Gas-Sensing Responses of Tapered WO3 Nanorods through Sputtering Coating with a Thin SnO2 Coverage LayerYuan-Chang Liang ; Chao, Y.Nanomaterials
3122019Functional Pyrimidinyl Pyrazolate Pt(II) Complexes: Role of Nitrogen Atom in Tuning the Solid-State Stacking and PhotophysicsGanesan, P.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Tso, J. Y.; Ko, C. L.; Wang, T. H.; Chen, P. T.; Hsu, H. F.; Liu, S. H.; Lee, G. H.; Chou, P. T.; Jen, A. K. Y.; Chi, Y.Advanced Functional Materials
3132019The corrosion of an equimolar FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloy in various CO2/CO mixed gases at 700 and 950 °CWu Kai ; Chien, F. C.; Cheng, F. P.; Kai, J. J.; Liu, C. T.; Rong-Tan Huang Corrosion Science
3142019Strong and tunable plasmonic field coupling and enhancement generating from the protruded metal nanorods and dielectric coresYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung Tin Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; Ya-Chih Wang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Muhammad Nur Syafi'ie MdIdris; Zarifi Masri; Chee Ming LimResults in Physics35
3152019The Comparison of Cracking Susceptibility of IN52M and IN52MSS Overlay WeldsMin-Yi Chen; Tai-Jung Wu; Tai-Cheng Chen; Sheng-Long Jeng; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals2
3162019Interface Engineering of CdS/CZTSSe Heterojunctions for Enhancing the Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cell EfficiencyWei-Chao Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Yi-Rung Lin; Jan-Kai Chang; Chun-Hsiang Chen; Ya-Ping Chiu; Chih-I.Wu; Kuei-Hsien Chen; Li-Chyong ChenMaterials Today Energy19
3172019Improvement of Ethanol Gas-Sensing Responses of ZnO-WO3 Composite Nanorods through Annealing Induced Local Phase TransformationYuan-Chang Liang ; Chang, C. W.Nanomaterials
3182019Highly Efficient Earth-abundant CZTSSe Solar Cell by Introducing p+-CTSSe Point ContactsCheng-Ying Chen ; C.Y. Huang; Y.C. Chen; J.S. Hwang; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
3192019Wave representation for asymmetric elliptic vortex beams generated from the astigmatic mode converterChen, Y. F.; Lai, Y. H.; Hsieh, M. X.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Tu, C. W.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS10
3202019Tunable plasmonic effects arising from metal-dielectric nanorodsChau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Chao, Chung-Ting Chou; Huang, Hung Ji; Lim, Ren Chong; Chiang, Hai-Pang APPLIED OPTICS6
3212019Tunable plasmonic effects arising from metal-dielectric nanorodsYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; Ren Chong Lim; Hai-Pang Chiang Applied Optics6
3222019A Comprehensive Study of Disorder of Kesterite Based (AgxCu1-x)2ZnSnSe4 Absorber Layers by Their Photovoltaic Performance and Neutron Diffraction ExperimentsS. Quadir; Cheng-Ying Chen ; S. Yano; K.K. Wu; W.T. Chen; C.W. Wang; C.M. Wu; H.T. Thong; S.Y. Chen; S.Y. Chen; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
3232019Highly Efficient Earth-abundant CZTSSe Solar Cell by Introducing p+-CTSSe Point ContactsC.Y. Huang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Y.C. Chen; J.S. Hwang; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
3242019Thermal stability of laminated Ru-Al/Ru-Al-Zr coatings on Inconel 617Chen, Yung-I ; Jhang, Jia-WeiSURF COAT TECH5
3252019Efficient high-power dual-wavelength lime-green Nd:YVO4 lasersChen, Y. F.; Liu, Y. C.; Pan, Y. Y.; Gu, D. Y.; Cheng, H. P.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS LETTERS23
3262019Efficient high-power dual-wavelength lime-green Nd:YVO4 lasersChen, Y. F.; Liu, Y. C.; Pan, Y. Y.; Gu, D. Y.; Cheng, H. P.; Tsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang Optics Letters23
3272019Exploring elliptical vortex beams with the spatial damping effectChen, Y. F.; Hsieh, M. X.; Lai, Y. H.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Tu, C. W.; Liang, H. C. ; Huang, K. F.OPTICS LETTERS4
3282019Efficient high-power continuous-wave lasers at green-lime-yellow wavelengths by using a Nd:YVO4 self-Raman crystalChen, Y. F.; Pan, Y. Y.; Liu, Y. C.; Cheng, H. P.; Tsou, C. H.; Liang, H. C. OPTICS EXPRESS37
3292019The Corrosion of an Amorphous Fe70C10P10B5Mo5 Alloy in Various CO2/CO Mixed Gases at 500 °CWu Kai ; Cheng, F. P.; Chen, Y. T.; Huang, H. H.; Zhang, W.; Rong-Tan Huang Oxidation of Metals
3302019Microstructures and Photodegradation Performance toward Methylene Orange of Sputtering-Assisted Decoration of ZnFe2O4 Crystallites onto TiO2 NanorodsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Liu, Yen-ChenNANOMATERIALS-BASEL4
3312019Preparation of Orthorhombic WO3 Thin Films and Their Crystal Quality-Dependent Dye Photodegradation AbilityLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chang, Che-WeiCOATINGS62
3322019Nanoscale Core-Shell Hyperbolic Structures for Ultralow Threshold Laser Action: An Efficient Platform for the Enhancement of Optical ManipulationLin, Hung-I; Yadav, Kanchan; Shen, Kun-Ching; Haider, Golam; Roy, Pradip Kumar; Kataria, Monika; Chang, Ting-Jia; Li, Yao-Hsuan; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yit-Tsong; Chen, Yang-FangACS APPL MATER INTER9
3332019Exceptional nanostructure stability and its origins in the CoCrNi-based precipitation-strengthened medium-entropy alloyYilu Zhao; Tao Yang; Bin Han; Junhua Luan; Da Chen; Wu Kai ; Chain Tsuan Liu; Ji-jung KaiMaterials Research Letters
3342019In Situ Observation of the Self-Assembling of Oxides Nanoparticles in Water by Electron MicroscopyWu Kai Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
3352019Crystal phase content- dependent functionality of dual phase SnO2-WO3 nanocomposite films via cosputtering crystal growthYuan-Chang Liang ; Chao, Y.Rsc Advances
3362019A HEVC Video Steganalysis Algorithm Based on PU Partition ModesLi, Z. H.; Meng, L. J.; Xu, S. T.; Shi, Y. Q.; Yuan-Chang Liang Cmc-Computers Materials & Continua
3372018A Survey of the Regulatory Requirements for the Acceptance of Foreign Comparator Products by Participating Regulators and Organizations of the International Generic Drug Regulators ProgrammeGarcia-Arleta, A.; Simon, C.; Santos, G. M. L.; Lojero, I. O. C.; Martinez, Z. R.; Rodrigues, C.; Park, S. A.; Kim, J. M.; Kuribayashi, R.; Okada, Y.; Nolting, A.; Pfaffli, C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Crane, C.; Braddy, A. C.; van Oudtshoorn, J.; Triana, D. G.; Clarke, M.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
3382018Narrowing spectral linewidth in passively mode-locked solid-state lasersHuang, T. L.; Li, S. C.; Tsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Optics Letters3
3392018The Effect of Normalizing Temperature on the Short-Term Creep Rupture of the Simulated HAZ in Gr.91 Steel WeldsHao-Wei Wu; Tai-Jung Wu; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals6
3402018Inkjet-Printed Random LasersLiao, Yu-Ming; Liao, Wei-Cheng; Chang, Shu-Wei; Hou, Cheng-Fu; Tai, Chia-Tse; Su, Chen-You; Hsu, Yun-Tzu; Wu, Min-Hsuan; Chou, Rou-Jun; Lee, Yao-Hsuan; Lin, Shih-Yao; Lin, Wei-Ju; Chang, Cheng-Han; Haider, Golam; Kataria, Monika; Roy, Pradip Kumar; Bera, Krishna Prasad; Paullnbaraj, Christy Roshini; Hu, Han-Wen; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangADV MATER TECHNOL-US19
3412018Surface crystal feature-dependent photoactivity of ZnO-ZnS composite rods via hydrothermal sulfidationLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Wang, Chein-ChungRSC ADV99
3422018Raman Spectrometry of Scattering of Nano-Gold Ceria FilmsIdris, Muhammad Nur Syafi'ie Md; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Muslim, Noormariah; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Mahadi, Abdul Hanif; Voo, Nyuk Yoong; Lim, Chee MingAdvanced Science Letters
3432018A Further Investigation of NH4+ Removal Mechanisms by Using Natural and Synthetic Zeolites in Different Concentrations and TemperaturesHuei-Fen Chen ; Yi-Jun Lin; Bo-Hong Chen; Iizuka Yoshiyuki; Sofia Ya-Hsuan Liou; Rong-Tan Huang Minerals21
3442018p-GaN/n-ZnO nanorods: the use of graphene nanosheets composites to increase charge separation in self-powered visible-blind UV photodetectorsHuang, C. Y.; Kang, C. C.; Ma, Y. C.; Chou, Y. C.; Ye, J. H.; Huang, R. T.; Siao, C. Z.; Lin, Y. C.; Chang, Y. H.; Shen, J. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin Nanotechnology
3452018All-marine based random lasersWei-Ju Lin; Yu-Ming Liao; Hsia-Yu Lin; Golam Haider; Shih-Yao Lin; Wei-Cheng Liao; Ruei-Ti Wei; Packiyaraj Perumal; Tsung-Yuan Chang; Chang-Yang Tseng; Lo, Yan-Shawn; Hsiu-Mei Lin ; Tung-Wei Shih; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Yang-Fang ChenORG ELECTRON15
3462018Improved Voc Deficit in Kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells via Grain Boundary Passivation at the p-n Junction InterfacesCheng-Ying Chen ; N. Saidatin; C.Y. Huang; B. S. Aprillia; R.S. Chen; J.S. Hwang; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
3472018Warpage Measurements and Characterizations of Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging With Large Chips and Multiple Redistributed LayersLau, J. H.; Li, M.; Yang, L.; Xu, I.; Chen, T.; Chen, S.; Yong, Q. X.; Madhukumar, J. P.; Wu Kai ; Fan, N.; Kuah, E.; Li, Z.; Tan, K. H.; Bao, W.; Lim, S. P.; Beica, R.; Ko, C. T.; Xi, C.Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
3482018Isomeric spiro- acridine-9,9 '-fluorene -2,6-dipyridylpyrimidine based TADF emitters: insights into photophysical behaviors and OLED performancesGanesan, P.; Chen, D. G.; Liao, J. L.; Li, W. C.; Lai, Y. N.; Luo, D.; Chang, C. H.; Ko, C. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Liu, S. W.; Lee, G. H.; Chou, P. T.; Chi, Y.Journal of Materials Chemistry C
3492018Exciplex Cohosts Employing Nonconjugated Linked Dicarbazole Donors for Highly Efficient Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence-Based Organic Light-Emitting DiodesHung, Y. T.; Chen, Z. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, D. G.; Wong, K. T.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
3502018Blue-emitting bis-tridentate Ir(III) phosphors: OLED performances vs. substituent effectsKuo, H. H.; Hsu, L. Y.; Tso, J. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Liu, S. H.; Chou, P. T.; Wong, K. T.; Zhu, Z. L.; Lee, C. S.; Jen, A. K. Y.; Chi, Y.Journal of Materials Chemistry C
3512018Investigation of the antiphase dynamics of the orthogonally polarized passively Q-switched Nd:YLF laserHsing-Chin Liang ; Li, D.; Lin, E. H.; Hsu, C. C.; Lin, H. Y.Optics Express6
3522018Mechanical Properties and Oxidation Behavior of Multilayered Hf-Si-N CoatingsChang, L. C.; Liu, B. W.; Yung-I Chen Coatings4
3532018Chip-First Fan-Out Panel-Level Packaging for Heterogeneous IntegrationKo, C. T.; Yang, H.; Lau, J. H.; Li, M.; Lin, C.; Lin, J. W.; Chen, T.; Xu, I.; Chang, C. L.; Pan, J. Y.; Wu, H. H.; Yong, Q. X.; Fan, N.; Kuah, E.; Li, Z.; Tan, K. H.; Cheung, Y. M.; Ng, E.; Wu Kai ; Hao, J.; Beica, R.; Lin, M.; Chen, Y. H.; Cheng, Z.; Wee, K. S.; Ran, J.; Xi, C.; Lim, S. P.; Lee, N. C.; Tao, M.; Lo, J.; Lee, R. S. W.Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
3542018Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging for Heterogeneous IntegrationLau, J. H.; Li, M.; Qingqian, M. L.; Chen, T.; Xu, I.; Yong, Q. X.; Cheng, Z.; Fan, N.; Kuah, E.; Li, Z.; Tan, K. H.; Cheung, Y. M.; Ng, E.; Lo, P.; Wu Kai ; Hao, J.; Wee, K. S.; Ran, J.; Xi, C.; Beica, R.; Lim, S. P.; Lee, N. C.; Ko, C. T.; Yang, H.; Chen, Y. H.; Tao, M.; Lo, J.; Lee, R. S. W.Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
3552018Mechanical properties, bonding characteristics, and oxidation behaviors of Nb-Si-N coatingsYung-I Chen ; Gao, Y. X.; Chang, L. C.; Ke, Y. E.; Liu, B. W.Surface & Coatings Technology6
3562018Air-oxidation of an amorphous Fe70C10P10B5Mo5 alloy at 400–500 °CWu Kai ; Cheng, F. P.; Chen, Y. T.; Huang, H. H.; Zhang, W.; Rong-Tan Huang Journal of Alloys and Compounds
3572018Transient and Flexible PhotodetectorsLin, Shih-Yao; Haider, Golam; Liao, Yu-Ming; Chang, Cheng-Han; Lin, Wei-Ju; Su, Chen-You; Liou, Yi-Rou; Huang, Yuan-Fu; Ling, Hung-I; Chung, Tai-Chun; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangACS APPL NANO MATER17
3582018Above 10% efficiency earth-abundant Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)(4) solar cells by introducing alkali metal fluoride nanolayers as electron-selective contactsCheng-Ying Chen ; Aprillia, Bandiyah Sri; Chen, Wei-Chao; Teng, Yen-Ching; Chiu, Chih-Yuan; Chen, Ruei-San; Hwang, Jih-Shang ; Chen, Kuei-Hsien; Chen, Li-ChyongNANO ENERGY16
3592018Metal-enhanced fluorescence by using silver nanorod on hyperbolic metamaterial substrateChih-Hsien Lai; Kai-Hong Tsai; Ya-Chih Wang; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Hai-Pang Chiang 
3602018Probe exciplex structure of highly efficient thermally activated delayed fluorescence organic light emitting diodesLin, T. C.; Sarma, M.; Chen, Y. T.; Liu, S. H.; Lin, K. T.; Chiang, P. Y.; Chuang, W. T.; Liu, Y. C.; Hsu, H. F.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Tang, W. C.; Wong, K. T.; Chou, P. T.Nature Communications
3612018Orthogonally polarized single-longitudinal-mode operation in a dual-wavelength monolithic Nd:YAG laser at 1319 nm and 1338 nmCheng, H. P.; Liu, Y. C.; Huang, T. L.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Photonics Research12
3622018Mechanical Properties of Zr-Si-N Films Fabricated through HiPIMS/RFMS Co-SputteringChang, L. C.; Zheng, Y. Z.; Yung-I Chen Coatings2
3632018Plasmonic effects in composite metal nanostructures for sensing applicationsYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Chee Ming Lim; Nyuk Yoong Voo; Abdul Hanif MahadiJournal of Nanoparticle Research49
3642018A Highly Stable Framework of Crystalline Zinc Phosphite with Selective Removal, Recovery, and Turn-On Sensing Abilities for Mercury Cations in Aqueous SolutionsWang, Chih-Min ; Lin, Yong-Jie; Pan, Ming-Feng; Su, Cheng-Kuan; Lin, Tai-Yuan CHEM-EUR J22
3652018Depolying Tunable Metal-Shell/Dielectric Core Nanorod Arrays as the Virtually Perfect Absorber in the Near-Infrared RegimeYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Chee Ming Lim; Hung Ji Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang Acs Omega55
3662018Thermal Stability of Ru-Al Multilayered Thin Films on Inconel 617Yung-I Chen ; Zheng, Z. T.; Jhang, J. W.Metals5
3672018Design, Materials, Process, Fabrication, and Reliability of Fan-Out Wafer-Level PackagingLau, J. H.; Li, M.; Li, Q. M.; Xu, I.; Chen, T.; Li, Z.; Tan, K. H.; Yong, Q. X.; Cheng, Z.; Wee, K. S.; Beica, R.; Ko, C. T.; Lim, S. P.; Fan, N.; Kuah, E.; Wu Kai ; Cheung, Y. M.; Ng, E.; Xi, C.; Ran, J.; Yang, H.; Chen, Y. H.; Lee, N. C.; Tao, M.; Lo, J.; Lee, R.Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
3682018Hybrid 2D/3D MoS2/GaN heterostructures for dual functional photoresponseHuang, C. Y.; Chang, C.; Lu, G. Z.; Huang, W. C.; Huang, C. S.; Chen, M. L.; Lin, T. N.; Shen, J. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin Applied Physics Letters
3692018Liquation Cracking in the Heat-Affected Zone of IN738 Superalloy WeldCheng-Kai Lin ; Tai-Cheng Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals32
3702018Evolution of Thermoelectric Properties of Zn4Sb3 Prepared by Mechanical Alloying and Different Consolidation RoutesPee-Yew Lee ; Lin, P. H.Energies7
3712018Bonding Characteristics and Chemical Inertness of Zr-Si-N Coatings with a High Si Content in Glass MoldingChang, L. C.; Zheng, Y. Z.; Yung-I Chen ; Chang, S. C.; Liu, B. W.Coatings9
3722018The oxidation behavior of the quinary FeCoNiCrSix high-entropy alloysWu Kai ; Cheng, F. P.; Liao, C. Y.; Li, C. C.; Kai, J. J.; Rong-Tan Huang Materials Chemistry and Physics
3732018Cyanopyrimidine-Carbazole Hybrid Host Materials for High-Efficiency and Low-Efficiency Roll-Off TADF OLEDsLi, S. W.; Yu, C. H.; Ko, C. L.; Chatterjee, T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
3742018Correlation between Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior and Fracture Surface Roughness on Cold-Rolled Austenitic Stainless Steels in Gaseous HydrogenTai-Cheng Chen; Sheng-Tsan Chen; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Ren-Kae ShiueMetals
3752018Effects of Grain Boundary Microconstituents on Heat Affect Zone Cracks in a Mar-M004 WeldmentTai-Cheng Chen; Yi-Hsin Cheng; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Ren-Kae ShiueMetals7
3762018A Comparative Study of Visible Raman Scattering of Ceria Prepared by Sol-gel and Hydrothermal Techniques with Gold NanoparticlesMuhammad Nur Syafi'ie Md Idris; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Noormariah Muslim; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Abdul Hanif Mahadi; Nyuk Yoong Voo; Chee Ming LimIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
3772018The Application of 40Ti-35Ni-25Nb Filler Foil in Brazing Commercially Pure TitaniumShan-Bo Wang; Chuan-Sheng Kao; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Ren-Kae ShiueMetals0
3782018Integration of Nanoscale Light Emitters and Hyperbolic Metamaterials: An Efficient Platform for the Enhancement of Random Laser ActionLin, Hung-I; Shen, Kun-Ching; Liao, Yu-Ming; Li, Yao-Hsuan; Perumal, Packiyaraj; Haider, Golam; Cheng, Bo Han; Liao, Wei-Cheng; Lin, Shih-Yao; Lin, Wei-Ju; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangACS PHOTONICS31
3792018Architecting a nonlinear hybrid crystal-glass metamaterial fiber for all-optical photonic integrationLai, C. C.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Huang, J. Z.; Chiang, C. C. F.; Nguyen, D. H.; Chen, Y. P.; Liao, C. D.Journal of Materials Chemistry C7
3802018A White Random LaserChang, S. W.; Liao, W. C.; Liao, Y. M.; Lin, H. I.; Lin, H. Y.; Lin, W. J.; Lin, S. Y.; Perumal, P.; Haider, G.; Tai, C. T.; Shen, K. C.; Chang, C. H.; Huang, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Scientific Reports
3812018Origins of excitation-wavelength-dependent photoluminescence in WS2 quantum dotsCaigas, S. P.; Santiago, S. R. M.; Lin, T. N.; Lin, C. A. J.; Yuan, C. T.; Shen, J. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin Applied Physics Letters13
3822018Air Oxidation Behavior of (Fe41Cr15Mo14C12B9Co7Y2)97Ta3 Bulk Metallic GlassWu Kai ; Chia Chin Lee; Fu Pen Cheng; Jason Shian-Ching Jang; Rong-Tan Huang Oxidation of Metals
3832018Ni-Nanocluster Modified Black TiO2 with Dual Active Sites for Selective Photocatalytic CO2 ReductionBillo, Tadesse; Fu, Fang-Yu; Raghunath, Putikam; Shown, Indrajit; Chen, Wei-Fu; Lien, Hsiang-Ting; Shen, Tzu-Hsien; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Chan, Ting-Shan; Huang, Kuo-You; Wu, Chih-I; Lin, M. C.; Hwang, Jih-Shang ; Lee, Chih-Hao; Chen, Li-Chyong; Chen, Kuei-HsienSMALL112
3842018Hydrothermally derived zinc sulfide sphere-decorated titanium dioxide flower-like composites and their enhanced ethanol gas-sensing performanceYuan-Chang Liang ; Wang, C. C.Journal of Alloys and Compounds
3852018Confocal mapping of myelin figures with micro-Raman spectroscopyJung-Ren Huang; Yu-Che Cheng; Hung Ji Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang Applied Physics A3
3862018The Evolution of Cast Microstructures on the HAZ Liquation Cracking of Mar-M004 WeldYi-Hsin Cheng; Jyun-Ting Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals1
3872018Shell Layer Thickness-Dependent Photocatalytic Activity of Sputtering Synthesized Hexagonally Structured ZnO-ZnS Composite NanorodsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Lo, Ya-Ru; Wang, Chein-Chung; Xu, Nian-CihMATERIALS15
3882018All Organic Label-like Copper(II) Ions Fluorescent Film Sensors with High Sensitivity and StretchabilityWu, Meng-Jer; Hu, Hsiu-Hao; Siao, Chen-Zih; Liao, Yu-Ming; Chen, Jyun-Han; Li, Ming-Yang; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangACS SENSORS7
3892018Plasmonic Carbon-Dot-Decorated Nanostructured Semiconductors for Efficient and Tunable Random Laser ActionLiao, Wei-Cheng; Liao, Yu-Ming; Su, Chuan-Tsung; Perumal, Packiyaraj; Lin, Shih-Yao; Lin, Wei-Ju; Chang, Cheng-Han; Ling, Hung -I; Haider, Golam; Chiao-Yun Chang ; Chang, Shu-Wei; Tsai, Cheng-Yen; Lu, Tien-Chang; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangACS APPL NANO MATER16
3902018Agricultural waste resources and biogas energy potential in rural areas of Lao PDRVongvisith, B.; Zhang, W. D.; Fang, Y.; Wu Kai ; Ming, L.; Ji, X. Y.; Wang, C. M.; Zhao, X. L.; Jing, L.; Hong, Y.Energy Sources Part a-Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects
3912018Single-Layer Circularly Polarized Wide Band Reflectarray Antenna with High Aperture EfficiencyDa, X. Y.; Wu, J. L.; Jing, Z.; Lin, B. Q.; Wu Kai International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
3922018Synthesis of TiO2-ZnS nanocomposites via sacrificial template sulfidation and their ethanol gas-sensing performanceYuan-Chang Liang ; Xu, N. C.Rsc Advances
3932018A Survey of the Regulatory Requirements for BCS-Based Biowaivers for Solid Oral Dosage Forms by Participating Regulators and Organisations of the International Generic Drug Regulators Programmevan Oudtshoorn, J.; Garcia-Arieta, A.; Santos, G. M. L.; Crane, C.; Rodrigues, C.; Simon, C.; Kim, J. M.; Park, S. A.; Okada, Y.; Kuribayashi, R.; Pfaffli, C.; Nolting, A.; Lojero, I. O. C.; Martinez, Z. R.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Braddy, A. C.; Leal, N. A.; Triana, D. G.; Clarke, M.; Bachmann, P.Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
3942017Oxidation behavior of Ta-Si-N coatingsChen, Yung-I ; Gao, Yu-Xiang; Chang, Li-ChunSURF COAT TECH12
3952017Simultaneous realization of high sensing sensitivity and tunability in plasmonic nanostructures arraysYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chan-Kuang Wang; Linfang Shen; Chee Ming Lim; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hung Ji Huang; Chun-Ting Lin; N. T. R. N. Kumara; Nyuk Yoong VooScientific Reports60
3962017Generating high-peak-power structured lights in selectively pumped passively Q-switched lasers with astigmatic mode transformationsChang, C. C.; Hsieh, Y. H.; Lee, C. Y.; Sung, C. L.; Tuan, P. H.; Tung, J. C.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics6
3972017Exploring the self-mode locking of the 2 mu m Tm:YAG laser with suppression of the self-pulsing dynamicCho, C. Y.; Chen, Y. F.; Zhang, G.; Chen, W. D.; Hsing-Chin Liang Optics Letters10
3982017The Evolution of the Weld Metal Microstructures in Dissimilar Titanium Welds Based on Al and Mo EquivalentsYun-Da Tsai; Cheng-Ta Hsieh; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance0
3992017Carbazole-bridged triphenylamine-bipyridine bipolar hosts for high-efficiency low roll-off multi-color PhOLEDsChatterjee, T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Tang, W. F.; Chen, H. F.; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics
4002017Investigation of optoelectronic performance in In, Ga co-doped ZnO thin films with various In and Ga levelsHui Sun; Shien-Uang Jen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Sheng-Chi Chen; Ming-Huei Lin; Jian-Yu Chen; Xin WangThin Solid Films10
4012017Above 10% Efficient Earth-abundant Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells with Introducing Alkali Metal Fluoride Electron-selective ContactsCheng-Ying Chen ; B. S. Aprillia; W.C. Chen; Y.C. Teng; C.Y. Chiu; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
4022017Warpage and Thermal Characterization of Fan-Out Wafer-Level PackagingLau, J. H.; Li, M.; Tian, D. W.; Fan, N.; Kuah, E.; Wu Kai ; Hao, J.; Cheung, Y. M.; Li, Z.; Tan, K. H.; Beica, R.; Taylor, T.; Ko, C. T.; Yang, H.; Chen, Y. H.; Lim, S. P.; Lee, N. C.; Ran, J.; Xi, C.; Wee, K. S.; Yong, Q. X.Ieee Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
4032017Generation of Orthogonally Polarized Mode-Locked Lasers at Wavelength of 1342 nmHsing-Chin Liang ; Chang, F. L.; Wu, T. W.; Sung, C. L.; Chen, Y. F.Ieee Photonics Journal3
4042017Earth-abundant Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells with 9.75% Efficiency via Interface Engineering of Double Buffer Layers CdS/Zn(O,S)Cheng-Ying Chen ; Y.C. Teng; W.C. Chen; B. S. Aprillia; C.Y. Chiu; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
4052017Application of Supramolecular Assembly of Porphyrin Dimers for Bulk Heterojunction Solar CellsHsu, Fang-Chi; Chen, Jian-Lun; Kashi, Chiranjeevulu; Tsao, Po-Wei; Yeh, Chen-Yu; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangJ PHYS CHEM C3
4062017Light energy transformation over a few nanometersHuang, Hung Ji; Liu, Bo-Heng; Su, James; Chen, Po-Jui; Lin, Chun-Ting; Chiang, Hai-Pang ; Kao, Tsung Sheng; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Kei, Chi-Chung; Hwang, Chi-HungJ PHYS D APPL PHYS8
4072017Ag/graphene/TiO2 複合奈米棒應用於表面電漿光觸媒反應黃鴻基; 鄭仕元; 李秉宇; 曾賢德; 江海邦 科儀新知
4082017Confocal Mapping of Myelin with Raman SpectroscopyJung Ren Huang; Yu Che Cheng; Hung Ji Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang 
4092017Electrostatic-field-tunable ferroelectric template for photoreduction of silver nanostructures applied in Raman scattering enhancementTzyy-Jiann Wang; Hsi-Yang Hsu; Hsuan-Wei Chang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Yi-Ru Li; Pei-Kuen WeiOptical Materials Express6
4102017Sky Blue-Emitting Iridium(III) Complexes Bearing Nonplanar Tetradentate Chromophore and Bidentate AncillaryLi, Y. S.; Liao, J. L.; Lin, K. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Liu, S. H.; Lee, G. H.; Chou, P. T.; Chi, Y.Inorganic Chemistry
4112017Dual-central-wavelength passively mode-locked diffusion-bonded Nd:YVO4/Nd:GdVO4 laser with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirrorChang, F. L.; Sung, C. L.; Huang, T. L.; Wu, T. W.; Cho, H. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics Letters6
4122017Exploring the self-mode-locked dynamics of cryogenic diode-pumped Nd: YLF lasers: switching of orthogonal polarizationsHuang, T. L.; Cho, C. Y.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics Letters0
4132017Dissolvable and Recyclable Random LasersShi, Xiaoyu; Liao, Yu-Ming; Lin, Hsia-Yu; Tsao, Po-Wei; Wu, Meng-Jer; Lin, Shih-Yao; Hu, Hsiu-Hao; Wang, Zhaona; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Lai, Ying-Chih; Chen, Yang-FangACS NANO33
4142017Near infrared surface-enhanced Raman scattering based on star-shaped gold/silver nanoparticles and hyperbolic metamaterialChih-Hsien Lai; Guo-An Wang; Tsung-Kai Ling; Tzyy-Jiann Wang; Po-kai Chiu; Yuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chih-Ching Huang ; Hai-Pang Chiang Scientific Reports71
4152017Fabrication of Nanosized Island-Like CdO Crystallites-Decorated TiO2 Rod Nanocomposites via a Combinational Methodology and Their Low-Concentration NO2 Gas-Sensing BehaviorYuan-Chang Liang ; Xu, N. C.; Wang, C. C.; Wei, D. H.Materials18
4162017The wear properties of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites containing carbon particlesPee-Yew Lee ; Lin, Y. S.; Hu, C. J.; Hsu, C. F.Journal of Alloys and Compounds4
4172017Compact coupling scheme to achieve the synchronously dual self-mode-locked operation with a 35.2 THz optical beatingCheng, H. P.; Huang, T. L.; Sung, C. L.; Cho, C. Y.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Optics Letters3
4182017Oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of Zr-Si-N coatings with cyclic gradient concentrationYung-I Chen ; Chang, S. C.; Chang, L. C.Surface & Coatings Technology19
4192017Mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of sputtered Cr-W-N coatingsChang, L. C.; Zheng, Y. Z.; Gao, Y. X.; Yung-I Chen Surface & Coatings Technology4
4202017Oxidation behavior of Ru–Al multilayer coatingsZhi-Ting Zheng; Wu Kai ; Yu-Ren Huang; Yung-I Chen Applied Surface Science
4212017Air-oxidation of FeCoNiCr-based quinary high-entropy alloys at 700–900 °CWu Kai ; Li, C. C.; Cheng, F. P.; Chu, K. P.; Kai, J. J.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Corrosion Science95
4222017A Polyoxoniobate-Polyoxovanadate Double-Anion Catalyst for Simultaneous Oxidative and Hydrolytic Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agent SimulantsWu Kai Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
4232017Photoexcited Properties of Tin Sulfide Nanosheet-Decorated ZnO Nanorod HeterostructuresLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Lung, Tsai-Wen; Xu, Nian-CihNANOSCALE RES LETT17
4242017Employing Star-Shaped Gold/Silver Nanoparticles to Near Infrared Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)Chih-Hsien Lai; Guo-An Wang; Ding Rong Yang; Tzyy-Jiann Wang; Chih-Ching Huang ; Hai-Pang Chiang 
4252017GOkamoto, H.; Ishikawa, T.; Nishiki, I.; Iwasaki, Y.; Wu Kai ; Fujiwara, A.Aquaculture
4262017Formation and Corrosion Behavior of Mechanically-Alloyed Cu-Zr-Ti Bulk Metallic GlassesPee-Yew Lee ; Cheng, Y. M.; Chen, J. Y.; Hu, C. J.Metals14
4272017Internally Oxidized Ru-Zr Multilayer CoatingsYung-I Chen ; Lu, T. S.; Zheng, Z. T.Coatings5
4282017Optical effects of charges in colloidal solutionsRailing Chang ; Hung-Yi Chung; Chih-Wei Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; P.T. LeungOptical Materials5
4292017Enhanced performance of ZnO-based dye-sensitized solar cells using TiO2/graphene nanocomposite compact layerChun-Ying Huang; Po-Hao Chen; Yeun-Jung Wu ; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Pei-Te Lin; Kuan-Yu Lai; Forest Shih-Sen Chien; Tai-Yuan Lin JPN J APPL PHYS2
4302017A Ge-rich SiGe Mode-Locker for Erbium-doped Fiber LasersChih-I Wu; Gong-Ru Lin; Chi-Cheng Yang; Chih-Hsien Cheng; Ting-Hui Chen; Yung-Hsiang Lin; Yu-Chieh Chi; Wei-Hsuan Tseng; Po-Han Chang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Kuei-Hsien Chen; Li-Chyong ChenIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics5
4312017Enhanced Performance of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells with Introducing Interfacial Alkali Fluoride LayersCheng-Ying Chen ; W.C. Chen; B. S. Aprillia; N. Saidatin; R.S. Chen; K.H. Chen; L.C. Chen
4322017Sharpness-induced energy shifts of quantum well states in Pb islands on Cu(111)Chan, W. Y.; Lu, S. M.; Su, W. B.; Liao, C. C.; Hoffmann, G.; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Chang, C. S.Nanotechnology
4332017Remote Steric Effect as a Facile Strategy for Improving the Efficiency of Exciplex-Based OLEDsWen-Yi Hung ; Wang, T. C.; Chiang, P. Y.; Peng, B. J.; Wong, K. T.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
4342017Co-solvent effect on microwave-assisted Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticles synthesis for thin film solar cellChen, Wei-Chao; Tunuguntla, Venkatesh; Chiu, Min-Hsueh; Li, Lian-Jiun; Shown, Indrajit; Lee, Chih-Hao; Hwang, Jih-Shang ; Chen, Li-Chyong; Chen, Kuei-HsienSOL ENERG MAT SOL C8
4352017Plasmonic effects arising from a grooved surface of a gold nanorodYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chuanyo Lee; Hung Ji Huang; Chun-Ting Lin; Hai Pang Chiang ; Abdul Hanif Mahadi; Nyuk Yoong Voo; Chee Ming LimJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics7
4362017Interplay of mutual electric and magnetic couplings between three-dimensional split-ring resonatorsYi-Hao Chen; Che-Chin Chen; Atsushi Ishikawa; Ming-Hua Shiao; Yu-Shin Lin; Chien-Nan Hsiao; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Takuo TanakaOptics Express6
4372017Design of crossing metallic metasurface arrays based on high sensitivity of gap enhancement and transmittance shift for plasmonic sensing applicationsYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Jhih-Yu Syu; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Chee Ming LimJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics36
4382017Creep Rupture of the Simulated HAZ of T92 Steel Compared to that of a T91 SteelYu-Quan Peng; Tai-Cheng Chen; Tien-Jung Chung; Sheng-Long Jeng; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials11
4392017Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of 304L Substrate and 308L Weld Metal Exposed to a Salt SprayChia-Hao Hsu; Tai-Cheng Chen; Rong-Tan Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials14
4402017Effect of Low-Temperature Sensitization on Hydrogen Embrittlement of 301 Stainless SteelChieh Yu; Ren-Kae Shiue; Chun Chen; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals4
4412017Characterizing classical periodic orbits from quantum Green's functions in two-dimensional integrable systems: Harmonic oscillators and quantum billiardsChen, Y. F.; Tung, J. C.; Tuan, P. H.; Yu, Y. T.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.Physical Review E7
4422017Generation of terahertz optical beating from a simultaneously self-mode-locked Nd: YAG laser at 1064 and 1123 nmSung, C. L.; Lee, C. Y.; Chang, C. C.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Optics Letters8
4432017High-temperature solid-state reaction induced structure modifications and associated photoactivity and gas-sensing performance of binary oxide one-dimensional composite systemLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Lo, Ya-JuRSC ADV29
4442017Reducing gas-sensing performance of Ce-doped SnO2 thin films through a cosputtering methodYuan-Chang Liang ; Lee, C. M.; Lo, Y. J.Rsc Advances54
4452016Synthesis and microstructure-dependent photoactivated properties of three-dimensional cadmium sulfide crystalsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chung, Cheng-Chia; Lin, Tzu-Yin; Cheng, Yu-RuJ ALLOY COMPD8
4462016Optoelectronic Properties and the Electrical Stability of Ga-Doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared via Radio Frequency SputteringShien-Uang Jen; Hui Sun; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Sheng-Chi Chen; Jian-Yu Chen; Xin WangMaterials14
4472016Control of the Reversibility of Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT) Reaction: Host-Polarity Tuning White Organic Light Emitting Diode on a New Thiazolo 5,4-d thiazole ESIPT SystemZhang, Z. Y.; Chen, Y. A.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Tang, W. F.; Hsu, Y. H.; Chen, C. L.; Meng, F. Y.; Chou, P. T.Chemistry of Materials
4482016Internal oxidation of laminated Nb–Ru coatingsHsiu-Nuan Chu; Wu Kai ; Yung-I Chen Applied Surface Science
4492016Conversion of Biowaste Asian Hard Clam (Meretrix lusoria) Shells into White-Emitting Phosphors for Use in Neutral White LEDsChang, Tsung-Yuan; Wang, Chih-Min ; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Lin, Hsiu-Mei MATERIALS3
4502016Microstructure-Dependent Visible-Light Driven Photoactivity of Sputtering-Assisted Synthesis of Sulfide-Based Visible-Light Sensitizer onto ZnO NanorodsLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Chung, Cheng-Chia; Lo, Ya-Ju; Wang, Chein-ChungMATERIALS13
4512016Manipulating near field enhancement and optical spectrum in a pair-array of the cavity resonance based plasmonic nanoantennasYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Jhih-Cyuan Jiang; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Chee Ming LimJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics49
4522016Visible photoassisted room-temperature oxidizing gas-sensing behavior of Sn2S3 semiconductor sheets through facile thermal annealingLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Lung, Tsai-Wen; Wang, Chein-ChungNANOSCALE RES LETT5
4532016Photoactivity enhancement of zinc sulfide ceramics thin films through ultrathin buffering engineeringLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Wang, Chein-Chung; Lo, Ya-JuCERAM INT4
4542016Fabrication of Cu2ZnSnSe4 solar cells through multi-step selenization of layered metallic precursor filmChen, Wei-Chao; Tunuguntla, Venkatesh; Li, Hsien-Wen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Li, Shao-Sian; Hwang, Jih-Shang ; Lee, Chin-Hao; Chen, Li-Chyong; Chen, Kuei-HsienTHIN SOLID FILMS10
4572016Wear Behavior of Mechanically Alloyed Ti-Based Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Containing Carbon NanotubesLin, Y. S.; Hsu, C. F.; Chen, J. Y.; Cheng, Y. M.; Pee-Yew Lee Metals5
4582016High-Performance Light-Emitting Memories: Multifunctional Devices for Unveiling Information by Optical and Electrical DetectionLiou, Y. R.; Haider, G.; Cai, S. Y.; Wu, C. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Advanced Optical Materials3
4592016Plasmonic spectrum on 1D and 2D periodic arrays of rod-shape metal nanoparticle pairs with different core patterns for biosensor and solar cell applicationsKumara, N. T. R. N.; Chau, Yuan-Fong Chou; Huang, Jin-Wei; Huang, Hung Ji; Lin, Chun-Ting; Chiang, Hai-Pang J OPTICS-UK49
4602016Cosputtering crystal growth of zinc oxide-based composite films: From the effects of doping to phase on photoactivity and gas sensing propertiesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Lee, Chia-MinJ APPL PHYS16
4612016Ligand-Driven and Full-Color-Tunable Fiber Source: Toward Next-Generation Clinic Fiber-Endoscope Tomography with Cellular ResolutionLai, C. C.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Hsieh, T. H.; Tsai, W. S.; Nguyen, D. H.; Ma, Y. R.Acs Omega4
4622016A High Performance Impedance-based Platform for Evaporation Rate DetectionChou, W. L.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Chen, C. Y.; Lin, Y. H.; Lin, Y. S.Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments0
4632016N-H-Type Excited-State Proton Transfer in Compounds Possessing a Seven-Membered-Ring Intramolecular Hydrogen BondChen, Y. A.; Meng, F. Y.; Hsu, Y. H.; Hung, C. H.; Chen, C. L.; Chung, K. Y.; Tang, W. F.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chou, P. T.Chemistry-a European Journal
4642016Forster Resonance Energy Transfer Between Molecules in the Vicinity of Graphene-Coated NanoparticlesBian, T. T.; Rai-ling Chang ; Leung, P. T.Plasmonics11
4652016Oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of Ta-Al-N coatingsLin, J. H.; Chau-Chang Chou ; Yung-I Chen Surface & Coatings Technology11
4662016Corrigendum: Nonlocal optical effects on the Goos–Hänchen shifts at multilayered hyperbolic metamaterials (2016 J. Opt. 18 025104)Chih-Wei Chen; Tingting Bian; Hai-Pang Chiang ; P T LeungJournal of Optics0
4672016Effects of Simulated Microstructure on the Creep Rupture of the Modified 9Cr-1Mo SteelT. H. Hsiao; T. C. Chen; S. L. Jeng; T. J. Chung; L. W. Tsay Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance13
46820161,2-diphenylbenzimidazole-triarylamine hybrided bipolar host materials employing fluorene as bridge for RYB and white electrophosphorescent devicesEjabul Mondal; Wen-Yi Hung ; Ke-Ting Lin; Hsiao-Fan Chen; Ken-Tsung WongOrganic Electronics4
4692016Porphyrin dimers as donors for solution-processed bulk heterojunction organic solar cellsHsu, Fang-Chi; Hsieh, Ming-Kuang; Kashi, Chiranjeevulu; Yeh, Chen-Yu; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Chen, Yang-FangRSC ADV7
4702016Tunable Optical Performances on a Periodic Array of Plasmonic Bowtie Nanoantennas with Hollow CavitiesYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chung-Ting Chou Chao; Jhin-Yu Rao; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Chee Ming Lim; Ren Chong Lim; Nyuk Yoong VooNanoscale Research Letters46
4712016Tailoring surface plasmon resonance and dipole cavity plasmon modes of scattering cross section spectra on the single solid-gold/gold-shell nanorodYuan-Fong Chou Chau; Chee Ming Lim; Chuanyo Lee; Hung Ji Huang; Chun-Ting Lin; N. T. R. N. Kumara; Voo Nyuk Yoong; Hai-Pang Chiang Journal of Applied Physics57
4722016Atomically smooth hybrid crystalline-core glass-clad fibers for low-loss broadband wave guidingLai, C. C.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Nguyen, D. H.; Huang, J. Z.; Tsai, W. S.; Ma, Y. R.Optics Express7
4732016Enhanced Solar Cell Performance of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Thin Films through Structural Control by Using Multi-metallic Stacked Nanolayers and Fast Ramping Process for Sulfo-selenizationWei-Chao Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Venkatesh Tunuguntla; Shao Hung Lu; Chaochin Su; Chih-Hao Lee; Kuei-Hsien Chen; Li-Chyong ChenNano Energy21
4742016Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Photoluminescence of DCJTB by Using Silver Hybrid NanostructuresJiunn-Woei Liaw; Meng-Han Fang; Yu-Hsiang Huang; Kai-Hong Tsai; Chieh-Jen Lin; Hai-Pang Chiang 
4752016Self-powered and broadband photodetectors based on graphene/ZnO/silicon triple junctionsCheng, Ching-Cheng; Zhan, Jun-Yu; Liao, Yu-Ming; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Hsieh, Ya-Ping; Chen, Yang-FangAPPL PHYS LETT31
4762016Pt(II) Phosphors Featuring Both Dicarbene and Functional Biazolate Chelates: Synthesis, Luminescent Properties, and Applications in Organic Light-Emitting DiodesLiao, Jia-Ling; Chi, Yun; Wang, Jin-Yun; Chen, Zhong-Ning; Tsai, Zheng-Hua; Hung, Wen-Yi ; Tseng, Meu-Rurng; Lee, Gene-HsiangINORG CHEM28
4772016Confined migration of induced hot electrons in Ag/graphene/TiO2 composite nanorods for plasmonic photocatalytic reactionHuang, Hung Ji; Zhen, Shi-Yuan; Li, Ping-Yu; Tzeng, Shien-Der; Chiang, Hai-Pang OPT EXPRESS12
4782016MiR-454 promotes the progression of human non-small cell lung cancer and directly targets PTENZhu, D. Y.; Li, X. N.; Yu, Q.; Liu, D. L.; Yang, Y.; Jia, Z.; Zhang, C. Y.; Wu Kai ; Song, Z.Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy
4792016The oxidation behavior of an equimolar FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloy at 950 °C in various oxygen-containing atmospheresWu Kai ; Li, C. C.; Cheng, F. P.; Chu, K. P.; Kai, J. J.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Corrosion Science93
4802016Air Oxidation of a Ni53Nb20Ti10Zr8Co6Cu3 Glassy Alloy at 400–550 °CWu Kai ; Chen, Y. T.; Zheng, F. P.; Chen, W. S.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Huang, H. H.; Zhang, W.Oxidation of Metals3
4812016Growth of Hydrothermally Derived CdS-Based Nanostructures with Various Crystal Features and Photoactivated PropertiesLiang, Yuan-Chang ; Lung, Tsai-WenNANOSCALE RES LETT27
4822016Ambipolar Phosphine Derivatives to Attain True Blue OLEDs with 6.5% EQEKondrasenko, I.; Tsai, Z. H.; Chung, K. Y.; Chen, Y. T.; Ershova, Y. Y.; Domenech-Carbo, A.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chou, P. T.; Karttunen, A. J.; Koshevoy, I. O.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
4832016Nanostructured SERS substrates produced by nanosphere lithography and plastic deformation through direct peel-off on soft matterTzyy-Jiann Wang; Kai-Chieh Hsu; Yi-Cheng Liu; Chih-Hsien Lai; Hai-Pang Chiang Journal of Optics28
4842016Generation of orthogonally polarized self-mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers with tunable beat frequencies from the thermally induced birefringenceSung, C. L.; Cheng, H. P.; Lee, C. Y.; Cho, C. Y.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Optics Letters14
4852016Hetero-Junction Interface Engineering of CZTSSe/CdS for Solar Cell Efficiency ImprovementW.C. Chen; S.H. Lu; Cheng-Ying Chen ; C.C. Su; C.H. Lee; L.C. Chen; K.H. Chen
4862016Enhanced Performance of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Photovoltaics with Introducing an Interfacial Ge Doping LayerCheng-Ying Chen ; W. C. Chen; S. Kholimatussa'diah; Y.R. Lin; K. H. Chen; L. C. Chen
4872016Mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of ZrNx thin films fabricated through high-power impulse magnetron sputtering depositionChang, L. C.; Chang, C. Y.; Yung-I Chen ; Kao, H. L.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A5
4882016Internal oxidation of laminated Hf-Ru coatingsYung-I Chen ; Huang, Y. R.; Chang, L. C.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A0
4892016Metal Enhanced Fluorescence of Silver Hybrid NanostructuresJiunn-Woei Liaw; Meng-Han Fang; Yu-Hsiang Huang; Kai-Hong Tsai; Chieh-Jen Lin; Hai-Pang Chiang 
4902016Extraordinarily Sensitive and Low-Voltage Operational Cloth-Based Electronic Skin for Wearable Sensing and Multifunctional Integration Uses: A Tactile-Induced Insulating-to-Conducting TransitionLai, Y. C.; Ye, B. W.; Lu, C. F.; Chen, C. T.; Jao, M. H.; Su, W. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.; Wen-Yi Hung Advanced Functional Materials
4912016Balance the Carrier Mobility To Achieve High Performance Exciplex OLED Using a Triazine-Based AcceptorWen-Yi Hung ; Chiang, P. Y.; Lin, S. W.; Tang, W. C.; Chen, Y. T.; Liu, S. H.; Chou, P. T.; Hung, Y. T.; Wong, K. T.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
4922016Fabrication and reducing gas detection characterization of highly-crystalline p-type zinc chromite oxide thin filmYuan-Chang Liang ; Cheng, Y. R.; Hsia, H. Y.; Chung, C. C.Applied Surface Science10
4932016Selective pumping and spatial hole burning for generation of photon wave packets with ray-wave duality in solid-state lasersTung, J. C.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Tuan, P. H.; Chang, F. L.; Huang, K. F.; Lu, T. H.; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics Letters15
4942016Nonlocal optical effects on the Goos-Honchen shifts at multilayered hyperbolic metamaterialsChih-Wei Chen; Tingting Bian; Hai-Pang Chiang ; P T LeungJournal of Optics12
4952016The effect of phase transformation in the plastic zone on the hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth of 301 stainless steelChen, T. C.; Chen, S. T.; Wu Kai ; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Characterization8
4962016Characterization of Radial ZnO-Core/ZnS-Shell Nanowire Heterostructures ALD-Deposited at Atmospheric Pressure Using DEZn, N2O and DTBSWen, Sheng-Wen; Huang, Bo-Hao; Kang, Jun-Jie; Lin, Tai-Yuan ; Hsu, Hsun-Feng; Ni, Ho-Ching; Hou, Ching-Hsiang; Lai, Hui Ting; Gong, Jyh-RongECS J SOLID STATE SC1
4972016Raman selection rule for surface optical phonons in ZnS nanobeltsXiaosheng Fang; Chih-Hsiang Ho; Purushothaman Varadhan; Hsin-Hua Wang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Jr-Hau HeNanoscale17
4982016Highly Twisted Carbazole-Oxadiazole Hybrids as Universal Bipolar Hosts for High Efficiency PhOLEDsCheng, S. H.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Cheng, M. H.; Chen, H. F.; Lee, G. H.; Chung, C. L.; Yeh, T. C.; Tang, W. C.; Huang, S. L.; Wong, K. T.Advanced Electronic Materials
4992016Optical interactions with a charged metallic nanoshellBian, T. T.; Rai-ling Chang ; Leung, P. T.Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics11
5002016The effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and notched tensile fracture of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn to Ti-6Al-4V dissimilar laser weldsHsieh, C. T.; Shiue, R. K.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing14
5012016Enhancement of charge collection at shorter wavelengths from alternative CdS deposition conditions for high efficiency CZTSSe solar cellsKuei-Hsien Chen; Venkatesh Tunuguntla; Wei-Chao Chen; Tyler D. Newman; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Meng-Chia Hsieh; Shao-Hung Lu; Chaochin Su; Li-Chyong ChenSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells13
5022016Photoassisted photoluminescence fine-tuning of gold nanodots through free radical-mediated ligand-assemblyTseng, Y. T.; Cherng, R.; Harroun, S. G.; Yuan, Z. Q.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Wu, C. W.; Chang, H. T.; Chih-Ching Huang Nanoscale11
5032016Beaded stream-like CoSe2 nanoneedle array for efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalysisLee, C. P.; Chen, W. F.; Billo, T.; Lin, Y. G.; Fu, F. Y.; Samireddi, S.; Lee, C. H.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C.Journal of Materials Chemistry A
5042016Enhanced thermoelectric performance in a percolated bismuth sulfide compositeWong, D. P.; Chien, W. L.; Huang, C. Y.; Chang, C. E.; Ganguly, A.; Lyu, L. M.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Rsc Advances
5052016Insight into the mechanism and outcoupling enhancement of excimer-associated white light generationChen, Y. H.; Tang, K. C.; Chen, Y. T.; Shen, J. Y.; Wu, Y. S.; Liu, S. H.; Lee, C. S.; Chen, C. H.; Lai, T. Y.; Tung, S. H.; Jeng, R. J.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Jiao, M.; Wu, C. C.; Chou, P. T.Chemical Science
5062016金屬化合物半導體生物晶片及其製作方法江海邦 ; 孫儒靖; 蕭健男; 林郁洧; 廖博輝
5072015Manifesting the evolution of eigenstates from quantum billiards to singular billiards in the strongly coupled limit with a truncated basis by using RLC networksTuan, P. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Tung, J. C.; Chiang, P. Y.; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Physical Review E5
5082015Multi-Color Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Photoluminescence of Organic Dyes Using Annealed AgOx Thin FilmMing Lun Tseng; Bing-Hann Leu; Ping-Yu Li; Kuang Sheng Chung; Hai-Pang Chiang Plasmonics9
5092015Metal Enhanced Fluorescence of Silver Hybrid NanostructuresJiunn-Woei Liaw; Meng-Han Fang; Yu-Hsiang Huang; Kai-Hong Tsai; Chieh-Jen Lin; Hai-Pang Chiang 
5102015Thermoelectric Properties of Alumina-Doped Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 Nanocomposites Prepared through Mechanical Alloying and Vacuum Hot PressingLin, C. K.; Chen, M. S.; Cheng, Y. C.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Rong-Tan Huang Energies7
5112015Optically Triggered Stepwise Double-Proton Transfer in an Intramolecular Proton Relay: A Case Study of 1,8-Dihydroxy-2-naphthaldehydePeng, C. Y.; Shen, J. Y.; Chen, Y. T.; Wu, P. J.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hu, W. P.; Chou, P. T.Journal of the American Chemical Society90
5122015Merocyanines for vacuum-deposited small-molecule organic solar cellsChen, K. W.; Huang, C. W.; Lin, S. Y.; Liu, Y. H.; Chatterjee, T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Liu, S. W.; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics15
5132015Oxidation behavior and mechanical properties of laminated Hf-Ta coatingsYung-I Chen ; Huang, Y. R.; Chang, L. C.Applied Surface Science2
5142015The Back Contact Modification in High Efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells by a Thin MoO3 LayerCheng-Ying Chen ; W.C. Chen; S. Kholimatussa'diah; Y.R. Lin; S.H. Lu; M.C. Hsieh; J.K. Chang; C.I Wu; R.S. Chen; L.C. Chen; K.H. Chen
5152015The Back Contact Modification in High Efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Solar Cells by a Thin MoO3 LayerCheng-Ying Chen ; W.C. Chen; S. Kholimatussa'diah; Y.R. Lin; S.H. Lu; M.C. Hsieh; J.K. Chang; C.I Wu; R.S. Chen; L.C. Chen; K.H. Chen
5162015Mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of reactively sputtered Ta-1 (-) xZrxNy thin filmsChang, L. C.; Chang, C. Y.; Yung-I Chen Surface & Coatings Technology12
5172015Chemical inertness of Cr-W-N coatings in glass moldingYung-I Chen ; Cheng, Y. R.; Chang, L. C.; Lee, J. W.Thin Solid Films13
5182015Internal oxidation of laminated ternary Ru-Ta-Zr coatingsYung-I Chen ; Lu, T. S.Applied Surface Science5
5192015Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic weld deposits in a salt spray environmentCai, J. B.; Yu, C.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Nuclear Materials13
5202015Recent Advances in Applications of Droplet MicrofluidicsChou, W. L.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Yang, C. L.; Huang, W. Y.; Lin, Y. S.Micromachines112
5212015Physical synthesis methodology and enhanced gas sensing and photoelectrochemical performance of 1D serrated zinc oxide-zinc ferrite nanocompositesYuan-Chang Liang ; Liu, S. L.; Hsia, H. Y.Nanoscale Research Letters17
5222015Resolving the formation of modern Chladni figuresTuan, P. H.; Tung, J. C.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chiang, P. Y.; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Epl7
5232015Effects of Aging Treatments on the Mechanical Behavior of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al AlloyChou, Y. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chen, C.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance8
5242015Edge promoted ultrasensitive electrochemical detection of organic biomolecules on epitaxial graphene nanowallsRoy, P. K.; Ganguly, A.; Yang, W. H.; Wu, C. T.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Tai, Y.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C.; Chattopadhyay, S.Biosensors & Bioelectronics
5252015Multifunctionality of Giant and Long-Lasting Persistent Photoconductivity: Semiconductor-Conductor Transition in Graphene Nanosheets and Amorphous InGaZnO HybridsDai, M. K.; Liou, Y. R.; Lian, J. T.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Acs Photonics31
5262015Silver Nanoparticles Sprinkled on Silver Nanoparticle Array for Metal Enhanced FluorescenceJiunn-Woei Liaw; Jeng-Cherng Chiou; Meng-Han Fang; Shang-Yung Yu; Hai-Pang Chiang 
5272015Broadband surface plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of organic dyes using annealed AgOx thin filmMing Lun Tseng; Bing-Hann Leu; Kuang Sheng Chung; Hai-Pang Chiang 
5282015Electrically Driven Random Laser MemoryWang, C. S.; Nieh, C. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Advanced Functional Materials16
5292015Ultraviolet and visible random lasers assisted by diatom frustulesChen, Y. C.; Wang, C. S.; Chang, T. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.; Hsiu-Mei Lin Optics Express6
5302015Exploring the influence of high order transverse modes on the temporal dynamics in an optically pumped mode-locked semiconductor disk laserTsou, C. H.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Wen, C. P.; Su, K. W.; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Optics Express6
5312015Chemical inertness of Ta-Si-N coatings in glass moldingYung-I Chen ; Cheng, Y. R.; Chang, L. C.; Lu, T. S.Thin Solid Films14
5322015Effect of copper content on the electrical stability of nickel oxide filmsS.C. Chen; T.Y. Kuo; S.U. Jen; H.P.Chiang ; W.Y. Liu; C.H. WangThin Solid Films5
5332015Achieving graded refractive index by use of ZnO nanorods/TiO2 layer to enhance omnidirectional photovoltaic performances of InGaP/GaAs/Ge triple-junction solar cellsTsai, M. T.; Yang, Z. P.; Jing, T. S.; Hsieh, H. H.; Yao, Y. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.; Lee, Y. J.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells17
5342015Monitoring Cluster Ions Derived from Aptamer-Modified Gold Nanofilms under Laser Desorption/Ionization for the Detection of Circulating Tumor CellsWei-Jane Chiu; Tsung-Kai Ling; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Han-Jia Lin ; Chih-Ching Huang Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces36
5352015Manipulation of polarization effect to engineer III-nitride HEMTs for normally-off operationYao, Y. C.; Huang, C. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Cheng, L. L.; Liu, C. Y.; Wang, M. T.; Hwang, J. M.; Lee, Y. J.Microelectronic Engineering3
5362015Structure-dependent gas detection ability of clustered ZnS crystallites with heterostructure and tube-like architectureYuan-Chang Liang ; Liu, S. L.Acta Materialia18
5372015Exploring the resonant vibration of thin plates: Reconstruction of Chladni patterns and determination of resonant wave numbersTuan, P. H.; Wen, C. P.; Chiang, P. Y.; Yu, Y. T.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America23
5382015Biologically inspired band-edge laser action from semiconductor with dipole-forbidden band-gap transitionWang, C. S.; Liau, C. S.; Sun, T. M.; Chen, Y. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Scientific Reports6
5392015Self-Crack-Filled Graphene Films by Metallic Nanoparticles for High-Performance Graphene Heterojunction Solar CellsHo, P. H.; Liou, Y. T.; Chuang, C. H.; Lin, S. W.; Tseng, C. Y.; Wang, D. Y.; Chen, C. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wen, C. Y.; Chen, C. W.Advanced Materials57
5402015The Effect of Tensile Strain on Optical Anisotropy and Exciton of m -Plane ZnOH.H. Wang; J.S. Tian; Cheng-Ying Chen ; H.H. Huang; Y.C. Yeh; P.Y. Deng; L. Chang; Y.H. Chu; Y.R. Wu; J.H. HePhotonics Journal, IEEE4
5412015Fabrication of Resistive Random Access Memory by Atomic Force Microscope Local Anodic OxidationTsai, J. T. H.; Hsu, C. Y.; Hsu, C. H.; Yang, C. S.; Tai-Yuan Lin Nano3
5422015Nano-quasi-grating of optical diffraction on special stainless steel by a femtosecond-pulsed laserKuo, C. K.; Luo, S. W.; Tsai, H. Y.; Shing-Hoa Wang ; Wu, R. T.; Chou, M. C.; Shieh, M. C.; Yang, Y. C.; Huang, K.; Tsong-Ru Tsai Materials Letters0
5432015Effects of a thermally stable chlorophyll extract from diatom algae on surface textured Si solar cellsChen, C. T.; Hsu, F. C.; Huang, J. Y.; Chang, C. Y.; Chang, T. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.; Hsiu-Mei Lin Rsc Advances3
5442015A nontoxic solvent based sol-gel Cu2ZnSnS4 thin film for high efficiency and scalable low-cost photovoltaic cellsTunuguntla, V.; Chen, W. C.; Shih, P. H.; Shown, I.; Lin, Y. R.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Lee, C. H.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Journal of Materials Chemistry A
5452015Enhanced thermoelectric performance of GeTe-rich germanium antimony tellurides through the control of composition and structureSankar, R.; Wong, D. P.; Chi, C. S.; Chien, W. L.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chou, F. C.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Crystengcomm
5462015Making silicon solar cells in a green, low-hazardous, and inexpensive wayJih-Shang Hwang ; Wu, C. Y.; Tai, Y. H.; Tseng, P.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chiu, Y. C.; Chen, S. W.Rsc Advances
5472015Enhancement of light emission in GaAs epilayers with graphene quantum dotsLin, T. N.; Chih, K. H.; Cheng, M. C.; Yuan, C. T.; Hsu, C. L.; Shen, J. L.; Hou, J. L.; Wu, C. H.; Chou, W. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin Rsc Advances10
5482015Blue-emitting heteroleptic Ir(III) phosphors with functional 2,3 '-bipyridine or 2-(pyrimidin-5-yl)-pyridine cyclometalatesDuan, T.; Chang, T. K.; Chi, Y.; Wang, J. Y.; Chen, Z. N.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, C. H.; Lee, G. H.Dalton Transactions35
5492015Crystal growth and shell layer crystal feature-dependent sensing and photoactivity performance of zinc oxide-indium oxide core-shell nanorod heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Lin, T. Y.; Lee, C. M.Crystengcomm26
5502015Crystalline quality-dependent gas detection behaviors of zinc oxide-zinc chromite p-n heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Hsia, H. Y.; Cheng, Y. R.; Lee, C. M.; Liu, S. L.; Lin, T. Y.; Chung, C. C.Crystengcomm19
5512015Combinational physical synthesis methodology and crystal features correlated with oxidizing gas detection ability of one-dimensional ZnO-VOx crystalline hybridsYuan-Chang Liang ; Cheng, Y. R.Crystengcomm20
5522014Enhancement of the thermoelectric performance in nano-/micro-structured p-type Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 fabricated by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot pressingPee-Yew Lee ; Chen, T. C.; Huang, J. Y.; Hsieh, H. L.; Jang, J. S. C.Journal of Alloys and Compounds13
5532014Tetragold(I) Complexes: Solution Isomerization and Tunable Solid-State LuminescenceDau, T. M.; Chen, Y. A.; Karttunen, A. J.; Grachova, E. V.; Tunik, S. P.; Lin, K. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chou, P. T.; Pakkanen, T. A.; Koshevoy, I. O.Inorganic Chemistry36
5542014Power scale-up and propagation evolution of structured laser beams concentrated on 3D Lissajous parametric surfacesTung, J. C.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Lin, Y. C.; Su, K. W.; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics Letters9
5552014Oxidation resistance and mechanical properties of Cr-Ta-Si-N coatings in glass molding processesYung-I Chen ; Wang, H. H.Surface & Coatings Technology5
5562014Enhancing the bio-corrosion resistance of Ni-free ZrCuFeAl bulk metallic glass through nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantationHer-Hsiung Huang; Hsun-Miao Huang; Mau-Chin Lin; Wei Zhang; Ying-Sui Sun; Wu Kai ; Peter K.LiawJournal of Alloys and Compounds
5572014Effects of gain medium on the plasmonic enhancement of Forster resonance energy transfer in the vicinity of a metallic particle or cavityRai-ling Chang ; Leung, P. T.; Tsai, D. P.Optics Express9
5582014Synthesis and enhanced humidity detection response of nanoscale Au-particle-decorated ZnS spheresYuan-Chang Liang ; Liu, S. L.Nanoscale Research Letters12
5592014Preface: The Biennial TACT International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2013)Wong, M. S.; Chiu, T. W.; Chu, J. P.; He, J. H.; Hsieh, J. H.; Huang, J. H.; Yuan-Chang Liang ; Lin, M. T.; Wang, F. M.; Yang, Y. C.Thin Solid Films0
5602014The chemical inertness of Ir-Re and Ta-Ru coatings in molding B2O3-ZnO-La2O3-based glassLiu, S. C.; Yung-I Chen ; Shyu, J. J.; Tsai, H. Y.; Lin, K. Y.; Chen, Y. H.; Lin, K. C.Surface & Coatings Technology12
5612014Thermal stability of TaN, CrTaN, TaSiN, and CrTaSiN hard coatings in oxygen-containing atmospheresYung-I Chen ; Lin, K. Y.; Wang, H. H.; Lin, K. C.Surface & Coatings Technology10
5622014Biologically inspired flexible quasi-single-mode random laser: An integration of Pieris canidia butterfly wing and semiconductorsWang, C. S.; Chang, T. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Scientific Reports53
5632014Generalized reciprocal relations for transmission and reflection of light through a 1D stratified anisotropic metamaterialRai-ling Chang ; Leung, P. T.Optics Communications0
5642014Observation of self-mode-locking assisted by high-order transverse modes in optically pumped semiconductor lasersHsing-Chin Liang ; Tsou, C. H.; Lee, Y. C.; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics Letters10
5652014Observation of optical second harmonic generation from suspended single-layer and bi-layer grapheneLin, K. H.; Weng, S. W.; Lyu, P. W.; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Su, W. B.Applied Physics Letters29
5662014Vertical split-ring resonator based nanoplasmonic sensorPin Chieh Wu; Greg Sun; Wei Ting Chen; Yao-Wei Huang; Hsiang Lin Huang; Hai Pang Chiang ; Din Ping Tsai0
5672014Enhanced sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance phase-interrogation biosensor by using oblique deposited silver nanorodsHung-Yi Chung; Chih-Chia Chen; Pin Chieh Wu; Ming Lun Tseng; Wen-Chi Lin; Chih-Wei Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang Nanoscale Research Letters18
5682014Cobalt-Phosphate-Assisted Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation by Arrays of Molybdenum-Doped Zinc Oxide NanorodsLin, Y. G.; Hsu, Y. K.; Chen, Y. C.; Lee, B. W.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Chemsuschem
5692014New universal bipolar host materials with fluorene as non-conjugated bridge for multi-color electrophosphorescent devicesMondal, E.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Dai, H. C.; Chen, H. F.; Hung, P. Y.; Wong, K. T.Tetrahedron10
570201419.2% efficient InP heterojunction solar cell with electron selective TiO2 contactXingtian Yin; Corsin Battaglia; Yongjing Lin; Kevin Chen; Mark Hettick; Maxwell Zheng; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Daisuke Kiriya; Ali JaveyACS Photonics101
5712014Near-field confinement in 3D SRR metamolecules for optical refractive index sensorPin Chieh Wu; Hsiang Lin Huang; Wei Ting Chen; Kuang-Yu Yang; Ta-Jen Yen; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
5722014Characterization of the irradiation-induced phase transition in the monoclinic polymorph of zirconiaRong-Tan Huang ; Shen, Y. H.; Huang, R. H.; Hsu, J. Y.; Niu, H.; Yu, Y. C.Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
5732014Rolling up Ge microtube from bare-Ge substrateChen, C. H.; Niu, H.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Lee, C. P.Applied Surface Science
5742014Local structure and magnetic properties of ferromagnetic GaMnAs made by helium ion induced epitaxial crystallization annealingChen, C. H.; Niu, H.; Yan, D. C.; Hsieh, H. H.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Chi, C. C.; Lee, C. P.Applied Surface Science
5752014High breakdown voltage in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN quantum-well electron-blocking layersLee, Y. J.; Yao, Y. C.; Huang, C. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Cheng, L. L.; Liu, C. Y.; Wang, M. T.; Hwang, J. M.Nanoscale Research Letters26
5762014Locked ortho- and para-Core Chromophores of Green Fluorescent Protein; Dramatic Emission Enhancement via Structural ConstraintHsu, Y. H.; Chen, Y. A.; Tseng, H. W.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Shen, J. Y.; Chuang, W. T.; Lin, T. C.; Lee, C. S.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hong, B. C.; Liu, S. H.; Chou, P. T.Journal of the American Chemical Society
5772014Locked ortho- and para- core chromophores of green fluorescent protein: Leaping emission intensity via structural constraintChen, Y. A.; Hsu, Y. H.; Tseng, H. W.; Chuang, W. T.; Lin, T. C.; Shen, J. Y.; Lee, C. S.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hong, B. C.; Liu, S. H.; Chou, P. T.Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
5782014Vertical split-ring resonator based nanoplasmonic sensorPin Chieh Wu; Greg Sun; Wei Ting Chen; Kuang-Yu Yang; Yao-Wei Huang; Yi-Hao Chen; Hsiang Lin Huang; Wei-Lun Hsu; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping TsaiApplied Physics Letters79
5792014High-performance organic nano-floating-gate memory devices based on graphite nanocrystals as charge-trapping elements and high-k Ta2O5 as a controlled gate dielectricDai, M. K.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Yang, M. H.; Lee, C. K.; Chen, Y. F.; Chih-Ching Huang Journal of Materials Chemistry C17
5802014Bipolar Hosts Based on a Rigid 9,10-Dihydroanthracene Scaffold for Full-Color Electrophosphorescent DevicesChaskar, A.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, S. W.; Chen, H. F.; Hung, P. Y.; Wong, K. T.Israel Journal of Chemistry7
5812014Fabrication and sensing behavior of one-dimensional ZnO-Zn2GeO4 heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Lin, T. Y.Nanoscale Research Letters12
5822014The effect of post-weld heat treatment on the notched tensile fracture of Ti-6Al-4V to Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn dissimilar laser weldsHsieh, C. T.; Chu, C. Y.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials & Design19
5832014Estimating Young's modulus of graphene with Raman scattering enhanced by micrometer tipWeng, S. W.; Lin, W. H.; Su, W. B.; Hwu, E. T.; Chen, P. L.; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Chang, C. S.Nanotechnology
5842014Thermoelectric Properties of Nano/microstructured p-Type Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 Powders Fabricated by Mechanical Alloying and Vacuum Hot PressingPee-Yew Lee ; Hao, J.; Chao, T. Y.; Huang, J. Y.; Hsieh, H. L.; Hsu, H. C.Journal of Electronic Materials4
5852014The First Tandem, All-exciplex-based WOLEDWen-Yi Hung ; Fang, G. C.; Lin, S. W.; Cheng, S. H.; Wong, K. T.; Kuo, T. Y.; Chou, P. T.Scientific Reports169
5862014Synthesis and substantially enhanced gas sensing sensitivity of homogeneously nanoscale Pd- and Au-particle decorated ZnO nanostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Liao, W. K.; Deng, X. S.Journal of Alloys and Compounds54
5872014Growth and crystallographic feature-dependent characterization of spinel zinc ferrite thin films by RF sputtering (vol 8, pg 537, 2014)Yuan-Chang Liang ; Hsia, H. Y.Nanoscale Research Letters6
5882014Characterization of Ta-Si-N coatings prepared using direct current magnetron co-sputteringYung-I Chen ; Lin, K. Y.; Wang, H. H.; Cheng, Y. R.Applied Surface Science21
5892014The oxidation behavior of three different zones of welded Incoloy 800H alloyW.S. Chen; Wu Kai ; Leu-Wen Tsay ; J.J. KaiNuclear Engineering and Design14
5902014The role of induced alpha '-martensite on the hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth of austenitic stainless steelsT.C. Chen; S.T. Chen; L.W. Tsay 
5912014Local nanotip arrays sculptured by atomic force microscopy to enhance the light-output efficiency of GaN-based light-emitting diode structuresHuang, C. Y.; Yao, Y. C.; Lee, Y. J.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Kao, W. J.; Yang, Y. J.; Shen, J. L.; Jih-Shang Hwang Nanotechnology
5922014Slanted n-ZnO/p-GaN nanorod arrays light-emitting diodes grown by oblique-angle depositionLee, Y. J.; Yang, Z. P.; Lo, F. Y.; Siao, J. J.; Xie, Z. H.; Chuang, Y. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Sheu, J. K.Apl Materials29
5932014Microstructure and notched tensile fracture of Ti-6Al-4V to Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo dissimilar weldsChu, C. Y.; Hsieh, C. T.; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials & Design15
5942014Microstructure and melting behavior of tin nanoparticles embedded in alumina matrix processed by ball millingSun, P. L.; Wu, S. P.; Chang, S. C.; Chin, T. S.; Rong-Tan Huang Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing
5952014SURFACE MODIFICATION OF ATO PHOTOCATALYST ON ITS BACTERICIDAL EFFECT AGAINST ESCHERICHIA COLIChiang, H. H.; Tsai, T. L.; Yang, Y. C.; Lee, J. W.; Yeun-Jung Wu ; Chen, C. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Shing-Hoa Wang ; Chih-Ching Huang ; Hsin-Yiu Chou Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
5962014A high-power harmonically self- mode-locked Nd:YVO4 1.34-mu m laser with repetition rate up to 32.1 GHzWu, T. W.; Tsou, C. H.; Tang, C. Y.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Laser Physics8
5972014Oscillator strengths and lifetimes of Zn I and Ga IIChi, H. C.; Hsiang-Shun Chou Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
5982014Precise measurement of the thermo-optical coefficients of various Nd-doped vanadates with an intracavity self-mode-locked schemeTung, J. C.; Wu, T. Y.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, F.Laser Physics3
5992014Efficient high-power terahertz beating in a dual-wavelength synchronously mode-locked laser with dual gain mediaHuang, Y. J.; Tzeng, Y. S.; Tang, C. Y.; Chiang, S. Y.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Chen, Y. F.Optics Letters37
6002014Internal oxidation and mechanical properties of Ru based alloy coatingsYung-I Chen ; Chu, H. N.; Chang, L. C.; Lee, J. W.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A6
6012014The Effect of Nb and S Segregation on the Solidification Cracking of Alloy 52M Weld Overlay on CF8 Stainless SteelH. A. Chu; M. C. Young; H. C. Chu; L. W. Tsay ; C. ChenJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance10
6022014Concurrent Improvement in Photogain and Speed of a Metal Oxide Nanowire Photodetector through Enhancing Surface Band Bending via Incorporating a Nanoscale HeterojunctionJosé Ramón Durán Retamal; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Der-Hsien Lien; Michael R. S. Huang; Chin-An Lin; Chuan-Pu LiuACS PHOTONICS52
6032014Effects of microstructures on the notch tensile fracture feature of heat-treated Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn alloyRong-Tan Huang ; Wen-Liang Huang; Rong-Hsin Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing13
6042014Direct formation of InN-codoped p-ZnO/n-GaN heterojunction diode by solgel spin-coating schemeHuang, C. Y.; Lee, Y. J.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chang, S. L.; Lian, J. T.; Chen, N. C.; Yang, Y. J.; Hsiu-Mei Lin Optics Letters10
6052014Synthesis and structure-electrical response correlations of one-dimensional Barium Stannate-based heterostructureYuan-Chang Liang ; Liao, W. K.Applied Surface Science10
6062014Exploring the distinction between experimental resonant modes and theoretical eigenmodes: From vibrating plates to laser cavitiesTuan, P. H.; Wen, C. P.; Yu, Y. T.; Hsing-Chin Liang ; Huang, K. F.; Chen, Y. F.Physical Review E8
6072014Evaluation of Ni-free Zr–Cu–Fe–Al bulk metallic glass for biomedical implant applicationsYing-Sui Sun; Wei Zhang; Wu Kai ; Peter K. Liaw; Her-Hsiung HuangJournal of Alloys and Compounds
6082014Air-oxidation of a Pd40Ni40P20 bulk glassy alloy at 250–420 °CWu Kai ; Wu, Y. H.; Jen, I. F.; Ho, T. H.; Hsieh, H. H.Journal of Alloys and Compounds
6092014Theoretical investigation on the strong coupling between a molecule and a metallic nanosphere clad with a gain mediumHuang, J. H.; Rai-ling Chang Journal of Optics4
6102014Microstructure evolution and optical properties of c-axis-oriented ZnO thin films incorporated with silver nanoisland layersYuan-Chang Liang ; Deng, X. S.Ceramics International8
6112014Deterministic Nucleation of InP on Metal Foils with the Thin-Film Vapor–Liquid–Solid Growth ModeRehan Kapadia; Zhibin Yu; Mark Hettick; Jingsan Xu; Maxwell S Zheng; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Arunima D Balan; Daryl C Chrzan; Ali JaveyChemistry of Materials27
6122014Highly twisted biphenyl-linked carbazole-benzimidazole hybrid bipolar host materials for efficient PhOLEDsCheng, S. H.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Cheng, M. H.; Chen, H. F.; Chaskar, A.; Lee, G. H.; Chou, S. H.; Wong, K. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry C29
6132014Performance enhancement of humidity sensors made from oxide heterostructure nanorods via microstructural modificationsYuan-Chang Liang ; Liao, W. K.; Liu, S. L.Rsc Advances17
6142014Annealing induced solid-state structure dependent performance of ultraviolet photodetectors made from binary oxide-based nanocompositesYuan-Chang Liang ; Liao, W. K.Rsc Advances20
6152014Light extraction enhancement with radiation pattern shaping of LEDs by waveguiding nanorods with impedance-matching tipsYu-Hsuan Hsiao; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Li-Chuan Huang; Guan-Jhong Lin; Der-Hsien Lien; Jian-Jang Huang; Jr-Hau HeNanoscale37
6162013Seismic behavior of shallow foundations during major earthquakes and artificial symmetrical shakes based on a three-dimensional effective stress analysisWei, L. C.; Yi, L. H.; 開物 ; Tung-Chin, K. G.; Yang, C. B.; Kanti, P.; Shobha, C.; Shankar, G.Disaster Advances
6172013Growth and crystallographic feature-dependent characterization of spinel zinc ferrite thin films by RF sputteringYuan-Chang Liang ; Hsia, H. Y.Nanoscale Research Letters21
6182013Thermal stability of Ir-Re coatings annealed in oxygen-containing atmospheresLiu, S. C.; Yung-I Chen ; Tsai, H. Y.; Lin, K. C.; Chen, Y. H.Surface & Coatings Technology15
6192013Effect of microstructure on hydrogen embrittlement of various stainless steelsC.L. Lai; L.W. Tsay ; C. ChenMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing56
6202013The Effect of Er Addition on the Air-Oxidation of a Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5-Based Bulk Metallic GlassWu Kai ; Ren, I. F.; Chen, W. S.; Kao, P. C.; Xing, D.; Liaw, P. K.; Rong-Tan Huang Oxidation of Metals
6212013Multi-level surface enhanced Raman scattering using AgOx thin filmMing Lun Tseng; Chia Min Chang; Bo Han Cheng; Pin Chieh Wu; Kuang Sheng Chung; Min-Kai Hsiao; Hsin Wei Huang; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Pui Tak Leung; Din Ping TsaiOptics Express32
6222013Correlation of angular light profiles of light-emitting diodes to spatial spontaneous emissions from photonic crystalsYu-Feng Yin; Yen-Chen Lin; Yi-Chen Liu; Yi-Chun Shen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; JianJang HuangJournal of Applied Physics8
6232013Surface-Plasmon-Resonance Biosensor Based on Titanium Nitride SubstrateRu-Jing Sun; Chien-Nan Hsiao; Yu-Wei Lin; Bo-Huei Liao; Chih-Ming Lai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
6242013Design of two-way reversible bending actuator based on a shape memory alloy/shape memory polymer compositeTaya, M.; Yuan-Chang Liang ; Namli, O. C.; Tamagawa, H.; Howie, T.Smart Materials and Structures36
6252013Materials synthesis and annealing-induced changes of microstructure and physical properties of one-dimensional perovskite-wurtzite oxide heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Zhong, H.Applied Surface Science6
6262013X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy study of internally oxidized Nb-Ru coatingsYung-I Chen ; Chen, S. M.; Chang, L. C.; Chu, H. N.Thin Solid Films8
6272013Thermal stability of CrTaN hard coatings prepared using biased direct current sputter depositionLin, K. Y.; Chau-Chang Chou ; Yung-I Chen Thin Solid Films8
6282013Surface plasmon-enhanced photoluminescence of DCJTB by using silver nanoparticle arraysHsiang-Lin Huang; Chen Feng Chou; Shi Hua Shiao; Yi-Cheng Liu; Jian-Jang Huang; Shien Uang Jen; Hai-Pang Chiang Optics Express22
6292013Surface Plasmon-enhanced Photoluminescence of DCJTB by using Silver Nanoparticle ArraysHsiang-Lin Huang; Chen Feng Chou; Shi Hua Shiao; Yi-Cheng Liu; Jian-Jang Huang; Yao-Hui Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang 
6302013Functionalized terfluorene for solution-processed high efficiency blue fluorescence OLED and electrophosphorescent devicesWang, C. F.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Cheng, M. H.; Leung, M. K.; Wong, K. T.; Jih-Shang Hwang Organic Electronics
6312013Near-Field Lasing Dynamics of a Crystal-Glass Core-Shell Hybrid FiberLai, C. C.; Ke, C. P.; Tsai, C. N.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Shr, R. C.; Chen, M. H.Journal of Physical Chemistry C5
6322013Molecular Topology Tuning of Bipolar Host Materials Composed of Fluorene-Bridged Benzimidazole and Carbazole for Highly Efficient ElectrophosphorescenceMondal, E.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, Y. H.; Cheng, M. H.; Wong, K. T.Chemistry-a European Journal46
6332013Highly Efficient Bilayer Interface Exciplex For Yellow Organic Light-Emitting DiodeWen-Yi Hung ; Fang, G. C.; Chang, Y. C.; Kuo, T. Y.; Chou, P. T.; Lin, S. W.; Wong, K. T.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces136
6342013Nanoscale crystal imperfection-induced characterization changes of manganite nanolayers with various crystallographic texturesYuan-Chang Liang ; Zhong, H.; Liao, W. K.Nanoscale Research Letters10
6352013Structure dependent luminescence evolution of c-axis-oriented ZnO nanofilms embedded with silver nanoparticles and clusters prepared by sputteringYuan-Chang Liang ; Deng, X. S.Journal of Alloys and Compounds28
6362013Self-catalytic crystal growth, formation mechanism, and optical properties of indium tin oxide nanostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Zhong, H.Nanoscale Research Letters11
6372013Plasmon-enhanced Photoluminescence of DCJTB by using Silver Nanoparticle ArraysHsiang-Lin Huang; Chen Feng Chou; Shi Hua Shiao; Yi-Cheng Liu; Jian-Jang Huang; Yao-Hui Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang 
6382013Fluorene-Based Asymmetric Bipolar Universal Hosts for White Organic Light Emitting DevicesMondal, E.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Dai, H. C.; Wong, K. T.Advanced Functional Materials125
6392013Harnessing Fluorescence versus Phosphorescence Branching Ratio in (Phenyl)(n)-Bridged (n=0-5) Bimetallic Au(I) ComplexesChang, Y. C.; Tang, K. C.; Pan, H. A.; Liu, S. H.; Koshevoy, I. O.; Karttunen, A. J.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Cheng, M. H.; Chou, P. T.Journal of Physical Chemistry C46
6402013Fine-tuning the balance between carbazole and oxadiazole units in bipolar hosts to realize highly efficient green PhOLEDsCheng, S. H.; Chou, S. H.; Wen-Yi Hung ; You, H. W.; Chen, Y. M.; Chaskar, A.; Liu, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics25
6412013High Birefringence of the YVO4 Crystal in the Terahertz Frequency RangeTsong-Ru Tsai ; Jia-Hao Wang; Hai-Pang Chiang Japanese Journal of Applied Physics0
6422013The effects of rolling and sensitization treatments on the stress corrosion cracking of 304L stainless steel in salt-spray environmentLi, W. J.; Young, M. C.; Lai, Chai-Lin; Wu Kai ; Leu-Wen Tsay Corrosion Science
6432013Growth of beta-Ga2O3 and GaN nanowires on GaN for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generationJih-Shang Hwang ; Liu, T. Y.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Hsu, G. M.; Basilio, A. M.; Chen, H. W.; Hsu, Y. K.; Tu, W. H.; Lin, Y. G.; Chen, K. H.; Li, C. C.; Wang, S. B.; Chen, H. Y.; Chen, L. C.Nanotechnology
6442013Donor-acceptor small molecule with coplanar and rigid pi-bridge for efficient organic solar cellsChi, L. C.; Chen, H. F.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hsu, Y. H.; Feng, P. C.; Chou, S. H.; Liu, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells20
6452013Oxidation study of Ta-Zr coatingsYung-I Chen ; Chen, S. M.Thin Solid Films4
6462013Hot cracking susceptibility of alloy 52M weld overlays onto CF8 stainless steelH.A. Chu; M.C. Young; H.C. Chu; L.W. Tsay ; C. Chen16
6472013Imaging layer number and stacking order through formulating Raman fingerprints obtained from hexagonal single crystals of few layer grapheneJih-Shang Hwang ; Yu-Hsiang Lin; Jeong-Yuan Hwang; Railing Chang ; Surojit Chattopadhyay; Chang-Jiang Chen; Peilin Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Li-Chyong Chen; Kuei-Hsien ChenNanotechnology41
6482013Three-dimensional simulation and experiment on micro-floating zone of LHPG with asymmetrical perturbationChia-Yao Lo ; Chen, P. Y.Journal of Crystal Growth6
6492013Annealing effects on nanostructure and mechanical properties of nanolaminated Ta-Zr coatingsYung-I Chen ; Chen, S. M.Surface & Coatings Technology10
6502013Air-oxidation behavior of a [(Fe50Co50)(75)B20Si5](96)Nb-4 bulk metallic glass at 500-650 degrees CWu Kai ; Wu, Y. H.; Chen, W. S.; Tsay, L. W. ; Jia, H. L.; Liaw, P. K.Corrosion Science
6512013Phosphorescent Ir(III) complexes with both cyclometalate chromophores and phosphine-silanolate ancillary: concurrent conversion of organosilane to silanolateZhang, F. S.; Wang, L. D.; Chang, S. H.; Huang, K. L.; Chi, Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, C. M.; Lee, G. H.; Chou, P. T.Dalton Transactions37
6522013Mechanoluminescent and efficient white OLEDs for Pt(II) phosphors bearing spatially encumbered pyridinyl pyrazolate chelatesHuang, L. M.; Tu, G. M.; Chi, Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Song, Y. C.; Tseng, M. R.; Chou, P. T.; Lee, G. H.; Wong, K. T.; Cheng, S. H.; Tsai, W. S.Journal of Materials Chemistry C66
6532013Manipulation of connecting topology in carbazole/benzimidazole universal bipolar host materials for RGB and White PhOLEDsChou, S. H.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, C. M.; Liu, Q. Y.; Liu, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.Rsc Advances20
6542013Crystal synthesis and effects of epitaxial perovskite manganite underlayer conditions on characteristics of ZnO nanostructured heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang ; Hu, C. Y.; Zhong, H.; Wang, J. L.Nanoscale13
6552013抗反射層的製作方法楊智鈞; 林汶志; 江海邦 
6562013Relationship between Microstructure and Notch Tensile Strength in Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al Alloy at Elevated TemperaturesRong-Tan Huang ; Wen-Han Chen; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Transactions1
6572013Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of a Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al Alloy with Variously Aged ConditionsLeu-Wen Tsay ; S. T. Chang; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions2
6582012Three-dimensional simulation and analysis of heat transfer and flow field in micro-floating zone of LHPG with asymmetrical perturbationChen, P. Y.; Huang, E. P.; Chia-Yao Lo Journal of Crystal Growth1
6592012High-efficiency host free deep-blue organic light-emitting diode with double carrier regulating layersJou, J. H.; Tseng, J. R.; Tseng, K. Y.; Wang, W. B.; Jou, Y. C.; Shen, S. M.; Chen, Y. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, S. Z.; Ding, T. Y.; Wang, H. C.Organic Electronics10
6602012Laminated structure in internally oxidized Ru-Ta coatingsYung-I Chen Thin Solid Films17
6612012SERS Study of Histamine by Using Silver Film over Nanosphere StructureWen-Chi Lin; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Hsiang-Lin Huang; Chyuan Yuan Shiau ; Hai-Pang Chiang Plasmonics17
6622012"ZnO-based nanostructures," Chapter 4 in Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials: Volume Two, Devices and Nano-EngineeringJosé Ramón Durán Retamal; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Kun-Yu Lai; Jr-Hau HeHandbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials:Volume Two, Devices and Nano-Engineering
6632012High-performance polythiophene thin-film transistors with nematic liquid crystal modificationDai, M. K.; Lian, J. T.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, M. C.; Tai, Y.; Chen, Y. F.Organic Electronics4
6642012Cationic Iridium Complexes with Intramolecular pi-pi Interaction and Enhanced Steric Hindrance for Solid-State Light-Emitting Electrochemical CellsChen, H. F.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, S. W.; Wang, T. C.; Lin, S. W.; Chou, S. H.; Liao, C. T.; Su, H. C.; Pan, H. A.; Chou, P. T.; Liu, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.Inorganic Chemistry43
6652012Carbazole and benzimidazole/oxadiazole hybrids as bipolar host materials for sky blue, green, and red PhOLEDsChen, H. F.; Chi, L. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, W. J.; Hwu, T. Y.; Chen, Y. H.; Chou, S. H.; Mondal, E.; Liu, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics32
6662012A new thermally crosslinkable hole injection material for OLEDsWen-Yi Hung ; Lin, C. Y.; Cheng, T. L.; Yang, S. W.; Chaskar, A.; Fan, G. L.; Wong, K. T.; Chao, T. C.; Tseng, M. R.Organic Electronics24
6672012Effects of ultrathin layers on the growth of vertically aligned wurtzite ZnO nanostructures on perovskite single-crystal substratesYuan-Chang Liang ; Hu, C. Y.; Zhong, H.Applied Surface Science15
6682012Characterization of nanostructured spinel zinc aluminate crystals on wurtzite zinc oxide templateYuan-Chang Liang ; Hu, C. Y.; Deng, X. S.; Zhong, H.; Wu, Y. J.Journal of Crystal Growth4
6692012Design of an inchworm actuator based on a ferromagnetic shape memory alloy compositeYuan-Chang Liang ; Taya, M.; Xiao, J. Q.; Xiao, G.Smart Materials and Structures9
6702012Air-oxidation of a Zr50Cu43Al7 bulk metallic glass at 400–500 °CWu Kai ; Lin, P. C.; Chen, W. S.; Chuang, C. P.; Liaw, P. K.; Huang, H. H.; Hsieh, H. H.Corrosion Science
6712012Corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of Ni-free Zr-based bulk metallic glass for biomedical applicationsHer-Hsiung Huang; Ying-Sui Sun; Chia-Ping Wu; Chia-Fei Liu; Peter K. Liaw; Wu Kai Intermetallics
6722012Fabrication of plasmonic devices using femtosecond laser-induced forward transfer techniqueMing Lun Tseng; Chia Min Chang; Bo Han Chen; Yao-Wei Huang; Cheng Hung Chu; Kuang Sheng Chung; Yen Ju Liu; Hung Guei Tsai; Nien-Nan Chu; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping TsaiNanotechnology20
6732012Enhanced recovery speed of nanostructured ZnO photodetectors using nanobelt networksCheng-Ying Chen ; Ming-Wei Chen; Chia-Yang Hsu; Der-Hsien Lien; Miin-Jang Chen; Hau HeIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics35
6742012Morphology and optical properties of ternary Zn-Sn-O semiconductor nanowires with catalyst-free growthYuan-Chang Liang ; Huang, C. L.; Hu, C. Y.; Deng, X. S.; Zhong, H.Journal of Alloys and Compounds10
6752012The effects of rolling temperature and sensitization treatment on the sulfide stress corrosion cracking of 304L stainless steelL.W. Tsay ; Y.J. Lin; C. ChenCorrosion Science20
6762012Probing Surface Band Bending of Surface-Engineered Metal Oxide NanowiresCheng-Ying Chen ; Jose Ramon Duran Retamal; I-Wen Wu; Der-Hsien Lien; Ming-Wei Chen; Yong Ding; Yu-Lun Chueh; Chih-I Wu; Jr-Hau HeACS nano140
6772012A novel heteroterfluorene for efficient blue and white OLEDsWang, S. A.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics8
6782012Annealing of sputter-deposited nanocrystalline Cr-Ta coatings in a low-oxygen-containing atmosphereChang, L. C.; Yung-I Chen ; Kao, H. L.Thin Solid Films4
6792012Air-oxidation of a Cu50Zr50 binary amorphous ribbon at 350–425 °CWu Kai ; Chen, W. S.; Wu, Y. H.; Lin, P. C.; Chuang, C. P.; Liaw, P. K.Journal of Alloys and Compounds
6802012Sub-wavelength GaN-based membrane high contrast grating reflectorsTzeng Tsong Wu; Yu Cheng Syu; Shu Hsien Wu; Wei Ting Chen; Tien Chang Lu; Shing Chung Wang; Hai Pang Chiang ; Din Ping TsaiOptics Express38
6812012A Supersensitive, Ultrafast, and Broad-Band Light-Harvesting Scheme Employing Carbon Nanotube/TiO2 Core–Shell Nanowire GeometryChia-Yang Hsu; Der-Hsien Lien; Sheng-Yi Lu; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chen-Fang Kang; Yu-Lun Chueh; Wen-Kuang Hsu; Jr-Hau HeACS nano75
6822012Silver nanoparticles enhanced surface plasmon resonance phase-interrogation biosensorTzu-Cheih Peng; Wen-Chi Lin; Chih-Wei Chen; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
6832012Mitochondrial dysfunction promotes cell migration via reactive oxygen species-enhanced beta 5-integrin expression in human gastric cancer SC-M1 cellsWen-Yi Hung ; Huang, K. H.; Wu, C. W.; Chi, C. W.; Kao, H. L.; Li, A. F. Y.; Yin, P. H.; Lee, H. C.Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects44
6842012Fast Fabrication of a Ag Nanostructure Substrate Using the Femtosecond Laser for Broad-Band and Tunable Plasmonic EnhancementMing Lun Tseng; Yao-Wei Huang; Min-Kai Hsiao; Hsin Wei Huang; Hao Ming Chen; Yu Lim Chen; Cheng Hung Chu; Nien-Nan Chu; You Je He; Chia Min Chang; Wei Chih Lin; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Ru-Shi Liu; Greg Sun; Din Ping TsaiAcs Nano58
6852012利用奈米球微影術製作奈米銀顆粒陣列於表面增強拉曼散射之生物感測應用林汶志; 江海邦 光學工程0
6862012Intracavity and resonant Raman crystal fiber laserLai, C. C.; Ke, C. P.; Liu, S. K.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Jheng, D. Y.; Wang, S. C.; Lin, S. R.; Yeh, P. S.; Huang, S. L.Applied Physics Letters11
6872012Air-Oxidation Behavior of a [(Co50Cr15Mo14C15B6)97.5Er2.5]93Fe7 Bulk-Metallic Glass at 873 K to 973 K (600 °C to 700 °C)Wu Kai ; Yuan-Hao Wu; Wei Shen Chen; Jia, H. L.; Peter K. Liaw; Tao Zhang; Rong-Tan Huang Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
6882012Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-4V Laser Welds at Elevated TemperaturesM. Y. Lu; L. W. Tsay ; C. Chen
6892012Notch brittleness of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al alloysHsiao-Hung Hsu; Yen-Chieh Wu; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing11
6902012Blinking of Plasmonic Hotspots on Laser-treated AgOx Thin FilmMing Lun Tseng; Pin Chieh Wu; Yao-Wei Huang; Min-Kai Hsiao; Hsin Wei Huang; Hao Ming Chen; Yu Lim Chen; Cheng Hung Chu; Nien-Nan Chu; You Je He; Chia Min Chang; Wei Chih Lin; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Ru-Shi Liu; Greg Sun; Din Ping Tsai
6912012Applications of plasmonic hotspots on laser-treated AgOx thin filmMing Lun Tseng; Yao-Wei Huang; Min-Kai Hsiao; Hsin Wei Huang; Hao Ming Chen; Nien-Nan Chu; You Je He; Chia Min Chang; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Ru-Shi Liu; Din Ping Tsai; Greg Sun
6922012Electricity generation based on vertically aligned PbZr0.2 Ti0.8O3 nanowire arraysCheng-Ying Chen ; Te-Hsiang Liu; Yusheng Zhou; Yan Zhang; Yu-Lun Chueh; Chun-Hao Ying ; Jr-Hau He; Zhong Lin WangNano Energy42
6932012Strain-gated piezotronic transistors based on vertical zinc oxide nanowiresWeihua Han; Yusheng Zhou; Yan Zhang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Long Lin; Xue Wang; Sihong Wang; Zhong Lin WangACS nano100
6942012Fabrication of Ag nanostructure substrate using the femto-second laser for broadband and tunable plasmonic enhancementsMing Lun Tseng; Yao-Wei Huang; Min-Kai Hsiao; Hsin Wei Huang; Hao Ming Chen; Nien-Nan Chu; You Je He; Chia Min Chang; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Ru-Shi Liu; Greg Sun; Din Ping Tsai
6952012Above-room-temperature photoluminescence from a strain-compensated Ge/Si0.15Ge0.85 multiple-quantum-well structureWu, P. H.; Dumcenco, D.; Huang, Y. S.; Hsu, H. P.; Lai, C. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chrastina, D.; Isella, G.; Gatti, E.; Kwong-Kau Tiong Applied Physics Letters19
6962012Symmetrically tunable optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum disks by an external stressShih, H. Y.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Applied Physics Letters2
6972012Structural and optoelectronic properties of transparent conductive c-axis-oriented ZnO based multilayer thin films with Ru interlayerYuan-Chang Liang ; Deng, X. S.; Zhong, H.Ceramics International21
6982012Temperature dependence of the surface-plasmon-induced Goos-Hanchen shiftsC. W. Chen; H.-P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai; P. T. LeungApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics8
6992012Ultrahigh Sensitive Piezotronic Strain Sensors Based on a ZnSnO3 Nanowire/MicrowireJyh Ming Wu; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Yan Zhang; Kuan-Hsueh Chen; Ya Yang; Youfan Hu; Jr-Hau He; Zhong Lin WangACS nano156
7002012Enhanced sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance phase-interrogation biosensor by using oblique angle deposited silver nanorodsChih-Chia Chen; Wen-Chi Lin; Chih-Wei Chen; Hsiang-Lin Huang; Heng-Chuan Kan; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
7012012Light-emitting devices with tunable color from ZnO nanorods grown on InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wellsShih, H. Y.; Cheng, S. H.; Lian, J. K.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Optics Express4
7022012Growth and physical properties of three-dimensional flower-like zinc oxide microcrystalsYuan-Chang Liang Ceramics International22
7032012Fracture properties of hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding in recrystallization and stress-relief anneal conditionsHsiao-Hung Hsu; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Nuclear Materials10
7042012Photocarrier relaxation behavior of a single ZnO nanowire UV photodetector: Effect of surface band bendingMing-Wei Chen; Jose Ramon Duran Retamal; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Hau HeIEEE Electron Device Letters51
7052012Taper PbZr0. 2Ti0. 8O3 nanowire arrays: From controlled growth by pulsed laser deposition to piezopotential measurementsYu-Ze Chen; Te-Hsiang Liu; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chin-Hung Liu; Szu-Ying Chen; Wen-Wei Wu; Zhong Lin Wang; Jr-Hau He; Chun-Hao Ying ; Yu-Lun ChuehACS nano23
7062012Imprinting of Metallic Glasses: A Simple Approach to Making Durable Terahertz High-Pass FiltersChen, Y. C.; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Chu, J. P.; Sung, H.; Jang, J. S. C.; Kato, H.Applied Physics Express
7072012Direct evidence of type II band alignment in ZnO nanorods/poly (3-hexylthiophene) heterostructuresChan, M. H.; Chen, J. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Applied Physics Letters14
7082012Spiro-Configured Bipolar Host Materials for Highly Efficient Electrophosphorescent DevicesKu, S. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, C. W.; Yang, S. W.; Mondal, E.; Chi, Y.; Wong, K. T.Chemistry-an Asian Journal35
7092012Microstructure and optical properties of electrodeposited Al-doped ZnO nanosheetsYuan-Chang Liang Ceramics International30
7102012Oxidation study of Cr-Ru hard coatingsYung-I Chen ; Kuo, Y. C.; Chen, S. M.Thin Solid Films8
7112012Giant optical anisotropy of oblique-aligned ZnO nanowire arraysCheng-Ying Chen ; Jun-Han Huang; Kun-Yu Lai; Yi-Jun Jen; Chuan-Pu Liu; Jr-Hau HeOptics Express24
7122012The Effect of Nitrogen-Doped ATO Nanotubes on Radical Multiplication of Buffer Media by Visible Light Photocatalysis Rather UVHu, K. H.; Todd Hsu ; Chen, C. C.; Tsai, H. T.; Chiang, H. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Shing-Hoa Wang Journal of Nanomaterials
7132012Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Method in the Presence of Sodium MontmorilloniteHuang, R. H.; Chao, W. K.; Yu, R. S.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Hsueh, K. L.; Shieu, F. S.Journal of the Electrochemical Society
7142012Indolo 3,2-b carbazole/benzimidazole hybrid bipolar host materials for highly efficient red, yellow, and green phosphorescent organic light emitting diodesTing, H. C.; Chen, Y. M.; You, H. W.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Lin, S. H.; Chaskar, A.; Chou, S. H.; Chi, Y.; Liu, R. H.; Wong, K. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry77
7152012Carbazole-based coplanar molecule (CmInF) as a universal host for multi-color electrophosphorescent devicesHo, C. L.; Chi, L. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, W. J.; Lin, Y. C.; Wu, H.; Mondal, E.; Zhou, G. J.; Wong, K. T.; Wong, W. Y.Journal of Materials Chemistry103
7162012Peripheral modification of 1,3,5-triazine based electron-transporting host materials for sky blue, green, yellow, red, and white electrophosphorescent devicesChen, H. F.; Wang, T. C.; Lin, S. W.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Dai, H. C.; Chiu, H. C.; Wong, K. T.; Ho, M. H.; Cho, T. Y.; Chen, C. W.; Lee, C. C.Journal of Materials Chemistry42
7172012Spiro-configured bipolar hosts incorporating 4,5-diazafluroene as the electron transport moiety for highly efficient red and green phosphorescent OLEDsChen, H. F.; Wang, T. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chiu, H. C.; Yun, C.; Wong, K. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry30
7182012Application of F4TCNQ doped spiro-MeOTAD in high performance solid state dye sensitized solar cellsChen, D. Y.; Tseng, W. H.; Liang, S. P.; Wu, C. I.; Hsu, C. W.; Chi, Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chou, P. T.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics67
7192012Phenylcarbazole-dipyridyl triazole hybrid as bipolar host material for phosphorescent OLEDsWen-Yi Hung ; Tu, G. M.; Chen, S. W.; Chi, Y.Journal of Materials Chemistry50
7202012Crystallographic phase evolution of ternary Zn-Ti-O nanomaterials during high-temperature annealing of ZnO-TiO2 nanocompositesYuan-Chang Liang ; Hu, C. Y.Crystengcomm31
7212012Plasmonic hotspots on laser-treated AgOx thin filmHsin Wei Huang; Ming Lun Tseng; Chia Min Chang; Cheng Hung Chu; Ding-Wei Huang; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping Tsai
7222012Goos-Hanchen shift at an interface of a composite material: effects of particulate clusteringC. W. Chen; Y. W. Gu; H.-P. Chiang ; E. J. Sanchez1; P. T. Leung
7232011Temperature effect study of silicon-on-insulator structures prepared by high dose implantation of nitrogenRong-Tan Huang ; Hsu, J. Y.; Huang, J. W.; Yu, Y. C.Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
7242011Nonlinear optical properties of lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate investigated by the femtosecond Z-scan techniqueTsong-Ru Tsai ; Yu, C. H.Applied Physics Letters
7252011A new tricarbazole phosphine oxide bipolar host for efficient single-layer blue PhOLEDChang, H. H.; Tsai, W. S.; Chang, C. P.; Chen, N. P.; Wong, K. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, S. W.Organic Electronics36
7262011Preparation and annealing study of CrTaN coatings on WC-CoYung-I Chen ; Lin, Y. T.; Chang, L. C.; Lee, J. W.Surface & Coatings Technology16
7272011Notched Tensile and Impact Fracture of Ti-15-3 Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yan-Jie Wu; Chun ChenMetallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science4
7282011Electronic structures of well-aligned Er-doped ZnO nanorod arraysCheng-Ying Chen ; Kun-Yu Lai; Jian-Wei Lo; Chin-An Lin; Shu-Hsien Chiu; Yen-Chun Chao; Jr-Hau HeJournal of nanoscience and nanotechnology6
7292011Photocurrent Mapping in High-Efficiency Radial p-n Junction Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells Using Atomic Force MicroscopyKao, M. C.; Shiu, J. M.; Fan, C. N.; Ye, S. C.; Yu, W. S.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Hsiu-Mei Lin Journal of Physical Chemistry C12
7302011Fine Tuning the Energetics of Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT): White Light Generation in A Single ESIPT SystemTang, K. C.; Chang, M. J.; Lin, T. Y.; Pan, H. A.; Fang, T. C.; Chen, K. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hsu, Y. H.; Chou, P. T.Journal of the American Chemical Society433
7312011Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer Molecules Bearing o-Hydroxy Analogues of Green Fluorescent Protein ChromophoreChuang, W. T.; Hsieh, C. C.; Lai, C. H.; Shih, C. W.; Chen, K. Y.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hsu, Y. H.; Chou, P. T.Journal of Organic Chemistry99
7322011Goos-Hanchen shift at an interface of a composite material: effects of particulate clusteringC. W. Chen; Y. W. Gu; H.-P. Chiang ; E. J. Sanchez1; P. T. Leung
7332011Annealing-induced changes in the nanoscale electrical homogeneity of bismuth ferrite dielectric thin filmsChen, W. S.; Chia-Yen Hu; Chiem-Lum Huang; Wu Kai ; Yuan-Chang Liang Ceramics International
7342011Goos-Hanchen shift at an interface of a composite material: effects of particulate clusteringC. W. Chen; Y. W. Gu; H.-P. Chiang ; E. J. Sanchez; P. T. LeungApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics8
7352011Size dependence of Nanoparticle-SERS Enhancement from Silver Film over Nanosphere (AgFON) SubstrateWen-Chi Lin; Lu-Shing Liao; Yi-Hui Chen; Hung-Chun Chang; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
7362011Optical Detection of Glucose Based on a Composite Consisting of Enzymatic ZnO Nanorods and InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum WellsShih, H. Y.; Chen, Y. T.; Wei, C. M.; Chan, M. H.; Lian, J. K.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Journal of Physical Chemistry C6
7372011Kinetic Growth of Self-Formed In2O3 Nanodots via Phase Segregation: Ni/InAs SystemChin-Hung Liu; Szu-Ying Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Jr-Hau He; Lih-Juann Chen; Johnny C Ho; Yu-Lun ChuehACS nano5
7382011Efficient Light Harvesting by Well-Aligned In2O3 Nanopushpins as Antireflection Layer on Si Solar CellsHuang, C. Y.; Lin, G. C.; Yeun-Jung Wu ; Yang, Y. J.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Journal of Physical Chemistry C25
7392011Effects of growth temperature on structure and electrical properties of dielectric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 capacitors with transparent conducting oxide electrodesYuan-Chang Liang ; Huang, C. L.; Hu, C. Y.Journal of Alloys and Compounds13
7402011Anisotropic Outputs of a Nanogenerator from Oblique-Aligned ZnO Nanowire ArraysCheng-Ying Chen ; Jun-Han Huang; Jinhui Song; Yusheng Zhou; Long Lin; Po-Chien Huang; Yan Zhang; Chuan-Pu Liu; Jr-Hau He; Zhong Lin WangACS nano52
7412011Fabrication of phase-change Ge2Sb2Te5 nano-ringsCheng Hung Chu; Ming Lun Tseng; Chiun Da Shiue; Shuan Wei Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Masud Mansuripur; Din Ping TsaiOptics Express22
7422011Au nanoparticle modified GaN photoelectrode for photoelectrochemical hydrogen generationTu, W. H.; Hsu, Y. K.; Yen, C. H.; Wu, C. I.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Electrochemistry Communications
7432011Air-oxidation of a Co-based amorphous ribbon at 400–600 °CWu Kai ; Lin, P. C.; Chen, W. S.; Kao, P. C.; Liaw, P. K.; Rong-Tan Huang Journal of Alloys and Compounds
7442011Size Dependence of Nanoparticle-SERS Enhancement from Silver Film over Nanosphere (AgFON) SubstrateWen-Chi Lin; Lu-Shing Liao; Yi-Hui Chen; Hung-Chun Chang; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang Plasmonics81
7452011Single-ZnO-Nanowire MemoryYen-De Chiang; Wen-Yuan Chang; Ching-Yuan Ho; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chih-Hsiang Ho; Su-Jien Lin; Tai-Bor Wu; Hau HeElectron Devices, IEEE Transactions on70
7462011Local electrical characterization of laser-recorded phase-change marks on amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 thin filmsChia Min Chang; Cheng Hung Chu; Ming Lun Tseng; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Masud Mansuripur; Din Ping TsaiOptics Express43
7472011Deep and Alignment Free Patterned Etching of GaN Surface Using an Atomic Force MicroscopeChen, D. C.; Chen, L. W.; Hu, Z. S.; You, Z. Y.; Wu, C. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chattopadhyay, S.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Tsong-Ru Tsai Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
7482011Ultraviolet electroluminescence from hybrid inorganic/organic ZnO/GaN/poly(3-hexylthiophene) dual heterojunctionsChen, Y. T.; Shih, H. Y.; Wang, C. S.; Hsieh, C. Y.; Chen, C. W.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Optics Express9
7492011Preparation and annealing study of TaNx coatings on WC-Co substratesYung-I Chen ; Lin, B. L.; Kuo, Y. C.; Huang, J. C.; Chang, L. C.; Lin, Y. T.Applied Surface Science23
7502011Internal oxidation mechanism for Ta-Ru and Mo-Ru coatingsYung-I Chen ; Tsai, B. N.Thin Solid Films10
7512011Efficient carrier- and exciton-confining device structure that enhances blue PhOLED efficiency and reduces efficiency roll-offWen-Yi Hung ; Chen, Z. W.; You, H. W.; Fan, F. C.; Chen, H. F.; Wong, K. T.Organic Electronics40
7522011Growth and structural characteristics of perovskite-wurtzite oxide ceramics thin filmsYuan-Chang Liang Ceramics International9
7532011Simulation and experiment on laser-heated pedestal growth of chromium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet single-crystal fiberChang, C. L.; Huang, S. L.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Huang, K. Y.; Lan, C. W.; Cheng, W. H.; Chen, P. Y.Journal of Crystal Growth5
7542011Optical detection of magnetoelectric effect in the composite consisting of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells and FeCo thin filmWei, C. M.; Shih, H. Y.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Applied Physics Letters4
7552011Enhanced Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance Phase-Interrogation Biosensor by Using Silver NanoparticlesTzu-Cheih Peng; Wen-Chi Lin; Chih-Wei Chen; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang Plasmonics39
7562011The Effect of Preheating on Notched Tensile Strength and Impact Toughness of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yun-Chen Jiang; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions4
7572011Photocatalytic effect of anodic titanium oxide nanotubes on various cell culture mediaYu, C. K.; Hu, K. H.; Tsai, H. T.; Chen, C. C.; Liu, S. M.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, C. H.; Shing-Hoa Wang ; Todd Hsu Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing
7582011Annealing effects on the p-type ZnO films fabricated on GaAs substrate by atmospheric pressure metal organic chemical vapor depositionHuang, Y. C.; Weng, L. W.; Uen, W. Y.; Lan, S. M.; Li, Z. Y.; Liao, S. M.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Yang, T. N.Journal of Alloys and Compounds17
7592011Structural and optical properties of electrodeposited ZnO thin films on conductive RuO2 oxidesYuan-Chang Liang ; Tsai, M. Y.; Huang, C. L.; Hu, C. Y.; Hwang, C. S.Journal of Alloys and Compounds17
7602011Ultrafast hot carrier dynamics in InN epitaxial filmsTsong-Ru Tsai ; Chih-Fu Chang; Chih-Wei Kuo; Cheng-Yu Chang; S. GwoProceedings of SPIE0
7612011Light manipulation by gold nanobumpsChia Min Chang; Cheng Hung Chu; Bo-Han Chen; Ming Lun Tseng; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping Tsai
7622011Laser assisted nano moldingHsin Wei Huang; Cheng Hung Chu; Ming Lun Tseng; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping Tsai
7632011Effect of hydride orientation on fracture toughness of Zircaloy-4 claddingHsiao-Hung Hsu; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Nuclear Materials31
7642011Stress corrosion cracking in the heat-affected zone of A508 steel welds under high-temperature waterWei-Chih Chung; Jiunn-Yuan Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun ChenJournal of Nuclear Materials7
7652011Microstructure and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of the Weld Metal in Alloy 52-A508 Dissimilar WeldsWei-Chih Chung; Jiunn-Yuan Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions45
7662011Enhanced sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance phase-interrogation biosensor by using silver nanoparticlesTzu-Cheih Peng; Wen-Chi Lin; Chih-Wei Chen; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
7672011Size dependence of Nanoparticle-SERS Enhancement from Silver Film over Nanosphere (AgFON) SubstrateWen-Chi Lin; Lu-Shing Liao; Yi-Hui Chen; Hung-Chun Chang; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
7682011Gender differences in partial-volume corrected brain perfusion using brain MRI in healthy childrenTaki, Y.; Hashizume, H.; Sassa, Y.; Takeuchi, H.; Wu Kai ; Nouchi, R.; Kotozaki, Y.; Asano, M.; Asano, K.; Fukuda, H.; Kawashima, R.Neuroscience Research
7692011Structural and Optical Characteristics of gamma-In2Se3 Nanorods Grown on Si SubstratesYang, M. D.; Hu, C. H.; Tong, S. C.; Shen, J. L.; Lan, S. M.; Wu, C. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin Journal of Nanomaterials4
7702011A carbazole-phenylbenzimidazole hybrid bipolar universal host for high efficiency RGB and white PhOLEDs with high chromatic stabilityWen-Yi Hung ; Chi, L. C.; Chen, W. J.; Mondal, E.; Chou, S. H.; Wong, K. T.; Chi, Y.Journal of Materials Chemistry45
7712011Heteroleptic Ir(III) complexes containing both azolate chromophoric chelate and diphenylphosphinoaryl cyclometalates; Reactivities, electronic properties and applicationsLin, C. H.; Chi, Y.; Chung, M. W.; Chen, Y. J.; Wang, K. W.; Lee, G. H.; Chou, P. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chiu, H. C.Dalton Transactions45
7722011Gearing of Molecular Swirls: Columnar Packing of Nematogenic Hexakis(4-alkoxyphenylethynyl)benzene DerivativesLee, S. L.; Lin, H. A.; Lin, Y. H.; Chen, H. H.; Liao, C. T.; Lin, T. L.; Chu, Y. C.; Hsu, H. F.; Chen, C. H.; Lee, J. J.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Liu, Q. Y.; Wu, C. H.Chemistry-a European Journal14
7732011Carbazole-benzimidazole hybrid bipolar host materials for highly efficient green and blue phosphorescent OLEDsChen, Y. M.; Wen-Yi Hung ; You, H. W.; Chaskar, A.; Ting, H. C.; Chen, H. F.; Wong, K. T.; Liu, Y. H.Journal of Materials Chemistry84
7742011Using a double-doping strategy to prepare a bilayer device architecture for high-efficiency red PhOLEDsKao, M. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Tsai, Z. H.; You, H. W.; Chen, H. F.; Chi, Y.; Wong, K. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry26
7752011Forming Gas Annealing Induced Degradation in Nanoscale Electrical Homogeneity of Bismuth Ferrite Thin FilmsYuan-Chang Liang Journal of the Electrochemical Society3
7762011Significant enhancement of yellow–green light emission of ZnO nanorod arrays using Ag island filmsChin-An Lin; Dung-Sheng Tsai; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Jr-Hau HeNanoscale34
7772011Light scattering by nanostructured anti-reflection coatingsYen-Chun Chao; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chin-An Lina; Jr-Hau HeENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE88
7782010In-situ visualization of a super-accelerated synthesis of zinc oxide nanostructures through CO2 laser heatingLiu, X. M.; Zhang, Y. Y.; Chen, D. C.; Wu, C. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chattopadhyay, S.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chia-Yao Lo Journal of Crystal Growth2
7792010Growth-temperature-dependent microstructure and ferromagnetic properties of perovskite manganite-based heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang Ceramics International2
7802010Origin of hot carriers in InGaN-based quantum-well solar cellsKY Lai; GJ Lin; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Y-L Lai; JH HeIEEE Electron Device Letters21
7812010Intrinsic p-type ZnO films fabricated by atmospheric pressure metal organic chemical vapor depositionHuang, Y. C.; Li, Z. Y.; Weng, L. W.; Uen, W. Y.; Lan, S. M.; Liao, S. M.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Huang, Y. H.; Chen, J. W.; Yang, T. N.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A8
7822010Novel Triarylamine-Based Alternating Conjugated Polymer with High Hole Mobility: Synthesis, Electro-Optical, and Electronic PropertiesChen, W. H.; Wang, K. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Jiang, J. C.; Liaw, D. J.; Lee, K. R.; Lai, J. Y.; Chen, C. L.Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry38
7832010Annealing and oxidation study of Ta-Ru hard coatingsYung-I Chen ; Tsai, B. N.Surface & Coatings Technology18
7842010Nanoparticle Size Dependent SERS Enhancement of Sliver Film over Nanosphere (AgFON) SubstrateW. C. Lin; L. S. Liao; Y. H. Chen; H. C. Chang; H. P. Chiang 
7852010Design a New Type of Imaging Lans Based on the Model of human EyeS. H. Huang; H. -P. Chiang 
7862010Enhanced electrical conductivity of laser-recorded phase-change marks on sputter-deposited thin films of amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5C. M. Chang; C. H. Chu; M. L. Tseng; H. -P. Chiang ; M. Mansuripur; D. P. Tsai
7872010Study of laser forward patterning of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change thin filmM. L. Tseng; B. H. Chen; C. H. Chu; C. M. Chang; W. C. Lin; H. -P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai
7882010Rotation-field annealing effect on magnetoimpedance of Co-based amorphous ribbonsS.U. Jen; H.P. Chiang ; H.D. Liu; C.C. ChangJournal of Alloys and Compounds3
7892010Accurate description of the optical response of a multilayered spherical system in the long wavelength approximationH. Y. Chung; G. Y. Guo; H.-P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai; P. T. LeungPhysical Review B13
7902010High-Luminance White-Light Point Source Using Ce,Sm : YAG Double-Clad Crystal FiberLin, Y. S.; Cheng, T. C.; Tsai, C. C.; Hsu, K. Y.; Jheng, D. Y.; Chia-Yao Lo ; Yeh, P. H. S.; Huang, S. L.Ieee Photonics Technology Letters10
7912010Diphenyl(1-naphthyl)phosphine Ancillary for Assembling of Red and Orange-Emitting Ir(III) Based Phosphors; Strategic Synthesis, Photophysics, and Organic Light-Emitting Diode FabricationDu, B. S.; Lin, C. H.; Chi, Y.; Hung, J. Y.; Chung, M. W.; Lin, T. Y.; Lee, G. H.; Wong, K. T.; Chou, P. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chiu, H. C.Inorganic Chemistry57
7922010Growth and characterization of nonpolar a-plane ZnO films on perovskite oxides with thin homointerlayerYuan-Chang Liang Journal of Alloys and Compounds27
7932010Effects of Si addition on the oxidation behavior of a Cu–Zr-based bulk metallic alloyWu Kai ; Kao, P. C.; Lin, P. C.; Ren, I. F.; Jang, J. S. C.Intermetallics
7942010Controlling SERS intensity by tuning the size and height of a silver nanoparticle arrayWen-Chi Lin; Shi-Hwa Huang; Chang-Long Chen; Chih-Chia Chen; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing46
7952010Nonlocality and particle-clustering effects on the optical response of composite materials with metallic nanoparticlesC. W. Chen; H. Y. Chung; H.-P. Chiang ; J. Y. Lu; R. Chang; D. P. Tsai; P. T. LeungApplied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing5
7962010Theoretical oscillator strengths for spin-allowed electric-dipole transitions in Zn-like ionsChi, H. C.; Hsiang-Shun Chou Physical Review A5
7972010Laser-induced phase transitions of Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films used in optical and electronic data storage and in thermal lithographyCheng Hung Chu; Chiun Da Shiue; Hsuen Wei Cheng; Ming Lun Tseng; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Masud Mansuripur; Din Ping TsaiOptics Express80
7982010The oxidation behavior of a Ti50Cu28Ni15Sn7 bulk metallic glass at 400-500 degrees CKao, P. C.; Chen, W. S.; Lin, C. L.; Xiao, Z. H.; Hsu, C. F.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Wu Kai Journal of Alloys and Compounds8
7992010Microstructure and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed Al2O3/Ti-Cu-Ni-Sn bulk metallic glass composites prepared by vacuum hot-pressingLin, H. M.; Chen, C. Y.; Tsay, C. Y.; Hsu, C. F.; Pee-Yew Lee Journal of Alloys and Compounds13
8002010Fabrication and corrosion behavior of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites containing carbon nanotubesChih-Feng Hsu; Hong-Ming Lin; Chung-Kwei Lin; Pee-Yew Lee ; Wu Kai Journal of Alloys and Compounds4
8012010Surface effects on optical and electrical properties of ZnO nanostructuresCheng-Ying Chen ; Ming-Wei Chen; r-Jian Ke; Chin-An Lin; José RD Retamal; Jr-Hau HePure and Applied Chemistry67
8022010Interfacial Charge Carrier Dynamics in Core-Shell Au-CdS NanocrystalsYang, T. T.; Chen, W. T.; Hsu, Y. J.; Wei, K. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lin, T. W.Journal of Physical Chemistry C214
8032010Surface morphology and conductivity of zirconium-doped nanostructured indium oxide films with various crystallographic featuresYuan-Chang Liang Ceramics International15
8042010Large-area oblique-aligned zno nanowires through a continuously bent columnar buffer: growth, microstructure, and antireflectionJun-Han Huang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Yi-Feng Lai; Yu-I Shih; Yuh-Chieh Lin; Jr-Hau He; Chuan-Pu LiuCrystal Growth & Design17
8052010Photoconductive enhancement of single ZnO nanowire through localized Schottky effectsMing-Wei Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Der-Hsien Lien; Yong Ding; Jr-Hau HeOptics express100
8062010Structural and optical characterization of single-phase gamma-In2Se3 films with room-temperature photoluminescenceD.Y. Lyu; T.Y. Lin ; T.W. Chang; S.M. Lan; T.N. Yang; C.C. Chiang; C.L. Chen ; H.P. Chiang Journal of Alloys and Compounds22
8072010A TEM investigation of retained defects in Si wafer by 1 MeV Si ions bombardmentHsu, J. Y.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Hung, M. J.; Yu, Y. C.Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
8082010Internal oxidation of Mo-Ru coatingsYung-I Chen ; Chang, L. C.; Tsai, B. N.; Kuo, Y. C.; Rong-Tan Huang Thin Solid Films
8092010Dressed-Atom Multiphoton Analysis of Anomalous Electromagnetically Induced AbsorptionHsiang-Shun Chou ; Evers, J.Physical Review Letters20
8102010Oxidation Behavior of a Pd43Cu27Ni10P20 Bulk Metallic Glass and Foam in Dry AirWu Kai ; Ren, I. F.; Barnard, B.; Liaw, P. K.; Demetriou, M. D.; Johnson, W. L.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
8112010The model simulation of human eyes as aids to optical systems designS. H. Huang; M. W. Chang; Y. H. Chen; H. -P. Chiang 
8122010Notched tensile fracture of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo welds at elevated temperaturesL.W. Tsay ; C.L. Hsu; C. ChenMaterials Chemistry and Physics16
8132010Nonlocal and nonlinear effects on the dispersion relation for surface plasmon at a metal-Kerr medium interfaceHuang, J. H.; Rai-ling Chang Journal of Optics13
8142010Effect of conductive oxide buffering on structural and nanoscale electrical properties of ultrathin SrTiO3 films on Pt electrodesYuan-Chang Liang Journal of Crystal Growth3
8152010Effects on the polarizability of mesoscopic metallic nanoparticlesC. W. Chen; L. S. Liao; H.-P. Chiang ; P. T. LeungApplied Physics B-Lasers and Optics4
8162010The effects of cold rolling and sensitisation on hydrogen embrittlement of AISI 304L weldsC.L. Lai; L.W. Tsay ; W. Kai; C. ChenCorrosion Science
8172010Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Laser WeldsL. W. Tsay ; Y. S. Ding; W. C. Chung; C. ChenMetallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science1
8182010Somatic mutations in mitochondrial genome and their potential roles in the progression of human gastric cancerWen-Yi Hung ; Wu, C. W.; Yin, P. H.; Chang, C. J.; Li, A. F. Y.; Chi, C. W.; Wei, Y. H.; Lee, H. C.Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects52
8192010Growth and Structural Characterization of SiGe NanoringsJH He; Cheng-Ying Chen ; CH Ho; CW Wang; MJ Chen; LJ ChenJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C9
8202010The preparation of silver nanoparticle decorated silica nanowires on fused quartz as reusable versatile nanostructured surface-enhanced Raman scattering substratesJih-Shang Hwang ; Kuan-Yu Chen; Shih-Jay Hong; Shih-Wei Chen; Wun-Shing Syu; Chi-Wen Kuo; Wei-Yi Syu ; Tai Yuan Lin ; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Surojit Chattopadhyay; Kuei-Hsien Chen ; Li-Chyong ChenNanotechnology22
8212010Photoluminescence studies of InAs/GaAs quantum dots covered by InGaAs layersShu, G. W.; Wang, J. S.; Shen, J. L.; Hsiao, R. S.; Chen, J. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Wu, C. H.; Huang, Y. H.; Yang, T. N.Materials Science and Engineering B-Advanced Functional Solid-State Materials5
8222010Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Laser Welds at Elevated TemperaturesL.W.Tsay ; C. L. Hsu; C. Chen0
8232010Photoconductive enhancement of Au nanoparticles-decorated single ZnO nanowire photodetector through formation of local schottky junctionMing-Wei Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Hau He2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC)0
8242010Optoelectronic Properties and Electronic Structures of One-dimensional Semiconducting/Piezoelectric Nanostructures with Sizes beyond the Quantum Confinement RegimeCheng-Ying Chen 國立臺灣大學光電工程學研究所學位論文0
8252010Characterization of Er-doped ZnO nanorod arrays for broadband antireflectionCheng-Ying Chen ; Yen-Chun Chao; Chin-An Lin; Jian-Wei Lo; Hau He2010 3rd International Nanoelectronics Conference (INEC)0
8262010Photoassisted Synthesis of Luminescent Mannose-Au Nanodots for the Detection of Thyroglobulin in SerumHung, Y. L.; Shiang, Y. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lin, Y. S.; Chen, C. T.; Chang, H. T.; Chih-Ching Huang Chemistry-an Asian Journal36
8272010Relationship between gray matter volume and age in 274 healthy Japanese children applying voxel-based morphometric analysisTaki, Y.; Hashizume, H.; Sassa, Y.; Takeuchi, H.; Wu Kai ; Nouchi, R.; Kotozaki, Y.; Asano, K.; Asano, M.; Fukuda, H.; Kawashima, R.Neuroscience Research
8282010Enhancement of the energy photoconversion efficiency through crystallographic etching of a c-plane GaN thin filmBasilio, A. M.; Hsu, Y. K.; Tu, W. H.; Yen, C. H.; Hsu, G. M.; Chyan, O.; Chyan, Y.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Chen, Y. T.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Journal of Materials Chemistry
8292010Electrical Characterization and Transmission Electron Microscopy Assessment of Isolation of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors with Oxygen Ion ImplantationShiu, J. Y.; Lu, C. Y.; Su, T. Y.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Zirath, H.; Rorsman, N.; Chang, E. Y.Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
8302010Influence of Rapid Thermal Annealing on Raman Scattering of InN EpilayersYang, M. D.; Tong, S. C.; Chou, I. T.; Shu, G. W.; Shen, J. L.; Lee, Y. C.; Huang, Y. S.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Japanese Journal of Applied Physics1
8312010A new benzimidazole/carbazole hybrid bipolar material for highly efficient deep-blue electrofluorescence, yellow-green electrophosphorescence, and two-color-based white OLEDsWen-Yi Hung ; Chi, L. C.; Chen, W. J.; Chen, Y. M.; Chou, S. H.; Wong, K. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry194
8322010A spiro-configured ambipolar host material for impressively efficient single-layer green electrophosphorescent devicesWen-Yi Hung ; Wang, T. C.; Chiu, H. C.; Chen, H. F.; Wong, K. T.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics31
8332010Spectroscopic Study of Organic Light-emitting Polymers: A ReviewRai-ling Chang ; Hayashi, M.; Lin, S. H.Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society1
8342010Hydrogen-Induced Degradation in Physical Properties of Dielectric-Enhanced Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/SrTiO3 Artificial SuperlatticesYuan-Chang Liang Electrochemical and Solid State Letters8
8352010Growth of epitaxial zirconium-doped indium oxide (222) at low temperature by rf sputteringYuan-Chang Liang ; Lee, H. Y.Crystengcomm20
8362010Patterning of Ge2Sb2Te5 phase change material using femto-second laser-induced forward transferM. L. Tseng; B. H. Chen; C. H. Chu; C. M. Chang; H. -P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai
8372010SERS study of histamine in fish by using silver film over nanosphere (AgFON) structureW. C. Lin; C. Y. Shiau; H. P. Chiang 
8382010The Influence of Microstructures on the Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Welds at Elevated TemperaturesLeu-Wen Tsay ; Chung-Liang Hsu; Chun ChenIsij International11
8392010Antireflection effect of ZnO nanorod arraysYen-Chun Chao; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chin-An Lin; Yu-An Dai; Jr-Hau HeJournal of Materials Chemistry Volume 2092
8402010Enhanced Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance Phase-Interrogation Biosensor by Using Silver NanoparticlesTzu-Cheih Peng; Wen-Chi Lin; Chih-Wei Chen; Din Ping Tsai; Hai-Pang Chiang 
8412009Growth and characterization of ZnO films on (11-20) sapphire substrates by atomic layer deposition using DEZn and N2OYen, K. Y.; Liu, K. P.; Gong, J. R.; Tsai, K. Y.; Lyu, D. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Ni, G. Y.; Jih, F. W.Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics1
8422009Investigation on the oxidation behavior of Mo-Ru hard coatingsYung-I Chen Surface & Coatings Technology5
8432009UV light emission from GZO/ZnO/GaN heterojunction diodes with carrier confinement layersMin-Yung Ke; Tzu-Chun Lu; Sheng-Chieh Yang; Cheng-Pin Chen; Yun-Wei Cheng; Liang-Yi Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Jr-Hau He; JianJang HuangOptics express7
8442009Controlling SERS intensity by tuning the size and height of silver nanoparticle arrayWen-Chi Lin; Shi-Hwa Huang; Chang-Long Chen; Chih-Chia Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping Tsai
8452009Temperature effects on the polarizability of mesoscopic metallic nanoparticlesC. W. Chen; L. S. Liao; H.-P. Chiang ; P. T. Leung
8462009Self-limiting growth of ZnO films on (0001) sapphire substrates by atomic layer deposition at low temperatures using diethyl-zinc and nitrous oxideLin, Y. T.; Chung, P. H.; Lai, H. W.; Su, H. L.; Lyu, D. Y.; Yen, K. Y.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Kung, C. Y.; Gong, J. R.Applied Surface Science19
8472009Selective Angle Electroluminescence of Light-Emitting Diodes based on Nanostructured ZnO/GaN HeterojunctionsFu, H. K.; Cheng, C. L.; Wang, C. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, Y. F.Advanced Functional Materials31
8482009Characterizations of Ga-doped ZnO films on Si (111) prepared by atmospheric pressure metal-organic chemical vapor depositionHuang, Y. C.; Li, Z. Y.; Weng, L. W.; Uen, W. Y.; Lan, S. M.; Liao, S. M.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Huang, Y. H.; Chen, J. W.; Yang, T. N.; Chiang, C. C.Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A9
8492009Annealing and oxidation study of Mo-Ru hard coatings on tungsten carbideYung-I Chen ; Chang, L. C.; Lee, J. W.; Lin, C. H.Thin Solid Films20
8502009Phase-change masking for nanolithographyC. H. Chu; C. D. Shiue; H. W. Chen; B. H. Chen; D. Chiang; H. -P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai
8512009Time-Resolved Luminescence-Based Assay for ThyroglobulinTai-Yuan Lin ; Yu, W. S.; Chen, C. T.; Chang, H. T.; Chih-Ching Huang Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology11
8522009In-TFT-Array-Process Micro Defect Inspection Using Nonlinear Principal Component AnalysisLiu, Y. H.; Wang, C. K.; Ting, Y.; Lin, W. Z.; Kang, Z. H.; Chen, C. S.; Jih-Shang Hwang International Journal of Molecular Sciences
8532009Spectral dependence of time-resolved photoreflectance of InN epitaxial filmsChang, C. Y.; Kuo, C. W.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Gwo, S.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Tsong-Ru Tsai Applied Physics Letters3
8542009Physical properties of low temperature sputtering-deposited zirconium-doped indium oxide films at various oxygen partial pressuresYuan-Chang Liang Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing17
8552009The Effect of Preheating on Notch Fracture of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yun-Chen Jiang; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions6
8562009SERS Study of Tetrodotoxin (TTX) by Using Silver Nanoparticle AeeaysW. C. Lin; H.-C. Jen; C. L. Chen; D. F. Hwang; R. Chang ; J. S. Hwang; H. P. Chiang 
8572009Air oxidation of a Zr58Cu22Al12Fe8 bulk metallic glass at 350–550 °CWu Kai ; Y.R. Chen; T.H. Ho; H.H. Hsieh; D.C.Qiao; F.Jiang; G.Fan; P.K.LiawJournal of Alloys and Compounds
8582009Temperature Dependence of Enhanced Optical Absorption and Raman Spectroscopy from Metallic NanoparticlesC. W. Chen; H.-P. Chiang ; P. T. Leung; D. P. Tsai
8592009Structural effects on the hole mobilities of indenothiophene-embedded homologsChao, T. C.; Wong, K. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hou, T. H.; Chen, W. J.Tetrahedron Letters6
8602009Buffering effect on physical properties of transparent BaTiO3 capacitors on composite transparent electrodesYuan-Chang Liang Scripta Materialia13
8612009Notched Tensile Strength and Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Chun-Xian Lee; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions15
8622009Predicting the Glass-Forming-Ability of Alloys by Molecular Dynamics Simulation: A Working Example of Ti-Co Bulk Metallic GlassesKao, S. W.; Yang, K. C.; Wang, S. H.; Hwang, C. C.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Chin, T. S.; Rong-Tan Huang Japanese Journal of Applied Physics6
8632009SERS Study of Tetrodotoxin (TTX) by Using Silver Nanoparticle ArraysWen-Chi Lin; Hsiao-Chin Jen; Chang-Long Chen; Deng-Fwu Hwang; Railing Chang ; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Hai-Pang Chiang Plasmonics35
8642009The effects of hydrogen on fatigue crack growth behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe alloysY.S. Ding; L.W. Tsay ; C. ChenCorrosion Science18
8652009The optical constants of thin films calculated from reflectance and transmittance measurementsD. Chiang; C. H. Chu; H. -P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai
8662009Mitochondrial dysfunction-induced amphiregulin upregulation mediates chemo-resistance and cell migration in HepG2 cellsChang, C. J.; Yin, P. H.; Yang, D. M.; Wang, C. H.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chi, C. W.; Wei, Y. H.; Lee, H. C.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences36
8672009Material characteristics of sputter-deposited Zr-doped In2O3/ZnO heterostructures on sapphire (0001) substratesYuan-Chang Liang Thin Solid Films2
8682009Air-Oxidation of a Cu45Zr45Al5Ag5 Bulk Metallic GlassWu Kai ; I-Fei Ren; Pei-Chin Kao; Rui-Fang Wang; Chih‐Pin Chuang; Matthew W. Freels; Peter K. LiawAdvanced Engineering Materials
8692009Imaging of Recording Marks and Their Jitters With Different Writing Strategy and Terminal Resistance of Optical OutputCheng Hung Chu; Bau Jung Wu; Tsung Sheng Kao; Yuan Hsing Fu; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Din Ping TsaiIEEE Transactions on Magnetics7
8702009ZnO/Al2O3 core–shell nanorod arrays: growth, structural characterization, and luminescent propertiesCheng-Ying Chen ; CA Lin; MJ Chen; GR Lin; Jr-Hau HeNanotechnology58
8712009SERS Based on Nanoparticle Arrays Fabricated by Nanosphere Lithography (NSL)Hai-Pang Chiang 
8722009Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement of PH 13-8 Mo steelY.S. Ding; L.W. Tsay ; M.F. Chiang; C. ChenJournal of Nuclear Materials26
8732009Nonlinear dispersion relation for surface plasmon at a metal-Kerr medium interfaceHuang, J. H.; Rai-ling Chang ; Leung, P. T.; Tsai, D. P.Optics Communications30
8742009The oxidation behavior of an Fe61B15Zr8Mo7Co5Y2Cr2 bulk metallic glass at 550–700 °CWu Kai ; Ren, I. F.; Kao, P. C.; Liu, C. T.; Rong-Tan Huang Intermetallics
8752009Planar Hall effect of Permalloy films on Si(111), Si(100), and glass substratesS. U. Jen; P. J. Wang; Y. C. Tseng; H. P. Chiang Journal of Applied Physics9
8762009Electrical and optoelectronic characterization of a ZnO nanowire contacted by focused-ion-beam-deposited PtJH He; PH Chang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; KT TsaiNANOTECHNOLOGY76
8772009The oxidation behavior of an Fe61B15Zr8Mo7Co5Y2Cr2 bulk metallic glass at 650 °C in various oxygen-containing environmentsWu Kai ; Ren, I. F.; Wang, R. F.; Kao, P. C.; Liu, C. T.Intermetallics
8782009Characterization of nonlinear absorption of InN epitaxial films with femtosecond pulsed transmission Z-scan measurementsTsong-Ru Tsai ; Tsung-Han Wu; Jung-Cheng Liao; Tai-Huei Wei ; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Din-Ping Tsai ; Yang-Fang ChenJournal of Applied Physics7
8792009Microstructure and Notch Properties of Heat-Treated Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe Laser WeldsWei-Chih Chung; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions17
8802009Focused-ion-beam-deposited Pt contacts on ZnO nanowiresJr-Hau He; Pei H Chang; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Kun-Tonh TsaiECS Transactions0
8812009Enhanced Charge Separation by Sieve-Layer Mediation in High-Efficiency Inorganic-Organic Solar CellsLin, C. H.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Hsu, C. W.; Wu, M. H.; Chen, W. C.; Wu, C. T.; Tseng, S. C.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Lee, J. H.; Chen, C. W.; Chen, C. H.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, K. H.Advanced Materials
8822009Hole mobilities of thermally polymerized triaryldiamine derivatives and their application as hole-transport materials in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs)Lin, C. Y.; Chen, Y. M.; Chen, H. F.; Fang, F. C.; Lin, Y. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.; Kwong, R. C.; Xia, S. C.Organic Electronics15
8832009A new ambipolar blue emitter for NTSC standard blue organic light-emitting deviceTsai, T. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chi, L. C.; Wong, K. T.; Hsieh, C. C.; Chou, P. T.Organic Electronics57
8842009Fabrication and opto-electric properties of ITO/ZnO bilayer films on polyethersulfone substrates by ion beam-assisted evaporationLiu, C. C.; Yuan-Chang Liang ; Kuo, C. C.; Liou, Y. Y.; Chen, J. W.; Lin, C. C.Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells11
8852009Direct patterning of zinc oxide with control of reflected color through nano-oxidation using an atomic force microscopeChen, L. W.; Chen, T. C.; Kuo, C. W.; Hu, Z. S.; Wu, Y. J.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Jhuo, Y. Y.; Lin, C. M.; Liu, Y. H.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Chih-Yung Cheng Nanotechnology5
8862009Notched tensile tests of cold-rolled 304L stainless steel in 40 wt.% 80 °C MgCl2 solutionC.L. Lai; L.W. Tsay ; W. Kai; C. ChenCorrosion Science15
8872009Polymer functionalized ZnO nanobelts as oxygen sensors with a significant response enhancementJH He; CH Ho; Cheng-Ying Chen Nanotechnology0
8882009Bulk nano-crystalline alloysChin, T. S.; Lin, C. Y.; Lee, M. C.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Huang, S. M.Materials Today
8892009Density-dependent energy relaxation of hot electrons in InN epilayersYang, M. D.; Liu, Y. W.; Shen, J. L.; Chen, C. W.; Chi, G. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Chou, W. C.; Lo, M. H.; Kuo, H. C.; Lu, T. C.Journal of Applied Physics9
8902009Improving Performance of InGaN/GaN Light-Emitting Diodes and GaAs Solar Cells Using Luminescent Gold NanoclustersYang, M. D.; Wu, S. W.; Shu, G. W.; Wang, J. S.; Shen, J. L.; Wu, C. H.; Lin, C. A. J.; Chang, W. H.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lu, T. C.; Kuo, H. C.Journal of Nanomaterials2
8912009High-luminescence non-doped green OLEDs based on a 9,9-diarylfluorene-terminated 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole derivativeKu, S. Y.; Chi, L. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Yang, S. W.; Tsai, T. C.; Wong, K. T.; Chen, Y. H.; Wu, C. I.Journal of Materials Chemistry57
8922009A thermally cured 9,9-diarylfluorene-based triaryldiamine polymer displaying high hole mobility and remarkable ambient stabilityLin, C. Y.; Lin, Y. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.; Kwong, R. C.; Xia, S. C.; Chen, Y. H.; Wu, C. I.Journal of Materials Chemistry46
89320091,3,5-Triazine derivatives as new electron transport-type host materials for highly efficient green phosphorescent OLEDsChen, H. F.; Yang, S. J.; Tsai, Z. H.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wang, T. C.; Wong, K. T.Journal of Materials Chemistry166
8942009A high-efficiency and low-operating-voltage green electrophosphorescent device employing a pure-hydrocarbon host materialChi, L. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chiu, H. C.; Wong, K. T.Chemical Communications42
8952009Structural and Dielectric Properties of Sputter-Deposited Ba0.48Sr0.52TiO3/LaNiO3 Artificial Superlattice FilmsLee, H. Y.; Liu, H. J.; Yuan-Chang Liang ; Wu, K. F.; Lee, C. H.Journal of the Electrochemical Society7
8962009Thickness Dependence of Structural and Electrical Properties of Electric Field Tunable Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 Transparent CapacitorsYuan-Chang Liang Electrochemical and Solid State Letters12
8972009Crystallographic Effects on Nanoscale Electrical Properties of Ultrathin Lanthanum Aluminate FilmsYuan-Chang Liang Electrochemical and Solid State Letters3
8982009Enhancement of Nanoscale Leakage Current Performance of Bismuth Ferrite Thin Films Using Conductive Oxide ElectrodesYuan-Chang Liang Journal of the Electrochemical Society10
8992009Controlling SERS intensity by tuning the size and height of nanoparticle in silver nanoparticle arrayWen-Chi Lin; Chang-Long Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang 
9002009Temperature effects on the polarizability of mesoscopic metallic nanoparticlesC. W. Chen; L. S. Liao; H.-P. Chiang ; P. T. Leung
9012008Supercapacitive properties of spray pyrolyzed iron-added manganese oxide powders deposited by electrophoretic deposition techniqueWang, S. C.; Chen, C. Y.; Chien, T. C.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Lin, C. K.Thin Solid Films15
9022008Temperature dependence of enhanced optical absorption and Raman spectroscopy from metallic nanoparticlesC.W. Chen; H.-P. Chiang ; P.T. Leung; D.P. TsaiSolid State Communications9
9032008Characterization of Mechanically Alloyed Ti-based Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Containing Carbon NanotubesHsu, C. F.; Lin, H. M.; Pee-Yew Lee Advanced Engineering Materials8
9042008Hot Photoluminescence in gamma-In2Se3 NanorodsYang, M. D.; Hu, C. H.; Shen, J. L.; Lan, S. M.; Huang, P. J.; Chi, G. C.; Chen, K. H.; Chen, L. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin Nanoscale Research Letters8
9052008Photoluminescence Enhancement of Y3Al5O12:Ce Nanoparticles Using HMDSNien, Y. T.; Chen, K. M.; Chen, I. G.; Tai-Yuan Lin Journal of the American Ceramic Society18
9062008Oxidation Behavior of CuZr-Based Glassy Alloys at 400 °C to 500 °C in Dry AirWu Kai ; Ho, T. H.; Hsieh, H. H.; Chen, Y. R.; Qiao, D. C.; Jiang, F.; Fan, G.; Liaw, P. K.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science
9072008Microstructure and mechanical properties of vacuum hot-pressing SiC/Ti-Cu-Ni-Sn bulk metallic glass compositesLin, H. M.; Jeng, R. R.; Pee-Yew Lee Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing11
9082008Influence of Microstructures on the Notched Tensile Strength of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo AlloyWei-Chih Chung; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Yi-Shiung Ding; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions6
9092008Material characterization and corrosion performance of nickel electroplated in supercritical CO2 fluidChung, S. T.; Huang, H. C.; Pan, S. J.; Tsai, W. T.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Yang, C. H.; Wu, M. B.Corrosion Science27
9102008Characterization of nanocrystalline manganese oxide powder prepared by inert gas condensationChen, C. Y.; Lin, C. K.; Tsai, M. H.; Tsay, C. Y.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Chen, G. S.Ceramics International13
9112008Preparation and properties of Ti50Cu28Ni15Sn7 bulk metallic glass by vacuum hot pressingLin, H. M.; Lin, C. K.; Jeng, R. R.; Bor, H. Y.; Pee-Yew Lee Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science0
9122008Hole mobilities of thermally polymerized triaryldiamine derivatives and their applications as hole transport materials in OLEDsLin, C. Y.; Chen, Y. M.; Chen, H. F.; Fang, F. C.; Lin, Y. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Wong, K. T.; Brooks, J.; Kwong, R. C.; Xia, S. C.Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
9132008Structural and opto-electronic properties of transparent conducting (222)-textured Zr-doped In2O3/ZnO bilayer filmsYuan-Chang Liang ; Liu, C. C.; Kuo, C. C.Journal of Crystal Growth9
9142008Lattice effects in ferromagnetic La1-xBaxMnO3 thin filmsYuan-Chang Liang Surface & Coatings Technology3
9152008Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth of AISI 316L stainless steel weldL.W. Tsay ; J.J. Chen; J.C. Huang30
9162008The effect of grain size and aging on hydrogen embrittlement of a maraging steelL. W. Tsay, ; H. L. Lu,; C. Chen
9172008Effect of laser illumination on the blue-green luminescence from MCM-41 at room temperatureTai-Yuan Lin ; Chang, J. ; Huang, G. Z.; Yeah, Y. J.; Shen, J. L.; Hsiu-Mei Lin Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter1
9182008Suppressing series resistance in organic solar cells by oxygen plasma treatmentLin, C. H.; Tseng, S. C.; Liu, Y. K.; Tai, Y.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Lin, C. F.; Lee, J. H.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Hsu, Y. Y.; Chen, L. C.; Chen, W. C.; Chen, K. H.Applied Physics Letters
9192008The corrosion behavior of mechanically alloyed Cu-Zr-Ti bulk metallic glassesLin, H. M.; Wu, J. K.; Wang, C. C.; Pee-Yew Lee Materials Letters16
9202008Optical and structural characteristics of ZnO films grown on (0001) sapphire substrates by ALD using DEZn and N2OLin, P. Y.; Gong, J. R.; Li, P. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lyu, D. Y.; Lin, D. Y.; Lin, H. J.; Li, T. C.; Chang, K. J.; Lin, W. J.Journal of Crystal Growth14
9212008Cell tracking and detection of molecular expression in live cells using lipid-enclosed CdSe quantum dots as contrast agents for epi-third harmonic generation microscopyChieh-Feng Chang; Chao-Yu Chen; Fu-Hsiung Chang; Shih-Peng Tai; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Che-Hang Yu; Yi-Bing Tseng; Tsung-Han Tsai; I-Shuo Liu; Wei-Fang Su; Chi-Kuang SunOptics express31
9222008Synthesis and characterization of bulk amorphous/amorphous composite alloys through powder metallurgy routeLin, H. M.; Lin, Y. W.; Pee-Yew Lee Journal of Materials Science4
9232008Oxidation behavior of the (Cu78Y22)98Al2 bulk metallic glass containing Cu5Y-particle composite at 400–600 °CWu Kai ; Ho, T. H.; Jen, I. F.; Lee, P. Y.; Yang, Y. M.; Chin, T. S.Intermetallics
9242008The effect of sensitization on the hydrogen-enhanced fatigue crack growth of two austenitic stainless steelsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Liua, Y. -F.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Kuo, Roang-ChingCorrosion Science
9252008Addendum to “Large negative Goos–Hanchen shift at metal surfaces”, [Opt. Comm. 276 (2007) 206]P.T. Leung; C.W. Chen; H.-P. Chiang Optics Communications5
9262008Tandem duplication/triplication correlated with poly-cytosine stretch variation in human mitochondrial DNA D-loop regionWen-Yi Hung ; Lin, J. C.; Lee, L. M.; Wu, C. W.; Tseng, L. M.; Yin, P. H.; Chi, C. W.; Lee, H. C.Mutagenesis24
9272008Notched tensile strength of SP-700 laser weldsL.W. Tsay ; Y.S. Ding; W.C. Chung; C. ChenMaterials Letters17
9282008Bulk nano-crystalline Fe-based alloys by annealing bulk glassy precursorsChin, T. S.; Lin, C. Y.; Lee, M. C.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Huang, S. M.Intermetallics
9292008Hot carrier photoluminescence in InN epilayers Hot carrier photoluminescence in InN epilayersYang, M. D.; Chen, Y. P.; Shu, G. W.; Shen, J. L.; Hung, S. C.; Chi, G. C.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Lee, Y. C.; Chen, C. T.; Ko, C. H.Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing4
9302008Growth-temperature-dependent electrical properties of Mn doping Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin films on La0.72Ca0.28MnO3 electrodesYuan-Chang Liang ; Chu, J. P.Japanese Journal of Applied Physics12
9312008An electron-transporting host material compatible with diverse triplet emitters used for highly efficient red- and green-electrophosphorescent devicesHwu, T. Y.; Tsai, T. C.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chang, S. Y.; Chi, Y.; Chen, M. H.; Wu, C. I.; Wong, K. T.; Chi, L. C.Chemical Communications28
9322008An ambipolar host material provides highly efficient saturated red PhOLEDs possessing simple device structuresWen-Yi Hung ; Tsai, T. C.; Ku, S. Y.; Chi, L. C.; Wong, K. T.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics48
9332008Physical properties of strained Ba0.5Sr0.5(Ti,Mn)O-3 thin films buffered with La0.68Ba0.32MnO3 conductive layersYuan-Chang Liang ; Chu, J. P.Electrochemical and Solid State Letters16
9342008電解沉積製備鎳奈米線及其磁性研究許臣翔; 李弘彬 ; 李春穎
9352008Polarization Reversal in Photoluminescence in InGaN/GaN Multiple Quantum Wells by Surface Plasmonic EffectDoon-Ru Li; Shih-Yen Huang; Ting-Wei Chang; Wen-Chi Lin; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Tai-Yuan Lin 
9362008Resolving Periodic Nano Scale Recording Bits on Commercial DVD Rewritable Optical DiskCheng Hung Chu; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Zhong Yuan Wu; Chun Ta Hsueh; Yi Sheng Chen; Din Ping Tsai
9372008Optic-Thermal Nanolithography with Phase-Change Fabrication MethodFu Hao Chen; Zhi Qi Wei; Din Ping Tsai; Guan Yu Chiu; Hai-Pang Chiang 
9382008Preparation of Silver Nano-Crystal Decorated Silica Nanowires on Quartz as Versatile Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates Enabling Wide Range MeasurementJih Shang Hwang; K. Y. Chen; W. S. Syu; S. W. Chen; S. J. Hong; Hai-Pang Chiang ; S. Chattopadhyay; K. H. Chen; L. C. Chen
9392008Biocompatible bacteria@ Au composites for application in the photothermal destruction of cancer cellsWen-Shuo Kuo; Ching-Ming Wu; Zih-Syuan Yang; Szu-Yu Chen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chih-Chia Huang; Wei-Ming Li; Chi-Kuang Sun; Chen-Sheng YehChemical Communications51
9402008Temperature Dependence of Enhanced Optical Absorption and Raman Spectroscopy from Metallic NanoparticlesChih-Wei Chen; Hai-Pang Chiang ; P. T. Leung; D. P. Tsai
9412007Performance of sol-gel deposited Zn1-xMgxO films used as active channel layer for thin-film transistorsTsay, C. Y.; Cheng, H. C.; Wang, M. C.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Chen, C. F.; Lin, C. K.Surface & Coatings Technology31
9422007Hydrogen absorption performance of mechanically alloyed (Mg2Ni)(100-x) Ti-x powderChen, C. Y.; Wang, C. K.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Lin, C. K.Materials Transactions3
9432007Hole mobilities of 2,7- and 2,2 '-disubstituted 9,9 '-spirobifluorene-based triaryldiamines and their application as hole transport materials in OLEDsLiao, Y. L.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Hou, T. H.; Lin, C. Y.; Wong, K. T.Chemistry of Materials70
9442007The effect of short time post-weld heat treatment on the fatigue crack growth of 2205 duplex stainless steel weldsM. C. Young; L. W. Tsay ; C. S. Shin; Sammy Chan
9452007Oxidation behavior of an Zr53Ni23.5Al23.5 bulk metallic glass at 400–600 °CWu Kai ; Hsieh, H. H.; Chen, Y. R.; Wang, Y. F.; Dong, C.Intermetallics
9462007Temperature dependence of the sensitivity of a long-range surface plasmon optical sensorC.-W. Chen; C.-H. Lin; H.-P. Chiang ; Y.-C. Liu; P.T. Leung; W.S. TseApplied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing5
9472007Air-oxidation behavior of a Cu60Hf25Ti15 bulk metallic glass at 375-520 degrees CWu Kai ; Hsieh, H. H.; Ho, T. H.; Lin, Y. L.; Rong-Tan Huang Oxidation of Metals
9482007A novel ambipolar spirobifluorene derivative that behaves as an efficient blue-light emitter in organic light-emitting diodesLiao, Y. L.; Lin, C. Y.; Wong, K. T.; Hou, T. H.; Wen-Yi Hung Organic Letters102
9492007A comparison of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of two austenitic stainless steel weldsTsay, L. W. ; Yu, S. C.; Chyou, San-Der; Lin, D.-Y.Article13
9502007Narrow-band detection of propagating coherent acoustic phonons in piezoelectric InGaN∕ GaN multiple-quantum wellsCheng-Ying Chen ; Yu-Chieh Wen; Hung-Ping Chen; Tzu-Ming Liu; Chang-Chi Pan; Jen-Inn Chyi; Chi-Kuang SunApplied Physics Letters8
9512007Large negative Goos-Hanchen shift at metal surfacesP. T. Leung; C.W. Chen; H.-P. Chiang Optics Communications105
9522007Optical temperature sensing based on the Goos-Hanchen effectChih-Wei Chen; Wen-Chi Lin; Lu-Shing Liao; Zheng-Hung Lin; Hai-Pang Chiang ; Pui-Tak Leung; Edin Sijercic; Wan-Sun TseApplied Optics61
9532007Air oxidation of an Fe48CrI5C15Mo14B6Er2 bulk metallic glass at 600-725 degrees CHsieh, H. H.; Wu Kai ; Qiao, D. C.; Liaw, P. K.; Rong-Tan Huang Materials Transactions
9542007Preparation and characterization of dual-phase bulk metallic glasses through powder metallurgy routePee-Yew Lee ; Chung, S. T.; Lin, C. K.; Tsai, W. T.; Lin, H. M.Materials Transactions2
9552007Strong luminescence from strain relaxed InGaN/GaN nanotips for highly efficient light emittersChang, H. J.; Hsieh, Y. P.; Chen, T. T.; Chen, Y. F.; Liang, C. T.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Tseng, S. C.; Chen, L. C.Optics Express40
9562007Effect of Austenite Instability on the Hydrogen-enhanced Crack Growth of Austenitic Stainless SteelsL.W. Tsay ; S.C. Yu; R.-T. Huang32
9572007In-situ magnetic deposition, field effect on sheet resistance of Permalloy filmsS.U. Jen; T.C. Wu; C.M. Wong; Y.T. Chen; H.P. Chiang Thin Solid Films1
9582007Growth and properties of single-phase gamma-In2Se3 thin films on (111) Si substrate by AP-MOCVD using H2Se precursorD.Y. Lyu; T.Y. Lin ; J.H. Lin; S.C. Tseng ; J.S. Hwang ; H.P. Chiang ; C.C. Chiang ; S.M. Lan Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells18
9592007Effects of temperature on the surface plasmon resonance at a metal-semiconductor interfaceH.P. Chiang ; C.-W. Chen; J.J. Wu; H.L. Li; T.Y. Lin ; E.J. Sánchez; P.T. LeungThin Solid Films44
9602007Ultrafast hot electron relaxation time anomaly in InN epitaxial filmsTsong-Ru Tsai ; Chang, C. F.; Gwo, S.Applied Physics Letters
9612007Comparison between oxide-reduced and water-atomized copper powders used in making sintered wicks of heat pipeChiu, L. H.; Wu, C. H.; Pee-Yew Lee China Particuology10
9622007Strain-dependent surface evolution and magneto-transport properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 epilayers on SrTiO3 substratesYuan-Chang Liang Journal of Crystal Growth21
9632007The influence of aging treatments on sulfide stress corrosion cracking of PH13-8Mosteel weldsL.W. Tsay ; H.H. Chen; M.F. Chiang; C. Chen
9642007Characterization of Ni57Zr20Ti20Sn3 amorphous powders obtained by mechanical alloyingWu, H. M.; Hung, S. S.; Pee-Yew Lee Journal of Alloys and Compounds5
9652007Consolidation of mechanically alloyed Mg49Y15Cu36 powders by vacuum hot pressingPee-Yew Lee ; Lo, C.; Jang, J. S. C.Journal of Alloys and Compounds11
9662007Correlation between lattice modulation and physical properties of La0.72Ca0.28MnO3 films grown on LaAlO3 substratesYuan-Chang Liang Journal of Crystal Growth16
9672007Photoluminescence characteristics of InGaN light-emitting diodes grown on (0001) and (11(2)over-bar-0) sapphire substratesTai-Yuan Lin ; Chen, G. M.; Lyu, D. Y.Solid State Communications4
9682007Infrared lasing in InN nanobeltsHu, M. S.; Hsu, G. M.; Chen, K. H.; Yu, C. J.; Hsu, H. C.; Chen, L. C.; Jih-Shang Hwang ; Hong, L. S.; Chen, Y. F.Applied Physics Letters
9692007The effect of Ti additions on the hydrogen absorption properties of mechanically alloyed Mg2Ni powdersLin, C. K.; Wang, C. K.; Pee-Yew Lee ; Lin, H. C.; Lin, K. M.Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing13
9702007Fabrication of Mg-Y-Cu bulk metallic glass by mechanical alloying and hot consolidationPee-Yew Lee ; Liu, W. C.; Lin, C. K.; Huang, J. C.Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing16
9712007Mechanically alloyed tungsten carbide particle/Ti50Cu28Ni15Sn7 glassy alloy matrix compositesJeng, I. K.; Pee-Yew Lee Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing5
9722007The oxidation behavior of Cu–Zr–Ti–base bulk metallic glasses in air at 350–500 °CHsieh, H. H.; Wu Kai ; Jang, W. L.; Lee, P. Y.; Wang, W. H.; Rong-Tan Huang Oxidation of Metals
9732007Nanoimprint of gratings on a bulk metallic glassChu, J. P.; Wijaya, H.; Wu, C. W.; Tsong-Ru Tsai ; Wei, C. S.; Nieh, T. G.; Wadsworth, J.Applied Physics Letters
9742007An off-axis magnetron-sputtering system for in situ studies of artificial superlattices growth by synchrotron radiation scatteringYuan-Chang Liang ; Lee, H. Y.; Liu, H. J.; Hsieh, Y. W.Journal of Synchrotron Radiation5
9752007Comparison of two theoretical methods for studying 2-2 transitions in beryllium isoelectronic sequenceBogdanovich, P.; Hsiang-Shun Chou Lithuanian Journal of Physics3
9762007An unprecedented ambipolar charge transport material exhibiting balanced electron and hole mobilitiesLiao, Y. L.; Lin, C. Y.; Liu, Y. H.; Wong, K. T.; Wen-Yi Hung ; Chen, W. J.Chemical Communications30
9772007Fabrication and electrical properties of strain-modulated epitaxial Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 thin-film capacitorsYuan-Chang Liang Journal of the Electrochemical Society14
9782007Quantifying strain effects on physical properties of La0.68Ba0.32MnO3 epilayers and heterostructuresYuan-Chang Liang Journal of the Electrochemical Society6
9792007Investigation on the correlation between the crystalline and optical properties of InGaN using near-field scanning optical microscopyWei, P. K.; Lin, E. H.; Tseng, T. L.; Chang, R.; Tai-Yuan Lin Electrochemical and Solid State Letters1
9802007Optical Temperature Sensing Based on the Goos-Hänchen EffectC.-W. Chen; W.-C. Lin; L.-S. Liao; Z.-H. Lin; H.-P. Chiang ; P. T. Leung; E. Sijercic; W. S. Tse
9812007相變化薄膜奈米紀錄點在不同溫度下之變化研究吳宗遠; 朱正弘; 江海邦 ; 徐健倫; 張宏偉; 蔡定平
9822007Large negative Goos–Hanchen shift at metal surfacesP.T. Leung; C.W. Chen; H.-P. Chiang 
9832007Comparison between readout signal characteristics and recording marks images on as-deposited phase-change recording layer朱正弘; 江海邦 ; 高宗聖; 傅源興; 蔡定平; 張宏偉; 陳億昇
9842007以表面電漿共振探討藥物與蛋白質結合林正弘; 江海邦 ; 廖若川
9852007Theoretical modeling and experimental studies of optical sensor based on surface plasmon resonanceHai-Pang Chiang 
9862006Effects of Temperature on the Surface Plasmon Resonance at a Metal-Semiconductor InterfaceHai-Pang Chiang ; Z.-W. Chen; J. J. Wu; H. L. Li; T. Y. Lin ; E. J. Sánchez; P. T.Leung
9872006Influence of the trench depths of grooved GaN templates on the characteristics of overgrown AlGaN filmsWang, C. L.; Wang, W. L.; Liao, W. T.; Gong, J. R.; Lin, C. K.; Tai-Yuan Lin Journal of Crystal Growth0
9882006Raman scattering investigations of the low-temperature phase transition of NaNbO3S. J. Lin; D. P. Chiang; Y. F. Chen; C. H. Peng; H. T. Liu; J. K. Mei; W. S. Tse; T.‐R. Tsai ; H.‐P. Chiang Journal of Raman Spectroscopy20
9892006Ultrafast carrier thermalization in InNYu-Chieh Wen; Cheng-Ying Chen ; Chang-Hong Shen; Shangjr Gwo; Chi-Kuang SunApplied physics letters41
9902006Structural characterization of sputter-deposited Ba0.48Sr0.52TiO3/LaNiO3 artificial superlattice structure by X-ray reflectivity and diffractionLee, H. Y.; Wu, K. F.; Liu, H. J.; Lee, C. H.; Yuan-Chang Liang Thin Solid Films3
9912006The influence of porosity on the fatigue crack growth behavior of Ti-6Al-4V laser weldsL. W. Tsay ; Y.-P. Shan; Y.-H. Chao; W. Y. ShuJournal of Materials Science35
9922006Effects of the material polarity on the green emission properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wellsLai, Y. L.; Liu, C. P.; Lin, Y. H.; Lin, R. M.; Lyu, D. Y.; Peng, Z. X.; Tai-Yuan Lin Applied Physics Letters29
9932006Effects of rapid thermal annealing on the optical and electrical properties of InN epilayersShu, G. W.; Wu, P. F.; Liu, Y. W.; Wang, J. S.; Shen, J. L.; Tai-Yuan Lin ; Pong, P. J.; Chi, G. C.; Chang, H. J.; Chen, Y. F.; Lee, Y. C.Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter10
9942006Nonradiative traps in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells revealed by two wavelength excitationChen, I. J.; Chen, T. T.; Chen, Y. F.; Tai-Yuan Lin Applied Physics Letters8
9952006Effects of lattice modulation on magnetic properties of epitaxial ferromagnetic/paramagnetic manganite superlatticesYuan-Chang Liang Journal of Crystal Growth5
9962006Optical properties of silver oxide nano thin film with nanostructureT. S. Kao; C. H. Chu; H. K. Chen; H. W. Hsu; Y. H. Fu; H. -P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai
9972006Nano recording marks on Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change nano thin filmT. S. Kao; H. K. Chen; I. -C Lin; C. H. Chu; Y. H. Fu; H. -P. Chiang ; D. P. Tsai
9982006Mg-Y-Cu bulk metallic glass prepared by mechanical alloying and vacuum hot-pressingPee-Yew Lee ; Kao, M. C.; Lin, C. K.; Huang, J. C.Intermetallics15
9992006Formation and characterization of mechanically alloyed Ti-Cu-Ni-Sn bulk metallic glass compositesJeng, I. K.; Lin, C. K.; Pee-Yew Lee Intermetallics12
10002006Origins of efficient green light emission in phase-separated InGaN quantum wellsLai, Y. L.; Liu, C. P.; Lin, Y. H.; Hsueh, T. H.; Lin, R. M.; Lyu, D. Y.; Peng, Z. X.; Tai-Yuan Lin Nanotechnology51