The Customs was established in 1854 (4th year of the Xianfeng Period, Qing Dynasty), which was originally named the Inspectorate General of Customs. In 1911, the Republic of China (ROC) was officially founded as a state and the Customs had not changed its organizational structure until the passage of “Statutes Governing the Organization of the Directorate General of Customs of the Ministry of Finance” by the Legislative Yuan. Since the Statutes was promulgated on February 1, 1991, the Inspectorate General of Customs was officially renamed as Directorate General of Customs, which was later renamed as Customs Administration on January 1, 2013, following the merger of the Directorate General of Customs and the Department of Customs Administration, Ministry of Finance to align with the reorganization of Executive Yuan. In addition to revenue collection, Customs in early days also introduced modern thinking from the West and engaged in a series of reforms under the Self-Strengthening Movement, such as building navy force, initiating harbor management, developing postal system, installing navigation aid, providing weather information, popularizing education, and promoting diplomatic affairs. Harbor and postal affairs have no longer been under the jurisdiction of the Customs since the movement of government from mainland China to Taiwan in 1949. Subsequently, the jurisdiction of harbor and postal affairs was transferred to the Harbor Bureau and Directorate General of Posts, the respective authorities in charge. Customs Administration, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, is responsible for the planning, implementation, and management of customs policies and the promulgation of customs-related laws and regulations. Furthermore, it is in charge of duty collection, smuggling prevention, bonding, trade statistics, and the collection of taxes/fees as well as the enforcement of import/export controls on behalf of other competent authorities. Recently, Customs has spared no effort to implement a series of measures to refine the customs clearance procedures, such as the Cargo Clearance Automation System, Customs-Port-Trade (CPT) Single Window System, Dual-Channel Passenger Clearance System, Authorized Economic Operators (AEO) System, electronic licensing operation, risk management system and electronic seals, and the establishment of detector dog breeding & training center. These measures have served to provide a secure and facilitated customs clearance environment. Moreover, by adopting the “Refine Customs management to uplift the effectiveness of facilitation” as its vision, Customs Administration continues to play an important role in safeguarding the national border, so as to enhance the development of our national economy.