
Results 1-51 of 51 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023An alternative for predicting real-time water levels of urban drainage systemsHuang, Pin-Chun ; Lee, Kwan Tun JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
22023A novel method of estimating dynamic partial contributing area for integrating subsurface flow layer into GIUH modelHuang, Pin-Chun ; Lee, Kwan Tun JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
32022A Dilemma between Flood and Drought Management: Case Study of the Upper Chao Phraya Flood-Prone Area in ThailandPratoomchai, Weerayuth; Ekkawatpanit, Chaiwat; Yoobanpot, Naphol; Lee, Kwan Tun WATER
42022Using ensemble quantitative precipitation forecast for rainfall-induced shallow landslide predictionsHo, Jui-Yi; Liu, Che-Hsin; Chen, Wei-Bo; Chang, Chih-Hsin; Lee, Kwan Tun GEOSCI LETT
52022Detecting the Planform Changes Due to the Seasonal Flow Fluctuation and 2012 Severe Flood in the Amazon River near Iquitos City, Peru Based on Remote Sensing Image AnalysisGarcia Angulo, Karen; Lee, Kwan Tun WATER-SUI
62021Channel-flow response function considering the downstream tidal effect and hydraulic characteristicsPin-Chun Huang ; Lee, Kwan Tun JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
72021Influence of topographic features and stream network structure on the spatial distribution of hydrological responsePin-Chun Huang ; Lee, Kwan Tun JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
82021Improvement of Two-Dimensional Flow-Depth Prediction Based on Neural Network Models By Preprocessing Hydrological and Geomorphological DataPin-Chun Huang ; Hsu, Kuo-Lin; Lee, Kwan Tun WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
92020Channel hydrological response function considering inflow conditions and hydraulic characteristicsPin-Chun Huang ; Lee, Kwan Tun JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
102020Refinement of the channel response system by considering time-varying parameters for flood predictionHuang, P. C.; Kwan-Tun Lee Hydrological Processes
112020Development of a Hydrological Ensemble Prediction System to Assist with Decision-Making for Floods during TyphoonsYang, S. C.; Yang, T. H.; Chang, Y. C.; Chen, C. H.; Lin, M. Y.; Ho, J. Y.; Kwan-Tun Lee Sustainability
122019Weather Radar Data for Hydrological Modelling: An Application for South of Primorye Region, RussiaGonchukov, L. V.; Bugaets, A. N.; Gartsman, B. I.; Lee, K. T. WATER RESOURCES
132019Weather Radar Data for Hydrological Modelling: An Application for South of Primorye Region, RussiaGonchukov, L. V.; Bugaets, A. N.; Gartsman, B. I.; Kwan-Tun Lee Water Resources
142019Influence of Topographic Characteristics on the Adaptive Time Interval for Diffusion Wave SimulationPin-Chun Huang ; Lee, Kwan Tun ; Gartsman, Boris I.WATER-SUI
152019Using ensemble precipitation forecasts and a rainfall-runoff model for hourly reservoir inflow forecasting during typhoon periodsKwan-Tun Lee ; Ho, J. Y.; Kao, H. M.; Lin, G. F.; Yang, T. H.Journal of Hydro-Environment Research
162018Assessment of flood mitigation through riparian detention in response to a changing climate - a case studyKwan-Tun Lee ; Huang, P. C.Journal of Earth System Science
172018Analysis of flow-sediment rating curve hysteresis based on flow and sediment travel time estimationsYang, C. C.; Kwan-Tun Lee International Journal of Sediment Research
182018基地雨水滯蓄設施設計作業平臺開發李光敦 ; 洪夢秋; 蔡綽芳; 曾韋緐; 詹翊平; 白櫻芳
192017Discussion of "Development of a Direct Geomorphologic IUH Model for Daily Runoff Estimation in Ungauged Watersheds" by Seiyed Mossa Hosseini, Najmeh Mahjouri, and Samaneh RiahiKwan-Tun Lee ; Shaheen, H. Q.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
202017Performance evaluation of a physically based model for shallow landslide predictionHo, J. Y.; Kwan-Tun Lee Landslides
212017Efficient DEM-based overland flow routing using integrated recursive algorithmsHuang, P. C.; Kwan-Tun Lee Hydrological Processes
222016Influence of storm magnitude and watershed size on runoff nonlinearityKwan-Tun Lee ; Huang, J. K.Journal of Earth System Science
232016Real-Time Flood Forecasting System: Case Study of Hsia-Yun Watershed, TaiwanHuang, J. K.; Chan, Y. H.; Kwan-Tun Lee Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
242016Distinctions of geomorphological properties caused by different flow-direction predictions from digital elevation modelsHuang, P. C.; Kwan-Tun Lee International Journal of Geographical Information Science
252015A simple depression-filling method for raster and irregular elevation datasetsHuang, P. C.; Kwan-Tun Lee Journal of Earth System Science
262015Grey Forecast Rainfall with Flow Updating Algorithm for Real-Time Flood ForecastingHo, J. Y.; Kwan-Tun Lee Water
272013Assessment of sewer flooding model based on ensemble quantitative precipitation forecastLee, C. S.; Ho, H. Y.; Kwan-Tun Lee ; Wang, Y. C.; Guo, W. D.; Chen, D. Y. C.; Hsiao, L. F.; Chen, C. H.; Chiang, C. C.; Yang, M. J.; Kuo, H. C.Journal of Hydrology
282013An efficient method for DEM-based overland flow routingHuang, P. C.; Kwan-Tun Lee Journal of Hydrology
292013Runoff simulation considering time-varying partial contributing area based on current precipitation indexKwan-Tun Lee ; Huang, J. K.Journal of Hydrology
302012Evaluating the adequateness of kinematic-wave routing for flood forecasting in midstream channel reaches of TaiwanKwan-Tun Lee ; Huang, P. C.Journal of Hydroinformatics
312012Influences of spatial distribution of soil thickness on shallow landslide predictionHo, J. Y.; Kwan-Tun Lee ; Chang, T. C.; Wang, Z. Y.; Liao, Y. H.Engineering Geology
322010Analysis of Runoff in Ungauged Mountain Watersheds in Sichuan, China using Kinematic-wave-based GIUH ModelCao, S. Y.; Kwan-Tun Lee ; Ho, J. Y.; Liu, X. N. A.; Huang, E.; Yang, K. J.Journal of Mountain Science
332010Estimation of sediment yield during storms based on soil and watershed geomorphology characteristicsKwan-Tun Lee ; Yang, C. C.Journal of Hydrology
342009Influences of spatially heterogeneous roughness on flow hydrographsHuang, J. K.; Kwan-Tun Lee Advances in Water Resources
352009Prediction of landslide occurrence based on slope-instability analysis and hydrological model simulationKwan-Tun Lee ; Ho, J. Y.Journal of Hydrology
362009Impact of stream network structure on the transition break of peak flowsKwan-Tun Lee ; Chen, N. C.; Gartsman, B. I.Journal of Hydrology
372008Design hyetograph for typhoon rainstorms in TaiwanKwan-Tun Lee ; Ho, J. Y.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
382008Derivation of variable IUH corresponding to time-varying rainfall intensity during stormsKwan-Tun Lee ; Chen, N. C.; Chung, Y. R.Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques
392008Analysis of geomorphologic and hydrological characteristics in watershed saturated areas using topographic-index threshold and geomorphology-based runoff modelChang, C. H.; Kwan-Tun Lee Hydrological Processes
402008Deterministic insight into ANN model performance for storm runoff simulationKwan-Tun Lee ; Hung, W. C.; Meng, C. C.Water Resources Management
412007Effect of moving storms on attainment of equilibrium dischargeKwan-Tun Lee ; Huang, J. K.Hydrological Processes
422006Flow analysis of landslide dammed lake watersheds: A case studyKwan-Tun Lee ; Lin, Y. T.Journal of the American Water Resources Association
432006Bridge blockage and overbank flow simulations using HEC-RAS in the Keelung River during the 2001 Nari TyphoonKwan-Tun Lee ; Ho, Y. H.; Chyan, Y. J.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
442006A window-based inquiry system for design discharge based on geomorphic runoff modelingKwan-Tun Lee ; Chung, Y. R.; Lau, C. C.; Meng, C. C.; Chiang, S.Computers & Geosciences
452005Incorporating subsurface-flow mechanism into geomorphology-based IUH modelingKwan-Tun Lee ; Chang, C. H.Journal of Hydrology
462004Experimental investigation of bedload transport processes under unsteady flow conditionsKwan-Tun Lee ; Liu, Y. L.; Cheng, K. H.Hydrological Processes
472001Determination of probability distributions for Strahler stream lengths based on Poisson process and DEMYang, M. S.; Kwan-Tun Lee Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques
482001Reservoir attenuation of floods from ungauged basinsKwan-Tun Lee ; Chang, C. H.; Yang, M. S.; Yu, W. S.Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques
491998Generating design hydrographs by DEM assisted geomorphic runoff simulation: A case studyKwan-Tun Lee Journal of the American Water Resources Association
511997Geomorphology and kinematic-wave-based hydrograph derivationKwan-Tun Lee ; Yen, B. C.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce