
Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/12/1Modeling and performance estimation for L-shaped OWC wave energy converters with a theoretical correction for spring-like air compressibilityNguyen, Duy Tong; Chow, Yi-Chih ; Lin, Chen-Chou RENEWABLE ENERGY
22021Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management SystemChang, Chung-Cheng ; Wang, Jung-Hua ; Wu, Jenq-Lang ; Hsieh, Yi-Zeng ; Wu, Tzong-Dar ; Cheng, Shyi-Chy ; Chang, Chin-Chun ; Juang, Jih-Gau ; Liou, Chyng-Hwa ; Hsu, Te-Hua ; Huang, Yii-Shing ; Huang, Cheng-Ting ; Lin, Chen-Chou ; Peng, Yan-Tsung; Huang, Ren-Jie; Jhang, Jia-Yao; Liao, Yen-Hsiang; Lin, Chin-YangJ MED BIOL ENG6
32019Inertial Effects on the Performance of a Bottom-Hinged Oscillating Wave Surge ConverterShiaw-Yih Tzang ; Yi-Chih Chow ; Jiahn-Horng Chen ; Chen-Chou Lin Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering-Transactions of the Asme3
42018Parametric design methodology for maximizing energy capture of a bottom-hinged flap-type WEC with medium wave resourcesChang, Y. C.; Chen, D. W.; Shiaw-Yih Tzang ; Yi-Chih Chow ; Chen-Chou Lin Renewable Energy12
52018Experimental investigations on wave energy capture of two bottom-hinged-flap WECs operating in tandemChang, Y. C.; Shiaw-Yih Tzang ; Yi-Chih Chow ; Jiahn-Horng Chen ; Chen-Chou Lin Ocean Engineering7
62015THEORETICAL ANALYSIS AND SPH SIMULATION FOR THE WAVE ENERGY CAPTURED BY A BOTTOM-HINGED OWSCChang, Y. C.; Chen, D. W.; Shiaw-Yih Tzang ; Yi-Chih Chow ; Jiahn-Horng Chen ; Chen-Chou Lin Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan8
72014NUMERICAL MODELING OF WAVE-INDUCED ROTATIONS OF A BOTTOM-HINGED FLAPPER WITH A SPH MODELChen, D. W.; Shiaw-Yih Tzang ; Hsieh, C. M.; Hwang, R. R. J.; Yi-Chih Chow ; Jiahn-Horng Chen ; Chen-Chou Lin Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan7
82014一種銥計畫體溫血壓量測技術吳尚旻; 林進豐 ; 劉展志; 王照盛; 吳宗達 ; 張淑淨 ; 曾敬翔 ; 何志傑 ; 林鎮洲 ; 張忠誠 International Journal of Science and Engineering
92013一種銥計劃體溫血壓量測技術吳尚旻; 林進豐 ; 劉展志; 王照盛; 吳宗達 ; 張淑淨 ; 張淑淨 ; 何志傑 ; 林鎮洲 ; 張忠誠 
102008Inspecting profile errors of conjugate disk cams with coordinate measurementWu, L. L.; Fuh, K. H.; Chen-Chou Lin ; Wen-Tung Chang Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the Asme
112004遠端操控水下機械臂系統應用於水下施工作業之技術研發張忠誠 ; 林鎮洲 ; 王榮華 ; 鄭慕德 工程科技通訊
122001Development of an intelligent underwater robotic manipulator systemChen-Chou Lin ; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Mu-Der Jeng ; Jung-Hua Wang 0
132001智慧型水下機械臂系統技術研習與實作張忠誠 ; 鄭慕德 ; 王榮華 ; 林鎮洲 ; 曾世和工程科技通訊
142000The fabrication and characterization of PZT thin film Acoustic Devices for application in underwater robotic systemsChung-Cheng Chang ; Jung-Hua Wang ; Mu-Der Jeng ; Chen-Chou Lin ; Chen, Kau-hsiungProceedings of the National Science Council : Part A, Physical Science and Engineering
151998智慧型水下機械臂之研究王榮華 ; 鄭慕德 ; 林鎮洲 ; 張恆毅; 張忠誠