
Results 1-135 of 135 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12019創新科技在航運及港埠經營上之應用蔡絢麗; 林婷如; 張志清 
22019定期航運對商業環境改變之因應對策林婷如; 蔡絢麗; 張志清 
32019現階段基隆港業務轉型策略葉淑華; 張志清 
42018Perceptual Biases in Font Size as a Data EncodingAlexander, E.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Shimabukuro, M.; Franconeri, S.; Collins, C.; Gleicher, M.Ieee Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics13
520182002年雅典公約修正議定書對我國海商法修正旅客運送之啟示于惠蓉; 張志清 ; 鄭若英
62018郵輪契約之法律性質鄭若英; 張志清 
72017The influence of organisational green climate on employees' green behaviours: evidence from the Eco Port of KaohsiungHsu-Li Tsai; Chin-Shan Lu; Chih-Ching Chang International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics5
82017海商法對傭船契約規範修正之建議張志清 ; 于惠蓉
92017Assessment of differences in efficiency across strategic groups in the container shipping context: a data envelopment analysisHuang, W. H.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Shih-Liang Chao International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
102016VEGF Production by Ly6C(+high) Monocytes Contributes to Ventilator-Induced Lung InjuryShi, C. S.; Huang, T. H.; Lin, C. K.; Li, J. M.; Chen, M. H.; Tsai, M. L.; Chih-Ching Chang Plos One
112016What are passenger perspectives regarding airlines' environmental protection? An empirical investigation in TaiwanNiu, S. Y.; Kung-Don Ye ; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chiung-Lin Liu ; Niu, Shih-Yuan; Liu, Chiung-Lin ; Chang, Chih-Ching ; Ye, Kung-Don Journal of Air Transport Management; J AIR TRANSP MANAG18
122016Exploring risk-return relations in dry bulk shippingKuo, C. C.; Heng-Chih Chou ; Chih-Ching Chang International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
132016A structural equation analysis of vessel traffic controllers' fatigue factorsWang, Y. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chang, C. Y.; Jin-Ru Yen International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
142015Modified conducting polymer films having high catalytic activity for use as counter electrodes in rigid and flexible dye-sensitized solar cellsKe, C. R.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Ting, J. M.Journal of Power Sources49
152015A Longitudinal Cohort Study of Body Mass Index and Childhood Exposure to Secondhand Tobacco Smoke and Air Pollution: The Southern California Children's Health Study (vol 123, pg 360, 2015)McConnell, R.; Shen, E.; Gilliland, F. D.; Jerrett, M.; Wolch, J.; Chih-Ching Chang Environmental Health Perspectives
162015Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Outpatient Department Visits for Headache in Taipei, TaiwanChih-Ching Chang ; Chiu, H. F.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues5
172015Short-Term Effects of Fine Particulate Air Pollution on Hospital Admissions for Cardiovascular Diseases: A Case-Crossover Study in a Tropical CityChih-Ching Chang ; Chen, P. S.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues45
182014Allergen exposure induces adipose tissue inflammation and insulin resistanceJung, C. C.; Tsai, Y. S.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Cheng, T. J.; Chang, C. W.; Liu, P. Y.; Chiu, Y. J.; Su, H. J.International Immunopharmacology
192014Sesame Oil Therapeutically Ameliorates Cardiac Hypertrophy by Regulating Hypokalemia in Hypertensive RatsLiu, C. T.; Periasamy, S.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Mo, F. E.; Liu, M. Y.Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition4
202014The Effects of Fine Particulate Air Pollution on Daily Mortality: A Case-Crossover Study in a Subtropical City, Taipei, TaiwanTsai, S. S.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Liou, S. H.; Yang, C. Y.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17
222014自由貿易港區跨部門協調障礙之探討張志清 ; 余坤東 ; 蕭丁訓; 林政雄; 鄭雅馨
232014Organizational Change for Port Authorities: A Social Information Processing AnalysisCheng-Sheng Lai; Rong-Her Chiu ; Chih-Ching Chang ; Kung-Don Ye Maritime Policy and Management
242013Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Case-Crossover Study in TaipeiTsai, S. S.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Yang, C. Y.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health72
252013Allergen exposure induces inflammation and affects adiponectin levels in adipose tissueJung, C. C.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, Y. S.; Su, H. J.Toxicology Letters
262013Prophylactic Sesame Oil Attenuates Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome by Inhibiting Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and Oxidative StressPeriasamy, S.; Yang, S. S.; Chen, S. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Liu, M. Y.Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition13
272013In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of mice liver tumors using a new gadolinium-based contrast agentChen, S. H.; Kuo, Y. T.; Cheng, T. L.; Chen, C. Y.; Chiu, Y. Y.; Lai, J. J.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Jaw, T. S.; Wang, Y. M.; Liu, G. C.Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences0
282013Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Myocardial Infarction in a Subtropical City: Taipei, TaiwanChih-Ching Chang ; Kuo, C. C.; Liou, S. H.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues39
292013Volumetric distribution of Pt nanoparticles supported on mesoporous carbon substrates studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profilingWu, H. C.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tseng, H. P.; Lee, K. N.; Tung, C. H.; Tsao, C. S.; Yu, M. S.; Pai, W. W.; Tzeng, Y. R.Carbon
302012Development of a Gd(III)-Based Receptor-Induced Magnetization Enhancement (RIME) Contrast Agent for beta-Glucuronidase Activity ProfilingChen, S. H.; Kuo, Y. T.; Singh, G.; Cheng, T. L.; Su, Y. Z.; Wang, T. P.; Chiu, Y. Y.; Lai, J. J.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Jaw, T. S.; Tzou, S. C.; Liu, G. C.; Wang, Y. M.Inorganic Chemistry
312012Epithelial-mesenchymal transition contributes to SWCNT-induced pulmonary fibrosisChih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, M. L.; Huang, C.; Chen, C. Y.; Dai, S. X.Nanotoxicology34
322012Activation of HGF/c-Met signaling by ultrafine carbon particles and its contribution to alveolar type II cell proliferationChih-Ching Chang ; Chiu, J. J.; Chen, S. L.; Huang, H. C.; Chiu, H. F.; Lin, B. H.; Yang, C. Y.American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology
332012Identification of Escherichia coli Genes Associated with Urinary Tract InfectionsMao, B. H.; Chang, Y. F.; Scaria, J.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chou, L. W.; Tien, N.; Wu, J. J.; Tseng, C. C.; Wang, M. C.; Hsu, Y. M.; Teng, C. H.Journal of Clinical Microbiology30
342012TRIHALOMETHANES IN DRINKING WATER AND THE RISK OF DEATH FROM KIDNEY CANCER: DOES HARDNESS IN DRINKING WATER MATTER?Liao, Y. H.; Chen, C. C.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Peng, C. Y.; Chiu, H. F.; Wu, T. N.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues
352012由鹿特丹規則論我國海商法貨物運送修正之方向張志清 ; 林妲欣
362012配合港務公司化基隆港之經營策略張志清 ; 甯世強
372012SAJ造船契約之研究張志清 ; 許柔晴
382011鹿特丹規則對海上貨物運送人責任之影響張志清 ; 李佳逸 ; 王穆衡運輸計劃季刊0
392011Predicting the risk of cardiovascular disease in people exposed to moderate to high levels of dioxinChang, J. W.; Chen, H. L.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Su, H. J.; Liao, P. C.; Lee, C. C.Journal of Hazardous Materials0
402011Statins Are Associated With a Reduced Risk of Gastric Cancer: A Population-Based Case-Control StudyChiu, H. F.; Ho, S. C.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Wu, T. N.; Yang, C. Y.American Journal of Gastroenterology57
412011Statins Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Population-Based Case-Control StudyChih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.; Chiu, H. F.; Yang, C. Y.Prostate41
422011Elastases from inflammatory and dendritic cells mediate ultrafine carbon black induced acute lung destruction in miceChih-Ching Chang ; Chen, C. Y.; Chiu, H. F.; Dai, S. X.; Liu, M. Y.; Yang, C. Y.Inhalation Toxicology
432011Statin Use and the Risk of Pancreatic Cancer A Population-Based Case-Control StudyChiu, H. F.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.; Wu, T. N.; Yang, C. Y.Pancreas26
442011由1999年蒙特婁公約論臺灣民用航空運送責任之立法方向張志清 ; 李佳逸 ; 蔡絢麗
452011Higher parity associated with higher risk of death from gastric cancerChih-Ching Chang ; Chen, C. C.; Chiu, H. F.; Yang, C. Y.World Journal of Gastroenterology5
462011Arsenic Ingestion, Polo-like Kinase 2 Gene Polymorphism, and Skin CancerLin, W. Y.; Pan, S. C.; Yang, Y. C.; Sheu, H. M.; Chao, S. C.; Chao, C. K.; Lin, M. H.; Wang, Y. J.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chen, K. T.; Guo, H. R.Epidemiology
472011From the Lung Epithelial Proliferation and Immune Inflammatory Response Aspects to Assess a Suitable Exposure Metric for Quartz Dusts of Different Particle SizesChen, C. H.; Syu, W. T.; Lin, M. H.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, P. J.Epidemiology0
482011Silica Exposure Causes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Pulmonary FibrosisChih-Ching Chang ; Huang, H. C.; Chen, C. Y.; Tsai, P. J.Epidemiology1
492011Calcium and Magnesium in Drinking Water and Risk of Death from Kidney CancerChiu, H. F.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chen, C. C.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues
502011Sesamol Attenuates Isoproterenol-induced Acute Myocardial Infarction via Inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and-9 Expression in RatsPeriasamy, S.; Mo, F. E.; Chen, S. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Liu, M. Y.Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry15
512011波羅地海乾散貨運價指數之變幅波動模型周恆志 ; 張志清 ; 謝承宏; 易至中
522011基隆市港發展觀光旅遊行銷策略之研究張志清 ; 張婉君
532011造船契約違約風險分析張志清 ; 陳慧君
542010Use of proton pump inhibitors increased the risk of hip fracture: a population-based case-control studyChiu, H. F.; Huang, Y. W.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Yang, C. Y.Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
552010A label-free differential proteomic analysis of mouse bronchoalveolar lavage fluid exposed to ultrafine carbon blackChiu, K. H.; Lee, W. L. W.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chen, S. C.; Chang, Y. C.; Ho, M. N.; Hsu, J. F.; Liao, P. C.Analytica Chimica Acta
562010Parity, Age at First Birth, and Risk of Death From Pancreatic Cancer Evidence From a Cohort in TaiwanChih-Ching Chang ; Chiu, H. F.; Yang, C. Y.Pancreas18
572010A Service Quality Approach for Adopting Security MeasuresChih-Ching Chang ; Shy-Tzong Liou; Marie Chia-Yi Li ; Jya-Yuan Bao
582010Frequency of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia With 3-day Versus 7-day Ventilator Circuit ChangesHsieh, T. C.; Hsia, S. H.; Wu, C. T.; Lin, T. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Wong, K. S.Pediatrics and Neonatology8
592010Relationship of Blood Pressure Control and Hospitalization Risk to Medication Adherence Among Patients With Hypertension in TaiwanWu, P. H.; Yang, C. Y.; Yao, Z. L.; Lin, W. Z.; Wu, L. W.; Chih-Ching Chang American Journal of Hypertension53
602010Nitrates in Municipal Drinking Water and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: An Ecological Cancer Case-Control Study in TaiwanChih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Wu, T. N.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues5
612010Nitrates in Drinking Water and the Risk of Death from Rectal Cancer: Does Hardness in Drinking Water Matter?Chih-Ching Chang ; Chen, C. C.; Wu, D. C.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues12
622010Implementation of Container Security in Northern America Area張志清 ; 鄭夙君; 劉詩宗
632010基隆港市共同發展策略張通榮; 張志清 ; 林光; 林財生
642010提升基隆港競爭力之策略張國中; 張志清 ; 林財生
652010臺灣國際商港施行港埠安全措施分析--以港口國管制為例劉詩宗; 劉中平 ; 張志清 
662009The Association Between Chlamydia pneumoniae and Metabolic Syndrome in Taiwanese AdultsLin, C. Y.; Su, S. B.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Lee, T. M.; Shieh, J. M.; Guo, H. R.Southern Medical Journal5
672009Predisposed to Low Basal Air Pollution Level Increases Hospitalization Risk for Cardiovascular DiseasesChih-Ching Chang ; Lin, K. L.Epidemiology0
682009由各國航運稅制論我國因應之道李佳逸 ; 張志清 ; 包嘉源; 呂頌揚航運季刊0
692009基隆港組織變革之研究葉家宏; 李佳逸 ; 張志清 海運學報
702009臺灣船員聘僱問題分析呂淵華; Chia-Yi Li ; 張志清 ; 陳秀育 海運學報
712009Traffic Air Pollution and Lung Cancer in Females in Taiwan: Petrol Station Density as an Indicator of Disease DevelopmentChih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Chiu, H. F.; Wu, T. N.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues
722008Long-term affinity modification on poly(dimethylsiloxane) substrate and its application for ELISA analysisSung, W. C.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Makamba, H.; Chen, S. H.Analytical Chemistry34
732008Does Arsenic Exposure Increase the Risk for Prostate Cancer?Yang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chiu, H. F.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues
742008Is colon cancer mortality related to arsenic exposure?Yang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.; Chiu, H. F.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues21
752008影響兩岸海運通航之關鍵因素包嘉源; 張志清 ; 林光
762007Proteomic analysis of proteins from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid reveals the action mechanism of ultrafine carbon black-induced lung injury in miceChih-Ching Chang ; Chen, S. H.; Ho, S. H.; Yang, C. Y.; Wang, H. D.; Tsai, M. L.Proteomics21
772007The dynamics and control of an moving mass traveling on an initially curved beamChih-Ching Chang ; Wang, Y. M.Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
782007Particle size distributions of oil mists in workplace atmospheres and their exposure concentrations to workers in a fastener manufacturing industryChen, M. R.; Tsai, P. J.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Shih, T. S.; Lee, W. J.; Liao, P. C.Journal of Hazardous Materials30
792007Nitrate in drinking water and risk of death from colon cancer in TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Wu, D. C.; Chih-Ching Chang Environment International37
802007Deprotection of Acetals and ketals in a colloidal suspension generated by sodium tetrakis(3,5-trifluoromethylphenyl)borate in waterChih-Ching Chang ; Liao, B. S.; Liu, S. T.Synlett
812007Air pollution and hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tropical city: Kaohsiung, TaiwanLee, I. M.; Tsai, S. S.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Ho, C. K.; Yang, C. Y.Inhalation Toxicology
822007Bladder cancer in Taiwan: Relationship to trihalomethane concentrations present in drinking-water suppliesChih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.; Wang, L. Y.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues
832007臺灣港埠發展加值型服務港埠之啟思蕭丁訓; 張志清 ; 林光; 陳基國
842006Arsenic exposure and diabetes mellitus risk - Authors' responseChiu, H. F.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
852006Parity and risk of death from subarachnoid hemorrhage in women: Evidence from a cohort in TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Kuo, H. W.; Chiu, H. F.Neurology18
862006Calcium and magnesium in drinking water and risk of death from acute myocardial infarction in TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Chiu, H. F.Environmental Research
872006Air pollution and postneonatal mortality in a tropical city: Kaohsiung, TaiwanTsai, S. S.; Chen, C. C.; Hsieh, H. J.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Yang, C. Y.Inhalation Toxicology
882006Correlation of Asian dust storm events with daily clinic visits for allergic rhinitis in Taipei, TaiwanChih-Ching Chang ; Lee, I. M.; Tsai, S. S.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues
892006Does arsenic exposure increase the risk for diabetes mellitus?Chiu, H. F.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
902006國際海商立法多元化趨勢下對複合運送提單條款之建議張志清 ; 林財生; 陳福照; 連義堂
912006我國船舶設籍問題與因應對策之研擬鍾政棋 ; 張雅涵; 張志清 
922005Effects of Asian dust storm events on daily admissions for asthma in Taipei, TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Tsai, S. S.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.Inhalation Toxicology87
932005Air pollution and hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in Taipei, TaiwanChih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Ho, S. C.; Yang, C. Y.Environmental Research
942005Bladder cancer mortality reduction after installation of a tap-water supply system in an arsenious-endemic area in southwestern TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Chiu, H. F.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.; Wu, T. N.Environmental Research
952005The induction of vascular endothelial growth factor by ultrafine carbon black contributes to the increase of alveolar-capillary permeabilityChih-Ching Chang ; Chiu, H. F.; Wu, Y. S.; Li, Y. C.; Tsai, M. L.; Shen, C. K.; Yang, C. Y.Environmental Health Perspectives18
962005由上海港的發展看臺灣港口的競爭策略蕭丁訓; 林光; 張志清 ; 陳基國
972005兩岸海運通航談判之結構分析包嘉源; 張志清 ; 林光
982004Biological monitoring of exposures to aluminium, gallium, indium, arsenic, and antimony in optoelectronic industry workersLiao, Y. H.; Yu, H. S.; Ho, C. K.; Wu, M. T.; Yang, C. Y.; Chen, J. R.; Chih-Ching Chang Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
992004Ischemic heart disease mortality reduction in an arseniasis-endemic area in southwestern Taiwan after a switch in the tap-water supply systemChih-Ching Chang ; Ho, S. C.; Tsai, S. S.; Yang, C. Y.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues49
1002004Relationship between air pollution and daily mortality in a subtropical city: Taipei, TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chuang, H. Y.; Tsai, S. S.; Wu, T. N.; Ho, C. K.Environment International78
1012004自由貿易港區物流業者之貨損責任張志清 ; 崔延紘; 李政欣
1022004我國港埠物流相關法律規範之研究崔延紘; 張志清 ; 李政欣
1032004臺灣船務代理業經營實務問題探討廖德政; 張志清 
1042004兩岸海運通航協商之探討張志清 ; 林光; 包嘉源
1052003Evidence for increased risks of preterm delivery in a population residing near a freeway in TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Chuang, H. Y.; Ho, C. K.; Wu, T. N.; Tsai, S. S.Archives of Environmental Health
1062003The differential effects of tamoxifen and ICI 182,780 on the reduction of Na+/K+ ATPase activity and spontaneous oscillations by 17 beta-estradiolTsai, M. L.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Lee, C. L.; Huang, B. Y.Chinese Journal of Physiology
1072003The use of anti-asthmatic medications among pediatric patients in TaiwanChen, C. Y.; Chiu, H. F.; Yeh, M. K.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Yang, C. Y.Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
1082003Arsenic in drinking water and adverse pregnancy outcome in an arseniasis-endemic area in northeastern TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Tsai, S. S.; Chuang, H. Y.; Ho, C. K.; Wu, T. N.Environmental Research
1102003電子載貨證券之證據力及其舉證問題之研究崔延紘; 張志清 ; 吳志桐
1112003海洋油污染損害賠償責任之探討王敏華; 張志清 
1122003我國海難救助制度之探討張志清 ; 祁敏; 銀柳生
1142003船舶碰撞責任推定之研究陳家鴻; 張志清 ; 曾國雄
1152002Association of very low birth weight with calcium levels in drinking waterYang, C. Y.; Chiu, H. F.; Chih-Ching Chang ; Wu, T. N.; Sung, F. C.Environmental Research
1162002Respiratory symptoms in primary schoolchildren living near a freeway in TaiwanYang, C. Y.; Yu, S. T.; Chih-Ching Chang Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues12
1172002The Effect of Bill of Lading Terms and Conditions on Cargo Claim under the ROC Laws張志清 
1182002基隆港架設VTMS及CCTV對港埠作業影響之研究林光; 張志清 ; 李東興
1192002臺灣地區娛樂漁業漁船載客之適法性研究張志清 ; 楊文賢
1212002論電子載貨證券之憑證機構作業方式張志清 ; 陳岳宏
1232001XML/EDI電子載貨證券之研究王昌斌; 張志清 ; 黃俊豪
1272001論引水契約之法律性質曾國雄; 張志清 ; 陳家鴻
1282001The Determination of Applicable Law on Multimodal Transport Contracts under English Law and R.O.C. Law張志清 
1331998成立國輪造船及購船融資基金之研究陳一平; 邱盛生; 張志清 
1341997成立國輪造船及購船融資基金之研究陳一平; 邱盛生; 張志清 