Results 1-109 of 109 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12023/12/1Research on the Collision Risk of Ships off Keelung Based on AIS DataChen, Shih-Tzung ; Yang, Ming-Feng ; Kao, Sheng-Long ; Tu, Mengru; Kuo, Jun -Yuan; Chao, Yen-Ting; Hsu, Huang-KaiJOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
22023/1/1Enhanced Color Sensing and Recognition of Underwater Color Using Robust Adaptive Tone MappingHu, Kuo-Jui; Chen, Meng-Yi; Chang, Yuh-Shihng; Kao, Sheng-Long SENSORS AND MATERIALS
32023Causality of Risk Assessment Attributes under Uncertainty in Taiwan's Offshore Wind Farms DevelopmentTsai, Feng-Ming ; Kao, Sheng-Long ; Sujanto, Raditia Yudistira; Tseng, Ming-Lang; Hsu, Tai-Wen ; Chou, Chien-ChangJOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING0
42022AIS-Based Scenario Simulation for the Control and Improvement of Ship Emissions in PortsKao, Sheng-Long ; Chung, Wu-Hsun ; Chen, Chao-WeiJ MAR SCI ENG3
52022Integrating Face Recognition and IoT Sensors to Realize Smart Application of Health Monitoring at HomeChueh, Chia-Pin; Hu, Kuo-Jui; Chang, Yuh-Shihng; Kao, Sheng-Long SENSORS AND MATERIALS0
72021An Assessment Of The Electron Beam And Discharge Technologies For High Pressure Gas Laser Pumping In Terms Of Kinetics And Electrical DesignMeng-Ru Tu ; Ming-Feng Yang ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Lin, Feng-Cheng; Wu, Ming-Hung; Lin, Cheng-KuanEnterprise Information Systems1
82021模糊空間決策法於臺灣風場智慧航安之分析何可樂; 高聖龍 ; 李明安; 蘇健民; 林佳霖; 沈惠萱; 林青樺; 王盈婷
92021應用模糊理論分析玉山AIS立方衛 星最佳之通訊展角陳沛沂; 沈惠萱; 高聖龍 
102021立方衛星AIS酬載於地面接收覆蓋範圍之 移動式模糊分析高聖龍 ; 沈惠萱
112021空間資訊系統應用於基隆郵輪港航行安全 之研究高聖龍 ; 林青樺
122020臺灣海域智慧型綠能系統航安評估 案高聖龍 
132020A Decision-making Support System for Automatically Determining the Route Priority of Vessels Entering/Exiting the PortsSheng-Long Kao ; Chao-Kuang Hsueh ; Chien-Chang Chou; Chien-Chang ChouTRANSPORT2
142020Using a heuristic multi-objective genetic algorithm to solve the storage assignment problem for CPS-based pick-and-pass systemSheng-Long Kao ; Lin, F. C.; Wu, M. H.; Lin, C. K.; Meng-Ru Tu ; Ming-Feng Yang Enterprise Information Systems
152020A Marine GIS Based Alert System to Prevent Vessels Collision with Offshore PlatformsSheng-Long Kao ; Ki-Yin Chang ; Tai-Wen Hsu Journal of Marine Science and Technology0
162020The AIS CubeSat Remote Sensing IoT for navigation safetySheng-Long Kao ; Pei-Yi Chen; Mengru Tu; Hui-Hsuan Shen; Husn-Tsan Shen
172020The underwater Remote Sensing IoT via multi-beam sonar and GIS for Shihmen Dam terrain and structure depictionSheng-Long Kao ; Co Ler Ho; Jia-Lin Lin; Chien-Min Su 
182020Association rule learning to improve deficiency inspection in port state controlWu-Hsun Chung ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chang, C. M.; Yuan, C. C.Maritime Policy & Management7
192020船舶進出港口的管控方法高聖龍 ; 李明安
202020Utilizing the fuzzy IoT to reduce Green Harbor emissionsSheng-Long Kao ; Jia-Lin Lin; Meng-Ru Tu Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing2
212019Study on the FS-5 Remote Sensing in Algae ReefSheng-Long Kao ; Jia-Lin Lin; Pei-Yi Chen; Ying-Ting Wang; Co-Ler Ho; Li-Yu Chang; Li-Hsueh Chang; Yi-Hua Tseng; Shih-Chia Peng
222019The Fuzzy Method for Vessel Speed Limit and Pollution Reduction on Summer in Keelung PortSheng-Long Kao ; Jia-Lin Lin; Ming-An Lee 
232019台灣西岸離岸風機海域船舶航道之規 劃高聖龍 ; 何可樂
242019立方衛星酬載AIS應用於多船舶監測高聖龍 ; 陳沛沂
252019Taiwan AIS CubeSat Tracking System for Marine SafetyTai-Yuan Shao; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Min Su 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and its Emerging Applications (ICEA)
262019Fuzzy Crossing Priority for Inland River Bridge.Sheng-Long Kao ; Meng-Ru Tu ; Chien-Min Su ; Yung-Shang Cheng; Jia Lin Lin
272019Taiwan AIS CubeSat Remote Sensing System for Navigation SafetySheng-Long Kao ; Ming-An Lee; Hsun-Tsan Shen; Pei-Yi Chen
282019The Green Harbor Speed Limit for Reducing Air Pollution by Fuzzy MethodSheng-Long Kao ; Jia-Lin Lin; Meng-Ru Tu 
292019Innovative Blockchain System for Global Supply Chain TradeMeng-Ru Tu ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Tsaifu Hu; Chan-Min Tsai
302019A Novel Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to Improve Warehouse Picking EfficiencyMeng-Ru Tu ; Ming-Feng Yang ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Min-Der Ko ; Cheng-Kuan Lin
312019Fuzzy Closed- Loop Supply Chain considered Container Return TimeSheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Min Su ; Ming-Feng Yang ; Lu-An ChenLecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
322019Integrated Inventory Model for Return-able Transport Items considered Container Return Time and Fuzzy Demand (EI)Hsin-Hsiung Fang; Chien-Min Su ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Lu-An ChenLecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
332019Empty Containers Inventory System with Fuzzy DemandChien-Min Su ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Ming-Fung Yang; Cheng-Hao LinLecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
342019Empty Container Dispatching Inventory Model in Fuzzy EnvironmentSheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Min Su ; Meng-Ru Tu ; Cheng-Hao LinLecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
352019A Study on Seaworthiness of the Kinmen-Xiamen Fairways by Fuzzy MethodSu, Chien-Min ; Chang, Ki-Yin ; Kao, Sheng-Long ; Lin, ChuanJ MAR SCI TECH-TAIW1
362018模糊區分法建立內陸河船舶橋樑通過之優先順序指標高聖龍 ; 鄭詠尚; 牟軍敏; 蘇建民
372018模糊區分法於綠色港口限速減排之研究高聖龍 ; 林佳霖; 張啟隱
382018日月潭綠能船航行速度之最適化高聖龍 ; 王盈婷; 沈勳燦
392018The Torque Design and Analysis in YuSat-1. 2018 UP to Space International SymposiumAnson Tai; Alex Wang; Randson Huang; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chen-Joe Fong; Ming-Shong Chang; Henry Chen; Stan Lee; Albert Lin; Chih-Chien Liu
402018The Taiwan Global Yushan AIS CubeSat for Marine and Land Big Data ApplicationsSheng-Long Kao ; Ming-An Lee ; Anson Tai; Hsun-Tsan Shen; Chih-Chien Liu; Alex Ming; Randson Huang; Chen-Joe, Fong; Albert Lin; Ming-Shong Chang; Henry Chen
412018The Optimal Speed for Green Energy Boat in Sun Moon LakeYing-Ting Wang; Sheng-Long Kao ; Hsun-Tsan Shen; Chien-Min Su 
422018Bridge Crossing Priority Index by Fuzzy Logic ControlYung-Shang Cheng; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Min Su
432018Study on the Fuzzy Division Method for Speed Limit and Pollution ReductionJia-Lin Lin; Sheng-Long Kao ; Ki-Yin Chang 
452017Study on fuzzy GIS for navigation safety of fishing boatsKao, Sheng-Long ; Chang, Ki-Yin J MAR ENG TECHNOL4
462017海上遇險通報方法高聖龍 ; 李明安
472017A feasibility of CubeSat Automatic Identification System on the fishing application in TaiwanJia-Lin Lin; Sheng-Long Kao ; Ming-An Lee 臺灣水產學會刊0
482017YUSAT-1 CubeSat: Global AIS/APRS Tracking System for Marine and Land SafetyA.Tai; J.-C. Lee; S. Chen; R. Huang; Sheng-Long Kao ; C.-J. Fong; M.-S. Chang,; H. Chen; S. Lee; A. Lin
492017Association Analysis on Inspection Deficiencies of Ships in Port State ControlChun-Min Chang; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Chung Yuan
512017道路行車溝通方法與其裝置高聖龍 ; 李明安; 王伯崴
522016應用AIS、GIS與模糊邏輯於港口船舶空汙排放之監控以基隆港為例陳昭維; 鍾武勳; 高聖龍 
532016基因演算法於漁船應急回報路徑之研究高聖龍 ; 張孝誠; 吳貞怡
542016CubeSat Solution for AIS Radio Blind Coverage Sea Areas in TaiwanSheng-Long Kao ; Chen-Joe Fang
552016Applications for Fuzzy theory in AIS for vessel Traffic safetySheng-Long Kao ; Tai-Wen Hsu ; Ki-Yin Chang 
562016船舶交通服務之船舶行路權模糊區分法-以基隆港航道為例高聖龍 ; 袁自揚; 薛朝光
572016MGIS平臺下船舶近岸航行之避障航路規劃模式建構與開發袁自揚; 薛朝光 ; 高聖龍 
582015Route planning and cost analysis for travelling through the Arctic Northeast Passage using public 3D GISKi-Yin Chang ; He, S. S.; Chou, C. C.; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chiou, A. S.International Journal of Geographical Information Science16
592014可變反光標記設計之研究黃燦煌 ; 高聖龍 ; 楊智傑管理資訊計算3卷特刊
612012小型漁船載裝雷達接收器以避免碰撞之方法及裝置高聖龍 ; 李明安 
622010Categorized stacking models for import containers in port container terminalsShih-Chan Ting ; Jaw-Shen Wang; Sheng-Long Kao ; Flor Melina PittyMaritime Economics & Logistics
632010海洋地理資訊系統應用於船舶復航決策蘇健民 ; 高聖龍 ; 張啟隱 ; 鄭智湧 航運季刊  
652010Decision Support from Genetic Algorithms for Ship Collision Avoidance Route Planning and AlertsTsou, M. C.; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Min Su Journal of Navigation
662010海峽兩岸污染防制之交通安全規劃高聖龍 ; 陳婷婷; 蘇健民 ; 廖坤靜兩岸海洋污染防治學術交流研討會
672009整合AIS及MGIS應用於港灣油污監控高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 ; 邱柏翰海上污染防治及應急技術研討會
682009Method for small-scale fishing boat equipped with radar receiver to avoid ship collision and the radar receiver thereforeSheng-Long Kao ; Ming-An Lee 
692009遺傳演算法於船舶避碰路徑規劃與預警之研究鄒明城; 高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 2009海峽兩岸智慧型運輸系統學術研討會
702009船舶載具自動避碰安全系統解析高聖龍 ; 邱柏翰; 蘇健民 船舶與海運通訊
712009海洋地理資訊系統於電子海圖之研究邱柏翰; 高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 地理資訊系統季刊
722009船舶3D擱淺警戒系統應用於近岸航行高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 ; 蕭力豪; 張啟隱 第七屆十校聯盟航運物流學術研討會
732009運轉受限制船舶模糊避碰警示系統之開發高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 ; 邱柏翰第二屆兩岸海上救助打撈技術研討會論文集
742008模糊理論與海洋地理資訊系統應用於漁船航行安全警示之研究邱柏翰; 高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 中華民國運輸學會97年年會暨學術論文國際研討會
752008作業中漁船模糊避碰警示機制之研究高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 ; 邱柏翰第五屆中國國際救撈論壇論文集
762008AIS與MGIS整合用於港埠監控邱柏翰; 高聖龍 ; 蘇健民 2008年中華海員品質提升研討會
782007A fuzzy logic method for collision avoidance in Vessel Traffic ServiceSheng-Long Kao ; Lee, K. T.; Ki-Yin Chang ; Min-Der Ko Journal of Navigation
802006雷達波應用在小型漁船避碰安全之研究高聖龍 ; 李明安 ; 李國添; 莊昇偉海洋及水下科技季刊
812005移動式地理資訊水況即時監測方法及其系統高聖龍 ; 柯明德 
822005Development of MEGIS for monitoring the hydrologic environment in Taiwan watersSheng-Long Kao ; Kuo-Tien Lee; Ming-An Lee ; Min-Der Ko Journal of The Fisheries Society of Taiwan
832003Analysis and Comparison of Taiwan Fishery Automatic Identification System (FAIS)Sheng-Long Kao ; Kuo-Tien Lee; Min-Der Ko 臺灣水產學會刊
842002無線電傳輸技術應用於海洋地理資訊系統之研究柯明德 ; 高聖龍 ; 蔡金城第十七屆全國技術及職業教育研討會
852002Mobile Marine GIS 應用於海上污染監控系統之研究柯明德 ; 高聖龍 ; 蘇嘉宏中華民國第九屆運輸安全研討會
862001海洋地理資訊系統於基隆港交通流分析暨船舶交通管理系統3D空間分析柯明德 ; 高聖龍 ; 洪文雄第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會
872001基隆港海洋地理資訊系統應用於港灣浚深之研究柯明德 ; 高聖龍 ; 蔡金城第十六屆全國技術及職業教育研討會
912001海洋地理資訊系統於海洋污染管理之規劃張德龍; 高聖龍 ; 柯明德 ; 莊政義海峽兩岸學術演討會
922000Impact of global warming on production of grey mullet (Magil cephalus L.) in the west coast of TaiwanLee Kuo-Tien; Sheng-Long Kao ; Cheng-Hsin Liao 
941999廣幅掃測聲納系統應用於基隆港海洋地理資訊系統(MGIS)之研究蔡金城; 高聖龍 ; 柯明德 中華民國運輸學會第十四屆論文研討會
951999建置基隆港海洋地理資訊系統(MGIS)之研究與應用高聖龍 ; 柯明德 ; 郭璧奎中華民國第六屆運輸安全研討會
961999建置基隆港海洋地理資訊系統於海圖校正之研究洪文雄; 高聖龍 ; 柯明德 中華民國運輸學會第十四屆論文研討會
971998廣域列幅(Swatch)聲納技術的探討與應用高聖龍 ; 柯明德 ; 張淑淨 ; 李國添國際海洋年海洋海軍科技研討會
981998廣域掃測聲納系統於航行安全之應用與研究高聖龍 ; 柯明德 中華民國第五屆運輸安全研討會
991997DGPS在船舶進出港操船實況調查之應用郭璧奎; 高聖龍 ; 李信德 ; 吳耿耀第十二屆全國技術及職業教育研討會
1001997VTMS系統設立與預先觀測之研究高聖龍 三聯技術月刊
1011996高雄港 VTMS 系統建立之調查郭璧奎; 陳希敬; 趙榆生; 李信德 ; 高聖龍 
1021996DGPS 與 GIS 系統應用於公路局道路普查系統規範之建立高聖龍 ; 王在莒
1031994船速與船舶軌跡量測之即時差分式全球衛星定位系統柯永澤; 李台生; 楊國誠 ; 李耀輝 ; 高聖龍 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊
1051994差分全球衛星定位系統(DGPS) 應用於船速與操縱性能量測之建立(二)李台生; 柯永澤; 李耀輝 ; 高聖龍 
1061994寬頻頻道量測技術之探討交通部電信季刊高聖龍 ; 潘能御; 安仲芳
1071993差分全球衛星定位系統(DGPS) 應用於船速與操縱性能量測之建立(一)李台生; 柯永澤; 李耀輝 ; 高聖龍 
1081993GMSK與DQPSK 調變技術在Frequency nonselective fading channel 下之比較分析安仲芳; 高聖龍 國科會成果發表研討會
1091992差分全球衛星定位系統(DGPS)於船舶操縱與船速量測之應用柯永澤; 李台生; 李耀輝 ; 高聖龍 中國造船暨輪機工程研討會