Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12013Rough clustering using generalized fuzzy clustering algorithmJim Z. C. Lai; Eric Y.T. Juan ; Franklin J. C. LaiPattern Recognition25
22012A Prediction System for Drosophila Melanogaster Protein-Protein InteractionEric Y.T. Juan ; J.H. Jhang; B.Y. Chen
32011Methods for Protein Subcellular Localization PredictionEric Y. T. Juan ; J. H. Chang; C. H. Li; B. Y. Chen0
42009Predicting Protein Subcellular Localizations for Gram-Negative Bacteria Using DP-PSSM and Support Vector MachinesW. J. Li; J. H. Jhang; C. H. Chiu; Eric Y. T. Juan 0
52008Knowledge VerificationEric Y. T. Juan ; Jeffrey J. P. Tsai; Du Zhang; Avinash SahayWiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering
62003Model and Algorithm for Efficient Verification of High-Assurance Properties of Real-Time SystemsJ. Tsai; A. Sahay; E. Juan IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
72002Compositional Verification of Concurrent and Real-Time SystemsJ. Tsai; E. Juan Kluwer Academic Publishers
82001Modelling and Verification of High-Assurance Properties of Safety-Critical SystemsJ. Tsai; E. Juan The Computer Journal
92001Reduction Methods for Real-Time Systems using Delay Time Petri NetsE. Juan ; J. Tsai; T. Murata; Y. ZhouIEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
101999Knowledge VerificationE. Juan ; J. Tsai; D. Zhang; A. SahayWiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
111999Knowledge-Based Software Architecture: Acquisition, Specification, and VerificationE. Juan ; A. Liu; J. Tsai; A. SahayIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
121998Compositional Verification of Concurrent Systems Using Petri-Nets-Based Condensation RulesE. Juan ; J. Tsai; T. MurataACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
131997A Parallel Evaluation Model for Software Architecture SpecificationsJ. Tsai; B. Li; E. Juan Communications of the ACM