
Results 1-77 of 77 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/2/1Properties Related to the HLB Value of Hybrid Thermoelectric Nanofluids at Different TemperaturesWang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang POLYMERS
22023/1/1Cooling Performance Analysis for Mobile Vehicles by Thermal Resistance NetworkYang, Chia-an; Wang, Jung-Chang ; Yen, Pi-HsiaJOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN
32023Investigations on Five PMMA Closed Types of Piezo Actuators as a Cooling FanWang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang POLYMERS0
42022Design and Testing of a Bearingless Piezo Jet Micro HeatsinkWang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang ; Chen, Sih-LiJ MAR SCI TECH-TAIW2
52022Investigations on Temperatures of the Flat Insert Mold Cavity Using VCRHCS with CFD SimulationWang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang ; Chen, Sih-LiPOLYMERS1
62021An Overview on the Novel Core-Shell Electrodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Using Polymeric MethodologyWang, Rong-Tsu; Chang, Horng-Yi ; Wang, Jung-Chang POLYMERS-BASEL4
72021PMMA Application in Piezo Actuation Jet for Dissipating Heat of Electronic DevicesChang, Yu-Teng; Wang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang POLYMERS-BASEL3
82021Estimations on Properties of Redox Reactions to Electrical Energy and Storage Device of Thermoelectric Pipe (TEP) Using Polymeric NanofluidsGang, Qin; Wang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang POLYMERS2
92021Application of self-heating graphene reinforced polyvinyl alcohol nanowires to high-sensitivity humidity detectionChen, Zhao-Chi; Chang, Tien-Li; Su, Kai-Wen; Lee, Hsin-Sheng; Wang, Jung-Chang SENSOR ACTUAT B-CHEM12
102021Thermoelectric Generation and Thermophysical Properties of Metal Oxide NanofluidsHou, Xinran; Wang, Rong-Tsu; Huang, Shaowen; Wang, Jung-Chang JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN2
112019Power generation and electric charge density with temperature effect of alumina nanofluids using dimensional analysisPi-HsiaYen; Jung-Chang Wang Energy Conversion and Management14
122019Thermoelectric Energy Generation System of NanofluidsJung-Chang Wang 
132018Thermal Energy Storage of Alumina Nanofluids using Innovation Dimensional AnalysisJung-Chang Wang 
142017Power Generation Saving System of Alumina Nanofluids using Innovation Dimensional AnalysisJung-Chang Wang 
152017Analysis of thermal conductivity in HI-LEDs lighting materialsRong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology4
162017Intelligent dimensional and thermal performance analysis of Al2O3 nanofluidWang, Rong-Tsu; Wang, Jung-Chang ENERG CONVERS MANAGE18
172017到港期間輔助鍋爐使用廢油之可行性探討李國隆; 王榮昌 船舶科技0
182017Thermal Management of High-Brightness MaterialsJung-Chang Wang 
192016Analyzing the structural designs and thermal performance of nonmetal lighting devices of LED bulbsRong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer12
202016導熱高分子複合材料熱傳導係數標準量測之建立王榮昌 ; 楊嘉安; 葉力瑋熱管理產業通訊
212016以熱阻方法逆向求解大型船舶機艙熱分佈情形王榮昌 ; 楊嘉安; 林暐峻; 陳彥均熱管理產業通訊
222015Optimization of heat flow analysis for exceeding hundred watts in HI-LEDs projectorsRong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer6
232015三種LED散熱基板材料熱流照明性能分析之探討劉冠慶; 劉國辰; 王榮昌 熱管理產業通訊
2420153-D Experimental Model Analysis of Heat Pipes Thermal ModulesR.-T. Wang; Jung-Chang Wang 
252014L- and U-shaped heat pipes thermal modules with twin fans for cooling of electronic system under variable heat source areasJung-Chang Wang Heat and Mass Transfer6
262014Performance effects of heat transfer and geometry on heat pipe thermal modules under forced convectionRong-Tsu Wang; Ya-Wei Lee; Sih-Li Chen; Jung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer6
272014U- and L-shaped heat pipes heat sinks for cooling electronic components employed a least square smoothing methodJung-Chang Wang Microelectronics Reliability23
282014Thermal module design and analysis of a 230 W LED illumination lamp under three incline anglesJung-Chang Wang Microelectronics Journal20
292014Analysis of thermal damage to laser irradiated tissue based on the dual-phase-lag modelKuo-Chi Liu; Jung-Chang Wang International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer65
302014探討船舶與海運人員靈性對於兩岸貨資的重要性呂亦筑; 陳錫琦; 王榮祖; 王榮昌 船舶科技0
312014Thermal characterisation analysis of heat-sink heat pipes under forced convectionJung-Chang Wang 
322014Thermoelectric Performances of Seawater and Al2O3 Nanofluids using Battery FacilityJung-Chang Wang ; L. YeAdvanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering
332014The performance measurement of marine logistics information platformWen-Kung Lin; Rong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang 0
342014Analyzing Thermal Module Developments and Trends in High-Power LEDJung-Chang Wang International Journal of Photoenergy7
352014雙壓電片致動噴流風扇邱千瑋; 王榮昌 熱管理產業通訊
362014Thermal System Analysis for High-Power LED Illumination LampR.-T. Wang; Jung-Chang Wang ; Guan-Cing Liu
372014Thermal Characterization Analysis of Heat-Sink Heat Pipes Under Forced ConvectionJung-Chang Wang 
382013Thermoelectric transformation and illuminative performance analysis of a novel LED-MGVC deviceJung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer12
392013Researches on Thermo-Electric Properties of Seawater and Al2O3 NanofluidsJung-Chang Wang ; Wen Chou ChiangApplied Mechanics and Materials0
402013Thermal Performance of a Vapor Chamber-Based Plate of High-Power Light-Emitting Diodes Filled with Al2O3 NanofluidJung-Chang Wang ; Teng-Chieh Chen; Cherng-Yuan Lin Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology10
412013Economic Challenges for Taiwan Private Senior High Schools: Performance Evaluation Based on a Revised Indicators FrameworkRong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang ; Li-mei Chen0
422013熱流分析孔洞式結構體作用在LED球泡燈王榮昌 ; 游富雄熱管理產業通訊
432013300W_LED燈具鰭片之最佳化設計與實驗劉冠慶; 劉國辰; 王榮昌 熱管理產業通訊
4420123-D numerical and experimental models for flat and embedded heat pipes applied in high-end VGA card cooling systemJung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer10
452012Analyzing the pressure-difference phenomenon between the condensing and boiling sections in a heat pipe cooling systemRong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer8
462012Novel green illumination energy for LED with ocean battery materialsJung-Chang Wang International Journal of Materials & Product Technology4
472012U型熱管熱沉散熱模組在不同熱源面積下之熱性能研究王榮昌 ; 陳韋睿熱管理產業通訊
482011Analysis of suspension and heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3 nanofluids prepared through ultrasonic vibrationCherng-Yuan Lin ; Jung-Chang Wang ; Teng-Chieh Chen Applied Energy78
492011Thermal investigations on LED vapor chamber-based platesJung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer77
512011Experimental Analysis for Thermal Performance of a Vapor Chamber Applied to High-Performance ServersRong-Tsu Wang; Jung-Chang Wang ; Tien-Li ChangJournal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan 
522011Applied Vapor Chambers on Non-Uniform Thermo Physical ConditionsJung-Chang Wang Applied Physics0
532011Investigations on Non-Condensation Gas of a Heat PipeJung-Chang Wang Engineering0
542011Analysis for diving regulator applying local heating mechanism of vapor chamber in insert molding processJung-Chang Wang ; Ai-Tsung Li; Yu-Pin Tsai; Ray-Quen HsuInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer9
552011Analysis for Diving Regulator of Manufacturing ProcessJung-Chang Wang ; Yu Pin TsaiAdvanced Materials Research
562011L-type heat pipes application in electronic cooling systemJung-Chang Wang International Journal of Thermal Sciences26
582011LED with Ocean BatteryJung-Chang Wang Advanced Materials Research0
592011雙風扇L型熱管熱沉散熱模組在不同風速下之熱性能探討王榮昌 ; 陳韋睿熱管理產業通訊
602011高功率LED照明結合發電晶片之熱流系統模組王榮昌 ; 黃駿凌熱管理產業通訊
612010Development of 30 Watt high-power LEDs vapor chamber-based plateJung-Chang Wang ; Rong-Tsu Wang; Tien-Li Chang; Daw-Shang Hwang International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer80
622010Air cooling for a large-scale motorChih-Chung Chang; Yu-Fu Kuo; Jung-Chang Wang ; Sih-Li ChenApplied Thermal Engineering22
632010Program for Rapid Computation of the Thermal Performance of a Heat Sink with Embedded Heat PipesJung-Chang Wang ; Rong-Tsu Wang; Chih-Chung Chang; Chun-Ling HuangJournal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers
642010Development of vapour chamber-based VGA thermal moduleJung-Chang Wang International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow18
652010微均溫板應用在LED之分析方法王榮昌 ; 黃國榮; 黃駿凌熱管理產業通訊
662010奈米流體於LED微均溫板之熱傳特性研究陳登傑; 王榮昌 ; 林成原 熱管理產業通訊
672010微均熱板應用於高效能的伺服器系統王榮昌 ; 陳登傑熱管理產業通訊
682009Superposition method to investigate the thermal performance of heat sink with embedded heat pipesJung-Chang Wang International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer27
692009鋰電池/BMS產業價值鏈暨專利分析郭怡君; 羅民芳; 簡牧菁; 王榮昌 ; 王榮祖國立臺灣海洋大學海運學報
702009應用發光二極體於節能燈具的探討王榮昌 燃燒季刊(Combustion Quarterly)
712009Vapor Chamber in Injection Molding ProcessY.-P. Tsai; Jung-Chang Wang International Review of Chemical Engineering (Rapid Communications)
722008Heat pipe for cooling of electronic equipmentYu-Wei Chang ; Chiao-Hung Cheng; Jung-Chang Wang ; Sih-Li ChenEnergy Conversion and Management82
732008A non-fluorine mold release agent for Ni stamp in nanoimprint processTien-Li Chang; Jung-Chang Wang ; Chun-Chi Chen; Ya-Wei Lee; Ta-Hsin ChouMicroelectronic Engineering9
742008Novel Thermal Resistance Network Analysis of Heat Sink with Embedded Heat PipesJung-Chang Wang Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
752008均熱板散熱模組最佳性能設計王榮昌 熱管理產業通訊
762007Experimental investigations of thermal resistance of a heat sink with horizontal embedded heat pipesJung-Chang Wang ; Hsiang-Sheng Huang; Sih-Li ChenInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer37
772005Charge and discharge characteristics of a thermal energy storage deviceJung-Chang Wang ; Shu-Ju Lin; Sih-Li Chen; Wen-Shing LeeExperimental Heat Transfer14