
Results 1-19 of 19 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/1/1The Optimization Design of the Nozzle Section for the Water Jet Propulsion System Applied in Jet SkisLi, Cheng-Yeh; Kao, Jui-Hsiang CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES
22023The optimization design of the nozzle section for the water jet propulsion system applied in jet skisCheng-Yeh Li; Jui-Hsiang Kao CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
32022Using User-Defined Domain-Specific Visual Languages to Modularize Programs for Conducting ExperimentsZhuang, YungYu; Kao, Jui-Hsiang ; Liu, Kuan-Shang; Lin, Chia-YuJOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING0
42022Discussion of the Fluid Acceleration Quality of a Ducted Propulsion System on the Propulsive PerformanceKao, Jui-Hsiang ; Liao, Yi-FanCMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES0
52021Predicting the Radiated Noise of a Submarine Propeller with Different Types of Control SurfacesJui-Hsiang Kao ; Shang-Sheng Chin; Fang-Nan Chang; Yu-Han Tsai; Hua-Tung Wu; Huan-Jia XuJournal of Ship Research0
62021An inverse tracing method (ITM) to solve the radiating noise induced by the marine propeller sheet cavitation with experimental verificationsKao, Jui-Hsiang OCEAN ENG1
72021A Time-Shifting Algorithm for Alleviating Convergence Difficulties at Interior Acoustic Resonance FrequenciesKao, Jui Hsiang APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL1
82020Proposing hybrid controlling logic (HCL) for the wind turbine system with verification by the DSL frameworkKao, Jui Hsiang ; Zhuang, YungYu; Tseng, Po YuanELECTR POW SYST RES1
92020Predicting the dipole noises of the marine propeller with verifications by experimental measurementsKao, Jui-Hsiang ; Lin, Yan-JhangOCEAN ENG6
102020An innovative propeller with experimental and sea trial verificationsKehr, Y. Z.; Xu, H. J.; Jui-Hsiang Kao Journal of Marine Science and Technology1
112018An Improved Numerical Computation of Hull Pressure Fluctuations Due to Unsteady Sheet Cavitation of a PropellerJui-Hsiang Kao Journal of Ship Research4
122017Investigating the Scattered Wave due to Dipoles of an Operating Propeller by a Weighting-Iteration MethodKao, Jui-Hsiang ACTA ACUST UNITED AC0
132017An Advance-Tracing Boundary Element Method in the Time Domain for Solving the Radiating Problem of an Arbitrary Obstacle Accelerating RandomlyJui-Hsiang Kao Mathematical Problems in Engineering0
142016Developing the process in matching a wind turbine system to attain optimal performanceKao, Jui-Hsiang ADV MECH ENG1
152016Applying a Step Approach Method in Solving the Multi-Frequency Radiation From a Complex ObstacleJui-Hsiang Kao Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences
162016A weighting-iteration method in the time domain for solving the scattering problem of a complex-shaped scattererJui-Hsiang Kao Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements2
172011Underwater acoustic field and pressure fluctuation on ship hull due to unsteady propeller sheet cavitationKehr, Y. Z.; Jui-Hsiang Kao Journal of Marine Science and Technology21
182006A time-domain iteration method for acoustic scattering problemsJui-Hsiang Kao ; Kehr, Y. Z.Journal of Ship Research
192004Numerical prediction of the blade rate noise induced by marine propellersKehr, Y. Z.; Jui-Hsiang Kao Journal of Ship Research