(Principal Investigator)

Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2021PBCF的設計方法建立與模型試驗Jui-Hsiang KaoHUNG SHEN PROPELLER CO., LTD.
2021A new method for generating the geometry of the water jet blades with performance analysisJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2021無人機螺槳設計技術之開發IJui-Hsiang KaoAsia Vital Components Co.,Ltd.
2021水下載台精進型螺槳性能試驗1項Jui-Hsiang KaoNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2021舷外機渦輪葉片設計Jui-Hsiang KaoBELASSI TAIWAN LTD.
2021中信100T加強螺槳實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoJong Shyn Shipbuilding Co,. Ltd
2021高效能低水下噪音的大型圍網漁船開發Jui-Hsiang KaoFAIR WELL FISHERY CO, LTD.
2020NB565漁業訓練船螺槳性能及空化實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoLUNGTEH SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
2020NB564漁業巡護船螺槳性能及空化實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoLUNGTEH SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
2020Analyzing the Propeller Blade Noise of the Underwater Vehicle in Different Operating StatesJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2020高效能低水下噪音的大型圍網漁船開發Jui-Hsiang KaoFAIR WELL FISHERY CO, LTD.
2019Developing an Innovative Propulsion System Operating in Shallow WaterJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2019新型救難艦?葉模型試驗Jui-Hsiang KaoShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2019測試載台2.0版螺槳更新設計Jui-Hsiang KaoNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2016Investigating the Scattered Wave due to Dipoles of an Operating Propeller by a Weighting-Iteration MethodJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council