
Results 1-25 of 25 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/9/27Price transmission relationships in Taiwan seafood supply chain: Tilapia (<i>Oreochromis niloticus</i>) and milkfish (<i>Chanos chanos</i>)Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chen, Shin-Chang; Nan, Fan-Hua AQUACULTURE
22024/6/23Measuring the operational efficiency of fishermen's associations in TaiwanChen, Li-Hsueh; Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chen, Ming-ChunFISHERIES SCIENCE
32024/4/3Price transmission relationships among Taiwan seafood marketing: Barramundi (<i>Lates calcarifer</i>) and Japanese seaperch (<i>Lateolabrax japonicus</i>)Chen, Shin-Chang; Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Nan, Fan-Hua AQUACULTURE ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT
42022The Socioeconomic Impact of Coastal Environment Changes on Fishing Communities and Adaptation StrategiesHsiao, Yao-Jen FISHES0
52022The Socioeconomic Impact of Coastal Environment Changes on Fishing Communities and Adaptation StrategiesHsiao, Yao-Jen Fishes0
62022探討漁村社區發展與海洋永續之關聯-兼論海洋環境意識的影響蕭堯仁 ; 陳均龍; 劉思妤社區永續觀光研究0
72021漁會推廣人員工作壓力與工作滿意度之研究蕭堯仁 ; 黃㴒絜; 劉思妤農業推廣文彙
82021漁會推廣體系發展現況與未來展望蕭堯仁 海大漁推
92021Different perspectives of stakeholders on the sustainable development of fishery-based communities in Northeast TaiwanHsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chen, Jyun-LongMAR POLICY2
102021What are the challenges and opportunities in implementing Taiwan's aquavoltaics policy? A roadmap for achieving symbiosis between small-scale aquaculture and photovoltaicsHsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chen, Jyun-Long; Huang, Cheng-Ting Energy Policy5
112021海岸漁村邁向產業轉型與永續發展的共識與分歧蕭堯仁 ; 陳均龍; 江憶萍農業經濟叢刊0
122021Developing payment for ecosystem service schemes for coastal aquaculture in southwestern TaiwanChen, Jyun-Long; Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chung, Ching-TaAQUACULT ENV INTERAC1
132021Risk Management of Marine Capture Fisheries under Climate Change: Taking into Consideration the Effects of UncertaintyChen, Jyun-Long; Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Yip, Kat-KauSUSTAINABILITY-BASEL1
142020Economic evaluation for improving productivity of brine shrimp Artemia franciscana culture in the Mekong Delta, VietnamNguyen Phuoc Vinh; Cheng-Ting Huang ; Truong Khac Hieu; Yao-Jen Hsiao AQUACULTURE1
152020Profitability improvement for brine shrimp Artemia franciscana commercial farming in coastal saltworks in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: A bioeconomic analysisPhuoc Vinh Nguyen; Cheng-Ting Huang ; Khac Hieu Truong; Yao-Jen Hsiao J WORLD AQUACULT SOC2
162020Data envelopment analysis for production efficiency improvement: An empirical application on brine shrimp Artemia franciscana culture in the Mekong Delta, VietnamNguyen Phuoc Vinh; Cheng-Ting Huang ; Yao-Jen Hsiao ; Truong Khac Hieu; Li Hsueh ChenAQUAC RES4
172019A bioeconomic analysis for improving productivity of short-finned eel Anguilla bicolor pacifica and Anguilla bicolor bicolor commercial culture in TaiwanCheng-Ting Huang ; Nguyen Phuoc Vinh; Ming-Hsun Chang; Yu-Chia Chen; Ping-Chung Liu ; Yao-Jen Hsiao 臺灣水產學會刊0
182018臺灣文蛤養殖生產經濟及運銷經濟分析黃振庭 ; 陳玉家; 劉秉忠 ; 林正輝 ; 蕭堯仁 ; 陳詩璋; 莊慶達海大漁推0
192016Improving the management of commercial giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata aquaculture in Taiwan for improved productivity: a bioeconomic analysisHuang, Cheng-Ting ; Chiou, Jun-Ting; Khac, Hieu Truong; Hsiao, Yao-Jen ; Chen, Shin-ChangFISHERIES SCI11
202015我國吳郭魚產業發展與運銷通路之分析蕭堯仁 ; 黃振庭 ; 陳詩璋; 莊慶達農產運銷
212014臺灣石斑魚產業運銷通路分析與市場需求預測蕭堯仁 ; 陳詩璋; 陳麗雪
222014臺灣大宗養殖水產品運銷通路與益本分析蕭堯仁 ; 陳詩璋; 黃振庭 ; 莊慶達; 冉繁華 中興大學應用經濟學系0
232014Economic analysis of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) cage farming in Aceh, Indonesia.Cheng-Ting Huang ; Suraiya Nazlia; Chen ShinChang; Yao-Jen Hsiao ; Suen GowShyangJournal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan
242013我國漁業產業經營與行銷之研究-我國大宗養殖水產品運銷通路及本益調查研究蕭堯仁 ; 陳詩璋; 黃振庭 ; 莊慶達; 冉繁華 
252011波羅地海乾散貨運價指數與金磚四國股價之關聯性蕭堯仁 ; 周恆志