Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2002 | Relationship between biological density and volume backscattering strength of sound scatting layer at 208 kHz and 418 kHz. | Chao Min-Shao; Ming-An Lee ; Yang-Chi Lan; Kuo-Tien Lee | J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan | | |
2020 | Reproductive biology of the narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) in the central Taiwan Strait, western Pacific | Weng, Jinn-Shing; Yu, Shwu-Feng; Lo, Yun-Sin; Shiao, Jen-Chieh; Lee, Ming-An ; Liu, Kwang-Ming ; Huang, Hsing-Han; Yi-Chen Wang ; Wu, Long-Jing | DEEP-SEA RES PT II | 3 | |
2017 | Resource structure of an artisanal gillnet fishery in the coastal waters of Tamsui, Taiwan | Kuo-Cheng Lo; Sheng-Yuan Teng; Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee ; Han-Jia Lin ; Tzu-Hua Lu; I-Ling Huang | 臺灣水產學會刊 | 0 | |
2005 | A satellite and field view of the winter SST variability in the taiwan strait | Ming-An Lee ; Yi Chang; Kuo-Tien Lee; Jui-Wen Chan; Don-Chung Liu; Wei-Cheng Su | | 0 | |
2018 | Satellite observation of the winter variation of sea surface temperature fronts in relation to the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Chan, Jui-Wen; Lan, Yan-Chi; Yang, Wan-Chen; Lee, Ming-An | INT J REMOTE SENS | 8 | |
2017 | Satellite observation of the winter variation of sea surface temperature fronts in relation to the spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton in the continental shelf of the southern East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Jui-Wen Chan; Yan-Chi Lan; Wan-Chen Yang; Ming-An Lee | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING | 8 | |
2010 | Satellite observation of upwelling induced by different typhoons with different intensities in the southern East China Sea. | Y. Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Y.-C. Yang; J.-W. Chan; W.-J. Shieh | | | |
2010 | Satellite observation of upwelling induced by different typhoons with different intensities in the southern East China Sea. | Ming-An Lee ; Y. Chang; Y.-C. Yang; J.-W. Chan; W.-J. Shieh | | | |
2008 | Satellite observation on seasonal variation of SST front in the East China Sea. | J.W. Chan; Y. Chang; Ming-An Lee ; H.S. Lin | | | |
2008 | Satellite observation on the exceptional intrusion of cold water and its impact on coastal fisheries around Peng-Hu Islands, Taiwan Strait. | Ming-An Lee ; Yi Chang; K.T. Lee; K.W. Lan | | | |
2009 | Satellite Observation on the Exceptional Intrusion of Cold Water in the Taiwan Strait | Chang, Y.; Lee, K. T.; Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Wei Lan | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |
2020 | Satellite Observations of Typhoon-Induced Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Upwelling Region off Northeastern Taiwan | Kuo, Yi-Chun; Lee, Ming-An ; Chang, Yi | REMOTE SENS-BASEL | 4 | |
2008 | Satellite-derived finer-scale SST front in winter in the northern South China Sea. | W.J. Shiah; Y. Chang; Ming-An Lee | | | |
2003 | Seasonal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a concentrations and water conditions in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea | Tang, D. L.; Kawamura, H.; Ming-An Lee ; Van Dien, T. | Remote Sensing of Environment | | |
2023/12/1 | Seasonal distribution patterns of<i> Scomberomorus</i><i> commerson</i> in the Taiwan Strait in relation to oceanographic conditions: An ensemble modeling approach | Mondal, Sandipan; Lee, Ming-An ; Weng, Jinn-Shing; Osuka, Kennedy Edeye; Chen, Yu Kai; Ray, Aratrika | MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN | | |
2015 | Seasonal evolution of fine-scale sea surface temperature fronts in the East China Sea | Ming-An Lee ; Chang, Y.; Shimada, T. | Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography | | |
2008 | Seasonal relationships between the copepod community and hydrographic conditions in the southern East China Sea | Lan, Y. C.; Ming-An Lee ; Chen, W. Y.; Hsieh, F. J.; Pan, J. Y.; Liu, D. C.; Su, W. C. | Ices Journal of Marine Science | | |
2018 | Seasonal Variation in Fish Assemblage of the Small-scale Gillnet Fishery in the Coastal Waters of Chang-Yuen Rise, Taiwan. | Ming-An Lee ; Yan-chi Lan; Yu-Kai Chen; Lin-siang Lee; Yu-cheng Wang; Jia-lin Lin; Che-chen Chuang | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | | |
2010 | The spatio-temporal pattern of swordtip squid, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) edulis, abundance in the south East China Sea during 1997-2008. | Kae-Yih Wang; Kuo-Tien Lee; Cheng-Hsin Liao ; Ming-An Lee | | | |
2019 | Spatiotemporal dengue fever hotspots associated with climatic factors in Taiwan including outbreak predictions based on machine-learning | Anno, Sumiko; Hara, Takeshi; Kai, Hiroki; Lee, Ming-An ; Chang, Yi; Oyoshi, Kei; Mizukami, Yousei; Tadono, Takeo | GEOSPATIAL HEALTH | 26 | |