Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2007 | XBP-1, a key regulator of unfolded protein response, activates transcription of IGF1 and Akt phosphorylation in zebrafish embryonic cell line | Hu, M. C.; Hong-Yi Gong ; Lin, G. H.; Hu, S. Y.; Chen, M. H. C.; Huang, S. J.; Liao, C. F.; Wu, J. L. | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | | |
2013 | Yolk Formation in a Stony Coral Euphyllia ancora (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): Insight Into the Evolution of Vitellogenesis in Nonbilaterian Animals | Chen, C. J.; Chung, Y. J.; Shao, Z. F.; Liou, J. Y.; Tseng, H. P.; Lee, Y. H.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina | Endocrinology | 32 | |
2008 | Zebrafish anti-apoptotic protein zfBcl-X-L can block betanodavirus protein alpha-induced mitochondria-mediated secondary necrosis cell death | Wu, H. C.; Chiu, C. S.; Wu, J. L.; Chen, M. C.; Ming-Wei Lu ; Hong, J. R.; Hong-Yi Gong | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | | |
2011 | Zebrafish eggs used as bioreactors for the production of bioactive tilapia insulin-like growth factors | Hu, S. Y.; Liao, C. H.; Lin, Y. P.; Li, Y. H.; Hong-Yi Gong ; Lin, G. H.; Kawakami, K.; Yang, T. H.; Wu, J. L. | Transgenic Research | | |
2019 | Zebrafish Klf4 maintains the ionocyte progenitor population by regulating epidermal stem cell proliferation and lateral inhibition | Chen, Yi-Chung; Liao, Bo-Kai ; Lu, Yu-Fen; Liu, Yu-Hsiu; Hsieh, Fang-Chi; Hwang, Pung-Pung; Hwang, Sheng-Ping L. | PLOS GENET | 12 | |
2012 | A Zebrafish Model of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma by Dual Expression of Hepatitis B Virus X and Hepatitis C Virus Core Protein in Liver | Liu, W. T.; Chen, J. R.; Hsu, C. H.; Li, Y. H.; Chen, Y. M.; Lin, C. Y.; Huang, S. J.; Chang, Z. K.; Chen, Y. C.; Lin, C. H.; Hong-Yi Gong ; Lin, C. C.; Kawakami, K.; Wu, J. L. | Hepatology | | |
2014 | Zinc vacancy and erbium cluster jointly promote ferromagnetism in erbium-doped ZnO thin film | Hong-Ming Chen ; Liu, X. C.; Zhuo, S. Y.; Xiong, Z.; Zhou, R. W.; Li, F.; Shi, E. W. | Aip Advances | | |
2020 | β-glucan alleviates the immunosuppressive effects of oxytetracycline on the non-specific immune responses and resistance against Vibrio alginolyticus infection in Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × Epinephelus lanceolatus hybrids | Po-Tsang Lee ; Zhen-Hao Liao; Huai-Ting Huang; Chao-Yuan Chuang; Fan-Hua Nan | Fish & Shellfish Immunology | 18 | |
2016 | エビにおけるビブリオ感染に対するワクチン及びその作製方法 | Jiann-Chu Chen ; Yong-Chin Lin | | | |
2015 | サンゴの有性生殖 : ナガレハナサンゴの配偶子形成と一斉産卵 | Shinya Shikina ; Ching-Fong Chang | 海洋と生物 = Aquabiology | | |
2023 | 不插電的人工智慧通識課--以架構式遊戲教學驗證成就目標理論對學習之改善 | 廖柏凱 | | | |
2020 | 以micro:bit物聯網實作提升生命科學背景學生程式語言之學習動機 | 廖柏凱 | | | |
2023 | 以混成式教學提升學生檢測水產養殖病原實作力 | 李柏蒼 | | | |
2020 | 分子標記在水產品認證的應用 | 徐德華 ; 李宏泰; 龔紘毅 ; 黃章文 | 漁業推廣月刊 | | |
2013 | 加速蝦子之免疫力的復原之組合物 | Jiann-Chu Chen ; Su-Tuen Yeh | | | |
2015 | 協辦第五屆臺灣-科威特先進科技聯合研討會工作紀要 | 胡鄴方 ; 張錦宜 | 行政院農業委員會水產試驗所電子報111 | | |
2013 | 基因轉殖水產生物田間隔離試驗設施的運轉與發展 | 胡鄴方 ; 王俊堯; 葉信利 | 台灣水產8:6=684 | | |
2015 | 大數據(Big data)於疾病研究之應用 | 陳力豪; 胡鄴方 ; 吳嘉哲 | 行政院農業委員會水產試驗所電子報108 | | |
2016 | 對抗蝦子之弧菌感染之疫苗及其製備方法 | Jiann-Chu Chen ; Yong-Chin Lin | | | |
2015 | 尼羅吳郭魚抗菌胜肽β-防禦素之基因選殖與分子特性研究 | 陳力豪; 胡鄴方 ; 朱惠真; 吳嘉哲; 張錦宜 | 水產研究23(1) | | |