Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2010 | Long-term observation on wintertime sea surface temperature in the Eastern Taiwan Strait. | Y. Chang; M.T. Tzeng; Ming-An Lee ; J.-W. Chan; W.-J. Shieh | | | |
2011 | LORECS: Seasonal variation of thermal/chlorophyll fronts in the East China Sea. | Yi Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Jui-Wen Chan; Wei-Juan Shieh | | | |
2024/5/22 | Luminescent nanomaterials for biosensing and bioimaging | Shang, Li; Huang, Chih-Ching ; Guevel, Xavier Le | ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY | | |
2021 | Marine zoosporic organisms: Labyrinthulomycota and Oomycota | Hassett, Brandon T.; Picard, Kathryn T.; Pang, Ka-Lai | BOT MAR | 0 | |
2017 | Modifying the molecular weight of chitosan | Tsai, M. L. ; Chen, R. H. | | | |
2020 | Occurrence and distribution of anthropogenic persistent organic pollutants in coastal sediments and mud shrimps from the wetland of central Taiwan (vol 15, e0227367, 2020) | Das, S.; Aria, A. H.; Cheng, J. O.; Souissi, S.; Jiang-Shiou Hwang ; Ko, F. C. | Plos One | 1 | |
2011 | Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production associated with longline catches of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. | Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Wei Lan ; Yi Chang; Igor Belkin; Tom Nishida | | | |
2012 | Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production related to the longline catches of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. | Kuo-Wei Lan ; Yi Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Igor Belkin; Tom Nishida | | | |
2009 | An OFDM-based Transmission Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Multimedia | C. F. Lin ; C. H. Shih; C. P. Chen; S. W. Leu; J. K. Wu; C. H. Tsengr ; H. S. Hung; F. S. Lu; I. A. Parinov; S. H. Chang | WSEAS Transactions on Communications | | |
2022 | Philosophy of education in Taiwan: Retrospect and prospect | Hung, Ruyu; Lenehan, Katia; Lee, Yen-Yi; Wang, Chia-Ling ; Shih, Yi-Huang; Ye, Yan-Hong; Chien, Cheng-Hsi; Hung, Jui-Hsuan; Yu, Chen-Peng; Wang, Chun-Ping; Kato, Morimichi; Maruyama, Yasushi | EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY | 0 | |
2003 | Phytoplankton pigment analysis by HPLC and its application in algal community investigations | Li, H. P.; Gong, GC ; Hsiung, T. M. | Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica | 0 | |
2021 | Portable and Rapid Sequencing Device with Microbial Community-Guided Culture Strategies for Precious Field and Environmental Samples | Ho, Ying-Ning ; Chen, Yu-Ling; Liu, Ding-Yang | MSYSTEMS | 0 | |
2012 | The possible GOCI application in fishing activity and environment of East China Sea in Taiwan. | 李明安 | | | |
2016 | The Possible Influence On The Impacts And Vulnerability Of Climate Change: An Editorial | Hsu, Tai-Wen ; Lee, Ming-An | J MAR SCI TECH-TAIW | 0 | |
2024/1/1 | The Preface | Huang, Chih-Ching ; Lin, Yang-Wei; Nain, Amit | JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS | | |
2021 | Preface: Earth Observations for Environmental Sustainability for the Next Decade | Liou, Yuei-An; Kuleshov, Yuriy; Ho, Chung-Ru ; Nguyen, Kim-Anh; Reising, Steven C. | REMOTE SENSING | 0 | |
2023 | Preface: Remote Sensing Applications in Ocean Observation | Ho, Chung-Ru ; Liu, Antony K. | REMOTE SENSING | 1 | |
2017 | Recent advances in marine mycology | Pang, Ka-Lai ; Jones, E. B. Gareth | BOT MAR | 16 | |
2011 | Relationship between albacore (Thunnus alalunga) fishing grounds and the thermal environment revealed by AMSR-E sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean. | Chia-Wei Hu; Kuo-Wei Lan ; Hiroshi Kawamura; Ming-An Lee ; Hsueh-Jung Lu ; Teruhisa Shimada; Kohtaro Hosoda; Futoki Sakaida | | | |
2020 | Research of Malaria- infected Red Blood Cells | Cheng-His Chuang ; Tohoku University Global COE Program GEM4 Summer School | GEM4参加報告書集 | | |