
第 1 到 38 筆結果,共 38 筆。

Chen-Chieh Chang張正傑 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Institute of Education Cello; Chamber Music; Art Education
Cheng-Chieh Chang張正杰 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  Taiwan Marine Education Center  Institute of Education  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU E-learning; Marine Science Education; Environmental Education
Cheng-Lun Chung鍾正倫 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU 
Chia-Dai Yen嚴佳代 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  Institute of Education  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Marine Education; Human Resource Development; Competence Management; Human Resource Management; Education and Training
Chia-Ling Wang王嘉陵 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Institute of Education Education Institute
Chih-Hsiung Wu吳智雄 Institute of Oceanic Culture  College of Humanities and Social Sciences  General Education Center  Language Education Group  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Ocean Literature
Chih-Hsuan Chang張芝萱 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  Institute of Education  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Special Education
Chin-Kuo Wu吳靖國 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  Institute of Education  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU General Education; Marine Education; Life Education; Educational Philosophy
Ching-Fu Chang張景福 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Bachelor Degree of Ocean Law and Policy  College of Ocean Law and Policy  Institute of Applied Economics  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Public economics; Applied econometrics; Labor Economics
Chun-Chang Wang王俊昌 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Maritime archaeology
Chun-Fang Wu吳俊芳 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU History of Cold War; Cultural Studies; Border Research; History of East Asia
Chun-Hao Ying應俊豪 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU History of Sea Power in East Asia; History of Modern Sino-Foreign Relations; History of American-Japanese Confrontations in China After WWI; History of Gunboat Diplomacy and Piracy Prevention; History of the British Empires Far Eastern Policy in WWII
Duu-Hwa Lee李篤華 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Tourism Management  Institute of Applied Economics  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  College of Maritime Science and Management Environmental and Energy Economics; Leisure and Tourism Economics; Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
Feng-Kwei Pien卞鳳奎 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Demography
Fu-Wen Lin林甫雯 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU semantics; Pragmatics
Hsin-chou Huang黃馨週 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Teaching English
Huey-Fang Wu吳蕙芳 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  General Education Center  Liberal Education Division  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Modern Chinese social history (civil society history, church history)
Ju-Chuan Huang黃如瑄 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU English for academic purposes; Academic writing; qualitative research; English for specific purposes
Jy-Ing Yan顏智英 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  General Education Center  Language Education Group  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU art of writing; classical poetry of Song dynasty; Marine literature
Jyh-Sheng Lin林志聖 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  Institute of Education  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Stress and Emotion; Educational Psychology; Advanced Educational and Psychological Statistics; Educational Administration and School Management; Scale Development
Ku-Jung Lin林谷蓉 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Oceanic Culture  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Intergovernmental Relations
Li-Hua Chou周利華 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU English writing
Liang-Ting Tsai蔡良庭 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  Integration and Dissemination Section  Taiwan Marine Education Center  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Institute of Education 
Lu-Fang Lin林綠芳 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU English reading and listening teaching
Lwun-Syin Lwo羅綸新 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Institute of Education Science Education
Man-Ser Jan詹滿色 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied Economics  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  College of Maritime Science and Management  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Business Management Efficiency and Productivity Analysis; Econometric Methods; Demand and Price Analysis
May Hsueh薛梅 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU English and American Literature
Peng-Hui Hou侯鵬暉 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU History of Photography Exhibitions in Japan; World History of Photography; Visual Psychology and Image Communication; Photography Book Editing
Rae-Ping Lin林瑞屏 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Qualitative research; Language Education Research Institute; Bilingual education research; Professional development for language teachers; Technology-Assisted Language Teaching and Multimodal Research
Ray J. T Liao廖瑞騰 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU 
Sheng-Wen Tseng曾聖文 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  General Education Center  Liberal Education Division  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Cultural Industry; Environmental Governance; Sustainable Development; Regional Governance; Renewable Energy
Terng-Ji Sheu許籐繼 Teacher Education Center  College of Humanities and Social Sciences  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Institute of Education 
Tsung-Yuan Hsiao蕭聰淵 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied English  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Teaching English; Language acquisition
Yao-Jen Hsiao蕭堯仁 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied Economics  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU financial econometrics; fisheries economics; marine economics
Yi-Chang Lee李奕璋 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU 
Yi-Chun Chen陳怡君 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Teacher Education Center  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  Institute of Education Cognition of Digital Learning; Belief; Spatial Cognition; Problem Solving; Gifted education in science; Science Education
Yo-Yi Huang黃幼宜 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Institute of Applied Economics  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU  College of Maritime Science and Management  Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Business Management 
Yu-li Chuang莊育鲤 College of Humanities and Social Sciences  Bachelor Degree Program in Oceanic Cultural Creative Design Industries  National Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU Regional cultural and creative industry design; Information Visual Design; Visual Communication Design; Package Design