
第 1 到 355 筆結果,共 355 筆。

2022Parameters Optimization of Three-Dimensional Rectangular Micro-Perforated Panel and Application in the Top Device of the Noise BarrierJinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2022捷運汐止東湖線路線規劃及沿線周邊土地整體開發計畫基本設計、專案管理暨相關委託技術服務案Wei-Lun HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2022Wong Tsoo Systems Engineering Research Center( II )Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2022永續能源跨域應用人才培育聯盟計畫-海域再生能源聯盟中心Pai-Chen GuanMinistry of Education
2022試片海水自然老化驗證Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2022窗型結構於穿透損失之評估Yao-Chi Tang長泰金屬企業有限公司
2022海水過濾組件性能驗證Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2022海纜交會散熱模擬分析Ching-Yeh HsinShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2022發展一高效率評估船舶於實海域油耗之方法(II)Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2022水下結構物聲波訊跡分析模擬(1/2)Pei-Tai Chen海軍造船發展中心
2021PBCF的設計方法建立與模型試驗Jui-Hsiang KaoHUNG SHEN PROPELLER CO., LTD.
2021螺槳設計程式與程序的強化Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021水動力驗收試驗Yaw-Huei LeeCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021A new method for generating the geometry of the water jet blades with performance analysisJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2021Application of K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm in Intelligent Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Blade DamageYao-Chi TangNational Science and Technology Council
2021A Study of Horseshoe Vortex Development in a Juncture Flow near Free SurfaceJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021Research on Noise Radiation Efficiency of Rail Bridge System and Sensitivity Analysis of Influencing ParametersWei-Lun HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2021無人機螺槳設計技術之開發IJui-Hsiang KaoAsia Vital Components Co.,Ltd.
2021Development of Nesting System Based on No-Fit Polygon for Irregular ShapesWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Study of Seakeeping and Wave Loads on an Ultra Large Container Ship in Irregular WavesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Recurrent Neural Network Multi-Scale Method Enhanced Isogeometric Method for Strength Analysis of Ship StructurePai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development and Design of Novel Crosswind Kite Power System with Dual Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Generator (I)Hsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Investing the Influence of Ship Wake Velocities in Waves Considering Ship/Hull Interactions to Propeller Performance and Unsteady Forces (III)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2021Experimental Investigations on Flow and Acoustic Characteristics of Two Cavities in TandemYi-Chih Chow
2021廣慈博愛園區整體開發計劃行政大樓第A標及社福大樓B標統包工程Yao-Chi Tang長泰金屬企業有限公司
2021淡海輕軌運輸系統計畫基本設計及第1期專幹管理顧問委託技術服務案-河岸段補充振動評估調查作業Wei-Lun HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2021臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫DJ01標北段鐵路工程設計及監造工作噪音振動評估分析Wei-Lun HsuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2021高雷諾數流通過6:1橢球體的實驗研究(IIIOJiahn-Horng ChenUnited States Navy
2021水下載台精進型螺槳性能試驗1項Jui-Hsiang KaoNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2021異形微孔吸隔音牆先期開發研究Rong-Juin ShyuCKM APPLIED MATERIALS CORP.
2021Development of an Integrated Design and Analysis Computational Tool for Contra-Rotating PropellersChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2021螺旋槳轂導流帽鰭應用於水下載具與材料選用-階段I:設計開發Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021XV10145P518PE-CSPei-Tai ChenMaterials and Electro-Optics,National ChungShan Institute of Science&Technology
2021Wong Tsoo Systems Engineering Research Center( I )Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2021PET整合式多通道感測功能之電解液特性監測電路板Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021海水循環過濾組件壽命週期性能驗證Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2021等參幾何法用於模擬與評估熱壓模具之疲勞強度Pai-Chen GuanCORETECH SYSTEM CO., LTD.
2021發展一高效率評估船舶於實海域油耗之方法(I)Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2021精密水中離子量測電路模組委託製作Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021舷外機渦輪葉片設計Jui-Hsiang KaoBELASSI TAIWAN LTD.
2021橡膠層減重化設計之變形量實驗Pai-Chen GuanMaterials and Electro-Optics,National ChungShan Institute of Science&Technology
2021中信100T加強螺槳實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoJong Shyn Shipbuilding Co,. Ltd
2021高效能低水下噪音的大型圍網漁船開發Jui-Hsiang KaoFAIR WELL FISHERY CO, LTD.
2020環狀線東環段土建基本設計服務暨測量、地質及管線調查工作DF118設計標振動評估分析工作Rong-Juin ShyuDepartment of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture
2020Performance improvement of micro-perforated panel and development of indoor sound absorption and sound insulation technologyJinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2020NB565漁業訓練船螺槳性能及空化實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoLUNGTEH SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
2020NB564漁業巡護船螺槳性能及空化實驗Jui-Hsiang KaoLUNGTEH SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD.
2020海水循環過濾壽命週期之評估Shu-Sheng LeeNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2020水下角錐吸音材之模擬及實驗測試Pei-Tai Chen國家中山科學研究院化學研究所
2020應用計算流力與動態規劃方法進行天氣定航之研究(II)Ching-Yeh HsinCR CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY
2020船艦開孔流體噪音評估及隔柵設計Yi-Chih ChowCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2020Computational Study of Flow Past an Prolate Spheroid at Various Angles of Attack and High Reynolds NumberJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Develop and Apply the Adaptive Meshfree Method for the Modeling of Ship-Hull-Crack PropagationPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2020Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Pressure on a Ultra Large Container Ship in Oblique WavesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Measurement and Discussion of Propeller Blade Tip Vortex InceptionYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Investing the Influence of Ship Wake Velocities in Waves Considering Ship/Hull Interactions to Propeller Performance and Unsteady Forces(II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2020Analyzing the Propeller Blade Noise of the Underwater Vehicle in Different Operating StatesJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2020高雷諾數流通過6:1橢球體的實驗研究(II)Jiahn-Horng ChenUnited States Navy
2020整合人機介面開發Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020高雄新市鎮新設科學園區環境影響評估計畫-高速公路及高速鐵路振動調查評估Rong-Juin ShyuSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2020水質物聯網固定式機台量測/校正介面開發Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020多重化水質感測晶片開發Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2020高效能低水下噪音的大型圍網漁船開發Jui-Hsiang KaoFAIR WELL FISHERY CO, LTD.
2020艦艇結構寸法設計與有限元素分析之研究Pai-Chen GuanCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2020臺北都會區大眾捷運系統萬大-中和-樹林線(第二期工程)委託技術服務DQ126設計標計畫Rong-Juin ShyuSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2020The commissioed project of pioneer research of turbine design of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) type wave energy conversion systemChing-Yeh Hsin
2020潔能系統整合與應用人才培育計畫區域推動中心計畫-北北基I推動中心Jiahn-Horng ChenMinistry of Education
2020分析高鐵機車車架結構靜態強度及疲勞Rong-Juin ShyuTAIWAN ROLLING STOCK
2020國立臺灣海洋大學大型空蝕水槽性能提升Jiahn-Horng ChenCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019車輛穩定性分析Rong-Juin ShyuTAIWAN ROLLING STOCK
2019三合一量測手持式電路設計Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019Developing an Innovative Propulsion System Operating in Shallow WaterJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2019水質檢測系統三合一量測全配電路設計Hsing-Cheng YuIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019"FRP船與FRP產品之實驗 -2"Pai-Chen GuanCompal Electronics, Inc.
2019Study of Plastic Deformation of Pressure Chamber and the Effect on Fatigue StrengthPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2019Development of Multiple-User Vr System for the Assembly of Oil-Pipelines in SubmarineWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2019以非定常流影響為考量之水下載具螺槳分析與設計Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019利用CFD進行螺槳性能計算Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019高雷諾數流通過6:1橢球體的實驗研究Jiahn-Horng ChenUnited States Navy
2019A Computational Study of Unsteady Junction Vortex Flow by Les MethodJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Buckling Strength Analysis of Pressure Vessels Using Brittle and Ductile Material under Residual Stress Due to WeldingPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2019Verification by Laboratory Model Tests on Capture Efficiency of a Bh-Owsc under Irregular Waves Offshore Northeastern TaiwanShiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Structural Response Analyses of High-Speed Monohull Ship with Large Wave AmplitudesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Development of Multi-Sheets Nesting System in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2019Establishment of Benchmark Experiments and Analyses for Calibrating Dynamometry and Numerical Simulations Associated with Marine PropellersYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2019Investing the Influence of Ship Wake Velocities in Waves Considering Ship/Hull Interactions to Propeller Performance and Unsteady Forces(I)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Numerical Analyses and Shape Optimization for Bottom-Hinged Oscillating Wave Surge Converters(II)Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2019Design and Implementation of an Electronically Controlled Pto System of Bh-Owsc and Its Output Power Maximizing Control(II)Chen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019水下載具周圍細微流場SPIV量測與特性分析Yi-Chih ChowCSBC CORP.,TAIWAN
2019Site Selection & Field Testing on Aquanet'S Floating Owc at Tamets( I )Jiahn-Horng Chen
2019新型救難艦?葉模型試驗Jui-Hsiang KaoShip and Ocean Industries R&D Center
2019艦艇結構寸法設計與有限元素分析之研究(1/2)Pai-Chen GuanCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2019胎內振動訊號與輪胎動力特性關係解讀研究計畫Rong-Juin ShyuKENDA RUBBER IND. CO., LTD.
2019實海域螺槳與附屬物性能評估(II)Ching-Yeh HsinCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
201920噸之港區巡邏警艇監造委託Yaw-Huei LeeTaiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd.
2019測試載台2.0版螺槳更新設計Jui-Hsiang KaoNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2019水下目標材質擬真之聲回波模擬研究Pei-Tai ChenNational Chung-Shan Institute of Science & Technology (NCSIST)
2019應用計算流力與動態規劃方法進行天氣定航之研究Ching-Yeh HsinCR CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY
2018A Parametric Study of System Integration of Wave Energy Converter with an Open Caisson to Enhance the Power Take-OffJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2018Verification by Laboratory Model Tests on Capture Efficiency of a Bh-Owsc under Irregular Waves Offshore Northeastern TaiwanShiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Global Structural Response Analyses of a Trimaran with Equivalent Regular Design WavesChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Investigation of Propeller Wake Geometry and Establishment of Its Computational MethodChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Numerical Analyses and Shape Optimization for Bottom-Hinged Oscillating Wave Surge Converters(I)Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2018Research on Virtual Reality Application to Ship Piping DesignWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2018Design and Implementation of an Electronically Controlled Pto System of Bh-Owsc and Its Output Power Maximizing Control(I)Chen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Establishment of an Air-Blower Wave Power Generation Device System in the Nearshore Zone( I )Tai-Wen HsuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Research on the Wave Effecs to Marine Propeller Performances (II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Parametric Study of System Integration of Wave Energy Converter with an Open Caisson to Enhance the Power Take-OffJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Coupled Isogeometric Analysis Method and Peridynamics Method for the Modeling of Crack Open Analysis on Ship HullPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2017Comparison Study of Long-Term Extreme Value on Wave Loads for Different Routes of a High Speed TrimaranChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Ergonomics and Parameter Optimization for Intelligent Autostereoscopic Camera SystemHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Design, Sensing and Control Development for the Low Power Consumption Pulsatile Left Ventricular Assist Device PumpShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Research and Development of a Marine-Type, Contactless, Optical Torque MeterYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Investigation of Propeller Wake Geometry and Establishment of Its Computational MethodChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Cavitation Imaging and Piv Measurements for a Propeller Influenced by Pre-Swirl FinsYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2017Research on Optimization of Nesting Problem in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2017Developing Universal Led Water Fish LampJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( III )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2017Simulation and Testing Technology Development on the Performance of Car Manipulation for Tire( II )Jinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Study on the Interaction between the Vortex Shedding Due to Flow Past a Circular Cylinder and a JetJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016Develop the Isogeometric Analysis (Iga) Ship Structural Analysis Model for Slamming AnalysisPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Long-Term Extreme Value Analysis on Wave Loads of a TrimaranChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Development of Dual-wavelength Laser Direct-write Nanolithography System for Localized Surface Plasma Resonance BiochipHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Piv Measurements and Cavitation Imaging for the Flow on the Blade Surface of a Rotating PropellerYaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016Doppler Blood Flow Meter Development and Superficial Artery Vibration Measurement by Espi &Amp; Projection MorieShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of the Energy Loss of Propellers in Ship MotionsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Experimental Investigations on the Flow Past a Circular Cylinder Just before a Backward-Facing StepYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigating the Scattered Wave due to Dipoles of an Operating Propeller by a Weighting-Iteration MethodJui-Hsiang KaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( II )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)-4Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2016Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions (II)-3Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Simulation and Testing Technology Development on the Performance of Car Manipulation for Tire( I )Jinn-Tong ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Shear Flow Past a Rotating Bluff BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Acoustic Radiations of Infinite and Finite Ribbed Periodical Submerged Cylindrical ShellsPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Develop the Meshfree Numerical Method for the Fluid-Structure Interaction with Underwater ExplosionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2015An Application of Collision Avoidance System for a Container Ship with Real-Time SimulatorChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Development of Model-Free Predictive Current Control Technology for Advanced Slim Sensorless BLDC Permanent Magnet Electric Motors with Low Rare Earth ElementsHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Wind and Ocean Energy Converter Module Development( I )Pai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing ConditionsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Investigation of environmental low-frequency noise and vibration and research project for improvement measuresRong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2015Investigation of Self-Propulsion Simulation for Submarine in Different Sailing Conditions-2Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2015Promotion Project for International Linkage on Offshore Renewable Energy DevelopmentJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2015Blade DesignChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2015Preliminary Study on an On-Shore OWC Incorporated with a FlapperYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2014Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Shear Flow Past a Rotating Bluff BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development and Application of Reciprocating Pitch Angle Fluid Dynamic Energy ConverterNational Science and Technology Council
2014A Numerical Study on the Collision Avoidance of a Container ShipChih-Chung FangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Structural Vibration Induced Noise Radiation in Water and Its Reduction by Nearly Periodical Rib StiffenersPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of Model-Free Predictive Current Control Technology for Advanced Slim Sensorless BLDC Permanent Magnet Electric Motors with Low Rare Earth ElementsHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Development of a Multi-Angle Incident Light and Multi-Point Measurement Phase Image Interrogation Surface Plasmon Resonance SystemShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Development of an Integrated Computational Method for the Propeller Energy Loss CoefficientsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Research on Irregular Stock Cutting Problem for Large Shapes in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2014A New Approach to Extract Characteristic Parameters of the Buoc-Wen Model for Describing the Structural Dynamic BehaviorJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2014Computations of the Propeller Forces of the High Speed Boats in WavesChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2014近鄰低頻噪音及振動之調查及改善措施研究Rong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2013Establishment of Taiwan Marine Energy Test Site (Tamets) (Ii)Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Suppression of Vortex Shedding for Shear Flow Past a Rotating Bluff BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Offshore Wind Turbine Tower Structural Vibration Induced Noise Radiation in Water and Its Reduction by Nearly Periodical Rib StiffenersPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Design and Drive Control Technology for High-Efficiency Halbach Magnetic Array and Double-Gap Transverse Flux Sensorless Brushless DC Motors with Low Rare Earth MaterialsHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Investigations of the Wave Effect on Propeller PerformanceChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Time-Resolved PIV Measurements for Pressure Distributions around 2D Hydrofoils at Different Cavitation NumbersYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2013A Study of Flow past a Circular Cylinder over a Backward-Facing StepJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Development and application of reciprocating pitch angle fluid dynamic energy converterNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical SystemChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-1Yaw-Huei LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-2Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-3Yuan-Liang JengNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis, Design, and Development of a High Efficiency Wave Energy Conversion Mechanical System-4Yi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2013新世代節能橡膠於環保輪胎之應用研發Rong-Juin Shyu
2012Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2012Drive and Control Technology for Advanced Sensorless Bldc Motors with Low Rare Earth MaterialHsing-Cheng YuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Investigations of the Wave Effect on Propeller PerformanceChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2012Time-Resolved Piv Measurements for Pressure Distributions around 2d Hydrofoils at Different Cavitation NumbersYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2012Qualitative Research on the Irregular Stock Cutting Problem in ShipbuildingWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2012Study of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Cavitation for Internal Flow Past a ValveJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Development and Application of Reciprocating Pitch Angle Fluid Dynamic Energy ConverterNational Science and Technology Council
2012A Study of Flow Past a Circular Cylinder over a Backward-Facing StepJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012工程處海洋工程學門國外參訪計畫Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012New Approaches for Identifying the Heat Source in Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Feasibility Study on the Establish of the National Taiwan Marine Energy Test Site (TAMETS)Shiaw-Yih TzangNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Evaluation Study on Technology and Potential Sites of Wave Energy ConversionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Integrated Research of Professional and Popular Science Education on Ocean EnergyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Supply and Demand Analyses and Cultivation of Human Resource in the Ocean Energy IndustryHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011低阻力、低噪音環保輪胎設計與驗證技術研究﹝I﹞Rong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Collaboration between Professors and Educators in Marine Eduction Content DevelopmentNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Study for Discrete Optimization Problems --- Combining Particle Swarm Optimization with Successive Taguchi MethodJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Design and Fabrication of the Metallic Nano-Periodic Structure Substrate for SERS and SPR SystemShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Development of a Design Method for Propellers in the Unsteady InflowChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Experimental Investigations on Hydrodynamics of the Flap-Type Wave Energy Converter ArrayYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2011Study of Fluid-Structure Interaction and Cavitation for Internal Flow Past a ValveJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011New Approaches for Identifying the Heat Source in Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011A New Computational Approach for Solving the Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem in an Arbitrary Plane DomainJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011公務船造、修合約合理性與因應對策之研究結案報告Chih-Ching ChangCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2011Establishing a Procedure for Designing Ducted PropellersChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Numerical Analysis of Ship under Collision and Explosion Loading ConditionPai-Chen GuanNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Evaluation Study on Technology and Potential Sites of Wave Energy ConversionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011海洋工程學門研究發展及推動小組計畫Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Research on Collaboration between Professors and Educators in Marine Eduction Content DevelopmentNational Science and Technology Council
2010Lab_On_A_Chip for Dna Hybridization AssaysPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Study of a Successive Taguchi Method Applied in Globally Optimizing ProblemsJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Development of a Design Method for Propellers in the Unsteady InflowChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Measurements and Assessments of Turbulence Model Performance with Shear-Layer Flows Using a Cost-Effective DP-SPIV SystemYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2010A Study of Sloshing Motion and Its ReductionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010New Approaches for Identifying the Heat Source in Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2010英國海洋能源研究參訪Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Design Modifications of Propellers with Blunt Trailing Edges by Computational MethodsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2009Study of Noise Reduction Promotion of Composite Silencers in Middle and Low FrequencyDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2009Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow Regime by Superhydrophobic CoatingJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Evaluation Study on Technology and Potential Sites of Wave Energy ConversionJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009Net Cage Floating and Submerging Control,System Identification of Dynamic Characteristics,Mechanics Analysis,And Feedback Control.Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Study of a Successive Taguchi Method Applied in Globally Optimizing ProblemsJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2009Development of a Surface-Plasmon Resonance Phase Modulation Bio-Reaction Image Detection System with Quadrature Signal AlgorithmShu-Sheng LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2009Application of the Adjoint Method to the Propeller DesignsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2009Construction of a PIV System That Fully Resolves Velocity Vector and Gradient Tensor and Its Application on Measurements of Complex, Turbulent Flows Associated with Marine PropellersYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2009A Domain Extension Approach in Radial Basis Function Collocation Methods Applied to Hydrodynamic Problems in Irregular DomainsJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2009Using Boundary Element Methods to Study and Simulate Two-Dimensional Sloshing ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2009A Study of the Moving Modified Trefftz Method for Solving the Inversed Laplace Problem with the Multiply Connected DomainJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Prediction and Adjustment of Propeller Thermal Deformation in the Manufacturing ProcessChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2008Dynamic Response and Submerging and Floating Control of Net Cage SystemsPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Study of Upgrading the Low-Frequency Acoustic Energy Dissipation of Building MaterialsDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2008Analysis Model of the External Acoustic Radiation and Wall Vibration Due to Internal Pipe Flow Disturbances (II)Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Application of the Adjoint Method to the Propeller DesignsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2008PIV Measurements of Turbulent Flow Associated with Propeller-Tip-Vortex/Cavitation/ Cavitation-BurstingYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2008Non-Resonant Response of Stiffened Plate Structure Using Statistical Energy AnalysisRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2008A Domain Extension Approach in Radial Basis Function Collocation Methods Applied to Hydrodynamic Problems in Irregular DomainsJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008An Experimental Study of Drag Reduction by Superhydrophobic CoatingJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Using Boundary Element Methods to Study and Simulate Two-Dimensional Sloshing ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Applications of the Lie-Group Shooting Method on Solving Inverse Heat Conduction ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Study of Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics and its Control Measures for Transportation Systems (IV)Rong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2007A Comparative Study of Calculation and Experiment of Architectural Acoustics Characteristics in the SceneDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2007Analysis Model of the External Acoustic Radiation and Wall Vibration Due to Internal Pipe Flow DisturbancesWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Application of the Adjoint Method to the Foil and Propeller DesignsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2007PIV Measurements of Turbulent Flow Associated with Propeller-Tip-Vortex/Cavitation/ Cavitation-BurstingYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2007Research on the 2D Irregular Nesting Based on Bitmap RepresentationWei-Chu WengNational Science and Technology Council
2007A Domain Extension Approach in Radial Basis Function Collocation Methods Applied to Hydrodynamic Problems in Irregular DomainsJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2007Using Boundary Element Methods to Study and Simulate Two-Dimensional Sloshing ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Using DRBEM on Mild-Slope Equation to Analyze Wave TransformationSung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Study of Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics and its Control Measures for Transportation Systems (III)Rong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2007Visualization and Pattern Identification of the Cavitation-Bursting Phenomena in Propeller Tip VorticesYi-Chih ChowNational Science and Technology Council
2006Establishment of a Tool for Predicting the Pressure Distribution on a Marine PropellerChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2006Structural Modelling of Power Flow Analysis of Complex Nonlinear Vibration Isolation SystemWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2006Design of Energy Saving Rudder Geometries in the Propeller SlipstreamChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2006Numerical Analysis of Cavitating Hydrofoils near a Free SurfaceJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2006Indrect Trefftz Methods for Solving Problems of the Poisson EquationJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2006Applications of the Group-Preserving Scheme on Solving Problems of the Sideways Heat EquationJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2006Using Drbem on Mild-Slope Equation to Analyze Wave Transformation (II)Sung-Shan HsiaoNational Science and Technology Council
2006Free Vibration of Stiffened Plates in Air and in Water (II)Rong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2006The Study of Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics and Its Control Measures for Transportation Systems (II)Rong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2005The Development and Testing of Rubber Components for Bogies of Rail-Bound VehiclesRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2005Modelling of Vibration Analysis of Hysteresis Damping SystemWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2005Detection of Underwater Objects Using Capacitive Type Ultrasonic Transducer Fabricated by MEMS Technology (III)Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005Development of a Ducteed Propeller Design and Analysis Method by Means of Viscous-Inviscid Techniques with Considerations of the Influences of Rakes and SkewsChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2005Free Vibration of Stiffened Plates in Air and in WaterRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Study of Shear Effect on Development of Flow Past a Circular CylinderJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Study of the Direct and Indirect Trefftz Methods on Problems of the Modified Helmholtz EquationJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2005引擎引致水中噪音分析Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2005The Study of Acoustic and Vibration Characteristics and Its Control Measures for Transportation Systems (I)Rong-Juin ShyuEnvironmental Protection Administration
2005The Application of Fuel Cell on the Fishing Boat Propulsion and OperationCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2005Research on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of High-Speed Water Entry of a Supercavitating Projectile(II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2005The Study of Techniques of Supressing Shock and Vibration for Electronic EquipmentsRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2004A New Computation Method for Solving Problems of the Great Circle Path in NavigationChih-Li ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Hydrodynamics Design Method for the Podded Propulsor (II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Study of Recirculating Flow and Vortex Shedding Due to a Cylinder Asymmetrically Set in a ChannelJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Study of the Conventional Trefftz Method on Laplace Problems of the Infinite FieldJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2004海洋工程與技術學門學者專家赴美參訪Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2004Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment of High-Speed Rail TransportationWei-Hui WangEnvironmental Protection Administration
2004Research on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of High-Speed Water Entry of a Supercavitating Projectile(I)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2004Study on System Dynamics of a Supercavitating BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2003Signal Processing and Diagnosis Simulation od a Machine System (III)Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2003The Study of Noise Control for an Inner Room with Air Current of a High-Rise Building Close to a RoadwayDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2003Numerical Simulated of Wave-Loading on Ships in Irregular WavesJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2003Development of A Two-Dimensional Wavelet Boundary Element MethodChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2003The Study of Vibration Sources and Vibration Abatement Measures for High Speed Submerged Bodies (II)Rong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2003Application of Meshless Methods to Flow Past a HydrofoilJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2003Applications of the Moving Trefftz Method on Laplace ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2003高速鐵路噪音、振動之研究Wei-Hui WangEnvironmental Protection Administration
2002資源化陶瓷廢棄材料於中低頻吸音發泡產品之開發與應用Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2002Noise Attenuation of Structural System of TrackWei-Hui Wang
2002Applications of Localized Vibration to Vibration and Noise Control (III)Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2002Design and Microfabrication of Capacitive Ultrasonic Transducer ArraysPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2002The Study of Transmission Loss Calculation for Insulation Plate under Vibration ControlDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2002Study of Unstable Waves of Air-Sea Shear Flow in OceanJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2002A Hydrodynamics Design Method for the Podded PropulsorChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2002Studies on the Vibration Sources and Vibration Abatement Measures for High Speed Submerged BodesRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2002A Study of Caivtaing Flows Past an Axisymmetric BodyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2002A Study on the Moving Trefftz Method in the Acoustic Field ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2001Signal Processing and Diagnosis Simulation of a Machine System (I)Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2001Signal Processing and Diagnosis Simulation of a Machine System (Ⅱ)Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2001An Analysis and Design of Viscoelastic Damper Using Inertial Constraining and Principle of Elastic Tube ResonancePei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2001Applications of Localized Vibration to Vibration and Noise Control (Ⅱ)Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2001The Study of Acoustic Pressure Distribution with High Frequency in a Three-Dimensional Enclosure by Oscillation Integration AlgorithmsDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2001The Study of Acoustic Pressure Distribution with High Frequency in a Three-Dimensional Enclosure by Oscillation Integration AlgorithmsDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
2001Effect of Steep Wave on the Motion Behavior and Wave Loads of a Fast Ship in Bow WavesJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2001The Influence of the Effective Wake to the Propeller Cavitation in an Unsteady FlowChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2001Steady and Transient Vibration Response Analysis of Satellite Structures Using SeaRong-Juin Shyu
2001Prediction and Measurement of Sound Radiation from Hyperelastic MaterialRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2001Computational and Experimental Study of Viscous Sheet Cavitation on 2-D HydrofoilJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2001A Study on the Direct and Indirect Trefftz Methods in the Acoustic Field ProblemsJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2001The Influence of the Type of High Speed Railway Station Structure on Its Noise and Vibration Characteristic and CountermeasuresRong-Juin ShyuDepartment of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture
2001Investigation of the Flow around a Pump-Jet Propulsion SystemChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2000Study on Energy Saving and Silent Propeller DesignCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2000Applications of Localized Vibration to Vibration and Noise Control(I)Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2000Fundamental Instability of Incompressible Mixing LayersJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
2000A Propeller Blade Design Method Based on the Generalized Propeller Geometry DescriptionChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2000Measurement and Analysis of Underwater Noise Emitted by a Submerged Body in an Underwater Anechoic ChamberRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
2000A Study on the Radiated Fictitious Resonant Frequencies in the Acoustic Field of a Buoy BodyJiang-Ren ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2000引擎引致水中噪音分析(II)Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
2000螺槳新翼形於對轉螺槳設計上之應用∼非定常負載分析(III)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
2000Vibro-Acoustic Response of Satellite Structures Using Sea and Its Validity Testing Using Real Satellite StructuresRong-Juin Shyu
01Theoretical Prediction and Experiments on the High Frequency Vibration Transmission in Ship StructuresRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1999Modelling Mobility Analysis of Squeeze Film for Structure-Borne Noise ReductionWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
1999An Investigation of Dynamic Characteristics of Submerged Structures Using In-Vacuo Natural Modes and Acoustic Radiation ModePei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1999Assessment of Design Loads on High-Speed ShipsJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
1999A Coupled Viscous/Potential Design Method for Propulsion Devices of Submersible BodiesChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
1999Dymanic Load Simulation for Use in Fatigue TestingRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1999螺槳新翼形於對轉螺槳設計上之應用---非定常負載分析(II)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
1999短場﹧垂直起降用Tilt機翼與螺槳氣動力分析Jiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1999Analysis of 2-D Cavitating Hydrofoil Flow by a Dipole-Only Boundary Element MethodJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1998Fluid-Structure Interaction Effect to the Structure-Borne Noise PropagationWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
1998The Analysis of Radiation Characteristics and Structural Dynamics for Submerged Elastic StructuresPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1998A Study for Active Noise Control in an Enclosure with Absorptive Boundary SurfacesDer-Yuan LiouNational Science and Technology Council
1998Subharmonic Instabilities of Incompressible Mixing LayersJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
1998Numerical Analysis of Compressible Mixing Layer Using LES and MPIJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
1998The Analysis of Unsteady Motions of a Hydrofoil in the WaveChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
1998Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Measurement of Propeller SingingRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1998Analysis of Three-Dimensional Supercavitating Hydrofoil Flow by BEMJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1997Isolation of the Onboard Structure-Borne NoiseWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
1997The Propeller-Hull Interaction in the Viscous Flow(III)Ching-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
1997Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Dynamics of Damped Sandwich PlatesRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1997改變結構的勁度及質量分佈來控制及降低機電噪音研究Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1996Mobility Characterization of Resilient Mounting for Inboard Main EngineWei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
1996Design and Microfabrication of High Sensitive Two-Dimensional T Type, Step, Phase Shift Capacitive Microfabricated Ultrasonic TransducerPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1996Theoretical and Experimental Study on Stern Viscous Flow and Propeller-Hull InteractionNational Science and Technology Council
1996Theoretical and Experimental Study on Stern Viscous Flow and Propeller-Hull InteractionNational Science and Technology Council
1996Analysis of Supercavitating Hydrofoils by Boundary Element MethodsJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1995An Investigation of Imaginary Part of Complex Acoustic Power and Its Relationship to Near Acoustic FieldPei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1995The Application of the Distributed Computing Skill on the Viscous Ship FlowJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
1995Theoretical and Experimental Study on Stern Viscous Flow and Propeller-Hull Interaction(I)National Science and Technology Council
1995The Propeller-Hull Interaction in the Viscous FlowChing-Yeh HsinNational Science and Technology Council
1995Theoretical and Experimental Study on Stern Viscous Flow and Propeller-Hull Interaction(I)National Science and Technology Council
1995Vibration Source and Path Recovery from Vibration Signal MonitoringRong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1994Hatch Cover Layout and Lightening for Container Ships(III)Wei-Hui WangNational Science and Technology Council
1994The Estimation and Model Testing of the Structures-Borne Sound on Board Ships(III)Rong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1994The Interaction Mechanisms for Submerged ElasticstructurePei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1994The Changes of Plasma Catecholamine and Lymphocyte .beta.-AdrenJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
1993Detection of Underwater Objects Using Capacitive Type Ultrasonic Transducer Fabricated by MEMS Technology (I)Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1993浸在水中物體表面聲場行為之探討Pei-Tai ChenNational Science and Technology Council
1993The Measurement and Analysis of Underwater Noise Generated by Ships (II)Rong-Juin ShyuNational Science and Technology Council
1992Three Dimensional Nonparallel Instabilities of Supersonic Mixing LayersJeun-Len WuNational Science and Technology Council
1992Analysis of Asymmetric Flows of DuctsJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
0007桃園捷運綠線GM01標機電系統統包工程-機廠噪音及振動影響評估Rong-Juin Shyu