(1)運用衛星及航測資訊建構養殖面積監控系統:運用多元尺度監測於養殖漁業管理之研究,應用航測及遙測的技術定期進行臺灣地區陸上魚塭養殖及淺海牡蠣區域監測,以監測影像進行魚塭與牡蠣圖更新,當災害來臨時提供即時災損分析。養殖監測結果持續匯入資料庫並整合養殖水產品抽檢資料,分析以提供相關施政與管理的應用資訊,本計劃目標包括:(1)完成動態掌握陸上十萬多口的養殖魚塭、海上箱網及淺海養殖牡蠣之養殖分布情形,結合放養量申(查)報作業,建立完整的全國養殖漁業基礎資料庫,可供公部門作漁政管理與相關政策研擬之決策參考;當天然災害發生時,依照107年寒害及823水災監測機制,提供災害前後期影像養殖監測結果,作為災損及災害影響評估,可提供決策單位是否啟動現金救助或專案輔導之參考,加速災害救助的流程,並節省政府機關的人力與物力。(2)透過過去監測取得的淺海養殖數據,依照各區域養殖特性調整遙測影像監測頻率,達到節省遙測影像成本支出的效益。(3)配合嘉義縣浮筏式牡蠣漁業權管理方案,提供有漁業權的養殖設施每期遙測監測的養殖狀態變動,除可以了解漁業權設施的位置移動及養殖變化情形外,發生災損時也能利用前後期影像取得設施受損情形,提供漁政單位核發救助金之參考。(4)完整養殖漁業基礎資料庫,提昇養殖行政管理的掌控與效率,經由魚塭圖與地籍圖的大數據比對,可分析那些魚塭是可被申請養殖漁業登記,籍由分析結果透過放養申(查)報制度,通知漁民進行養殖漁業登記證的申請,以提昇養殖漁業登記證的核發比例,也達到照顧漁民與便民服務,讓民眾對政府有感。(5)計畫成果籍由養殖漁業放養查詢平臺開放產管學與一般民眾(養殖業者 )自由查詢,可立即查知各養殖魚種的放養量與面積,部份魚種也提供魚價資訊,可作產銷預警之決策使用。(6)追蹤各分級之水產品養殖區抽檢結果變化,了解過去抽檢不合格次數較多的養殖區改善狀況,並提供漁政管理機關進行養殖管理之決策參考 ,為大眾的養殖漁產食安把關。(2)外來水產生物之野外族群監控與危害防治:本計劃之執行主要是希望能夠針對已入侵之外來水產生物在臺灣地區的分佈情形,並且研究其對於臺灣水域生態的衝擊程度,並對於一些高威脅性的入侵種能夠建立其防治移除技術的標準作業程序。除此之外,過往所蒐集的外來種入侵之相關資料有必要經彙整後擬定出具入侵疑慮之水產動物清單,以供關單位於評估該入侵物種對環境的生態危害,並羅列出緊急因應處理的相關策略。近年來四脊滑螯蝦與魚虎(小盾鱧)等社會關注物種外,外來產業魚種筍殼魚、墨瑞鱈等本年度亦須著重針對該種在臺灣的分佈情形以及對於本土環境影響情形進行調查,並藉由蒐集相關文獻與輔以實際的野外調查之相關資料建立起有效防治流程與移除技術,避免該入侵物種快速擴散與嚴重危害本土生態環境。入侵外來生物對臺灣生態環境與原生物種的衝擊是相當嚴重的,過往針對外來入侵水產生物之調查工作所蒐集之數據亦相當重要,彙整歷年資料並統整為分布圖資資訊化之工作亦成了本年度的目標之一。為了能讓社會大眾對已入侵外水產生物更加認識,本年度亦將開發已入侵水產生物之民眾通報網頁,希望透過與地方民眾之互動來提高民眾對已入侵之外來水產生物的通報率,讓目前臺灣已入侵水產生物之現況更加明朗化。(3)液態天然氣(LNG)冷排水養殖模場之經營模式及營運策略之研究: 本(109)年度目標運用中油液化天然氣(LNG)水的低水溫特性創造未來台灣養殖產業新高經濟養殖物種的資源。利用液化天然氣(LNG)的低水溫特性,應考量目前有限資源規劃放養物種的多樣性,將高養殖成本影響降到最低,可增加單位面積與水體的利潤。因此發展高經濟冷水性物種養殖參數及有效利用模式、發展具潛力的高經濟冷水性養殖種類 (大西洋鮭魚、鮑魚、仿刺參、牙鮃)之養殖技術,除了考慮並解決不同面向的養殖相關問題、強化低溫冷源利用效率,更應將已建立的模廠養殖參數做為推廣及輔導的參考指標,使傳統養殖產業者能理解、信賴並加以利用現階段已建立的養殖參數,兼之裨益養殖產業相關應用技術能多元地在台灣生根,創造更多價值。本年度訂定目標如下:(1)推廣現有冷水性物種至產業界,擴大產量產值。依104-108年計畫研發成果建立之冷水性物種 <U>(</U>大西洋鮭魚、牙鲆、仿刺參、鮑魚)之繁養殖技術,推廣至國內之養殖業界,使在地水產養殖產業的物種多元化,同時亦使此項利用冷能之繁養殖冷水性物種技術能在台灣生根並且創造更多產值,增加整體的養殖利潤。(2)開發與建立新興冷水性養殖物種和技術等,引領我國養殖產業朝物種多元化邁進。依據104-108年計畫研發成果建立之冷水性物種 <U>(</U>大西洋鮭魚、牙鲆、仿刺參、鮑魚)之繁養殖技術經驗,開發與建立新興冷水性物種養殖技術如:石鯛、北海道紅參,擴展我國利用冷能養殖之冷水性物種,使我國養殖產業物種更多元化,並減少國內對相關冷水性物種進口之需求。(3)持續精進各冷水性物種 (大西洋鮭魚、牙鲆、刺參、鮑魚及石鯛)之繁養殖技術,評估生產成本與經濟效益。依108年度模場現地試量產後調整之各項冷水性物種 (大西洋鮭魚、牙鲆、刺參、鮑魚及石鯛)養殖參數進行具經濟效益之單位面積產值規劃,按照養殖生物之特性調整各物種養殖密度,並依現地操作及104-108年之研發成果調整各式養殖參數,分析最適養殖密度下之試營運成本利潤;未來也可將上述各項技術及參數透過技術移轉及輔導的方式協助相關養殖業者,以提高養殖單位面積產值。(4)精準控制模場內冷水性物種 (大西洋鮭魚、牙鲆、刺參、鮑魚及石鯛)疾病技術。臺灣現今發展冷水性物種技術尚未成熟,相關本土疾病資料仍是少見,許多養殖參數尚未建立。因此,以106-108年度彙整之冷水性物種疾病防治技術為基礎,持續記錄更新LNG模廠各種冷水性養殖物種的疾病控管技術,改良冷水性物種之疾病控管技術,達到減少傷病損失以提高模場養殖單位面積產值之目的;未來以可將此疾病控管技術透過技術移轉及輔導的方式協助相關養殖業者,以提高養殖單位面積產值。(5)協助漁業署辦理模場民間參與經營招商作業規劃,促進產官學合作。依106-108年研發成果建立之模場促參OT與標租流程、租金規劃與可行性評估,協助漁業署促參單位進行模場之經營招商,加強產、官、學界聯繫與合作,達到提高產業效能之目的。 (1)The use of satellite and aerial monitoring system information to construct aquaculture area:In order to grasp the information of national aquaculture, continue to use the remote sensing technique for regular monitoring. Use automatic image analysis for aquaculture area mapping and statistical. Provide an immediate damage analysis when a disaster strikes. The results of the aquaculture monitoring are continuously imported into the database and integrated with the sampling data of the cultured aquatic products, and analyzed to provide application information on relevant governance and management.This project includes:(1)Use of aerial photography to produce the map of the farmed fish and oysters, and establish the complete national aquaculture fishery basic database. Provide image monitoring results before and after the disaster when natural disasters occur.(2)Through the shallow sea culture data obtained from past monitoring to adjust the monitoring frequency of remote sensing images according to the culture characteristics of each region, and the benefits of saving image cost are achieved.(3)In conjunction with the management scheme of the floating oyster fishery rights in Chiayi County, the state of the culture of each fishery facility with the right to fishery is provided for the monitoring of the state of the culture. In addition to the location movement of the fishery rights facility and the changes in aquaculture, it can also be used in the event of damage. This can also be used to obtain facility damage situation when a disaster occurs.(4)Complete aquaculture fishery basic database to improve the efficiency of aquaculture administration.(5)Complete the transfer of the monitoring results into the database of the aquaculture and management system, and provide users with access to the information through the Geographic Information Platform.(6)Track the changes in the sampling results of the aquatic product breeding areas of each grade, and provide the fishery administration authorities with reference to the decision-making of aquaculture management.(2)Monitoring and damage control the wild population of exotic aquatic-animals:The main purpose of this project is wanted to establish the exotic invasive aquatic species's distribution information and to understand the impact to the native ecosystem. The bio-security standard operation procedure for much more threatening invaded species will be done in the coming year. Moreover, both of (1) the distribution and the impact information investigation and (2) the relevant control processes and removal technology of those exotic aquaculture purposed animals are lawful imported will be done at the same time. The field investigation and references collection are both methods to understand the distribution of exotic species of aquatic animal status. Proposed collection of exotic fish stomach contents of specimens, as basic material for future impact research. In this project, more invaded aquatic animal's bio-security Standard Operation Procedure wild be established. Related benefits include: (1) The establishment of exotic species of aquatic animals in Taiwan's distribution database to provide relevant research base. (2) To understand how serious of the endemic aquatic ecology was threaten by the invaded aquatic animals. (3) To establish more exotic invaded aquatic animal's standard operation procedure for the prevention of the damage of Taiwan. (4) To understand those lawful imported aquaculture animal's distributed and impacted status. The control processes and eradication method for those aquaculture animals will be prepared for contingencies. The exotic invasive aquatic species impact seriously on ecological environment of Taiwan. We'll also collect the data that study before to analyze the exotic invasive aquatic species's distribution information and come to understand the exotic invasive aquatic species's change in Taiwan. In order to make the public more aware of the invasive aquatic animals in Taiwan, we will develop an circulate information website for exotic aquatic animals. We will interact with local people to increase the responses rate of invasive aquatic animals from public. It will become more clear that the current situation of Taiwan’s invading aquatic animals.(3)The study of the operational model and strategies of low-temperature aquaculture system using LNG cool water:The Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPC Corporation) discharges about 350 to 520 million tons of liquid natural gas (LNG) cold water per year, is a precious renewable energy. The main purposes of this research are to establishment of low temperature aquaculture system using LNG cold water to promote low temperature property in local aquaculture industry. The module of LNG cold water for low temperature aquaculture systems as well as water safety monitoring is constructed. It inserted with smart monitor and management system in order to upgrade and transform the industry level. This aquaculture module, which has the characteristics of low-temperature aquaculture system is constructed to develop integrated aquaculture techniques of low temperature aquaculture. On account of low temperature seawater is a valuable resource, accomplishing the goal of resource exploiting diversification is the first action. The project will assess and establish the model factory include all the software, hardware facilities to farm cold water aquatic species. All the efforts are made for the developing aquatic species and promotion for the profit-rising in limited area, also the efficiency for using water and other kind of resources. Presently, we cultivate the abalone、sea cucumber、Atlantic salmon、<em>Paralichthys olivaceus</em>、white shrimp、rock porgy and some seaweeds successfully using LNG cold water in this farm. In the future, we will keep to make a development for technology of new cold water species and carry to the whole industry for diversification use. In this year,we have designed and manufactured modules and systems for water quality monitoring. Meanwhile, we also have developed a server and APP to show the real-time results of water quality. The introduction of new green energy cold water species aquaculture industry, is able to combine with energy saving carbon reduction and energy recovery technology, and the development of new cold water species aquaculture industry.
Invasive alien species
Giant snakehead
Redclaw crayfish
Aquaculture Area
Fish Farming
Low-temperature aquaculture system
Oyster Farming
Cage Culture
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold water (CPC Corporation)
Remote Sensing