本計畫之目標為建構一個現代化之電子海洋漁業資料控制系統,俾順利推動高競爭力之產業。 同時,與國際接軌,同步管理規定,維護海洋環境,保持生態系統健康,落實永續遠洋漁業經營。 分工整理如下:一、設計、建構與部署新世代海洋資訊系統,包括: 1. 整合VMS及e-logbook資料 2. 擴充資訊硬體設備及建置管理軟體 2.1. 建置「港口國措施線上資訊次系統ePSM」 2.2. 建置「電子漁獲證明書資訊次系統(eCDS)」 3. 整合前述資料表單中相關欄位之勾稽關聯,及一致性自動交叉比對。二、整合作業及海洋環境資料俾應用於預測: 1. 阿根廷魷漁況預報可行性分析 2. 秋刀魚漁況預報可行性分析 3. 長鰭鮪漁況預報可行性分析 4. 黃鰭鮪與大目鮪漁況預報可行性分析 5. 劍旗魚漁況預報可行性分析 6. 正鰹漁況預報可行性分析 (一)設計、建構與部署新世代海洋資訊系統目標: (1)建立巨量資料庫並充分使用其特性。 (2)整合既有之資料庫-VDR、VMS、魚管系統、火把系統、以及報表資料庫。 (3)依照署內既有之規範,建立具擴充性之管理系統。 (4)歸納並設計出自動化填報,或電子文件自動轉換成資料庫之系統。對外漁協辦理事項: (1)規劃漁船監控系統(VMS)、電子漁獲報表(e-logbook)資料庫導入整合系統之方式。 (2)建構所需資訊設備與網路設備。 (3)協助主開發者,將遠洋漁船動態管理系統、漁業管理資訊系統之資料匯流成大數據資料庫(Big Data),進行資料即時交叉比對。 (二)阿根廷魷漁況預報可行性分析目標:對阿根廷魷進行歷史性資料分析,瞭解資源動態脈絡。工作項目: (1)分出阿根廷魷冬季系群資料計算catch rate (2)漁獲能力標準化 (3)計算豐度指數 (4)累製豐度指數雙周別空間分布矩陣(1994~2014) (5)繪製海水及遙測海面溫度之月別及雙週別空間分布圖(1994~2014) (6)確定訓練資料組核實資料組 (7)量化空間結構進行Variogram分析取得空間內插參數 (8)初步分析時間緯度及溫度對CPUE反應的預測能力。預期效益:(1)析明阿根廷魷族群之時空式樣(2)解釋近年(2002+)漁獲情況低於平均水準的原因(3)估計現場水溫及SST之空間pattern並使CPUE之空間Pattern與水溫和SST連結(4)探討水溫及SST可預測漁獲狀況的能力。(三)秋刀魚漁況預報可行性分析目標:探討海洋環境因子如何影響秋刀魚在北太平洋的時空分佈,達到資料整合與漁場即時預報。工作項目:(1)整合環境資料-表水溫、海面高度、海洋生產力、海洋鋒面、洋流流向及流速。(2)每日更新漁況資訊(3)整合過去漁業資料(4)使用多變量泛線性模式,分析CPUE的時空分佈與環境因子的關係。(5)利用Out-of-sample forecasting或Cross validation,驗證模式之可行性。預期效益:提供即時海洋環境資料及海況預報,與漁業資料整合,提升管理的有效性。 (四)三大洋台灣鮪釣漁業長鰭鮪漁況預報可行性分析研究太平洋長鰭鮪漁場(漁況)與海洋環境之短中期變動特性,建構長鰭鮪漁場與環境變動結合的漁海況變動模式,另探討太平洋氣候變遷之PDO氣候變異下所造成環境變動因素對長鰭鮪之釣獲率與時空間短中期變動的影響,以評估海洋環境變遷可能帶來的衝擊,探討產業或管理可能遭遇的問題。 (五)三大洋台灣鮪釣漁業黃鰭鮪與大目鮪漁況預報可行性分析研究太平洋黃鰭鮪與大目鮪釣獲率、空間分布與海洋環境因子間的變動特性,建構大目鮪與黃鰭鮪漁場與環境變動結合的漁海況變動模式,另探討太平洋海洋環境變動對大目鮪與黃鰭鮪變動的週期特性,以評估探討海洋環境變化對產業或管理可能遭遇問題與衝擊。(六)三大洋台灣鮪釣漁業劍旗魚漁況預報可行性分析分析環境因素對劍旗魚資源漁海況與釣獲率變動之影響,建構劍旗魚資源變動與環境變異分析模式,評估氣候變遷的潛在影響與可能衝擊,並評估建構太平洋台灣遠洋鮪釣劍旗魚漁況預報系統之可行性,以達到劍旗魚資源永續利用之目的。工作項目包括:(1)太平洋海域劍旗魚漁獲與漁場環境資料庫建立;(2)分析海洋環境年間變異對遠洋鮪釣劍旗魚釣獲率變動之影響;(3)太平洋劍旗魚漁況及與環境變遷關係之解析;(4)分析探討未來氣候變遷對遠洋鮪釣漁業產業或管理可能遭遇之問題;(5)並預期建立太平洋台灣鮪釣劍旗魚漁海況變動的預報系統。(七)中西太平洋大型圍網漁業正鰹漁況預報可行性分析本研究著重於漁場變動分析,以提昇漁船及漁政管理單位對正鰹魚場之短期預測能力。分析中西太平洋正鰹漁場與海洋環境之短中期變動特性,並探討太平洋氣候變遷ENSO事件所造成環境變動因素對正鰹漁獲率與時空間分佈影響,以評估海洋環境變遷可能對漁場分佈的影響,建構中西太平洋正鰹潛在漁場預測模式。This project aims at construction an electronic data control system for modern fisheries in order to achieving high-efficient industry.  In the mean while, the updated system can connect to international device, so that the same management standard can be substantialized.  The outcome should support maintaining marine environment, upholding healthy ecosystem, sustaining far-sea fisheries, and securing better safety at sea.  To achieve this goal, several tasks are worked out as following:A、To design, construct and deploy a new-generation marine information system, including:1. Build an integrated databank to receive data tables of VMS and e-logbook 2. Expand hardware facilities and construct software system for data controlling 2.1. Develop an information system / web based application on \\\\\\\\\\"Port State Measures, ePSM\\\\\\\\\\"2.2. set up an electronic subsystem of \\\\\\\\\\"electronic Catch Document Scheme, eCDS\\\\\\\\\\"3. Develop an automatic procedure for carrying out data-link and cross-check to assure data standardB、To assemble operational and marine environmental data for facilitating forecasting1. Feasibility of Forecasting jigging Condition for Argentine Squid in SWA2. Feasibility of Forecasting Fishing Condition for Saury fish in NWP 3. Analysis on factors that affect albacore's fishing condition 4. Analysis on factors that affect yellowfin and big-eye tuna's fishing condition5. Analysis on factors that affect swordfish's fishing condition 6. Analysis on factors that affect skipjack's fishing condition(1)Designing, implementing, and deploying a next generation oceanic information systemDesigning, implementing, and deploying a next generation oceanic information system is a key to future fisheries management. This project focuses on creating such a system, providing ;a basis for future development. Besides being extensible, stable, and easy to use, this system must also contain the following elements. It must use big data storage technologies, which allows sharding, parallelism, load balancing, and data integrety. The final system will integrate existing VDR databases with VMS database, fisheries management database, the Torch system, and report databases. The management component of this system will be designed according to the regulations and requirements of the government. We will also consider to process electronic files such as word and excel files and automatically parse them into database to lessen human tasks.We will also design the new way or integrate the existing way which the electronic information is relayed into our system. Cross references, assertions to input data will be conducted automatically to filter out problems early to conserve time and labor. Future management and research can take benifit from the completeness and speed with the establishment of this system.(2)Analysis on Feasibility of Forecasting Fishing Condition on Jigging Argentine Shortfin Squid in the Southwest AtlanticThe objective of this project is analyzing historical fishing data obtained from Taiwanese jigging fleet fished in the SWA; namely, by using suitable analytic tool to reason annual fluctuation of the squid, and to formulize their spatial and temporal patterns of squid abundance. The aim of this year's study would be construct a facility to predict oncoming better fishing sites. Two major tasks are included: the first, we will quantify and visualize the distribution of catch, effort and catch per unit effort (CPUE) in SWA with a frequency of one frame per fortnight, and the other forecast year-class strength and intra-annual spatio-temporal distribution.; Major and serial analytic procedures are taken, including: 1) maintaining the squid databank and extracting BNPS data for detailed studies, 2) standardizing fishing effort using vessel-day (v-d) us unit, 3) estimating CPUE as abundance index, 4) enumerating spatio-temporal matrix of the CPUE, and visualizing their geographic distribution, 5) estimating spatio-temporal matrix of seawater temperature and charting their geographic distribution, 6) determining the training and validating datasets for formulizing feasible prediction model, and 8) preparing a tentative prediction model. The expect outcomes are: realizing the spatial displays of CPUE conditioned at various stock knowing the spatial distributions of CPUE and temperature, and linking the relations between them; and 3) exploring the feasibility of using SST to forecast catch size at fishing sites.(3)Feasibility test for using environmental data to predict fishing ground for Pacific saury This project aims to develop a now-cast system to test the feasibility for using environmental data to predict fishing ground for Pacific saury, in order to provide useful tools for fisheries management and lower the cost of fishery operations. Here, we propose to integrate environmental data, including Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Level Height anomaly, ocean color, and calculate ocean fronts, and geostrophic flow velocity and direction, as well as the temporal gradients of those parameters. We will display the ocean conditions with high-resolution maps and update the information daily. We then integrate CPUE data of Pacific saury with the environmental data (monthly data with 0.5 degree resolution). Finally, we will develop a forecast model using multivariate generalized linear models, and evaluate the model performance using historical data based on out-of-sample forecasting or cross validation strategies. (4)Feasibility analysis on the fishing condition forecast of albacore tunas for the Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the three oceans Climatic oscillations, anomalies, and changes clearly affect population dynamics and many ecological processes in marine ecosystems. Variations in population abundances and distributions of pelagic tuna species are consistently associated with marine environmental variations possibly influenced by climate impacts in different spatial-temporal scale. Fishing ground forecasting is therefore gaining popularity in the fishing industries of many countries around the world. Environmental factors may influence fish habitats and fishing grounds, and therefore will have positive or negative effects on catch rates. At the present time, modern technologies such as remotely sensed images obtained from satellites and model data, enable the gathering of information about the climatic characteristics and productivity of large areas of the oceans in a short time and at relatively low cost. The purposes of this study were to investigate whether the climatic and marine environmental variations affect catches and distributions of albacore tuna in the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, a Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) -based potential fishing zone forecasting with the intention of providing the basis will be developed for a sustainable fisheries in this area.(5)Feasibility analysis on the fishing condition forecast of yellowfin and bigeye tunas for the Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the three oceans Understanding the effects of environmental conditions on fish catch rates is an essential step toward ecosystem-based management of fisheries, which is increasingly becoming a standard approach in management policy. Models of catch rates that incorporate relevant environmental variables can be used to infer possible responses in the distribution of highly migratory species. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between environmental variation and catch rates to identify the underlying processes influencing yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna catch rates and their distribution in the Pacific Ocean, and thereby predict distribution. These functional relationships can be used to evaluate the impacts of oceanic variability on the spatial pattern and vulnerability of yellowfin tuna and bigeye tuna.(6)Feasibility analysis on the fishing condition forecast of swordfish for the Taiwanese tuna longline fishery in the three oceans This research group studies on tunas and billfishes in the three oceans. The project for this year focuses on swordfish stocks in the Pacific Ocean by collecting and analyzing the distant-water longline and purse seine fisheries data, in relations to environmental effects and climatic variability. Ecological and environment coupled models will be developed for evaluating possible impact driven by climate changes and environmental variability, achieving sustainable utilization of the swordfish resources. Research items carried out in this study include: (1) developing fisheries and fishing ground database in the three oceans and the Pacific is selected as the topic for this year; (2) impacts of annual variability in marline environment on catch rates of swordfish resources for the Taiwanese distant-water fisheries; (3) fluctuation in fishing and oceanic condition for swordfish in relation to environmental variability and climate changes in the Pacific Ocean; (4) providing suggestions to present and future problem for distant-water tuna fisheries and management measures under climate changes; and (5) developing a forecasting system for fishing and oceanographic conditions of swordfish in the Pacific Ocean.(7)The feasibility analysis on purse seine fishing condition of skipjack tuna in the western and central Pacific Ocean Distribution and abundance of Skipjack tuna is highly variable and is considered to be influenced by large-scale oceanographic variability. Particularly, . Numerical model simulation is frequently reported that attempt to project the future impact of climate change on the habitat variation of tunas in the tropic Pacific Ocean. In this study, we propose an alternative approach involving the implementation of climate change link between environmental factors and fishing ground forecasting in short-tern scale for purse scene fishery in the western and central Pacific Ocean. Fishing data of Skipjack tuna from Taiwanese purse scene fishing boats will be archived and analyzed its fishing ground variation associated with ocean environmental factors. We attempt to clarify the influence of ENSO events on the fishing ground of skipjack tuna. A fishing ground forecasting model of short-tern scale will be provided for the purse scene fisheries.