
第 1 到 67 筆結果,共 67 筆。

12023Blockchain adoption in the maritime industry: empirical evidence from the technological-organizational-environmental frameworkLin, Hsiu-Fen MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT1
22022IT resources and quality attributes: The impact on electronic green supply chain management implementation and performanceLin, Hsiu-Fen TECHNOL SOC9
32019規劃與建置區域型海運區塊鏈雛型系統林秀芬(Hsiu-Fen Lin) ; 林翰(Han Lin)航運季刊
42017Key success factors of international market development: An empirical study of the Taiwan bulk shipping industryHsiu-Fen Lin ; Kai-Lin Chang Maritime Business Review0
52017Antecedents and consequences of electronic supply chain management diffusion The moderating effect of knowledge sharingHsiu-Fen Lin International Journal of Logistics Management26
62015Linking knowledge management orientation to balanced scorecard outcomesHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Knowledge Management0
72015Factors affecting passenger choice of low cost carriers: An analytic network process approachHsiu-Fen Lin ; Yi-Wen HuangTourism Management Perspectives0
82015Using analytic network process to measure the determinants of low cost carriers purchase intentions: A comparison of potential and current customersHsiu-Fen Lin ; Yi-Wen HuangJournal of Air Transport Management0
92015The impact of company-dependent and company-independent information sources on organizational attractiveness perceptionsHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Management Development0
102015The effect of recruitment website quality and social influence factors on organizational attractivenessHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Management Development
112014Contextual factors affecting knowledge management diffusion in SMEsHsiu-Fen Lin Industrial Management & Data Systems48
122014Understanding the determinants of electronic supply chain management system adoption: Using the technology-organization-environment frameworkHsiu-Fen Lin Technological Forecasting and Social Change0
132014The impact of socialization mechanisms and technological innovation capabilities on partnership quality and supply chain integrationHsiu-Fen Lin Information Systems and e-Business Management0
142014A multi-stage analysis of antecedents and consequences of knowledge management evolutionHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Knowledge Management
152013The effect of absorptive capacity perceptions on the context-aware ubiquitous learning acceptanceHsiu-Fen Lin Campus-Wide Information Systems0
162013The effects of knowledge management capabilities and partnership attributes on the stage-based e-business diffusionHsiu-Fen Lin Internet Research28
172013Determining the relative importance of mobile banking quality factorsHsiu-Fen Lin Computer Standards & Interfaces57
182013Examining the factors influencing knowledge management system adoption and continuance intentionHsiu-Fen Lin Knowledge Management Research & Practice0
192013城市行銷重要影響因素之研究--以基隆市為例林秀芬 ; 葉怡慧國立臺灣海洋大學海運學報
202012E-business Diffusion Model: Empirical Investigation of Web Functionality and Partnership Quality林秀芬 Electronic Commerce Studies
212011An empirical investigation of mobile banking adoption: The effect of innovation attributes and knowledge-based trustHsiu-Fen Lin International Journal of Information Management0
222011Antecedents of the stage-based knowledge management evolutionHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Knowledge Management0
232011The effects of employee motivation, social interaction, and knowledge management strategy on KM implementation levelHsiu-Fen Lin Knowledge Management Research & Practice0
242011即時通訊軟體使用意願影響因素之研究--以海運承攬業為例林秀芬 ; 趙時樑 ; 王誠煦Electronic Commerce Studies
252010An Investigation of Web Features in Different Web Adoption Levels for E-Travel Agencies: A Content Analysis Approach林秀芬 ; 駱昆鴻電子商務學報
262010An application of fuzzy AHP for evaluating course website qualityHsiu-Fen Lin Computers & Education145
272010Applicability of the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting Job Seeker Intentions to Use Job-Search WebsitesHsiu-Fen Lin International Journal of Selection and Assessment0
282010An investigation into the effects of IS quality and top management support on ERP system usageHsiu-Fen Lin Total Quality Management & Business Excellence0
292009Evaluation of factors influencing knowledge sharing based on a fuzzy AHP approachHsiu-Fen Lin ; Hsuan-Shih Lee ; Da Wei WangJournal of Information Science57
302009Examination of cognitive absorption influencing the intention to use a virtual communityHsiu-Fen Lin Behaviour & Information Technology53
312008Determinants of successful virtual communities: Contributions from system characteristics and social factorsHsiu-Fen Lin Information & Management249
322008Antecedents of Virtual Community Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Test of Competing TheoriesHsiu-Fen Lin CyberPsychology & Behavior0
332008Determinants of e-business diffusion: A test of the technology diffusion perspectiveHsiu-Fen Lin ; Szu-Mei LinTechnovation222
342008Empirically testing innovation characteristics and organizational learning capabilities in e-business implementation successHsiu-Fen Lin Internet Research49
352008Determinants of strategic planning effectiveness for information systems in SMEsJung-Chi Pai; Gwo-Guang Lee; Hsiu-Fen Lin International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development0
362008Technological, organizational and environmental factors affecting the implementation success of e-business systemsHsiu-Fen Lin ; Szu-Mei LinTechnovation
372007Measuring Online Learning Systems Success: Applying the Updated DeLone and McLean ModelHsiu-Fen Lin CyberPsychology & Behavior0
382007應用模糊層級分析法於企業電子化實施績效評估之研究林秀芬 資訊管理學報
392007The role of organizational capabilities in successful e-business implementationJung-Chi Pai; Gwo-Guang Lee; Hsiu-Fen Lin Business Process Management Journal0
402007Knowledge sharing and firm innovation capability: an empirical studyHsiu-Fen Lin International Journal of Manpower0
412007The role of online and offline features in sustaining virtual communities: an empirical studyHsiu-Fen Lin Internet Research152
422007A stage model of knowledge management: an empirical investigation of process and effectivenessHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Information Science74
432007Predicting consumer intentions to shop online: An empirical test of competing theoriesHsiu-Fen Lin Electronic Commerce Research and Applications210
442007Effects of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on employee knowledge sharing intentionsHsiu-Fen Lin Journal of Information Science720
452007The Impact of Website Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction in the B2C E-commerce ContextHsiu-Fen Lin Total Quality Management & Business Excellence0
462007Planning effectiveness for internet-based interorganizational systemsHsiu-Fen Lin ; Gwo-Guang Lee21st Century Management: A Reference Handbook
472006Determinants of success for online communities: an empirical studyHsiu-Fen Lin ; Gwo-Guang LeeBehaviour & Information Technology132
482006Understanding Behavioral Intention to Participate in Virtual CommunitiesHsiu-Fen Lin CyberPsychology & Behavior0
492006應用模糊層級分析法於網路商店服務品質評估之研究林秀芬 電子商務學報
502006網路知識社群服務品質評估模式建構之研究林秀芬 ; 李國光Electronic Commerce Studies
512006Interorganizational and organizational determinants of planning effectiveness for Internet-based interorganizational systemsHsiu-Fen Lin Information & Management48
522006知識分享影響因素評估模式建構之研究林秀芬 ; 李國光; 褚麗絹管理與資訊學報
532006Effects of socio-technical factors on organizational intention to encourage knowledge sharingHsiu-Fen Lin ; Gwo-Guang LeeManagement Decision0
542006Impact of organizational support on organizational intention to facilitate knowledge sharingHsiu-Fen Lin Knowledge Management Research & Practice0
552006應用模糊積分於知識分享效益評估之研究林秀芬 商業科技學刊
562006網站品質構面對顧客滿意度影響之研究林秀芬 ; 林姒美聖約翰學報
572005Influence of environmental and organizational factors on the success of internet-based interorganizationaI systems planningGwo-Guang Lee; Hsiu-Fen Lin ; Jung-Chi PaiInternet Research19
582005網站特性與認知風險對消費者網路購買意圖影響之研究林秀芬 ; 禇麗絹經營管理論叢
592005The Influence of Partnership Attributes on the Perceived Benefits of Business-to-Business Electronic CommerceHsiu-Fen Lin ; Gwo-Guang Lee; Chih-Ping LeeAsia Pacific Management Review
602005Impact of organizational learning and knowledge management factors on e-business adoptionHsiu-Fen Lin ; Gwo-Guang LeeManagement Decision0
612005Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shoppingGwo-Guang Lee; Hsiu-Fen Lin International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management0
622004Perceptions of senior managers toward knowledge-sharing behaviourHsiu-Fen Lin ; Gwo-Guang LeeManagement Decision0
632004網站服務品質、認知風險與購買意圖之網路書店實證研究李國光; 林秀芬 管理研究學報
642003以ARIS為基礎建構知識管理系統發展架構之研究林秀芬 ; 李國光; 林姒美新埔學報
652003策略性資訊系統規劃之研究-以重電機為例李國光; 林秀芬 新埔學報
661998網際網路支持人壽保險行銷活動之探討林秀芬 保險資訊
671997智慧型資訊系統在人身風險管理領域之應用林秀芬 保險專刊