| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2023 | WFID: Driver Identity Recognition Based on Wi-Fi Signals | Yang, You-Jie; Chih-Min Chao ; Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chih-Yu Lin | | | |
2 | 2022 | Anti-jamming channel hopping protocol design based on channel occupancy probability for Cognitive Radio Networks | Chen, Kuan-Wei; Chao, Chih-Min ; Lin, Chih-Yu ; Yeh, Chun-Chao | COMPUTER NETWORKS | 1 | |
3 | 2022 | Transmission range determination and antenna deployment to recognise fitness actions using Wi-Fi signals | Wei-Che Liang; Chih-Min Chao ; Chih-Yu Lin ; Chun-Chao Yeh | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | 0 | |
4 | 2021 | 動物園定位導覽系統設計--以台北木柵動物園為例 | 顏志文; 邱珮綺; 羅宇廷; 葉春超 | | | |
5 | 2021 | 在樹林環境中Lora 感測資料傳送的通訊品質量測 | 吳俊翰; 羅宇廷; 吳俊廷; 葉春超 | | | |
6 | 2021 | 多容錯路徑設計-使用Mininet 模擬器做效能分析 | 潘德佳; 劉昱佑; 葉春超 | | | |
7 | 2021 | 電表抄寫輔助系統設計與開發 | 林彥廷; 關軍亦; 林浩洋; 葉春超 | | | |
8 | 2020 | An intelligent indoor positioning system based on pedestrian directional signage object detection: a case study of Taipei Main Station | Yeh, Chun-Chao ; Jhang, Ke-Jia; Chang, Chin-Chun | MATH BIOSCI ENG | 4 | |
9 | 2020 | Fat-Tree 網路架構下可容錯多路徑設計 | 連偉盛; 吳俊翰; 葉春超 | | | |
10 | 2020 | Twin Fat-Tree 資料中心網路效能分析 | 連偉盛; 林彥亭; 葉春超 | | | |
11 | 2019 | SEAL2: An SDN-enabled all-Layer2 packet forwarding network architecture for multitenant datacenter networks | Yeh, Chun-Chao ; Qiu, Jun-Wei; Chang, Shi-Jia | INT J COMMUN SYST | 1 | |
12 | 2019 | 設計與開發一個以影像識別為基礎的室內定位系統--以台北捷運車站為例 | 張克嘉; 張欽圳 ; 葉春超 | | | |
13 | 2019 | Kubernetes 服務在 SEAL2資料中心網路系統上的效能分析 | 李旻蒼; 潘德佳; 葉春超 | | | |
14 | 2018 | 運用於物聯網的兩層式無線網狀網路設計與實作 | 楊尚文; 連偉盛; 葉春超 | | | |
15 | 2018 | An Empirical Evaluation of Flow Tagging Mechanisms and Service Function Platform Choices for NFV/SFC | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Shi-Chia Chang; Min-Cang Lee; Shang-Wen Yang | | | |
16 | 2017 | 雲端數據中心網路系統虛擬化架構設計與效能評估 | 邱俊瑋; 張仕佳; 李旻蒼; 楊尚文; 葉春超 | | | |
17 | 2017 | 多租戶資料中心網路系統設計與實作 | 邱俊瑋; 張仕佳; 李旻蒼; 楊尚文; 葉春超 | | | |
18 | 2017 | 運用 OpenFlow 於 NAT 服務之設計與實作 | 謝昇翰; 丘俊瑋; 梁達輝; 葉春超 | | | |
19 | 2017 | Construction of a Metadata Schema for Medical Data in Networking Applications | Chi-Jane Chen; Tun-Wen Pai; Jhen-Li Huang; Ying-Tsang Lo; Shih-Syun Lin ; Chun-Chao Yeh | | 0 | |
20 | 2016 | Application of PrefixSpan Algorithms for Disease Pattern Analysis | Chi-Jane Chen; Tun-Wen Pai; Shih-Syun Lin ; Chun-Chao Yeh ; Min-Hui Liu; Chao-Hung Wang | | 0 | |
21 | 2016 | SDN運用於叢集伺服器負載平衡與容錯問題探討 | 李柏樟; 張仕佳; 葉春超 | | | |
22 | 2016 | HDFS雲端影像檔案系統實作與效能分析 | 廖彥凱; 奧蘭多; 葉春超 | | | |
23 | 2016 | Strategic Design of Public Bicycle Distribution Systems with Routing Considerations | Jenn-Rong Lin ; Chun-Chao Yeh | | | |
24 | 2016 | Design and Implementation of a Smartphone-based Positioning System | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Yu-Ching Lo; Chin-Chun Chang | | | |
25 | 2016 | Two-Stage Iterated Local Search for Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Da-Yuan Liu; Yan-Kai Liao | | | |
26 | 2015 | Mint: A Cost-effective Network-address Translation Architecture with Multiple Inexpensive NAT Servers | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chun-Wei Chiu | | | |
27 | 2015 | 物流配送車輛路徑問題local-search 策略效能評估 | 劉大園; 葉春超 | | | |
28 | 2014 | 雲端計算中兩層式負載平衡系統架構設計與實做 | 江正男; 鄭耿宇; 葉春超 | | | |
29 | 2014 | 雲端手機影像定位系統之設計與實作 | 羅郁晴; 簡維煜; 葉春超 | | | |
30 | 2014 | 雲端計算中支援異質性雙網路的網路閘道設計 | 江正男; 謝昇翰; 葉春超 | | | |
31 | 2014 | A PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION-LIKE ALGORITHM FOR CONSTRAINED MINIMAL SPANNING TREE PROBLEMS | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chien, Y. C. | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
32 | 2014 | A PSO-like Algorithm for Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problems | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Ying-Che Chien | | | |
33 | 2014 | 垃圾郵件群組分析 | 蔡仁豪; 羅郁晴; 葉春超 | | | |
34 | 2014 | 多通道網路封包排程策略比較 | 黃俊維; 江正男; 葉春超 | | | |
35 | 2014 | An Empirical Study on Faithfulness of Spam Forwarding Path | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Szu-Hsien Wu; Yu-Shan Hsieh | | | |
36 | 2014 | A Data Visualization Tool for Assisting in Finding Suspicious Network Flow Events | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chin-Hong Chen | | | |
37 | 2014 | A New NAT Traversal Mechanism Design and Implementation | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chung-Wei Huang; Ting-Hsiang Lin | | | |
38 | 2012 | Evolutionary Algorithms for Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problems | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Ying-Che Chien; Szu-Hsien Wu | | | |
39 | 2012 | An Empirical Study on Social Network Users | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Yan-Shao Lin; Ren-Hao Tsai | | | |
40 | 2012 | Demographics of Social Network Users- A Case Study on Plurk | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Yan-Shao Lin; Ting-Hsiang Lin | | | |
41 | 2011 | Observation and Analysis on Spam Sending Behavior | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Tsung-Yu Wang; Hsiang-Yuan Fu | | | |
42 | 2010 | 一個輔助網路事件分析的資料視覺化工具設計 | 陳熾宏; 簡英哲; 葉春超 | | | |
43 | 2010 | 基於ZigBee無線網路之數位導覽系統 | 薛文賢; 吳泓毅; 葉春超 | | | |
44 | 2010 | Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation and Scheduling for OVSF-WCDMA Systems | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Pai-Ling Wang | | | |
45 | 2010 | BTSS: Design and Implementation of a P2P-Assisted Multimedia Streaming System based on BitTorrent Framework | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Jhe-Sian Lin; Yi-Ming Shen | | | |
46 | 2009 | Metaheuristic Algorithms for Task Assignment in Distributed Computing Systems: A Comparative and Integrative Approach | Peng-Yeng Yin; Benjamin B.M. Shao; Yung-Pin Cheng; Chun-Chao Yeh | | | |
47 | 2008 | Secure and Verifiable P2P Card Games | Chun-Chao Yeh | | | |
48 | 2008 | Revisit Bayesian approaches for Spam Detection | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Soun-Jan Chiang | | | |
49 | 2006 | Power-aware allocation of chain-like real-time tasks on DVS processors | Chun-Chao Yeh | Ieice Transactions on Information and Systems | | |
50 | 2006 | ActiveBT: 一種支援主動式檔案存取與匿名發佈 | 江慶祥; 葉春超 | | | |
51 | 2006 | Near-Duplicate Mail Detection Based on URL Information for SPAM Detection | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chia-Hui Lin | | | |
52 | 2005 | On the frame forwarding in peer-to-peer multimedia streaming | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Lin Siong Pui | | | |
53 | 2005 | Octet Histogram-Based Near Duplicated Mail Detection for Spam Filtering | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Nai-Wei Yeh | | | |
54 | 2005 | On the Power-Aware Resource Allocation for Linear-Pipelined Real-Time Tasks | Chun-Chao Yeh | | | |
55 | 2005 | Phase synchronization and seamless peer-reconnection on peer-to-peer streaming systems | Chun-Chao Yeh | Information Networking: Convergence in Broadband and Mobile Networking | | |
56 | 2004 | Path Selection on VC-Networks within a Distributed Media Server for Concurrent Stream Retrieval | Chun-Chao Yeh ; JIE-YONG JUANG | | | |
57 | 2002 | Module Filtering Preprocessing for Module Assignment Problems in Pipelined Computing | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chun-Hsin Wu | | | |
58 | 2002 | An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Maximal Mean Subsequence | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Chun-HsinWu | | | |
59 | 2001 | Multi-Path Channel Allocation for Multimedia Stream Services with Multi-Rate Supports | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Jie-Yong Juang | | | |
60 | 2001 | Optimal Resource Allocation in Distributed Multimedia Servers for Video-Audio Streams Access | Chun-Chao Yeh ; Jie-Yong Juang | | | |