
第 1 到 26 筆結果,共 26 筆。

12022A safety compliance model for container terminal operations: the roles of the safety climate, non-compliance cost and safety self-efficacyYen, Chia-Dai ; Hsu, Shih-Wei; Ye, Kung-Don ; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Wu, Chi-Hung MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT0
22022Teamwork Competence in Journalism Education: Evidence From TV Organizations' News Team in TaiwanWang, Cheng-Hui; Liu, Gloria Hui-Wen; Yen, Chia-Dai FRONT PSYCHOL0
32020The Research of Experiential Learning to Enhance Ocean Stewardship and Pro-Environmental Behavior Intention-Cross-Cultural Comparison from Taiwan and IndonesiaChia-Dai Yen ; Julia Veranita SembiringCreative Education
42020The Research of Aboriginal Song and Dance Experiential Learning on Students' Multicultural Consciousness and Aboriginal Cultural Identity.嚴佳代 ; Jia-hui ZhangInternational Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies
52019海洋體驗活動對護理人員正向心理資本及工作調適之影響嚴佳代 ; 劉淑芬; 曹校章 臺灣體育運動管理學報
62019亞洲海洋教育合作與發展契機嚴佳代 寧波大學學報(教育科學版)
72019臺灣海洋文化教育發展與教育政策方向嚴佳代 海洋事務與政策評論
82018海洋休閒觀光共通職能課程之建構嚴佳代 ; 張正杰 ; 張曉楨休閒事業研究
92018以科技創新接受角度探討公共費用智慧支付之使用意願張曉楨; 沈明鋒; 嚴佳代 績效與策略研究
102017臺灣海事教育博碩士論文現況與發展趨勢研究張正杰 ; 嚴佳代 ; 呂佳築中等教育
112017國際海洋教育者協會發展嚴佳代 中國海洋大學高教研究
122016觀光旅遊之產品涉入對品牌權益與購買意願關係之探討張曉楨; 黃品潔; 嚴佳代 台北海洋技術學院學報
132016臺灣海洋休閒觀光人才供需現況與未來發展嚴佳代 ; 張正杰 ; 張曉楨; 張國珍海洋休閒管理學刊0
142016Psychological empowerment and service orientation: A study of front-line employees in the food and beverage industryChia-Dai Yen ; Ching-Hui Yeh; Shin-Yi LinJournal of Foodservice Business Research
152015How intellectual capital influences individual performance: A multi-level perspectiveCheng-Hui Wang; Chia-Dai Yen ; Gloria H.W. LiuComputers in Human Behavior
162014Leadership and turnover intentions of Taiwan TV reporters: the moderating role of safety climateCheng-Hui Wang; Chia-Dai Yen Asian Journal of Communication
172014派遣公司人力資源管理措施對派遣人員離職傾向之影響:跨層次效果分析嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳; 吳國鳳就業與勞動關係季刊
182013台灣風力能源產業人力資源需求估計:以調查法、裝置量估計法及工程經費法三種方法估計嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳; 林仲廉健行學報
192013Fueling Green Dining Intention: The Self-Completion Theory PerspectiveMeng-Lei Monica Hu; Jeou-Shyan Horng; Chih-Ching Teng; Wen-Bin Chiou; Chia-Dai Yen Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
202013要派機構與派遣公司人力資源管理措施對派遣員工 工作態度影響之多層次研究嚴佳代 
212013Does Service Orientation Matter to Employees Performance in the Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of LMXChia-Dai Yen ; Doresses LiuJournal of Hospitality Application & Research
222013Human capital and media teamwork: From a team relationship capital perspective.Wang, C. H.; Chia-Dai Yen ; Chen, K. J.Journal of Strategic and International Studies
232012The pay structure for task performance in the hospitality industry: The role of pay satisfaction.Chia-Dai Yen ; Huang, T.C.Journal on GSTF Business Review
242011競合理論之再議—記者工作互賴與團隊層級之衝突合作對績效之影響王正慧; 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳管理學報
252011餐旅服務業薪資結構、薪酬滿意及任務績效關係之研究:以階層線性模型分析嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳餐旅暨家政學刊
262011記者任務互賴、衝突與績效--合作性衝突之再議王正慧; 嚴佳代 ; 黃同圳