
第 1 到 23 筆結果,共 23 筆。

2022The Impact of Changed Marine Environment and Ecosystems on the Dynamic Characteristics of Important Economic Tuna Cohorts under Climate Change( II )Kuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2022籠具漁業管理政策規劃與漁場分布現況調查Kuo-Wei LanFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2022111年澎湖縣望安海域燈火漁業禁漁區效益評估及資源調查計畫Kuo-Wei LanAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2022111年澎湖縣日本銀帶鯡(丁香魚)漁業資源調查評估及利用計畫書Kuo-Wei LanAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2022Modelling the impacts of climatic change on habitat suitability and abundance for Scomberomorus species in the coastal waters off TaiwanKuo-Wei LanFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021漁船廢棄物組成與再利用調查暨保育型漁具改良計畫Kuo-Wei Lan財團法人榮成循環經濟環保基金會
2021111學年度國立臺灣海洋大學辦理「願景計畫」招生及輔導計畫Kuo-Wei LanMinistry of Education
2021氣候變遷下海洋環境與生態系統變動對重要經濟性鮪類族群動態特性之影響(1/3)Kuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年澎湖縣日本銀帶鯡(丁香魚)漁業資源調查評估及利用計畫Kuo-Wei LanAgriculture and Fisheries Penghu County Govemment
2021台灣栽培漁業區之跨育統合暨漁業環境調整改善Kuo-Wei LanFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2020Climate-Induced Primary Productivity Change and Fishing Impacts on the Taiwan Bank Ecosystem(III)Kuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2020生物性資源產業應用-建構台灣沿近海漁獲營養位階指數及漁獲平衡指數Kuo-Wei LanFisheries Research Institute,COA,Executive Yuan
2020解析氣候變異對臺灣沿近海域康氏馬加鰆棲地與漁況變動之影響Kuo-Wei LanCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2020建立台灣遠洋鮪釣漁業重要經濟性鮪類漁況預報與實船應用Kuo-Wei LanGilontas Ocean
2020Studies on the integration of fish farming zones and its fishing ground environmental improvementKuo-Wei LanFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2019Climate-Induced Primary Productivity Change and Fishing Impacts on the Taiwan Bank Ecosystem(Ⅱ)Kuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2019108至110年宜蘭縣沿近岸重要漁法漁業資源結構與漁業保護區現況調查研究計畫-第1年(108年度)Kuo-Wei LanMarine and Fisher Development Office, Yilan Country
2019漁船廢棄物與大型廢棄破損漁具組成調查暨獎勵制度再利用Kuo-Wei Lan財團法人榮成循環經濟環保基金會
2019中西太平洋大型圍網漁業正鰹漁況預報可行性分析Kuo-Wei LanFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2018Climate-Induced Primary Productivity Change and Fishing Impacts on the Taiwan Bank Ecosystem(I)Kuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2017Influence of Climate Change on Pelagic Fishes in the East China Sea and Northwestern Pacific OceanKuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2016Influence of Climate Change on Pelagic Fishes in the East China Sea and Northwestern Pacific OceanKuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council
2015Influence of Climate Change on Pelagic Fishes in the East China Sea and NorthwesternKuo-Wei LanNational Science and Technology Council