
Results 1-72 of 72 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/10/1Rethinking blue carbon: unlocking invisible carbon sinksChen, Tzong-Yueh ; Chen, Jian-Jhih; Chou, Wen-Chen ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
22023Dynamics of O-2 and pCO(2) in a Southeast Asia seagrass meadow: Metabolic rates and carbon sink capacityChou, Wen-Chen ; Fan, Lan-Feng ; Hung, Chin-Chang; Shih, Yung-Yen; Huang, Wei-Jen; Lui, Hon-Kit; Chen, Tzong-Yueh FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE0
32022Effects of Salinity on Abiotic Aggregation of Organic Matter and Subsequent Microbial ResponsesChen, Tzong-Yueh ; Skoog, AnnelieGELS0
42022Viral shunt in tropical oligotrophic oceanShiah, Fuh-Kwo; Lai, Chao -Chen; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Ko, Chia-Ying; Tai, Jen-Hua; Chang, Chun -WeiSCIENCE ADVANCES1
52022Effects of Mixed Layer Depth on Phytoplankton Biomass in a Tropical Marginal Ocean: A Multiple Timescale AnalysisHou, Li-Tzu; Wang, Bo-Shian; Lai, Chao-Chen; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Shih, Yung-Yen; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Ko, Chia-YingEARTHS FUTURE0
62021Abiotic Aggregation of Organic Matter in Coastal and Estuarine Waters: Cases in the Eastern Long Island Sound, USAChen, Tzong-Yueh ; Skoog, AnnelieWATER-SUI3
72021Diel to Seasonal Variation of Picoplankton in the Tropical South China SeaChen, Tzong-Yueh ; Lai, Chao-Chen; Tai, Jen-Hua; Ko, Chia-Ying; Shiah, Fuh-KwoFRONT MAR SCI3
82021Impact of upwelling on phytoplankton blooms and hypoxia along the Chinese coast in the East China SeaChen, Chung-Chi; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Chen, Tzong-Yueh MAR POLLUT BULL14
92021Cloning and characterisation of type I interferon receptor 1 in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) for response to nodavirus infection (vol 101, pg 302, 2020)Tang, Zhi Zhuang; Wang, Ting-Yu; Chen, Young-Mao ; Chen, Tzong-Yueh FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY0
102020Characterization of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) interferon regulatory factor 4 regulated by heat shock factor 1 during heat stress in response to antiviral immunityLai, C. F.; Wang, T. Y.; Yeh, M. I.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
112020Dissolved and Particulate Primary Production and Subsequent Bacterial C Consumption in the Southern East China SeaChen, Tzong-Yueh ; Lai, Chao-Chen; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Gong, Gwo-Ching FRONT MAR SCI5
122020Characterization of betanodavirus quasispecies influences on the subcellular localization and expression of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)Chen, Young-Mao ; Tan, Chor Siong; Wang, Ting-Yu; Hwong, Ching-Long; Chen, Tzong-Yueh FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN0
132020Short-Term Variability of Biological Production and CO2 System Around Dongsha Atoll of the Northern South China Sea: Impact of Topography-Flow InteractionTai, Jen-Hua; Chou, Wen-Chen ; Hung, Chin-Chang; Wu, Kuan-Chieh; Chen, Ying-Hsuan; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Chow, Chun Hoe FRONT MAR SCI3
142020Cloning and characterisation of type I interferon receptor 1 in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) for response to nodavirus infectionZhi ZhuangTang; Ting-Yu Wang; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen FISH SHELLFISH IMMUN3
152020Seasonal Variations of Marine Environment and Primary Production in the Taiwan StraitTseng, Hsiao-Chun ; You, Wan-Lynn; Huang, Wei; Chung, Chih-Ching ; Tsai, An-Yi ; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Gong, Gwo-Ching FRONT MAR SCI16
162019Impact of Tilapia hepcidin 2-3 dietary supplementation on the gut microbiota profile and immunomodulation in the grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus)Ting, Chen-Hung; Pan, Chieh-Yu; Chen, Yi-Chun; Lin, Yu-Chun; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Rajanbabu, Venugopal; Chen, Jyh-YihSCI REP-UK17
172018Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in Taiwan (vol 32, pg 861, 2017)Itoh, M.; Kojima, H.; Ho, P. C.; Chang, C. W.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Hsiao, S. S. Y.; Kobayashi, Y.; Fujibayashi, M.; Kao, S. J.; Hsieh, C. H.; Fukui, M.; Okuda, N.; Miki, T.; Shiah, F. K.Ecological Research
182018Growth-controlling mechanisms on heterotrophic bacteria in the South China Sea shelf: Summer and Winter patternsAustria, Eleanor S.; Lai, Chao-Chen; Ko, Chia-Ying; Lee, Kuo-Yuan; Kuo, Hsiang-Yi; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Tai, Jen-Hua; Shiah, Fuh-KwoTERR ATMOS OCEAN SCI3
192018Novel subunit vaccine with linear array epitope protect giant grouper against nervous necrosis virus infectionLin, C. F.; Jiang, H. K.; Chen, N. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
202017Mixing control on the photosynthesis-irradiance relationship and an estimate of primary production in the winter of the East China SeaGong, Gwo-Ching ; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; You, Wan-LynnTERR ATMOS OCEAN SCI2
212017Integrating isotopic, microbial, and modeling approaches to understand methane dynamics in a frequently disturbed deep reservoir in TaiwanItoh, Masayuki; Kojima, Hisaya; Ho, Pei-Chi; Chang, Chun-Wei; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Hsiao, Silver Sung-Yun; Kobayashi, Yuki; Fujibayashi, Megumu; Kao, Shuh-Ji; Hsieh, Chih-hao; Fukui, Manabu; Okuda, Noboru; Miki, Takeshi; Shiah, Fuh-KwoECOL RES10
222017Viral infection upregulates myostatin promoter activity in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)Chen, Y. T.; Lin, C. F.; Young-Mao Chen ; Lo, C. E.; Chen, W. E.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Plos One
232017Long Term Trends and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in a Subtropical Reservoir BasinChow, Ming Fai; Lai, Chao-Chen; Kuo, Hsiang-Yi; Lin, Chih-Hsien; Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Shiah, Fuh-KwoWATER-SUI10
242017Aggregation of organic matter in coastal waters: A dilemma of using a Couette flocculatorTzong-Yueh Chen ; Skoog, A.Continental Shelf Research
252016Fish & Shellfish ImmunologyWang, T. Y.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
262016Nutrient pulses driven by internal solitary waves enhance heterotrophic bacterial growth in the South China SeaChen, Tzong-Yueh ; Tai, Jen-Hua; Ko, Chia-Ying; Hsieh, Chih-hao; Chen, Chung-Chi; Jiao, Nianzhi; Liu, Hong-Bin; Shiah, Fuh-KwoENVIRON MICROBIOL13
272016A member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, orange-spotted grouper novel immune gene EcVig, is induced by immune stimulants and type I interferonYeh, Y. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Hsin-Yiu Chou ; Lin, H. Y.; Aoki, T.; Wang, H. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
282016Analysis of interferon gamma protein expression in zebrafish (Danio rerio)Sohye Yoon; Ayham Alnabulsi; Ting Yu Wang; Po-Tsang Lee ; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Steve Bird; Jun Zou; Christopher J SecombesFish and Shellfish Immunology12
292016Characterization of Mx isoforms have differential responses to noda-virus infection in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)Wang, Y. N.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
302016Identification and characterization of heat shock transcription factor 1 isoforms in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)Wang, T. Y.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
312016Molecular and functional characterization of autophagy marker LC3 in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)Lin, C. F.; Chua, C. S.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
322016Functional analysis of small ubiquitin-modifier (SUMO) in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides)Young-Mao Chen ; Kao, Y. T.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
332016CXCL12-CXCR4 signaling pathways of orange-spotted, grouper (Epinephelus coioides) contribute to nodavirus infectionWu, C. S.; Wang, T. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
342016Characterization of SPARC physiological function by immune-inhibited grouperChen, Y. T.; Lin, C. F.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
352015Molecular cloning and characterization of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) CXC chemokine ligand 12Wu, C. S.; Wang, T. Y.; Liu, C. F.; Lin, H. P.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology
362015Regulatory factors controlling muscle mass: Competition between innate immune function and anabolic signals in regulation of atrogin-1 in Atlantic salmonHeidari, Z.; Bickerdike, R.; Tinsley, J.; Zou, J.; Wang, T. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Martin, S. A. M.Molecular Immunology10
372015Crystal Structures of a Piscine Betanodavirus: Mechanisms of Capsid Assembly and Viral InfectionChen, N. C.; Yoshimura, M.; Guan, H. H.; Wang, T. Y.; Misumi, Y.; Lin, C. C.; Chuankhayan, P.; Nakagawa, A.; Chan, S. I.; Tsukihara, T.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Chen, C. J.Plos Pathogens74
382015Typhoon effects on phytoplankton responses in a semi-closed freshwater ecosystemKo, C. Y.; Lai, C. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Hsu, H. H.; Shiah, F. K.Marine and Freshwater Research5
392015Effect of interannual variation in winter vertical mixing on CH4 dynamics in a subtropical reservoirItoh, M.; Kobayashi, Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Tokida, T.; Fukui, M.; Kojima, H.; Miki, T.; Tayasu, I.; Shiah, F. K.; Okuda, N.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences17
402015Genome sequence of Trichoderma virens FT-333 from tropical marine climateKuo, H. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Chen, P. P.; Chen, R. S.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fems Microbiology Letters5
412015A microfluidic system integrated with buried optical fibers for detection of Phalaenopsis orchid pathogensLin, C. L.; Chang, W. H.; Wang, C. H.; Lee, C. H.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Jan, F. J.; Lee, G. B.Biosensors & Bioelectronics21
422015Rapid and amplification-free detection of fish pathogens by utilizing a molecular beacon-based microfluidic systemSu, Y. C.; Wang, C. H.; Chang, W. H.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Lee, G. B.Biosensors & Bioelectronics13
432015Cordyceps s.l. (Ascomycetes) Species Used as Medicinal Mushrooms Are Closely Related with Higher Ability to Produce CordycepinKuo, H. C.; Huang, I. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms8
442014Functional analysis of an orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) interferon gene and characterisation of its expression in response to nodavirus infectionYoung-Mao Chen ; Kuo, C. E.; Chen, G. R.; Kao, Y. T.; Zou, J.; Secombes, C. J.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Developmental and Comparative Immunology32
452014Salmonids have an extraordinary complex type I IFN system: characterization of the IFN locus in rainbow trout oncorhynchus mykiss reveals two novel IFN subgroupsJun Zou; Bartolomeo Gorgoglione; Nicholas G H Taylor; Thitiya Summathed; Po-Tsang Lee ; Akshaya Panigrahi; Carine Genet; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Mahmood Ul Hassan; Sharif M Mughal; Pierre Boudinot; Christopher J SecombesJournal of Immunology75
462014Development of Pedigree Classification Using Microsatellite and Mitochondrial Markers for Giant Grouper Broodstock (Epinephelus lanceolatus) Management in TaiwanKuo, H. C.; Hsu, H. H.; Chua, C. S.; Wang, T. Y.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Marine Drugs5
472014Immunity to betanodavirus infections of marine fishYoung-Mao Chen ; Wang, T. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Developmental and Comparative Immunology34
482014EcVig, a novel grouper immune-gene associated with antiviral activity against NNV infectionYeh, Y. C.; Hsu, Y. J.; Chen, Y. M.; Lin, H. Y.; Yang, H. L.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Wang, H. C.Developmental and Comparative Immunology10
492013Detection of viruses directly from the fresh leaves of a Phalaenopsis orchid using a microfluidic systemChang, W. H.; Yang, S. Y.; Lin, C. L.; Wang, C. H.; Li, P. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Jan, F. J.; Lee, G. B.Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine22
502013Enhancing microalgal oil/lipid production from Chlorella sorokiniana CY1 using deep-sea water supplemented cultivation mediumChen, C. Y.; Chang, J. S.; Chang, H. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Wu, J. H.; Lee, W. L.Biochemical Engineering Journal37
512013Rapid isolation and detection of aquaculture pathogens in an integrated microfluidic system using loop-mediated isothermal amplificationChang, W. H.; Yang, S. Y.; Wang, C. H.; Tsai, M. A.; Wang, P. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Chen, S. C.; Lee, G. B.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical41
522012Identification and characterization of DSCAM isoforms isolated from orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioidesYeh, Y. C.; Lee, C. W.; Pan, Y. W.; Hsu, Y. J.; Hung, H. Y.; Chen, Y. M.; Lin, H. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Yang, H. L.; Wang, H. C.Developmental and Comparative Immunology6
532012An Automated Microfluidic Chip System for Detection of Piscine Nodavirus and Characterization of Its Potential Carrier in Grouper FarmsKuo, H. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Hsu, H. H.; Lee, S. H.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tsai, T. J.; Ou, M. C.; Ku, H. T.; Lee, G. B.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Plos One11
542012Nervous Necrosis Virus Replicates Following the Embryo Development and Dual Infection with Iridovirus at Juvenile Stage in GrouperKuo, H. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Hsu, H. H.; Chen, P. P.; Lee, S. H.; Young-Mao Chen ; Tsai, T. J.; Wang, C. K.; Ku, H. T.; Lee, G. B.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Plos One29
552012Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) CXCR4 is expressed in response to pathogens infection and early stage of developmentLin, C. Y.; Young-Mao Chen ; Hsu, H. H.; Shiu, C. T.; Kuo, H. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Developmental and Comparative Immunology22
562011An oral nervous necrosis virus vaccine using Vibrio anguillarum as an expression host provides early protectionChen, Y. M.; Shih, C. H.; Liu, H. C.; Wu, C. L.; Lin, C. C.; Wang, H. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Yang, H. L.; Lin, J. H. Y.Aquaculture18
572011A gene delivery system based on the N-terminal domain of human topoisomerase IChen, Y. A.; Kuo, H. C.; Young-Mao Chen ; Huang, S. Y.; Liu, Y. R.; Lin, S. C.; Yang, H. L.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Biomaterials2
582011Real-Time Quantitative PCR Assay for Monitoring of Nervous Necrosis Virus Infection in Grouper AquacultureKuo, H. C.; Wang, T. Y.; Chen, P. P.; Young-Mao Chen ; Chuang, H. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Journal of Clinical Microbiology50
592011The expression of two novel orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) TNF genes in peripheral blood leukocytes, various organs, and fish larvaeLam, F. W. S.; Wu, S. Y.; Lin, S. J.; Lin, C. C.; Chen, Y. M.; Wang, H. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Lin, H. T.; Lin, J. H. Y.Fish & Shellfish Immunology63
602011An integrated microfluidic loop-mediated-isothermal-amplification system for rapid sample pre-treatment and detection of virusesWang, C. H.; Lien, K. Y.; Wang, T. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Lee, G. B.Biosensors & Bioelectronics70
612011Identification of antigens for the development of a subunit vaccine against Photobacterium damselae ssp piscicidaHo, L. P.; Lin, J. H. Y.; Liu, H. C.; Chen, H. E.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Yang, H. L.Fish & Shellfish Immunology18
622010Cloning of an orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides heat shock protein 90AB (HSP90AB) and characterization of its expression in response to nodavirusYoung-Mao Chen ; Kuo, Cham-En; Wang, Ting-Yu; Shie, Pei-Shiuan; Wang, Wei-Chen; Huang, Shao-Ling; Tsai, Tieh-Jung; Chen, Peng-Peng; Jiann-Chu Chen ; Tzong-Yueh Chen Fish & Shellfish Immunology40
632010RNAi knock-down of the Litopenaeus vannamei Toll gene (LvToll) significantly increases mortality and reduces bacterial clearance after challenge with Vibrio harveyiWang, Kchc; Tseng, C. W.; Lin, H. Y.; Chen, I. T.; Chen, Y. H.; Chen, Y. M.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Yang, H. L.Developmental and Comparative Immunology111
642009A microfluidic-based system using reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions for rapid detection of aquaculture diseasesLien, K. Y.; Lee, S. H.; Tsai, T. J.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Lee, G. B.Microfluidics and Nanofluidics28
652008A comparison of the expression of immunity-related rag 1 and ikaros genes with histogenesis of the thymus in Epinephelus malabaricus (Bloch & Schneider)Lin, J. H. Y.; Lin, H. T.; Lopez, C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Chen, M. S.; Yang, H. L.Aquaculture Research5
662008Grouper Mx confers resistance to nodavirus and interacts with coat proteinYoung-Mao Chen ; Su, Y. L.; Shie, P. S.; Huang, S. L.; Yang, H. L.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Developmental and Comparative Immunology70
672008Establishment and Application of PCR-SSCP Profile for Molecular Typing of Cordyceps FungiKuo, H. C.; Su, Y. L.; Yang, H. L.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Food Biotechnology3
682007Identification of critical residues in nervous necrosis virus B2 for dsRNA-binding and RNAi-inhibiting activity through by bioinformatic analysis and mutagenesisOu, M. C.; Young-Mao Chen ; Jeng, M. F.; Chu, C. J.; Yang, H. L.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications14
692007GEOC 76-Aggregation of OM: Implications for cycling of OM in coastal areasTzong-Yueh Chen ; Skoog, A.Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society
702006Inhibition of cell migration by autophosphorylated mammalian sterile 20-like kinase 3 (MST3) involves paxillin and protein-tyrosine phosphatase-PESTLu, T. J.; Lai, W. Y.; Huang, C. Y. F.; Hsieh, W. J.; Yu, J. S.; Hsieh, Y. J.; Chang, W. T.; Leu, T. H.; Chang, W. C.; Chuang, W. J.; Tang, M. J.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Lu, T. L.; Lai, M. D.Journal of Biological Chemistry
712006Vaccination with three inactivated pathogens of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) stimulates protective immunityLin, J. H. Y.; Tzong-Yueh Chen ; Chen, M. S.; Chen, H. E.; Chou, R. L.; Chen, T. I.; Su, M. S.; Yang, H. L.Aquaculture
722006Differentiation of Cordyceps sinensis by a PCR-single-stranded conformation polymorphism-based method and characterization of the fermented products in TaiwanKuo, H. C.; Su, Y. L.; Yang, H. L.; Huang, I. C.; Tzong-Yueh Chen Food Biotechnology