摘要: | While Japan occupied Taiwan, Japanese Buddhism came along with the Japanese army missionaries to Taiwan. Up to the end of the Japanese Occupation Period, there were eight religions and fourteen denominations islandwide; the Keelung area alone had eight religions and nine denominations. Among all these denominations, Shin Buddhism Honganji Denomination was the first Denomination imported and dissem... While Japan occupied Taiwan, Japanese Buddhism came along with the Japanese army missionaries to Taiwan. Up to the end of the Japanese Occupation Period, there were eight religions and fourteen denominations islandwide; the Keelung area alone had eight religions and nine denominations. Among all these denominations, Shin Buddhism Honganji Denomination was the first Denomination imported and disseminated in Keelung. Therefore, by taking Shin Buddhism Honganji denomination as the study subject, adopting the literature analysis as the research method, and using rich archives and records in Mandarin Chinese and Japanese along with other important studies in this academic field as references, this study will explain the following issues: (1) how Shin Buddhism Honganji Denomination started to broaden and expand in Keelung, (2) the process of foundation, the result of dissemination, plus maintenance and operation of SBHD subsidiary temple-Kousonji (Guangzun temple) in Keelung, (3) the expansion of Kousonji Buddhist groups-including Keelung Buddhist Ladies Club, Keelung Buddhist Youth Club and the relevant modern Buddhist business, and (4) the contacts between Keelung elites and Shin Buddhism Honganji Denomination, along with the construction of their cultural nexus of power. This study provides a case study which shows the history of Buddhism development in Taiwan and/or the history of Japanese Buddhism in Taiwan.日本領臺之際,日本佛教隨著日軍布教使傳佈至臺灣,終日治時期計有八宗十四派,而在基隆地區傳佈的即有八宗九派,其中以真宗本願寺派最早來到基隆傳教,因此本文即以真宗本願寺派為考察對象,主要利用文獻分析法,立基於豐富之中日文獻史料,另參考學界重要研究成果,說明真宗本願寺派在基隆開教與佈教情形、末寺基隆光尊寺的建立過程與布教成績及維持方式、光尊寺佛教團體-基隆佛教婦人會與基隆佛教青年會及其現代佛教事業的展開、基隆在地菁英份子與真宗本願寺派連絡情形及其文化權力網絡的建構等問題,為臺灣區域佛教發展史或日本在臺佛教史之研究,提供一個案研究。 |