標題: | 我國數位電視平台生態模式之探討 | 作者: | 許文宜 | 關鍵字: | 數位匯流;數位電視平台;媒介生態學;數位匯流傳播媒介生態模式;生態因子;生態平衡;digital convergence;digital TV platforms;media ecology studies;ecological models of digital convergence;ecological factors;ecological balance | 公開日期: | 2008 | 摘要: | 在數位匯流趨勢下,本論文開啟國內傳播媒介生態學的研究路徑,首度彙整釐清傳播媒介生態理論脈絡,以傳播媒介生態研究原則,藉由文獻檢閱、次級資料分析以及深度訪談法,逐步建構「國內數位電視平台生態分析模式」、「匯流傳播媒介生態因子與產業演化關聯模式」以及「傳播媒介生態系統動態平衡模式」等,指出生態因子間作用力關係平衡與失衡之處,提出整體生態平衡發展的原則建議,對於傳播媒介生態學的研究發展、應用與突破,有所貢獻。本論文依據研究建構模式分析國內數位電視平台內、外生態因子互動影響,結果發現,國內數位電視平台包括:數位無線電視、數位有線電視、中華電信MOD的發展上,因為政策法規為生態發展的「關鍵因子」,但卻未能發揮驅動力的角色,使得電視平台產業並未進一步「演化」,生態循環互動下,呈現出數位化進程遲滯的狀態。也因為內生態因子包括科技、市場、消費者缺乏明確政策因子的驅動,導致生態性與結構性的矛盾衝突未獲解決,整體呈現出國內數位電視平台生態系統失衡的現象。彙整數位電視平台生態因子互動關係特徵,本論文提出「生態式」建議:不同電視平台共同發展,生態因子會因為平台個別發展的最高追求,出現矛盾與衝突,政府應建立具「生態概念」的數位化「藍圖」,除整體考量生態結構,明確電視數位化發展模式,促使傳播生態資源有效運用外,應發揮「關鍵因子」驅動力角色,不可偏離科技應用、消費者需求、媒介市場等生態因子,並引導發揮「互補性」,避免產出「妥協性」生態結果,至於數位電視平台之間,則應建立更廣泛定義之「共生」生態意識,政策必要時需發揮整體「調節平衡」角色,而非枝節性的修補,則生態結構「惰性」可隨之產生良性競合演化。面對匯流導致產業變遷,高度動態化且不確定性的生態後果,科技、市場、媒介與政策「生態式」的角色認知與落實愈來愈有其必要性,唯有從不同電視平台個別利益最高追求的「競爭性」概念,轉化為整體生態「適度性」、「調節性」的動態平衡原則,才能達到具生態效益的新平衡。 This research constructs ecological models of digital convergence and tries to probe dynamic relationships of digital television platforms in Taiwan by using ecological models. These ecological models derived from relevant media ecology theories consist of key ecological factors for evaluating ecological correlation and balance. All key ecological factors interact with each other and evolve over time to form ecology of media.Media ecology is originated from human efforts to handle relations among humans, media, society and nature but theories in accordance with the situation of China are different from western paradigms. In Taiwan, media ecology study is an exploratory research. These cases for the research are located on digital TV platforms.There are three major TV platforms: terrestrial TV, cable TV, and IPTV in Taiwan, and Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) is the major IPTV service provider. Among the ecology of digital TV industry, ecological models include ecological factors such as technologies , markets, consumers, and policies. In addition, factors result in the evolution.This research transforms the traditional analysis of industry into ecological approach to observe the development of digital TV industry. The research methods include literature review, secondary data analysis, and in-depth interviews. There are some main results as follows: the policy is the most important driving force and affects ecological balance but does not make improvement to enhance ecological balance. Hence, the ecology of digital television platforms is not in perfect ecological balance in Taiwan. Three major TV platforms lack for blueprint, therefore, terrestrial television stations are sticking in the mud, cable TV Multiple System Operators are facing challenges of the competitive market, CHT is still confronting content problems, and competitive interactions lead three TV platforms to the low penetration rate, though the high penetration rate of cable TV to households.Based on ecological models, this study proposes an alternative perspective that examines the development of digital TV platforms from longitudinal, macro and dynamic perspectives. This research also proposes the recommendation to policy makers how to achieve a better ecological balance between digital TV platforms and internal/external environments. Hopefully, ecological models of digital convergence could be the reference of following study. Meanwhile, much more better ecological models or ideal types for investigating the interactive relationships of convergent media will be expected . |
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顯示於: | 博雅教育組 |
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