Title: | A New Deep-Sea Pontoniine Shrimp (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) of the “Periclimenes Foresti Bruce, 1981” Species Group from Taiwan | Authors: | Masako Mitsuhashi Tin-Yam Chan |
Issue Date: | 1-Jan-2009 | Publisher: | Brill | Journal Volume: | 82 | Journal Issue: | 7 | Start page/Pages: | 919-929 | Source: | Crustaceana | Abstract: | A new species of pontoniine shrimp,Periclimenes sandybrucein. sp., is described and illustratedbased on a specimen collected from deep water off northeastern Taiwan. The new species is alliedto the “Periclimenes forestiBruce, 1981” species group but can be readily distinguished from all theknown species of this group by bearing three pairs of dorsolateral spines on the telson, and havingthe propodi of the third to fifth pereiopods unarmed. |
URI: | | ISSN: | 0011-216x | DOI: | 10.1163/156854009X427441 |
Appears in Collections: | 海洋生物研究所 |
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