Title: | Crustacean Fauna of Taiwan: Crab-Like Anomurans (Hippoidea, Lithodoidea and Porcellanidae) | Authors: | Masayuki Osawa Christopher B Boyko Tin-Yam Chan Shane T Ahyong Enrique Macpherson |
Issue Date: | 2010 | Publisher: | National Taiwan Ocean University | Start page/Pages: | 197 | Abstract: | Crustacean Fauna of Taiwan: Crab-Like Anomurans (Hippoidea, Lithodoidea and Porcellanidae) is divided into three chapters according to the different groups and by different authors. In total, 12 species in four genera of hippoids, six species in three genera of lithodoids, and 40 species in 11 genera of porcellanids are included in this catalog. Two porcellanid species are still only known from the Taiwan Strait and not yet from Taiwan proper. On the other hand, the species in this catalog include 14 new Taiwan records (eight for hippoids and six for porcellanids). The numbers of porcellanid and hippoid species now found in Taiwan are about 1/6 and 1/7 of the world's species, respectively. However, the lithodoid fauna of Taiwan comprises only about 5% of the world's species. Nevertheless, one lithodoid is presently known only from Taiwan and there are no Taiwanese endemics among porcellanids or hippoids. It is likely that more species of these three anomuran groups will be discovered from Taiwan with more extensive collecting efforts. A total of 307 species of anomurans are now known from Taiwan (McLaughlin et al., 2007; Osawa & Chan, 2008, 2009; Baba et al., 2009; present catalog), which comprises about 1/8 of the 2470 species reported worldwide (De Grave et al., 2009). |
URI: | | ISBN: | 9789860231670 |
Appears in Collections: | 海洋生物研究所 |
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