Title: | White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Receiving Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense Extract Have Increased Activities of Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase, and Phagocytic Activity and Clearance Efficiency to Vibrio alginolyticus | Other Titles: | 接受馬尾藻萃取物的白蝦提升其超氧岐化酶活性與榖胱甘肽過氧化物酶活性以及對於溶藻弧菌的吞噬活力與清除效能 | Authors: | Truong-Giang Huynh Jiann-Chu Chen |
Keywords: | Litopenaeus vannamei;Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense extract;Superoxide dismutase activity;Glutathione peroxidase activity;Phagocytic activity;Clearance efficiency;Vibrio alginolyticus;白蝦;馬尾藻萃取物;超氧岐化酶;穀胱甘肽;過氧化物酶;吞噬活力;清除效能;溶藻弧菌 | Issue Date: | Dec-2015 | Publisher: | THE FISHERIES SOCIETY OF TAIWAN | Journal Volume: | 42 | Journal Issue: | 4 | Start page/Pages: | 255-264 | Source: | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | Abstract: | This study was to examine the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and its phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to Vibrio alginolyticus when shrimp received the Sargassum hemiphyllum var. chinense extract. The SOD and GPx activities were examined after the shrimp were immersed in seawater containing the extract at 0, 100, 300, and 500 mg/l for 1, 3, and 5 h. The SOD activity and GPx activity of shrimp immersed in seawater containing the extract at 300 and 500 mg/l were significantly higher than those of control shrimp after 1 h and 3 h. In another experiment, shrimp immersed in seawater containing the extract at 0, 100, 300, and 500 mg/l after 1, 3, and 5 h were challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus at 9.2 × 10^5 colony-forming unit (cfu)/shrimp, and then placed in seawater. The phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of shrimp immersed in seawater containing the extract at 300 and 500 mg/l were significantly higher than those ofcontrol shrimp after 1~5 h. The phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of shrimp immersed in seawater containing the S. hemiphyllum var. chinense extract at 100 mg/l were significantly higher than those of control shrimp after 3 h. It was concluded that the white shrimp immersed in seawater containing the extract at 100 mg/l had increased activities of SOD and GPx, and increased phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus infection.研究白蝦接受馬尾藻萃取物,超氧岐化酶活性與穀胱甘月太 過氧化物酶活性,以及對於溶藻弧菌的吞噬活力與清除效能。白蝦浸泡於含萃取物0、100、300及500毫克/升海水中,經1、3及5小時,檢測超氧岐化酶活性與穀胱甘月太 過氧化物酶活性,結果發現白蝦接受萃取物300及500毫克/升,經1~3小時,超氧岐化酶活性及穀胱甘月太過氧化物酶活性較對照組的白蝦高。另一實驗中,白蝦浸泡於含萃取物0、100、300及500 毫克/升的海水中經1、3及5小時,讓每一隻白蝦給予感染溶藻弧菌9.2 × 10^5 colony forming unit (CFU),然後放在海水中,結果顯示接受萃取物300及500毫克/升的白蝦,經1~5小時,其吞噬活力與清除效能明顯較對照組高。另外,接受萃取物100毫克/升的白蝦經3小時後,其吞噬活力與清除效能明顯較對照組高。因此,証實接受萃取物100毫克/升的白蝦,可提升其超氧岐化酶活性與穀胱甘肽過氧化物酶活性,以及對於溶藻弧菌的吞噬活力與清除效能。 |
URI: | | DOI: | 10.29822/JFST.201512_42(4).0006 |
Appears in Collections: | 水產養殖學系 |
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