Title: | 探討原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例中合理使用條款之適用與突破 | Other Titles: | The Fair Use Article of Protection Act for the Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous Peoples | Authors: | 江雅綺 劉博文 王綱 |
Keywords: | 原民傳智保護;智財法;著作權法;人格權;智慧創作專用權說明書;Traditional Intellectual Creations of Indigenous People;IP Laws;Copyright Act;Moral Right;Specifications | Issue Date: | Dec-2021 | Publisher: | 世新大學法學院 | Journal Volume: | 15 | Journal Issue: | 1 | Start page/Pages: | 177-243 | Source: | 世新法學 | Abstract: | 「原住民族傳統智慧創作條例」(以下簡稱傳智條例)的立法目的,乃在維護原住民族傳統智慧創作(傳智創作),並保障原住民族文化權。但這項世界罕見的立法,固然彰顯了我國對原民文化權的重視,但各界對此法案的不同觀點,自也影響了法案中各項規定的解釋方向。以傳智條例的合理使用規定為例,該規定則於立法理由中說明它是取自智財法體系的概念,但規定內容又和立法理由所指稱之著作權法不盡相同,則此時該條款之適用,究竟應傾向著作權法體系詮釋合理使用的規定內涵?或應從尊重原民文化權的角度出發,由族人朋友自主決定傳智創作的使用方式?基於上述的問題意識,本文嘗試由比較智財法體系和傳智條例的差異出發,其次歸納整理傳智創作的相關具體個案,最後參考國際立法模式,本文提出建議可透過修法或實務解釋智慧創作人格權權的概念,或透過原民傳智說明書的機制,讓族人朋友自主決定其傳智內容欲被他人使用的保護強度。The purpose of Protection Act for the traditional intellectual creations of indigenous peoples is to protect the cultural rights of indigenous people and their traditional intellectual creations. As much as this Act signifies Taiwan’s ambition to respect cultures of indigenous people, lacking of an unified perspective towards this Act often leads to various interpretations of it. Taking the fair use doctrine of this Act as an example, it is stated in the purpose of this article that it was appropriated from the copyright regime. Nonetheless, the content of this article is not exactly the same as that in the Copyright Act. As a result, it is confusing whether to interpret this Article following the copyright standard or to develop an unique system to better protect indigenous people’s cultures? This article begins with the comparison between IP legal systems and indigenous people traditional intellectual creations protection regime. Subsequently, it organizes the cases of indigenous people’s applications of traditional intellectual creations protection. As a conclusion, this article argues that a better solution might either to extend the boundary of personality right or to establish a tiered protection system through specifications writing. |
URI: | | ISSN: | 1998-1554 |
Appears in Collections: | 海洋政策碩士學位學程(研究所) |
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