Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2010 | Long-term observation on wintertime sea surface temperature in the Eastern Taiwan Strait. | Y. Chang; M.T. Tzeng; Ming-An Lee ; J.-W. Chan; W.-J. Shieh | | | |
2021 | Long-Term Observations of Interannual and Decadal Variation of Sea Surface Temperature in the Taiwan Strait | Ming-An Lee ; Wei-Po Huang ; Yi-Lo Shen; Jinn-Shing Weng; Bambang Semedi; Yi-Chen Wang ; Jui-Wen Chan | Journal of Marine Science and Technology | 1 | |
2023 | Long-Term Observations of Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Gulf of Mannar | Mondal, Sandipan; Lee, Ming-An | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | 0 | |
2014 | Long-term variability of sea surface temperature in Taiwan Strait | Belkin, I. M.; Ming-An Lee | Climatic Change | | |
2021 | Long-term Variation of Sea Surface Temperature in Relation to Sea Level Pressure and Surface Wind Speed in Southern Indian Ocean | Mondal, Sandipan; Lee, Ming-An ; Yi-Chen Wang ; Semedi, Bambang | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN | 1 | |
2011 | LORECS: Seasonal variation of thermal/chlorophyll fronts in the East China Sea. | Yi Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Jui-Wen Chan; Wei-Juan Shieh | | | |
2009 | Method for small-scale fishing boat equipped with radar receiver to avoid ship collision and the radar receiver therefore | Sheng-Long Kao ; Ming-An Lee | | | |
2024/1/22 | Modeling of swordtip squid (<i>Uroteuthis edulis</i>) monthly habitat preference using remote sensing environmental data and climate indices | Vayghan, Ali Haghi; Ray, Aratrika; Mondal, Sandipan; Lee, Ming-An | FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE | | |
2021 | Modeling the Habitat Distribution of Acanthopagrus schlegelii in the Coastal Waters of the Eastern Taiwan Strait Using MAXENT with Fishery and Remote Sensing Data | Teng, Sheng-Yuan; Su, Nan-Jay ; Lee, Ming-An ; Lan, Kuo-Wei ; Chang, Yi; Weng, Jinn-Shing; Yi-Chen Wang ; Sihombing, Riah Irawati; Vayghan, Ali Haghi | J MAR SCI ENG | 4 | |
2008 | Multisatellite observation on upwelling after the passage of Typhoon Hai-Tang in the southern East China Sea | Chang, Y.; Liao, H. T.; Ming-An Lee ; Chan, J. W.; Shieh, W. J.; Lee, K. T.; Wang, G. H.; Lan, Y. C. | Geophysical Research Letters | | |
2020 | Multisatellite-Based Feeding Habitat Suitability Modeling of Albacore Tuna in the Southern Atlantic Ocean | Vayghan, Ali Haghi; Lee, Ming-An ; Weng, Jinn-Shing; Mondal, Sandipan; Lin, Ching-Te; Yi-Chen Wang | REMOTE SENS-BASEL | 8 | |
2013 | Nutrient supply in the Southern East China Sea after Typhoon Morakot | Chin-Chang Hung; Chih-Ching Chung ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Sen Jan; Yaling Tsai; Kuo-Shu Chen; Wen-Chen Chou ; Ming-An Lee ; Yi Chang; Meng-Hsien Chen; Wen-Rong Yang; Chiung-Jung Tseng; Glen Gawarkiewicz | Journal of Marine Research | | |
2013 | Nutrient supply in the Southern East China Sea after Typhoon Morakot (vol 71, pg 133, 2013) | Chin-Chang Hung; Chih-Ching Chung ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Sen Jan; Yaling Tsai; Kuo-Shu Chen; Wen-Chen Chou ; Ming-An Lee ; Yi Chang; Meng-Hsien Chen; Wen-Rong Yang; Chiung-Jung Tseng; Glen Gawarkiewicz | Journal of Marine Research | | |
2011 | Ocean variations associated with fishing conditions for yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean | Kuo-Wei Lan ; Ming-An Lee ; Hsueh-Jung Lu ; Wei-Juan Shieh; Wei-Kuan Lin; Szu-Chia Kao | Ices Journal of Marine Science | 20 | |
2011 | Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production associated with longline catches of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. | Ming-An Lee ; Kuo-Wei Lan ; Yi Chang; Igor Belkin; Tom Nishida | | | |
2012 | Oceanic thermal fronts and net primary production related to the longline catches of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) in the southern Indian Ocean. | Kuo-Wei Lan ; Yi Chang; Ming-An Lee ; Igor Belkin; Tom Nishida | | | |
1997 | Oceanographic Conditions and Surface Layer Biomass Distribution Characteristics in the Waters of Northeastern Taiwan | 廖正信(Cheng-Hsin Liao) ; 李國添(Kuo-Tien Lee); 李明安(Ming-Anne Lee) ; 呂學榮(Hsueh-Jung Lu) | Journal of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan | | |
2004 | Offshore Phytoplankton Biomass Increase and its Oceanographic Causes in the South China Sea. | DanLing Lingzis Tang; Hiroshi Kawamura; Dien Tran Van; Ming-An Lee | Marine Ecology Progress Series | 124 | |
2022 | Ontogenetic diet shifts and feeding dynamics of Trichiurus japonicus Temminck & Schlegel, 1844, off Guishan Island, Southern East China Sea | Mammel, Mubarak; Yi-Chen Wang ; Lan, Yang-Chi; Hsu, Chien-Ming; Lee, Ming-An ; Liao, Cheng-Hsin | REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE | 3 | |
2020 | Ontogenetic habitat differences in Benthosema pterotum during summer in the shelf region of the southern East China Sea | Yi-Chen Wang ; Ming-An Lee | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography | 4 | |