
Results 1-8 of 8 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12007Transient three-dimensional analysis of gas tungsten arc welding platesYeh, R. H.; Shih-Pin Liaw ; Tu, Y. P.Numerical Heat Transfer Part a-Applications13
22005A simple design of fins for boiling heat transferShih-Pin Liaw ; Yeh, R. H.; Yeh, W. T.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer7
32003Mathematical model for prediction of intermittent drying and pressing process of mullet roeFan, C. C.; Shih-Pin Liaw ; Fu, W. R.; Pan, B. S.Journal of Food Science2
42003蒸發管結霜之研究黃棋模; 黃國峰; 葉榮華; 廖世平 
52002過冷溫度對冷凍性能的影響黃棋模; 鄭羽志; 葉榮華; 廖世平 
62001小型船用柴油機排氣流量與溫度之理論預測蕭志豪; 葉榮華; 廖世平 
71999Computation of boiling water on circular finned tubesFan, C. C.; Shih-Pin Liaw International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer4
81999船用低壓三效淡水機之簡易熱設計陳興財; 葉榮華; 廖世平