
Results 1-15 of 15 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2022海陽合作框架委託研究計畫Chih-Ching ChangYangMing Marine Transport Corp.
2021海陽合作框架委託研究計畫Chih-Ching ChangYangMing Marine Transport Corp.
2021110年度兩岸大學法學期刊交流計畫勞務採購契約Chih-Ching ChangMainland Affairs Council
2021110年度教育部補助大學校院法律系(所)辦理中小學及社區法治教育 計畫Chih-Ching ChangMinistry of Education
2012Operating Strategies for Taiwan Ports after Their Their CorporatizationChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2011ECFA簽署後兩岸物流產業運籌中心規劃及發展策略Chih-Ching ChangMainland Affairs Council
2011公務船造、修合約合理性與因應對策之研究結案報告Chih-Ching ChangCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2009The Competition and Development Strategies for Keelung PortChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Competition and Development Strategies for Keelung PortChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Competition and Development Strategies for Keelung PortChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2006A Research on the Feasibility of Implementing Ship Tonnage Tax in the RocChih-Ching ChangInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2005A Study on Feasibility of Implementing Tonnage Tax in the ROCChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2004The Enactment of the ROC Maritime Security Laws and RegulationsChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2000A Study on Port State Control Regulations in the ROCChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
-綠色供應鏈潮流下航運研究與教學的新思維Chih-Ching ChangMinistry of Education