
Results 1-18 of 18 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2022Studies on the dynamics and management of flying fish roe fishery in surrounding waters of TaiwanShyh-Bin WangFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021Studies on the dynamics and management of flying fish roe fishery in surrounding waters of TaiwanShyh-Bin WangFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2020臺灣周邊水域飛魚卵資源動態解析及管理之研究Shyh-Bin WangFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2014Investigation on Major Fishery Resources and Studies on Reasonable Regulatiory Devices in the Coastal Water of Taiwan-2Shyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2013Studies on the Resource Condition of South Pacific AlbacoreShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2012A Stepwise Approach for Setting up a Marine Protective Area for Waters off Guei-Shan Island (II): an Evaluation on the Willingness of Compliance for Fishers with Different Measures Which Based on the Biological Characteristics of the RegionShyh-Bin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Studies on the Assessment of South Pacific Albacore StockShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Studies on the dynamics and management of flying fish resource in coastal waters of TaiwanShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2011Studies on the Assessment of South Pacific Albacore StockShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010A Stepwise Approach for Setting up a Marine Protective Area for Waters off Guei-Shan Island: an Approach Based on the Distribution and Biological Cycle of Fish Species (I)Shyh-Bin WangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Studies on the Dynamics and Management of Flying Fish Resource in Coastal Waters of TaiwanShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2010Studies on the Standarization of CPUE Index and Stock Assessment of South Pacific Albacore Caught by Taiwanese Longline FisheriesShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2009Studies on Setting Total Allowable Catches (TAC) for Major CoastalShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2009Abundance and Catch at Size Versus Age Conversion of South Pacific Albacore Caught by Taiwanese Longline FisheriesShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2008Assessment and Management of Flying Fish Egg Fishery in Coastal Waters of Taiwan (II)Shyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Assessment and Management of Flying Fish Eggs Fishery in Coastal Waters of TaiwanShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2007Analyses of Catch Statistics and Resource Indices for Taiwanese Albacore Longline Fishery Operated in the South Pacific OceanShyh-Bin WangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2003Studies on the Early Survival of Anchovy Larva in Relation to the Abundance of Gelatinous Zooplankton in the Northeastern Taiwan---A Field and an Individual-Based Modeling ApproachShyh-Bin WangNational Science and Technology Council