
第 1 到 11 筆結果,共 11 筆。

2022Preparation of Hypoglycemic Bioactive Peptides from Taiwan Milk Fish (Chanos Chanos) Frame and Study on Cell and Animal Experiments Stabilizing the Blood Sugar of Type 2 DiabetesYu-Wei ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021開發龍膽石斑魚卵活性胜肽調節糖尿病血糖產品Yu-Wei Chang基優生技股份有限公司
2021以微波真空與真空濃縮技術開發土肉桂相關產品及其活性成分分析Yu-Wei Chang拓富投資有限公司; 廣明有限公司
2021Preparation of Hypoglycemic Bioactive Peptides from Taiwan Gaint Grouper (Epinephelus Lanceolatus) Roe and Study on Cell and Animal Experiments Stabilizing the Blood Sugar of Type 2 DiabetesYu-Wei ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-子計畫2:創造九孔鮑新產業及文化發展計畫Yu-Wei ChangMinistry of Education
2020Study on Vacuum Microwave Assisted Extraction of Hypotension Bioactive Peptides and Investigation of Their Biological Properties from Taiwan Canned Mackerel (Scomber Australasicus) Steaming JuiceYu-Wei ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020耐鹽之台灣鯛營養組成比較與其加工副產品之加值利用Yu-Wei ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2019客家酸柑茶之活性成分鑑定分析與年份之相關性探討Yu-Wei ChangHakka Affairs Council
2019教育部補助辦理108-109年度「大專校院食品安全人才培育計畫」Yu-Wei ChangMinistry of Education
2019高壓脈衝電場輔助萃取發酵醬油之副產品製備降血壓活性胜?研究Yu-Wei ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Telapia fry cultivation, aquaculture management and value added use of by products.-4Yu-Wei ChangCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan