
Results 1-13 of 13 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2022Polygonal Surface Repair, Simplification and Texture Mapping of Non-Manifold and Non-Watertight Composite Models (II)Shih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council
2022A Study of Artificial Intelligence on Smart Cage CultureShih-Syun LinFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2021Polygonal Surface Repair, Simplification and Texture Mapping of Non-Manifold and Non-Watertight Composite Models (I)Shih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council
20212021年計算機圖學研討會Shih-Syun LinEngineering and Technology Promotion Center
2021委託智慧製造之數位協作系統研究Shih-Syun LinIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021教育部輔助110年高教深耕計畫附冊USR計畫:打造國際旅遊島-和平島及其周邊之地域創生與永續發展Shih-Syun LinMinistry of Education
2021智能化箱網養殖模擬研究Shih-Syun LinFisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan
2020Puzzle Tile Map and Travel Guide Vi Sualization(II)Shih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020委託智慧機械中小型業者導入國際數位管理技術可行性研究Shih-Syun LinCenter of Excellence for Ocean Engineering
2019Puzzle Tile Map and Travel Guide Vi Sualization(I)Shih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council
2018Matrix Barcode Generation Based on Moire Pattern and Its ApplicationsShih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Software development for big data validation, analytics, and dynamic visualization in healthcare applicationsShih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council
-Matrix Barcode Generation Based on Moire Pattern and Its ApplicationsShih-Syun LinNational Science and Technology Council