Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
2020 | De novo transcriptome assembly from the gonads of a scleractinian coral,Euphyllia ancora: molecular mechanisms underlying scleractinian gametogenesis | Chiu, Yi-Ling; Shikina, Shinya ; Yoshioka, Yuki; Shinzato, Chuya; Chang, Ching-Fong | BMC GENOMICS | 9 | |
2017 | Deep oceans may acidify faster than anticipated due to global warming | Chen, Chen-Tung Arthur; Lui, Hon-Kit; Hsieh, Chia-Han; Yanagi, Tetsuo; Kosugi, Naohiro; Ishii, Masao; Gong, Gwo-Ching | NAT CLIM CHANGE | 42 | |
2007 | Depth distributions of alkalinity, TCO2 and d13CTCO2 at SEATS time-series site in the northern South China Sea | W.C. Chou ; D.D. Sheu; B.S. Lee; C.M. Tseng; C.T.A. Chen; S.L. Wang; G.T.F. Wong | Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography | | |
2022 | Detection of bioluminescent dinoflagellates based on luciferase genes during the 'blue tears' season around the Matsu archipelago | Shih, Chi-Yu; Tsai, Sheng-Fang ; Wang, Hao-Jinn; Hwang, Ssu-Ying; Kang, Lee-Kuo | AQUAT BIOL | 0 | |
1993 | Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Seawater by Direct Spectrophotometry of Total Iodine | Su-Cheng Pai; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Kon-Kee Liu | Marine Chemistry | | |
2015 | Determinism of bacterial metacommunity dynamics in the southern East China Sea varies depending on hydrography | Yi-Chun Yeh; Pedro R Peres-Neto; Shiao‐Wei Hunag; Yung-Chih Lai; Chen-Yi Tu; Fuh‐Kwo Shiah; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Chih-hao Hsieh | Ecography | 28 | |
2022 | Deterministic Assembly Processes Strengthen the Effects of beta-Diversity on Community Biomass of Marine Bacterioplankton | Chang, Feng-Hsun; Yang, Jinny Wu; Liu, Ariana Chih-Hsien; Lu, Hsiao-Pei; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Hsieh, Chih-hao | MSYSTEMS | 1 | |
2021 | Development of an in vitro tissue culture system for hammer coral (Fimbriaphyllia ancora) ovaries | Chiu, Yi-Ling; Chang, Ching-Fong ; Shikina, Shinya | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 2 | |
2021 | Diel to Seasonal Variation of Picoplankton in the Tropical South China Sea | Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Lai, Chao-Chen; Tai, Jen-Hua; Ko, Chia-Ying; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo | FRONT MAR SCI | 3 | |
2021 | Diel Variation of Viral Production in a Coastal Subtropical Marine System | Ho, Pei-Chi; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Hsieh, Chih-Hao; Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi; Tsai, An-Yi | DIVERSITY-BASEL | 2 | |
2023 | Differences in Bacterial Growth and Mortality between Seagrass Meadows and Adjacent Unvegetated Areas | Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi; Olivia, Madeline; Chou, Wen-Chen ; Shiu, Ruei-Feng ; Mukhanov, Vladimir; Tsai, An-Yi | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | | |
2022 | Differences in the Composition of Abundant Marine Picoeukaryotes in the Marginal Sea Derived from Flooding | Chung, Chih-Ching ; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Lin, Yun-Chi ; Hsu, Ching-Wei | FRONT MAR SCI | 0 | |
2018 | Different impact of nanoflagellate grazing and viral lysis on Synechococcus spp. and picoeukaryotic mortality in coastal waters | An-Yi Tsai ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Chih-Ching Chung ; Yi-Ting Huang | Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | 3 | |
2001 | Differential coupling of bacterial and primary production in mesotrophic and oligotrophic systems of the East China Sea | Shiah, F. K.; Chen, T. Y.; Chen, C. C.; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Kuo-Ping Chiang ; Hung, J. J. | Aquatic Microbial Ecology | | |
2019 | Discovery of a receptor guanylate cyclase expressed in the sperm flagella of stony corals | Zhang, Y.; Chiu, Y. L.; Chen, C. J.; Ho, Y. Y.; Shinzato, C.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina | Scientific Reports | 4 | |
2013 | Discrimination between the influences of river discharge and coastal upwelling on summer microphytoplankton phosphorus stress in the East China Sea | Hung-Chun Liu; Chi-Yu Shih; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Tung-Yuan Ho; Fuh-Kwo Shiah; Chih-hao Hsieh; Jeng Chang | Continental Shelf Research | 11 | |
2020 | Dissolved and Particulate Primary Production and Subsequent Bacterial C Consumption in the Southern East China Sea | Chen, Tzong-Yueh ; Lai, Chao-Chen; Shiah, Fuh-Kwo; Gong, Gwo-Ching | FRONT MAR SCI | 5 | |
2015 | Dissolved organic nitrogen in wet deposition in a coastal city (Keelung) of the southern East China Sea: Origin, molecular composition and flux | You-Xin Chen; Hung-Yu Chen ; Wei Wang; Jun- Jun Yeh; Wen-Chen Chou ; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Fu-Jung Tsai ; Shih-Jen Huang ; Cheng-Ting Lin | Atmospheric Environment | 13 | |
2024/9/30 | Distinct water mass between inside and outside eddy drive changes in prokaryotic growth and mortality in the tropical Pacific Ocean | Chen, Patrichka Wei-Yi; Olivia, Madeline; Gong, Gwo-Ching ; Jan, Sen; Ho, Tung-Yuan; St. Laurent, Louis; Tsai, An-Yi | FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE | | |
1995 | Distribution of particulate organic matter in the southern East China Sea: Implication in production and transport | Kon-Kee Liu; Zir-Lyang Lai; Gwo-Ching Gong ; Fuh-Kwo Shiah | Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences | | |