
第 1 到 152 筆結果,共 152 筆。

2024Blue Tears Inspection and Prediction System DesignJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2023Blue Tears Inspection and Prediction System DesignJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Traceability of Marine Debris and Design of Detection SystemJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Traceability of Marine Debris and Design of Detection SystemJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2022The Study of Oil Spills Detection Based on Sar Imagery and Deep LearningLe-Na Chang
2022海巡署CG-129高雄艦之內政部ENC公務圖資服務Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2022船隻自動辨識系統(AIS)應用研究Le-Na ChangNational Space Organization
2022永灃澎湖離岸風力發電計畫環境影響評估之船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2022永灃臺中離岸風力發電計畫環境影響評估之船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2022海巡署CG-133台東艦之內政部ENC公務圖資服務Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2022Application of Simulated Sar Imagery in Coastline Detection Based on Deep Learning( I )Le-Na ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2022海巡署宜蘭艦CG-128之內政部ENC公務圖資服務Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2022離岸風場航行安全與海纜佈設秩序研究Shwu-Jing ChangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2022海巡署PP-10088巡防艇之內政部ENC公務圖資服務Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2022NIRAS臺中離岸風場航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangNIRAS TAIWAN LIMITED
2022內政部電子航行圖委任契約-110 年第4季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2022智慧創新跨域人才培育聯盟計畫Jih-Gau JuangMinistry of Education
2022台中離岸風力發電計畫船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2022內政部電子航行圖委任契約-111 年第1季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2021海巡署(巡護七號)-內政部ENC公務圖資服務Shwu-Jing ChangCoast Guard Administration, OAC
2021環亞離岸風力發電計畫船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2021L1 Frequency Precise Point Positioning TechniqueHe-Sheng WangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021航港局智慧航安系統介接內政部電子航行圖WMS服務Shwu-Jing ChangMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2021內政部ENC公務圖資服務(巡防艇PP-10087)Shwu-Jing ChangCoast Guard Administration, OAC
2021船舶電臺無線電頻率規劃國際趨勢之研究採購案Shwu-Jing ChangNational Communications Commission
2021萊茵新竹離岸風機環評船舶碰撞調查Shwu-Jing ChangSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2021河岸偵測及資料串流整合Jih-Gau Juang財團法人榮成循環經濟環保基金會
2021內政部電子航行圖委任契約-110 年第3季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2021航港局AIS介接系統之優化管理與加值應用案Shwu-Jing ChangMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2021內政部電子航行圖委任契約-新海研二號Shwu-Jing ChangNational Taiwan Ocean University,NTOU
2021內政部電子航行圖委任契約-海巡署桃園艦Shwu-Jing ChangCoast Guard Administration, OAC
2021內政部電子航行圖委任契約-110 年第2季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2021Traceability of Marine Debris and Design of Detection System (I)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Development of Fitness Equipment with Active LoadingChih-Hui ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Traceability of Marine Debris and Design of Detection SystemJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Influences of Two Extreme El Niño Events on Regional Sea Level Variation in the North Pacific OceanWen-Hau LanNational Science and Technology Council
2021A Study of Two-Tier Cellular Vehicular Communication Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning(2/2)Yao-Liang ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2021Recursive Maximum Correntropy Criterion with Adaptive Kernel Learning for Gnss Navigation Filter DesignsDah-Jing JwoNational Science and Technology Council
2021Environment Aware and Location Determination of the Uav via Machine LearningChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2021環洋離岸風力發電計畫船舶碰撞風險評估Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2021海鼎一離岸風場海岸利用管理說明書申請船舶碰撞分析Shwu-Jing ChangSINOTECH Engineering Consultants
2021海巡署雷情系統用之內政部電子航行圖網路地圖服務(內政部委任契約)Shwu-Jing ChangCoast Guard Administration, OAC
2021Cyber-Physical Sensing(Cps) 3d Stereo Modeling for Fruit Tree Growth Monitoring and Technology Promotion-Taking: Syzygium Samarangense as an ExampleShiou-Gwo LinNational Science and Technology Council
2021新竹渢成離岸風力發電計畫船舶碰撞風險評估Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2021苗栗渢利離岸風力發電計畫船舶碰撞風險評估Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2021新竹渢汎離岸風力發電計畫船舶碰撞風險評估Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2021Application of Machine Vision on Fermentation ProcessDah-Jing JwoFood Industry Research and Development Institute(FIRDI)
2021110年度農業現地行動調查作業管理系統應用計畫Shiou-Gwo LinEnvironmental Management Consultants Technologies
2021WoN Project EIA Consulting Services 船舶碰撞風險評估Shwu-Jing ChangWSP Engineering Consultants, Inc.
2021苗栗離岸風力發電廠興建計畫-船隻碰撞分析(環興)Shwu-Jing ChangSINOTECH ENGLNEERING SERVICES
2021內政部電子航行圖委任契約-110 年第1季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2021110-111年電子航行圖資更新維運與應用服務工作案Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2021航船布告標準作業流程規劃案Shwu-Jing ChangMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2021AIS船舶自動辨識海氣象資訊系統維護Shwu-Jing ChangCentral Weather Bureau
2021旭風一號二號三號離岸風力發電計畫船舶航行(碰撞)影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2021台中渢妙離岸風力發電計畫環境影響說明書船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2021NorthWind & CanWind Projects Vessel Collision Risk Study for NPI Offshore Wind Farm DevelopmentShwu-Jing ChangTaiwan Northland Power Development Co., Ltd.
2021Offshore Wind Farm Development and Navigational Safety ImpactsShwu-Jing ChangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2021智慧創新跨域人才培育聯盟計畫Jih-Gau JuangMinistry of Education
2021109學年度第2學期「大專校院弱勢學生助學計畫He-Sheng WangMinistry of Education
2021內政部電子航行圖委任契約-109年第4季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2021彰化渢佑離岸風力發電計畫環境影響評估工作船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2021教育部補助110年高教深耕計畫-附冊USR計畫-三漁興旺-國際藍色經濟示範區-總計畫辦公室Jih-Gau JuangMinistry of Education
2021第16 17號風場船舶碰撞評估新增工作項目Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2021Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( Iv )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約-航港局智慧航安系統WMS介接服務Shwu-Jing ChangDepartment of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering
2020#16與#17離岸風場船舶碰撞風險評估Shwu-Jing ChangAECOM Taiwan Corporation
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約 -109年第3季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2020漁船監控系統軟體授權用海圖硬體鎖Shwu-Jing ChangDepartment of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約-航港局WMS介接服務Shwu-Jing ChangNational Academy of Marine Research
2020Reconstructing Long-Term Sea Level Changes and Estimating Vertical Land Motions in the North Pacific Ocean Using Satellite Altimetry and Tide GaugesWen-Hau LanNational Science and Technology Council
2020Variational Bayesian Based Adaptive and Robust Filtering for Gnss Navigation ProcessingDah-Jing JwoNational Science and Technology Council
2020A Study of Two-Tier Cellular Vehicular Communication Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning(2/2)Yao-Liang Chung
2020Deep Learning Applied to Ship Image RecognitionLe-Na ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Application of Image Processing and Vi Sual Navigation to Indoor Security RobotJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2020苗栗浮動式離岸風電計畫三船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2020苗栗浮動式離岸風電計畫二船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangDepartment of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering
2020苗栗浮動式離岸風電計畫一船舶航行風險影響評估Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2020北部三座離岸風力發電開發計畫船舶航行影響先期評估作業Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2020初步評估苗栗計畫二風場及其附近船舶流量及與航道位置關係Shwu-Jing Chang
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約 -109年第2季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
20203d Stereo Image Reconstruction Using Cyber-Physical Sensing (Cps) for Growth Monitoring of the Fruit Tree – a Case Study of Syzygium Samarangense Tree( III )National Science and Technology Council
2020初步評估新竹S01、台中T01風場及其附近船舶流量及與航道位置的關係Shwu-Jing ChangUnltech New Energy Engineering
2020船舶自動辨識海氣象資訊系統維護Shwu-Jing ChangCentral Weather Bureau
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約 -109年第1季Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2020電子航行圖檢核與資料庫維護管理服務工作案Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約-新海研二號Shwu-Jing ChangDepartment of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering
2020離岸風電航安風險評估與因應策略研析Shwu-Jing ChangDepartment of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering
2020內政部電子航行圖委任契約Shwu-Jing ChangMinistry of the Interior
2020Impact of Sea Level Variations on Hydrographic Survey around TaiwanWen-Hau LanNational Science and Technology Council
2019差分全球導航系統(DGNSS)建置案審驗Shwu-Jing ChangMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2019漁船監控管理系統維護及資料蒐集Shwu-Jing ChangOverseas Fisheries Development Council of the Republic of China
2019電子航行圖資網路介接檢查服務工作案Shwu-Jing ChangDept of Land Administration, M. O. I.
2019Study of Dual-Band Quarter-Wave Transformers and Implementation of Dual-Band Six-Port NetworksChih-Jung ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2019Kernel Maximum Correntropy Adaptive Filtering for Satellite Navigation System in Non-Gaussian EnvironmentsDah-Jing JwoNational Science and Technology Council
2019Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Nearshore Environmental Pollution AnalysisJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Nearshore Environmental Pollution AnalysisJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2019Location and Hybrid Beamforming Determination for the 5g Nr Base Station via Using the Spatial Distribution and the Angle of Arrival Information of the UsersChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Implementation of an Omni-Directional Flywheel Inverted Pendulum Control SystemChih-Hui ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
20193d Stereo Image Reconstruction Using Cyber-Physical Sensing (Cps) for Growth Monitoring of the Fruit Tree – a Case Study of Syzygium Samarangense Tree( II )National Science and Technology Council
2019新北市108年度高中(職)學生電資科學體驗營實施計畫Dah-Jing JwoEducation Department, New Taipei City Government
2019海洋環境保護及永續發展計畫Jih-Gau Juang財團法人榮成循環經濟環境基金會
2019船舶自動辨識海氣象資訊系統發展Shwu-Jing ChangCentral Weather Bureau
2019離岸風電與航運及漁業共存之規劃管理措施Shwu-Jing ChangIndustrial Technology Research Institute
2019Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( II )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Integration of Intelligent Systems and Sensors in Quadcopter Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Control Application (II)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2018Implementation of the Indoor Positioning and Surrounding Prediction Mimo SystemChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2018Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( I )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Integration of Intelligent Systems and Sensors in Quadcopter Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Control ApplicationJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Model Predictive Control Strategy to the Capturing of Ocean Wave EnergyChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Implementations and Applications of the Geolocation System via the Properties of Microwave and the Antenna ArrayChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Model Predictive Control Strategy to the Capturing of Ocean Wave EnergyChen-Chou LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Application of the Model Predictive Control Strategy to the Capturing of Ocean Wave Energy-1Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Application of Hybrid Intelligent System Integration and Control to Twin-Robot PatrolJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2016Setup and Application Analysis for the Big Data Wireless Communication Signal Quality Measurement SystemChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2014Application of Image Recognition and Remote Control to a Service Robot (II)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2013Application of Image Recognition and Remote Control to a Service RobotJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Application of Adaptive Intelligent Systems to Autonomous Vehicle Guidance and Control (Iii)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2012Applications for the Intelligent Transportation System via the Wireless Channel CharacteristicsChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2011Application of Adaptive Intelligent Systems to Autonomous Vehicle Guidance and Control (Ii)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2011Channel Estimation, Compensation and Adaptive Resource Allocation for the Lte SystemChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2011A Feasibility Study of Spaceborne Marine Environment Imager-3Tzong-Dar WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011A Feasibility Study of Spaceborne Marine Environment Imager-5National Science and Technology Council
2010Application of Image Processing and Vi Sual Navigation to Indoor Security RobotJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Application of Adaptive Intelligent Systems to Autonomous Vehicle Guidance and ControlJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2010MC-CDMA MIMO RadarChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2010Applying Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System( III )Chung-Cheng ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Intelligent WMR Motion Control Design and It's Hardware Implementation(III)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Timing, Frequency Synchronizations and Channel Estimation of an OFDM SystemChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2008Intelligent WMR Motion Control Design and It's Hardware Implementation(II)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Performance Analysis of the HSDPA TDE and FDE EqualizersChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2006A Study of Intelligent Control for a Nonlinear Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-Output System(IIi)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2006A Survey of UWB Channel Measurement and Its Signal ProcessingChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2006Ultra Wideband Propagation Channels---Analysis and Finite-State Markov Channel ModelingJia-Chyi WuNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Study of Intelligent Control for a Nonlinear Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-Output System(II)Jih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
2005Performance Analysis of W-CDMA Smart Antenna with Channel Estimation ErrorChi-Min LiNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Study of Intelligent Control for a Nonlinear Twin Rotor Multi-Input Multi-Output SystemJih-Gau JuangNational Science and Technology Council
0021國土安全PNT失效影響分析報告Shwu-Jing ChangMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
0015鍾美離岸風力發電計畫環境影響評估工作-船舶航行影響先期評估作業Shwu-Jing ChangDepartment of Communications, Navigation and Control Engineering
-Three-Stage Smoothing and Filtering for Single-Frequency Precise Point PositioningHe-Sheng Wang
-單頻即時單點精密定位演算法設計與應用He-Sheng Wang
-以累積量為基礎之GNSS訊號擷取與認證方法He-Sheng Wang
-長效型GPS衛星星曆演算法設計He-Sheng Wang
-自主高精度地面定位系統架構設計及研製He-Sheng Wang
-凸最佳化法在導航系統與GNSS接收機設計之應用He-Sheng Wang
-使用微分代數方程式理論進行GNSS定位演算法設計與改善-使用行為模式法He-Sheng Wang
-GNSS軟體式接收機設計--使用微分代數方程式理論He-Sheng Wang
-非線性FDI濾波器設計與其在接收機自主完整性監控之應用:使用微分幾何法He-Sheng Wang
-精密GPS軌道判定與預測與其在室內用GPS接收機之應用-使用類神經網路He-Sheng Wang
-航太技術、熱傳學及流體力學He-Sheng Wang
-離散時間描述子系統H∞控制理論在通訊與導航之應用研究He-Sheng Wang
-智慧型移動式機器人控制設計與實現(I)Jih-Gau Juang