| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Source | WOS | Fulltext/Archive link |
1 | 2019 | A Mobile Cloud-Based Health Promotion System for Cardiovascular Diseases | Lin, Chin-Feng ; Lin, Tai-Xiang; Lin, Chung-I; Chang, Chung-Cheng | WIRELESS PERS COMMUN | 2 | |
2 | 2011 | Analysis and improvement on frequency sensitivity of series photodetector frequency circuit system and its application for HEX fluorescence measurement | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optical Engineering | | |
3 | 2021 | Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques to Implement a Practical Smart Cage Aquaculture Management System | Chang, Chung-Cheng ; Wang, Jung-Hua ; Wu, Jenq-Lang ; Hsieh, Yi-Zeng ; Wu, Tzong-Dar ; Cheng, Shyi-Chy ; Chang, Chin-Chun ; Juang, Jih-Gau ; Liou, Chyng-Hwa ; Hsu, Te-Hua ; Huang, Yii-Shing ; Huang, Cheng-Ting ; Lin, Chen-Chou ; Peng, Yan-Tsung; Huang, Ren-Jie; Jhang, Jia-Yao; Liao, Yen-Hsiang; Lin, Chin-Yang | J MED BIOL ENG | 6 | |
4 | 2018 | Associations between Water Quality Measures and Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence in Taiwan | Kuan Y. Chang ; I-Wen Wu; Bo-Ruei Huang; Jih-Gau Juang ; Jia-Chyi Wu ; Su-Wei Chang; Chung-Cheng Chang | INT J ENV RES PUB HE | 4 | |
5 | 2023 | The Characteristics of the Metal-Free and Non-Conjugated Polymer Film with Self-Assembled Nanoparticles | Lee, Kwang-Ming; Chang, Chung-Cheng ; Wang, Jia-Ming; Chang, Chia-Yu; Huang, Chia-Hong | NANOMATERIALS | 1 | |
6 | 2009 | Comparison of Performance of Integrated Photodetectors Based on ZnS and ZnSe Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodiodes | Chen, M. Y.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Japanese Journal of Applied Physics | | |
7 | 2018 | Excitation-Wavelength-Dependent and Substrate-Dependent Photoluminescence From the Nonconjugated Polymeric Thin Film With Self-Assembly Nanoparticles | Huang, C. H.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Lee, K. M.; Wang, J. M.; Liu, C. Y. | Ieee Photonics Journal | | |
8 | 2000 | The fabrication and characterization of PZT thin film Acoustic Devices for application in underwater robotic systems | Chung-Cheng Chang ; Jung-Hua Wang ; Mu-Der Jeng ; Chen-Chou Lin ; Chen, Kau-hsiung | Proceedings of the National Science Council : Part A, Physical Science and Engineering | | |
9 | 2018 | Fast Visual Tracking Based on Convolutional Networks | Huang, R. J.; Tsao, C. Y.; Kuo, Y. P.; Lai, Y. C.; Liu, C. C.; Tu, Z. W.; Jung-Hua Wang ; Chung-Cheng Chang | Sensors | | |
10 | 2014 | The frequency characteristics analysis of series photodetector frequency circuit system based on circuit parameters of quartz crystal and its application for bacterial DNA identification | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
11 | 2013 | The Frequency Response and Optical Detection Characteristics of a Series Photodetector Frequency Circuit System Matched With Polydimethylsiloxance (PDMS) | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Lasers in Engineering | | |
12 | 2013 | Frequency sensitivity analysis of series photodetector frequency circuit system using circuit parameters of quartz crystal | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
13 | 2013 | A HIGH FIGURE-OF-MERIT LOW PHASE NOISE 15-GHz CMOS VCO | Lin, Y. C.; Mei-Ling Yeh ; Chung-Cheng Chang | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
14 | 2011 | HIGH-PERFORMANCE LOW-POWER 27-GHz CMOS VOLTAGE-CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR FOR Ka-BAND APPLICATIONS | Mei-Ling Yeh ; Lin, Y. C.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | | |
15 | 2006 | An improved alignment layer grown by oblique evaporation for liquid crystal devices | Liou, W. R.; Chen, C. Y.; Jyh-Jier Ho ; Hsu, C. K.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Hsiao, R. Y.; Chang, S. H. | Displays | | |
16 | 2013 | Improved Series Photodetector Frequency Circuit System for U1392-Hex Fluorescence Detection in a Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) Probe | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Lasers in Engineering | | |
17 | 2011 | Improvement of frequency sensitivity of series photodetector frequency circuit system and its application for Cy5 fluorescence detection | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
18 | 2014 | Incident-Angle-Dependent Reflectance in Distributed Bragg Reflectors Fabricated from ZnO/MgO Multilayer Films | Huang, Y. S.; Hu, S. Y.; Huang, C. C.; Lee, Y. C.; Lee, J. W.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Wun, Z. K.; Kwong-Kau Tiong | Optical Review | 5 | |
19 | 2009 | Integrated a ZnSe MSM Photodiode and an InGaP/GaAs HBT on a GaAs Substrate for High Sensitivity Short Wavelength Photodetector | Chen, M. Y.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Ieee Sensors Journal | | |
20 | 1998 | An integrated pyroelectric infrared sensor with a PZT thin film | Chung-Cheng Chang ; Tang, C. S. | Sensors and Actuators a-Physical | | |
21 | 2015 | Investigation of omnidirectional reflection band in ZnTe/ZnSe distributed Bragg reflector | Huang, Y. S.; Hu, S. Y.; Lee, Y. C.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Kwong-Kau Tiong ; Ji-Lin Shen; Wu-Ching Chou | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | | |
22 | 2002 | Late Quaternary sea-surface temperature variations in the southeast Atlantic: a planktic foraminifer faunal record of the past 600 000 yr (IMAGES II MD962085) | Min-Te Chen ; Chang, Y. P.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Wang, L. W.; Wang, C. H.; Yu, E. F. | Marine Geology | 19 | |
23 | 2013 | Linearity improvement of Cy5 fluorescence concentration detection using series photodetector frequency circuit system with ITO-PolySi-metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector and its application for DNA detection and bacterial identification | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
24 | 2010 | A LOW-PHASE-NOISE CMOS QUADRATURE VCO WITH PMOS BACK-GATE COUPLING | Mei-Ling Yeh ; Lin, Y. C.; Liou, W. R.; Kuo, S. H.; Roblin, P.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Microwave and Optical Technology Letters | | |
25 | 2013 | A LOW-PHASE-NOISE CMOS VCO FOR K-BAND APPLICATION | Mei-Ling Yeh ; Yao-Chian Lin; Chung-Cheng Chang | Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers | | |
26 | 2009 | Monolithic integration of a ZnS MSM photodiode and an InGaP/GaAs HBT on a GaAs substrate | Chen, M. Y.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Semiconductor Science and Technology | | |
27 | 2008 | Monolithic Photoreceiver Constructed With a ZnSe MSM Photodiode and an InGaP/GaAs HBT | Chen, M. Y.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Ieee Electron Device Letters | | |
28 | 2013 | MOS solar cells with oxides deposited by sol-gel spin-coating techniques | Huang, C. H.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Tsai, J. H. | Semiconductors | | |
29 | 2009 | A novel frequency method for quantitative analysis of fluorescence dye concentration by using series photodetector frequency circuit system | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Sensors and Actuators a-Physical | | |
30 | 2020 | The Optical and Microstructural Characterization of the Polymeric Thin Films with Self-Assembly Nanoparticles Prepared by Spin-Coating Techniques | Lee, K. M.; Huang, C. H.; Chang, C. Y.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Crystals | | |
31 | 2021 | The Optical Properties of Metal-Free Polymer Films with Self-Assembled Nanoparticles | Chang, Chung-Cheng ; Lee, Kwang-Ming; Huang, Chia-Hong | POLYMERS-BASEL | 2 | |
32 | 2013 | Optical studies in distributed Bragg reflectors built from ZnO/MgO multilayer films | Huang, Y. S.; Chung-Cheng Chang ; Lee, J. W.; Lee, Y. C.; Huang, C. C.; Wun, Z. K.; Kwong-Kau Tiong | Physica Scripta | 3 | |
33 | 2012 | The oscillation condition and optical detection of series photodetector frequency circuit system matched with PMMA | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
34 | 2022 | Performance of High Efficiency Avalanche Poly-SiGe Devices for Photo-Sensing Applications | Cheng, Yuang-Tung; Lu, Tsung-Lin; Wang, Shang-Husuan; Ho, Jyh-Jier ; Chang, Chung-Cheng ; Chou, Chau-Chang ; Ho, Jiashow | SENSORS | 1 | |
35 | 2010 | THE PERFORMANCE OF INDIUM TIN OXIDE FILMS DEPOSITED ON PLASTIC SUBSTRATE APPLIED FOR SOLAR-CELL BUOY | Wang, C. K.; Jyh-Jier Ho ; Nien, S. J.; Cheng, Y. T.; Lee, W.; Lu, C. C.; Yau, B. S.; Tsai, H. W.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan | | |
36 | 2015 | The portable fluorescence detection system matched with PDMS microfluidic biochip for DNA hybridization detection | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
37 | 2013 | The series photodetector frequency circuit system with ITO-Si metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector for linearity improvement in Hex fluorescence concentration detection of DNA probe | Hsu, Y. M.; Chung-Cheng Chang | Optik | | |
38 | 2000 | Study and fabrication of PIN photodiode by using ZnSe/PS/Si structure | Chung-Cheng Chang ; Lee, C. H. | Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices | | |
39 | 2014 | A study on the biological detection chip through the use of PDMS lens for the reinforcement of fluorescence receiving signal | Chung-Cheng Chang ; Hsu, Y. M.; Chen, T. C.; Ho, C. C.; Chen, C. T.; Chen, P. T. | Optik | | |
40 | 2022 | ZnO Nanorods as Antireflection Layers in Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Solar Cells | Chang, Chung-Cheng ; Huang, Chia-Hong | ELECTRONICS-SWITZ | 2 | |
41 | 2014 | 一種銥計畫體溫血壓量測技術 | 吳尚旻; 林進豐 ; 劉展志; 王照盛; 吳宗達 ; 張淑淨 ; 曾敬翔 ; 何志傑 ; 林鎮洲 ; 張忠誠 | International Journal of Science and Engineering | | |
42 | 2016 | 我國地熱能環境效益潛能及近年國際成功策略比較 | 王守誠; 陳永松; 張忠誠 ; 李篤華 ; 莊慶達; 李昭興 | 臺灣能源期刊 | | |
43 | 2001 | 智慧型水下機械臂系統技術研習與實作 | 張忠誠 ; 鄭慕德 ; 王榮華 ; 林鎮洲 ; 曾世和 | 工程科技通訊 | | |
44 | 2004 | 遠端操控水下機械臂系統應用於水下施工作業之技術研發 | 張忠誠 ; 林鎮洲 ; 王榮華 ; 鄭慕德 | 工程科技通訊 | | |