
Results 1-64 of 64 (Search time: 0.036 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/9/12DS-L: A dynamical system decomposition of signal approach to learning with application in time series predictionAzizi, S. Pourmohammad PHYSICA D-NONLINEAR PHENOMENA
22024/9/1DeepEigen-Tabu: Deep Eigen Network Assisted Probabilistic Tabu Search for Massive MIMO DetectionLu, Hoang-Yang ; Azizi, S. Pourmohammad ; Cheng, Shyi-Chyi IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY
32024/12/1Smart TOPSIS: A Neural Network-Driven TOPSIS with Neutrosophic Triplets for Green Supplier Selection in Sustainable ManufacturingNafei, Amirhossein; Azizi, S. Pourmohammad ; Edalatpanah, Seyed Ahmad; Huang, Chien-YiEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
42024/1/28Neutrosophic Fuzzy Decision-Making Using TOPSIS and Autocratic Methodology for Machine Selection in an Industrial FactoryNafei, Amirhossein; Huang, Chien-Yi; Javadpour, Amir; Garg, Harish; Azizi, S. Pourmohammad ; Chen, Shu-ChuanINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS
52022An Optimized Method for Solving Membership-based Neutrosophic Linear Programming ProblemsNafei, Amirhossein; Huang, Chien-Yi; Azizi, S. Pourmohammad ; Chen, Shu-ChuanSTUDIES IN INFORMATICS AND CONTROL
62022Heterojunction bipolar transistors with a planar-type extended base as a hydrogen-sensitive sensorHuang, Chia-Hua; Tan, Shih-Wei ; Lo, Hao; Lo, Chieh; Lour, Wen-Shiung ELECTRON LETT0
72021High-Performance AlGaN/GaN Enhancement-Mode High Electron Mobility Transistor by Two-Step Gate Recess and Electroless-Plating ApproachesChang, Ching-Hong; Lin, Yue-Chang; Niu, Jing-Shiuan; Lour, Wen-Shiung ; Tsai, Jung-Hui; Liu, Wen-ChauSCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS3
82020Comprehensive Studies of High-Linearity Position-Sensitivity Detectors With Theoretical Consideration on Lateral Photovoltaic CurrentsChia-Hua Huang; Hao Lo; Chieh Lo; Wen-Shiung Lour IEEE J ELECTRON DEVI3
92020Comprehensive Studies of High-Linearity Position-Sensitivity Detectors With Theoretical Consideration on Lateral Photovoltaic Currents (vol 8, pg 92, 2020)Huang, Chia-Hua; Lo, Hao; Lo, Chieh; Lour, Wen-Shiung IEEE J ELECTRON DEVI0
102019Nondestructive Evaluation of Multijunction Solar Cells for Matching CurrentsHuang, Chia-Hua; Lo, Hao; Lo, Chieh; Hsu, Chia-Chieh; Lour, Wen-Shiung IEEE J ELECTRON DEVI1
112019Inverter Logic of AlGaAs/InGaAs Enhancement/Depletion-Mode Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistors with Virtual Channel LayersTsai, J. H.; Lin, P. S.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Liu, W. C.Ecs Journal of Solid State Science and Technology
122016Photovoltaic characteristics of each subcell evaluated in situ in a triple-junction solar cellHuang, Tzu-Hsuan; Lo, Hao; Lo, Chieh; Wu, Meng-Chyi; Lour, Wen-Shiung SOLID STATE ELECTRON3
132016Static and dynamic properties of a GaAs p-i-n position-sensitive detector (PSD)Huang, Tzu-Hsuan; Lo, Hao; Lo, Chieh; Wu, Meng-Chyi; W.S. Lour SENSOR ACTUAT A-PHYS6
142016Photovoltaic Performance of Ge-Subcell Evaluated Directly in Ge-Based Triple-Junction Solar CellsHuang, T. H.; Lo, H.; Lo, C.; Wu, M. C.; W. S. Lour ECS J SOLID STATE SC1
152013Sensing properties of resistive-type hydrogen sensors with a Pd-SiO2 thin-film mixtureLo, C.; Wei, C. Y.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Shih-Wei Tan International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
162012Unidirectional sensing characteristics of structured Au-GaN-Pt diodes for differential-pair hydrogen sensorsLo, C.; Wei, C. Y.; Tsai, J. H.; Hsu, K. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Shih-Wei Tan International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
172012High-performance InGaP/GaAs superlattice-emitter bipolar transistor with multiple S-shaped negative-differential-resistance switches under inverted operation modeTsai, J. H.; Huang, C. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Chao, Y. T.; Ou-Yang, J. J.; Jhou, J. C.Thin Solid Films
182012An InP/InGaAs metamorphic delta-doped heterojunction bipolar transistor with high current gain and low offset voltageTsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Chao, Y. T.; Ye, S. S.; Ma, Y. C.; Jhou, J. C.; Wu, Y. R.; Ou-Yang, J. J.Thin Solid Films
192012Comparative study of InGaP/GaAs high electron mobility transistors with upper and lower delta-doped supplied layersTsai, J. H.; Ye, S. S.; Guo, D. F.; Wen-Shiung Lour Semiconductors
202011Hydrogen-sensitive sensor with stabilized Pd-mixture forming sensing nanoparticles on an interlayerTsai, J. H.; Lai, S. W.; Lo, C.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Shih-Wei Tan International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
212011Cell-Temperature Determination in InGaP-(In)GaAs-Ge Triple-Junction Solar CellsYang, W. C.; Lo, C.; Wei, C. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour Ieee Electron Device Letters
222011Comparative Investigation of InGaP/GaAs Pseudomorphic Field-Effect Transistors with Triple Doped-Channel ProfilesTsai, J. H.; Guo, D. F.; Wen-Shiung Lour Semiconductors
232011A New InGaP/GaAs Tunneling Heterostructure-Emitter Bipolar Transistor (T-HEBT)Tsai, J. H.; Lee, C. S.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Ma, Y. C.; Ye, S. S.Semiconductors
242010InP/GaAsSb Type-II DHBTs with GaAsSb/lnGaAs Superlattice-Base and GaAsSb Bulk-Base StructuresTsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Guo, D. F.; Liu, W. C.; Wu, Y. Z.; Dai, Y. F.Semiconductors
252010Investigation of InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs camel-like gate delta-doped p-channel field-effect transistorTsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Huang, C. H.; Dale, N. F.; Lee, Y. H.; Sheng, J. S.; Liu, W. C.Solid-State Electronics
262010InGaP/InGaAs Doped-Channel Direct-Coupled Field-Effect Transistors Logic with Low Supply VoltageTsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Weng, T. Y.; Li, C. M.Semiconductors
272009Hydrogen sensors with double dipole layers using a Pd-mixture-Pd triple-layer sensing structureChiu, S. Y.; Tsai, J. H.; Huang, H. W.; Liang, K. C.; Huang, T. H.; Liu, K. P.; Tsai, T. M.; Hsu, K. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical
282009Comprehensive investigation on planar type of Pd-GaN hydrogen sensorsChiu, S. Y.; Huang, H. W.; Huang, T. H.; Liang, K. C.; Liu, K. P.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
292009High-performance InGaP/GaAs pnp delta-doped heterojunction bipolar transistorTsai, J. H.; Chiu, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Guo, D. F.Semiconductors
302009InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs delta-doped p-channel field-effect transistor with p(+)/n(+)/p camel-like gate structureTsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Liu, W. C.Electronics Letters
312009Comprehensive study of Pd/GaN metal-semiconductor-metal hydrogen sensors with symmetrically bi-directional sensing performanceChiu, S. Y.; Huang, H. W.; Huang, T. H.; Liang, K. C.; Liu, K. P.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical
322009GaN Sensors with Metal-Oxide Mixture for Sensing Hydrogen-Containing Gases of Ultralow ConcentrationChiu, S. Y.; Liang, K. C.; Huang, T. H.; Liu, K. P.; Huang, H. W.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
332009High sensing response Pd/GaN hydrogen sensors with a porous-like mixture of Pd and SiO2Chiu, S. Y.; Huang, H. W.; Liang, K. C.; Huang, T. H.; Liu, K. P.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Semiconductor Science and Technology
342009On the breakdown behaviors of InP/InGaAs based heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs)Chen, T. P.; Lee, C. J.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Guo, D. F.; Tsai, J. H.; Liu, W. C.Solid-State Electronics
352009Microwave complementary doped-channel field-effect transistorsTsai, J. H.; Chiu, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Liu, W. C.; Li, C. M.; Su, N. X.; Wu, Y. Z.; Huang, Y. S.Superlattices and Microstructures
362009Effect of Emitter Ledge Thickness on InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar TransistorsChen, T. P.; Lee, C. J.; Cheng, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Tsai, J. H.; Guo, D. F.; Ku, G. W.; Liu, W. C.Electrochemical and Solid State Letters
372008Effect of the non-annealed ohmic-recess approach on temperature-dependent properties of a metamorphic high electron mobility transistorChen, L. Y.; Cheng, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Tsai, J. H.; Guo, D. F.; Tsai, T. H.; Chen, T. P.; Liu, Y. C.; Liu, W. C.Semiconductor Science and Technology
382008High-Sensitivity Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Hydrogen Sensors With a Mixture of Pd and SiO2 Forming Three-Dimensional DipolesChiu, S. Y.; Huang, H. W.; Huang, T. H.; Liang, K. C.; Liu, K. P.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Ieee Electron Device Letters
392008Low-dark-current heterojunction phototransistors with long-term stable passivation induced by neutralized (NH4)(2)S treatmentChiu, S. Y.; Chen, H. R.; Chen, W. T.; Hsu, M. K.; Liu, W. C.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
402007Dynamic performance of dual-emitter phototransistor as electro-optical switchChiu, S. Y.; Chen, H. R.; Chen, W. T.; Hsu, M. K.; Liu, W. C.; Wen-Shiung Lour Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers
412007Emitter-induced gain effects on dual-emitter phototransistor as an electrooptical switchChen, W. T.; Chen, H. R.; Chiu, S. Y.; Hsu, M. K.; Liu, W. C.; Wen-Shiung Lour Ieee Transactions on Electron Devices
422007Characteristics of mesa- and air-type In0.5Al0.5As/In0.5Ga0.5As metamorphic HEMTs with or without a buried gateHsu, M. K.; Chen, H. R.; Chiu, S. Y.; Chen, W. T.; Liu, W. C.; Tasi, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Semiconductor Science and Technology
432007Performance of Al0.24Ga0.76As/In0.22Ga0.78As double-heterojunction HEMTs with an as deposited and a buried gateChen, H. R.; Hsu, M. K.; Chiu, S. Y.; T Chen, W.; Chen, G. H.; Chang, Y. C.; Su, C. C.; Wen-Shiung Lour Semiconductor Science and Technology
442007Surface treatment effect on temperature-dependent properties of InGaP/GaAs heterobipolar transistorsChen, T. P.; Fu, S. I.; Liu, W. C.; Cheng, S. Y.; Tsai, J. H.; Guo, D. F.; Wen-Shiung Lour Journal of Applied Physics
452007Promoted potential of heterojunction phototransistor for low-power photodetection by surface sulfur treatmentChen, W. T.; Chen, H. R.; Chiu, S. Y.; Hsu, M. K.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour Journal of the Electrochemical Society
462007Temperature effect of a heterojunction bipolar transistor with an emitter-edge-thinning structureChen, T. P.; Fu, S. I.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Tsai, J. H.; Guo, D. F.; Liu, W. C.Electrochemical and Solid State Letters
472007Investigation of amplifying and switching characteristics in double heterostructure-emitter bipolar transistorsGuo, D. F.; Yen, C. H.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Liu, W. C.Journal of the Electrochemical Society
482007Characteristics improvement for an n-p-n heterostructure optoelectronic switch by introducing a wide-gap layer in the collectorGuo, D. F.; Yen, C. H.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Liu, W. C.Journal of the Electrochemical Society
492006Temperature-dependent characteristics of an emitter-ledge passivated InGaP/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistorChen, T. P.; Fu, S. I.; Tsai, J. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Guo, D. F.; Cheng, S. Y.; Liu, W. C.Semiconductor Science and Technology
502006Temperature dependences of an In0.46Ga0.54As/In0.42Al0.58As based metamorphic high electron mobility transistor (MHEMT)Chen, C. W.; Lai, P. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Guo, D. F.; Tsai, J. H.; Liu, A. C.Semiconductor Science and Technology
512006Application of double camel-like gate structures for a GaAs field-effect transistor with extremely high potential barrier height and gate turn-on voltageTsai, J. H.; Chiu, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Guo, D. F.; Liu, W. C.Semiconductor Science and Technology2
522006Gate-metal formation-related kink effect and gate current on In0.5Al0.5As/In0.5Ga0.5As metamorphic high electron mobility transistor performanceHsu, M. K.; Chen, H. R.; Chiou, S. Y.; Chen, W. T.; Chen, G. H.; Chang, Y. C.; Wen-Shiung Lour Applied Physics Letters14
532006Extrinsic base surface-passivated dual-emitter heterojunction phototransistorsChen, W. T.; Chen, H. R.; Hsu, M. K.; Chiu, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour Superlattices and Microstructures2
542006Comparison of tuning performance characteristics of dual-emitter phototransistor with biased emitter and heterojunction phototransistor with biased baseChen, W. T.; Chen, H. R.; Hsu, M. K.; Chiu, S. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers0
552005Three-terminal dual-emitter phototransistor with both voltageand power-tunable optical gainsChen, H. R.; Chen, W. T.; Hsu, M. K.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Shih-Wei Tan Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers
562005The influence of base bias on the collector photocurrent for InGaP/GaAs heterojunction phototransistorsChen, H. R.; Chen, W. T.; Hsu, M. K.; Lin, A. H.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Shih-Wei Tan Journal of Applied Physics
572003An investigation of direct-current characteristics of composite-emitter heterojunction bipolar transistorsChen, W. T.; Chu, M. Y.; Tsai, M. K.; Yang, Y. J.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Shih-Wei Tan Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers Brief Communications & Review Papers
582000A New Air-Bridge Gate Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.15Ga0.85As Pseudomorphic TransistorChang, W. L.; Liu, W. C.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Wang, W. C.; Pan, H. J.; Thei, K. B.Japanese Journal of Applied Physics0
591999Influences of the mesa-sidewall effect on Ga0.51In0.49P/In0.15Ga0.85As pseudomorphic transistorsChang, W. L.; Pan, H. J.; Wang, W. C.; Thei, K. B.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Liu, W. C.Semiconductor Science and Technology1
601999Direct current and alternating current performance in InGaP/InxGa1-xAs FETs using airbridge gate with multiple piersChen, H. R.; Wu, M. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Hung, G. L.; Shih, Y. M.Semiconductor Science and Technology7
611999Field-effect-transistor and real-space-transfer behaviors by double-heterojunction doped channelLia, C. Y.; Wen-Shiung Lour ; Hsieh, J. L.Thin Solid Films0
621998Effects of passivation-layer thickness and current gain enhancement of InGaP/GaAs delta-doped single heterojunction bipolar transistors using an InGaP passivation layerWen-Shiung Lour ; Hsieh, J. L.Semiconductor Science and Technology31
631998Comparisons between mesa- and airbridge-gate AlGaAs/InGaAs doped-channel field-effect transistorsWen-Shiung Lour ; Lia, C. Y.Semiconductor Science and Technology22
641997Low-distortion AlGaAs/InGaAs power HFETs with quantum-doped graded-like channelsWen-Shiung Lour ; Chen, H. R.; Hung, L. T.Semiconductor Science and Technology7