Results 1-87 of 87 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/1/1Description of a new lanternshark species from the South China Sea, with additional description of<i> Etmopterus</i><i> sheikoi</i> from Taiwanese waters (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae)Ng, Shing-Lai; Liu, Kwang-Ming ; Joung, Shoou-Jeng RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY
22023/12/1<i>Malakichthys</i><i> formosus,</i> a new species of small seabass (Acropomatiformes: Malakichthyidae) from southwestern TaiwanNg, Shing-lai; Liu, Kwang-ming ; Joung, Shoou-jeng ZOOTAXA
32023/11/8New Records of Three Mesopelagic Fish Species from Southwestern TaiwanNg, Shing-Lai; Lin, Chien-Hsiang; Liu, Kwang-Ming ; Joung, Shoou-Jeng THALASSAS
42022Redescription of the longnose houndshark Iago garricki (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae), based on specimens recently collected from the South China SeaShing-Lai Ng; Hsuan-Ching Ho; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou-Jeng Joung Zootaxa
52022Redescription of the longnose houndshark Iago garricki (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae), based on specimens recently collected from the South China SeaNg, Shing-Lai; Ho, Hsuan-Ching; Liu, Kwang-Ming ; Joung, Shoou-Jeng ZOOTAXA
62022Feeding ecology of the blacktip sawtail catshark Galeus sauteri from northeastern TaiwanShing-Lai Ng; Shoou-Jeng Joung Fisheries Science
72022Age and Growth of the Spot-Tail Shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, in the Taiwan StraitShoou-Jeng Joung ; Zhi-Yu Hsu; Kuan-Yu Su; Kwang-Ming Liu Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
82022A new record of the rare Bigeye Sand Tiger shark Odontaspis noronhai Maul, 1955 (Lamniformes: Odontaspididae) from the northwestern Pacific, with notes on dentitionShing-Lai Ng; Chi-Ju Yu; Shan-Hui Su; Shoou-Jeng Joung ZOOTAXA
92021Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Megamouth Shark, Megachasma pelagios, Inferred from over 250 Individuals Recorded in the Three OceansChi-Ju Yu; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Chia-Yen Lin; Tzu-Chi Hsieh; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Atsuko YamaguchiAnimals
102021Vulnerability Assessment of Pelagic Sharks in the Western North Pacific by Using an Integrated Ecological Risk AssessmentKwang-Ming Liu ; Lung-Hsin Huang; Kuan-Yu Su; Shoou-Jeng Joung Animals
112021A direct multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification method to detect three CITES-listed shark speciesTzu-Chun Lin; Wanchien Victoria Hsiao; Shang-Jung Han; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Jen-Chieh Shiao,Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
122021Multi-Model Approach on Growth Estimation and Association With Life History Trait for ElasmobranchsKwang-Ming Liu ; Chiao-Bin Wu; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Wen-Pei Tsai; Kuan-Yu SuFrontiers in Marine Science
132021Profile and consumption risk assessment of trace elements in megamouth sharks (Megachasma pelagios) captured from the Pacific Ocean to the east of TaiwanYun-Ru Ju; Chih-Feng Chen; Chiu-Wen Chen; Ming-Huang Wang; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Chi-Ju Yu; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Wen-Pei Tsai; Shang Yin Vanson Liu; Cheng-Di DongEnvironmental Pollution
142021Southernmost record of the starry pipefish Halicampus punctatus (Syngnathiformes: Syngnathidae)Shing-Lai Ng; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou-Jeng Joung Platax
152020Somniosus (Rhinoscymnus) cheni sp. nov., A New Species of Sleeper Shark (Squaliformes: Somniosidae) from Eastern Taiwan, with Aspects of Embryo BiologyHua-Hsun Hsu; Chi-Yen Lin ; Shoou-Jeng Joung Zoological studies
162020Reproductive characteristics of the hermaphroditic yellowfin seabreamAcanthopagrus latusin the waters off western TaiwanShyh-Bin Wang ; Ka-Yiu Lau; Kwang-Min Liu; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Chun-Hung LiuAquaculture Research
172020The reproductive biology of the hermaphroditic goldlined seabream Rhabdosargus sarba in the central waters of the Taiwan StraitShyh-Bin Wang ; Tse-Lin Hsu ; Shoou-Jeng Joung Fisheries science
182020Examining an ontogenetic shift in the diet of the whitespotted bamboo shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum in northern Taiwanese watersLiu, Kwang-Ming ; Lin, Yu-Han; Chang, Sheng-Kai; Joung, Shoou-Jeng ; Su, Kuan-Yu; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Yu-Han Lin; Sheng-Kai Chang; Shoou-Jeng Joung ; Kuan-Yu SuRegional Studies in Marine Science; Regional Studies in Marine Science
192020Two rare teleosts Paraulopus brevirostris (Aulopiformes: Paraulopidae) and Acropoma lecorneti (Perciformes: Acropomatidae) from Taiwan, Northwestern Pacific OceanShing-Lai Ng; Shoou-Jeng Joung FishTaxa
202020臺灣百種海洋動物邵廣昭 ; 余欣怡; 姚秋如; 蘇淮; 呂翊維; 莊守正 ; 黃世彬
212018臺灣沿海場域漁業活動調查暨放流後效益評估-放流及效益評估廖正信 ; 呂學榮 ; 王佳惠 ; 莊守正 ; 蘇楠傑 ; 劉光明 
222018Age and Growth of the Shortfin Mako Shark in the Southern Indian OceanKwang-Ming Liu ; Rina D'rita Sibagariang; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Shyh-Bin Wang MAR COAST FISH
232018Age and growth estimates of the blue shark Prionace glauca in the central South Pacific OceanShoou-Jeng Joung ; Guann-Tyng Lyu; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shyh-Bin Wang Marine and Freshwater Research
242018Genetic diversity and connectivity of the megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios)Shang Yin Vanson Liu; Shoou Jeng Joung ; Chi-Ju Yu; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Wen-Pei Tsai; Kwang Ming Liu PeerJ
252017放流及效益評估廖正信 ; 呂學榮 ; 王佳惠 ; 莊守正 ; 蘇楠傑 ; 劉光明 
262017不同魚苗標識放流方法之比較分析王佳惠 ; 廖正信 ; 莊守正 ; 劉光明 ; 呂學榮 ; 蘇楠傑 ; 王世斌 
272017野生及放流魚種漁業生物學研究莊守正 ; 廖正信 ; 劉光明 ; 呂學榮 ; 王佳惠 ; 蘇楠傑 ; 王世斌 
282017臺灣周邊海域魚苗放流效益評估廖正信 ; 莊守正 ; 劉光明 ; 呂學榮 ; 王佳惠 ; 蘇楠傑 ; 王世斌 
292017利用耳石探討台灣澎湖海域黃錫鯛之年齡與成長。石郁筠; 莊守正 ; 劉光明 
302017臺灣東北部海域兩種丫髻鮫攝食生態之研究。葉書妤; 莊守正 ; 劉光明 
312017Distribution Pattern, Age, and Growth of Blue Sharks in the South Atlantic OceanShoou‐Jeng Joung ; Guann‐Tyng Lyu; Kuang‐Yu Su; Hua‐Hsun Hsu; Kwang-Ming Liu Marine and Coastal Fisheries
322016Estimates of life history parameters of the oceanic whitetip shark, Carcharhinus longimanus, in the Western North Pacific OceanJoung, Shoou-Jeng ; Chen, Nien-Fu; Hsu, Hua-Hsun; Liu, Kwang-Ming MAR BIOL RES
332016放流及效益評估廖正信 ; 呂學榮 ; 王佳惠 ; 莊守正 ; 蘇楠傑 ; 劉光明 
342016Stable isotope analysis for the whale sharks in the waters off Taiwan.Chi-Ju Yu; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Chia-Yen LinQScience Proceedings
352015Age and growth estimates of the Kwangtung skate Dipturus kwangtungensis in the waters of northern TaiwanShoou‐Jeng Joung ; Chien-Chi Chen; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Tzu-Chi HsiehJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
362015Catch and preliminary fishery biological information of megamouth sharks Megachasma pelagios in eastern waters off Taiwan.Hsu, H. H.; D. A. Ebert; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Kwang-Ming Liu ; C. J. Yu; C. Y. Lin
372015Age and Growth of the Dusky Shark, Carcharhinus obscurus, in the Western North Pacific OceanShoou‐Jeng Joung ; Jun-Hsu Chen; Chien-Pang Chin; Kwang-Ming Liu Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
382015論鵝鑾鼻史前聚落的鯊魚獵捕李匡悌; 莊守正 
392015A review of chondrichthyan research in Taiwan.Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung 
402014The first record, tagging and release of a neonatal whale shark Rhincodon typus in TaiwanHsu, H. H.; Lin, C. Y.; Shoou-Jean Joung Journal of Fish Biology
412014Age and growth of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the north-western PacificHua Hsun Hsu; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Robert E. Hueter; Kwang-Ming Liu Marine and Freshwater Research
422013Records of new and rare elasmobranchs from TaiwanHsu, H. H.; Ebert, D. A.; Chi-Yen Lin ; Shoou-Jean Joung Zootaxa
432013A preliminary study on the feasibility of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) ecotourism in TaiwanFelicia A. Cruz; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Hua-Hsun Hsu; Tzu-Chi HsiehOcean & Coastal Management
442012Feasibility study for whale shark ecotourism in Taiwan.Cruz, F.; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Kwang-Ming Liu ; H. H. Hsu; T. C. Hsieh
452012Utilization, management and research of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in Taiwan.Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; H. H. Hsu; Kwang-Ming Liu 
462012Fisheries, management and conservation of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in TaiwanH. H. Hsu; S. J. Joung ; K. M. Liu Journal of Fish Biology
472012Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the central and south Pacific.Hsu, H. H.; G. T. Lyu; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Kwang-Ming Liu ISC/12/SHARK WG-1
482011Age and growth of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the northwest and central south Pacific.Hsu, H. H; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; G. T. Lu; Kwang-Ming Liu ; C. C. HuangISC/11/SHARK WG-2
492011Age and Growth Estimates of the Blacktip Sawtail Catshark Galeus sauteri in Northeastern Waters of TaiwanKwang-Ming Liu ; Chia-Ping Lin; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Shyh-Bin WangZoological Studies
502011Estimates of life history parameters of the sharpspine skate, Okamejei acutispina, in the northeastern waters of TaiwanShoou‐Jeng Joung ; Pei-Hsuan Lee; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Yih-Yia LiaoFisheries Research
512011Reproductive biology of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, in the northwestern Pacific.Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; H. H. Hsu; Kwang-Ming Liu ; T. Y. WuISC/11/SHARK WG-2
522010Demographic analysis of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus, in the north-western Pacific using a stochastic stage-based modelWen-Pei Tsai; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou-Jeng Joung Marine and Freshwater Research
532009Age and growth estimates of the sharptail mola, Masturus lanceolatus, in waters of eastern TaiwanKwang-Ming Liu ; Mei-Ling Lee; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Yung-Chou ChangFisheries Research
542009Preliminary estimates of blue and mako sharks by-catch and CPUE of the Taiwanese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean.Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Tsai W.P.
552008以背鰭硬棘作為廣東鰩年齡形質之可行性陳婧綺; 莊守正 ; 劉光明 
562008板鰓類成長方程式之套適吳喬斌; 劉光明 ; 莊守正 
572008Preliminary estimates of blue and mako sharks bycatch and cpue of Taiwanese longline fishery in the Atlantic Ocean.Kwang-Ming Liu ; W. P. Tsai; Shoou‐Jeng Joung 
582008Age, growth, and satellite tracking of the whale shark, Rhincodon typus in the Northwest Pacific.Hsu, H. H.; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Kwang-Ming Liu 
592008Age, growth, and reproduction of silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, in northeastern Taiwan watersShoou‐Jeng Joung ; Che-Tsung Chen; Hsian-Hau Lee; Kwang-Ming Liu Fisheries Research
602007台灣東北部海域耳棘老板鯆年齡與成長之估計李姵萱; 莊守正 ; 劉光明 
612007Whale shark conservation and management in Taiwan.Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung 
622007Satellite tracking of juvenile whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, in the Northwestern PacificHua-Hsun Hsu; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Yih-Yia Liao; Kwang-Ming Liu Fisheries Research
632006A review of elasmobranch research in Taiwan.Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; C. T. Chen; Y. Y. Liao
642006A preliminary study on the stomach content of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii caught by Taiwanese longliner in the central Indian Ocean.Liu, K. M. ; W. K. Chen; S. J. Joung ; S. K. Chang
652005台灣東部海域茅尾翻車魨之年齡與成長李美羚; 張永州; 劉光明 ; 莊守正 
662005Bycatch and discard of Taiwanese longline fishery in the far seas.Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; H. H. Hsu
672005Reproduction and embryonic development of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus Rafinesque, 1810, in the northwestern PacificShoou-Jean Joung ; Hsu, H. H.Zoological Studies
682005A preliminary study on the stomach content of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii caught by Taiwanese longliner in the central Indian Ocean.Liu, K. M. ; W. K. Chen; S. J. Joung ; S. K. Chang
692005Satellite tracking of three young whale sharks in the northwestern Pacific.Hsu, H. H.; Shoou‐Jeng Joung ; Y. Y. Liao; Kwang-Ming Liu 
702005Observed By-catch of Taiwanese Tuna Longline Fishery in the South Atlantic Ocean莊守正(Shoou-Jeng Joung) ; 劉光明(Kwang-Ming Liu) ; 廖翊雅(Yih-Yia Liao); 徐華遜(Hua-Hsun Hsu)臺灣水產學會刊
712005Age, growth, and reproduction of the spinner shark, Carcharhinus brevipinna, in the northeastern waters of TaiwanShoou‐Jeng Joung ; Yih-Yia Liao; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Che-Tsung Chen; Len-Chi LeuZoological Studies
722004以預警法進行台灣沿近海鯊魚漁業管理(四)劉光明 ; 莊守正 ; 廖翊雅; 蔡文沛; 金建邦
732004鯨鯊的永續利用及保育莊守正 ; 劉光明 ; 廖翊雅; 徐華遜; 潘憶萍
742004Age and growth of sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in northeastern Taiwan watersShoou-Jean Joung ; Liao, Y. Y.; Chen, C. T.Fisheries Research
752004鯨鯊的標識放流研究莊守正 ; 劉光明 ; 廖翊雅; 徐華遜; 陳哲聰
762004Current status of the elasmobranch fishery and management in Taiwan.Chen, C. T.; K.M. Liu ; S.J. Joung ; K. L. Lin; Y. Y. Liao
772004Current status of the elasmobranch fishery and management in TaiwanChen, C. T.; K.L. Lin ; S.J. Joung ; K. L. Lin; Y. Y. Liao
782003以生活史階段別模式進行台灣東北部海域淺海狐鮫之資源評估Tsai, W. P.; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung 
792002Estimate of reproductive value of the big eye Priacanthus macracanthus in the north-eastern waters off TaiwanKWANG-MING LIU ; KUO-YAU HUN; SHOOU-JENG JOUNG Fisheries Science
801999Age, growth, and reproduction of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus in the northwestern PacificKwang-Ming Liu ; Che-Tsung Chen; Tai-Hsiang Liao; Shoou‐Jeng Joung Copeia
811999By-catch and resource management of the whale shark in the waters off TaiwanChen Che-Tsimg; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung Kaiyo Monthly Special Pub.
821997Preliminary Report on Taiwan's Whale Shark FisheryChen Che-Tsimg; Kwang-Ming Liu ; Shoou‐Jeng Joung Traffic Bulletin
831996Reproduction of the blacktip sawtail catshark, Galeus sauteri, in the waters of northeastern TaiwanChen, C. T.; Liao, Y. Y.; Shoou-Jean Joung Ichthyological Research
841996The whale shark, Rhincodon typus, is a livebearer: 300 embryos found in one 'megamamma' supremeShoou-Jean Joung ; Chen, C. T.; Clark, E.; Uchida, S.; Huang, W. Y. P.Environmental Biology of Fishes
851996Historical overview of Taiwan shark fisheryC. T. Chen; K. M. Liu ; S. J. Joung Kaiyo Monthly
861995Reproduction in the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus plumbeus, in the waters off northeastern TaiwanShoou-Jean Joung ; Chen, C. T.Copeia
871992Some Aspects on the Fishery Biology of Big Eye Priacanthus Macracanthus in the Tungkang Waters,Southwestern Taiwan劉光明(Kwang-Ming Liu) ; 陳哲聰(Che-Tsung Chen); 莊守正(Shoou-Jeng Joung) 臺灣水產學會刊