| 公開日期 | 標題 | 作者 | 來源出版物 | WOS | 全文 |
1 | 2018 | 跨境網路書店服務品質分析模型--以金石堂網路書店為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 周詩妤; 林香蘭 | | | |
2 | 2013 | 跨國店配物流服務擴散過程 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 許紋綺 | | | |
3 | 2008 | 買家線上拍賣結標後之物流方式選擇行為意向分析 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 蔣亦昕 | | | |
4 | 2010 | 表演藝術團體網站內容之研究-以中、日、台音樂類網站為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 謝旻儒 | 文化事業與管理研究 | | |
5 | 2011 | 華文出版媒體的發展現狀與發展瓶頸 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
6 | 2008 | 臺灣便利商店文化性商品物流公司競爭之分析-以大智通行銷通路為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 陳昶維 | | | |
7 | 2020 | 自駕車應該做出哪些道德決定 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
8 | 2016 | 考量反脆弱因子之跨境店配系統風險分析 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 陳正和; 李依真; 周詩妤 | | | |
9 | 2010 | 線上開店平台選擇金流付款機制之因素-以圖書為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 孫淑芬 | 文化事業與管理研究 | | |
10 | 2015 | 網路購書之失誤類型以及消費者決策型態與人口統計變項間關聯性-以B網路書店為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 劉芸庭; 徐士偉 | | | |
11 | 2020 | 綠色物流技術的傳播與應用 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
12 | 2017 | 知覺價值與知覺行為控制對搭乘郵輪行為意向之影響 | 黃昱凱 ; 巫晏安; 鍾政棋 | | | |
13 | 2020 | 由反脆弱度觀點探討人工智慧在高齡服務科學上的應用 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
14 | 2010 | 生態旅遊網站服務品質量表建構初探研究 | 黃昱凱 ; 林壁屬 | | | |
15 | 2008 | 物流服務品質對線上拍賣賣家物流選擇行為之影響 | 郭奕妏; 黃昱凱 ; 謝承憲 | | | |
16 | 2009 | 消費者線上購物店配取貨點選擇行為意向分析 | 馮正民; 黃昱凱 ; 王怡雯; 葉文雅 | | | |
17 | 2015 | 日本の城の保存と活用 | 黃昱凱 ; 徐淵靜; 阿部 忠 | | | |
18 | 2012 | 應用模糊認知圖探討整合供應鏈管理對雜誌經銷商績效之影響 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
19 | 2012 | 應用敏感度模式探討微型出版社數位出版人才培育問題 | 黃昱凱 ; 熊楚君 | | | |
20 | 2012 | 應用層級架構分析法探討數位出版人力資本構面 | 黃昱凱 ; 范維翔; 林淑美; 張勁梅 | | | |
21 | 2008 | 應用劇變模型分析網路購物店配取貨點的選擇行為 | 黃昱凱 ; 林淑美; 謝承憲 | | | |
22 | 2021 | 影響自駕公車決定道德困境決策因素之初探 | 黃昱凱 ; 盧宗成; 方家為 | | | |
23 | 2019 | 影響AI客服創新擴散與抵制相關因素 | 黃昱凱 ; 安庭誼; 吳漢恩 | | | |
24 | 2015 | 店配物流服務失誤與補救策略 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 劉芸庭 | | | |
25 | 2014 | 店到店物流配送系統脆弱度分析 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 曾鈺媖 | | | |
26 | 2018 | 市區公車駕駛員工作壓力與留任意願關係之分析-以T客運公司為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 黃士軒; 陳仕涵 | | | |
27 | 2013 | 女性時尚雜誌閱讀者之閱讀行為、閱讀動機及滿意程度研究 | 黃昱凱 ; 劉孟佳 | | | |
28 | 2009 | 台灣電子書市場發展現況與趨勢分析 | 黃昱凱 ; 張昇源 | | | |
29 | 2008 | 台灣網路書店店配物流模式發展現況 | 黃昱凱 ; 楊敬怡 | | | |
30 | 2012 | 台灣數位出版產業現況與人才培育之研究 | 趙家民; 黃昱凱 ; 吳佩芸 | | | |
31 | 2009 | 創新服務於圖書雜誌出版品市場之應用-以便利商店多媒體事務機為例 | 黃昱凱 ; 陳佩君 | | | |
32 | 2014 | 兩岸間電子商務超商店配物流系統之脆弱度分析 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民; 陳紹谷 | | | |
33 | 2014 | 兩岸三地網路書店物流配送機制現況與發展趨勢 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
34 | 2003 | 便利商店運用電子商務於店配模式之現況與發展分析 | 黃昱凱 ; 馮正民 | | | |
35 | 2014 | 以非線性觀點探討數位傳播技術下的新聞倫理 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
36 | 2008 | 以尖點劇變模型發展關鍵字廣告之行銷策略 | 黃昱凱 ; 楊敬怡 | | | |
37 | 2014 | 以尖點劇變模型分析兩岸大學生數位閱讀行為意向 | 蕭東發; 白貴; 黃昱凱 | | | |
38 | 2008 | 以劇變模型發展選擇行為之行銷策略-以選擇旅行社網站為例 | 郭奕妏; 黃昱凱 ; 楊敬怡 | | | |
39 | 2007 | 以便利商店為基礎的店配系統於線上購物之應用 | 黃昱凱 ; 陳玉燕 | | | |
40 | 2009 | 以便利商店為基礎的店配系統於線上拍賣之應用 | 黃昱凱 ; 范維翔 | | | |
41 | 2019 | 人機合作與衝突:自駕車應用的倫理課題 | Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
42 | 2021 | 人工智能在高齡服務科學的道德困境 | 黃昱凱 | | | |
43 | 2015 | 中韓日雕版印刷國際學術研討會 | Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
44 | 2017 | 一帶一路:一張由大數據所描繪的移動地圖 | 黃昱凱 ; 徐士偉; 王俐文 | | | |
45 | 2017 | 一帶一路框架下台灣出版的現況與挑戰 | 黃昱凱 ; 楊聰仁; 安庭誼 | | | |
46 | 2017 | 一帶一路架構下跨文化傳播的內涵與型態 | 黃昱凱 ; 趙家民; 王詩惠; 馮祐華 | | | |
47 | 2015 | デリバリーシステムの脆弱性分析:台湾7-11のケーススタディ | 陳玉燕; 徐淵靜; 黃昱凱 | | | |
48 | 2006 | Why Customers Stay: An Analysis of Service Quality and Switching Cost on Choice Behavior by Catastrophe Model | Cheng-Min FENG; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
49 | 2017 | Why a Reader using E-Book- From a Non-Linear Relationship Perspective | 黃昱凱 ; W. Xu; H. L. Lin | | | |
50 | 2013 | Using Innovation Diffusion Theory and Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Innovative Service of Delivery Adoption Intention | Yu-Kai Huang ; J. H. A. Chen; J. M. Zhao | | | |
51 | 2013 | Using Innovation Diffusion Theory and Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Innovative Service of Delivery Adoption Intention | Yu-Kai Huang ; J. H. A. Chen; J. M. Zhao | | | |
52 | 2014 | Using Importance-Performance Analysis in Evaluating Taiwan Blog E-Service Quality | Yu-Kai Huang ; Wei-Shang, Fan; Ming-Chun Tsai; Ying-Hui Ho | | | |
53 | 2009 | Using Fuzzy AHP to Evaluate the Quality of Retailing Delivery Service | Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. W. Kuo; X. Y. Huang | | | |
54 | 2010 | Using cusp catastrophe theory to model pick-up point choice behavior for online bookstore shopper | Yu-Kai Huang ; Wei-Shang Fan; Cheng-Hsien Hsieh; Chun-Hsiung Lan; Ruei-Shiuan Chang | | 0 | |
55 | 2016 | Tourism Choice Behavior of Urban Heritage through Catastrophe Model | Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
56 | 2013 | Study on Strategies of Consumers’ Choice of the Chain Coffee Shops by the Catastrophe Model | G. S. Tong; Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. T. Yang | | | |
57 | 2014 | Study on Strategies of Consumers' Choice of the Green Hotel Service by the Catastrophe Model | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. C Chung | | | |
58 | 2007 | Risk Management for Runway Incursions | S. C. TSAI; Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. H. CHEN | | | |
59 | 2014 | Private Equity Fund Investment in the Drybulk Shipping Industry | C. C Chung; Y. H. Liao; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
60 | 2013 | A Non-Linear Choice Model for International Tourist Hotels in Resort District | G. S. Tong; Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. T. Yang | | | |
61 | 2013 | Modeling Choice Behavior of Delivery Provider of Online Auctioneer | Y. W. Kuo; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
62 | 2010 | A fuzzy cognitive map modeling to explore the operation dynamics of third-party logistics providers | Yu-Kai Huang ; Cheng-Min Feng; Wen-Chien Yeh; Lu-Yu Lin | | 0 | |
63 | 2015 | Factors Affecting the Subscription of Children Magazines | Yu-Kai Huang ; S. W. Xu | | | |
64 | 2010 | The Factors Affecting the 24-hour Delivery through a Fuzzy Cognitive Map: A Case Study of Pchome Dot Com | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. M. Feng; I. W. Wang; H. U. Jeng | | | |
65 | 2011 | Factors affecting college students’ intention of using e-learning systems for environmental education: from a non-linear relationship perspective | Yu-Kai Huang ; J. M. Zhao | | | |
66 | 2014 | Exploring Logistics Services Quality in Store-to-Store Delivery Service Quality of E-commerce through Importance-Performance Analysis | C. M. Fen; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
68 | 2019 | Explore the Decision Behavior of Departure Time Based on Butterfly Model: A Case Study of Freeway No. 5 in Taiwan | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. M. Feng; C. C. Chung | | | |
69 | 2016 | Explore the Behavior Intention of the E-Book Using by the Cusp Catastrophe Model: From a Non-Linear Relationship Perspective | Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. H. Hsu | | | |
70 | 2014 | Explore the Behavior Intention of the E-Book Using by the Cusp Catastrophe Model | Yu-Kai Huang ; W. S. Fan | | | |
71 | 2010 | An Exploratory Study of the Choice Behaviour on E-Books for Readers | Yu-Kai Huang ; R. S. Wan | | | |
72 | 2008 | An Exploratory Investigation of Online Bookstore Image Attributes | Yu-Kai Huang ; J. Y. Yang | | | |
73 | 2010 | An Exploratory Investigation of Measuring Service Quality on Art Online Auction Web Site | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. C. Lin; J. M. Zhao; K. L Li | | | |
74 | 2006 | The Evaluation of Retiling Delivery Service Quality by AHP | Cheng-Min FENG; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
75 | 2010 | An Evaluation of Logistics Service Quality Using by Rasch Model and Importance-Performance Analysis | Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
76 | 2013 | Evaluation of Logistics Service Quality on Store‐to‐Store Delivery Service for Online Auction | Yu-Kai Huang ; Cheng-Chi Chung | | | |
77 | 2013 | The Evaluation of Logistics Service Quality on Store-to-Store Delivery Service for Online Auction | Yu-Kai Huang ; Cheng-Chi Chung | | | |
78 | 2008 | The evaluation of logistics service quality on home delivery service for online auction | Yu-Kai Huang ; Yiwen Kuo | | 0 | |
79 | 2019 | The Evaluation of Chatbot service quality for Cross-Border E-Commerce | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. C. Chung; H. H. Kan | | | |
80 | 2009 | Customer Loyalty of On-line Bookstores for Consumers of Retailing Delivery Service | Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. Y. Yeh; C. H. Hsieh | | | |
81 | 2014 | Can You “Survive” during Web Information Searching? A study focused on Need to Evaluate and Self-Efficacy | J. H. A.; Yu-Kai Huang ; C. H. Chen | | | |
82 | 2016 | Behavior Intention of Sustainable Hotel by Cusp Catastrophe Model | Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
83 | 2019 | Behavior Intention of Chatbot Based on Stimulus – Organism – Response Theory | Yu-Kai Huang ; J. Fu | | | |
84 | 2010 | Applying Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Evaluate Magazine Supplier Performance | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. M. Feng; C. W. Chen; J. L. Zhan | | | |
85 | 2011 | The Application of Fault Tree on Vulnerability Analysis of Store-to-Store Delivery System | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. M. Feng; S. W. Shu; W. L Chung | | | |
86 | 2020 | Analyze the behavior intention of using AI services for the elderly based on catastrophe model | 黃昱凱 ; 趙家民 | | | |
87 | 2013 | An analysis on blog usage satisfaction using the cusp catastrophe model | W. S. Fan; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
88 | 2009 | An analysis on blog usage behavior using the Technology Acceptance Model | Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. W. Kuo | | | |
89 | 2015 | Analysis of Vulnerability in Multinational Retailing Delivery Service System: A Case Study of FamilyMart and Circle K | Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
90 | 2011 | The analysis of vulnerability in ezShip distribution process | C. M. Feng; Yu-Kai Huang ; W. L. Chung | | | |
91 | 2013 | Analysis of vulnerability in ezship delivery process | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. F.; W. L. Chung | | | |
92 | 2015 | The Analysis of Vulnerability about E-Commerce Retailing Delivery System between Taiwan and China | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. C. Chung | | | |
93 | 2013 | An Analysis of the Digital Reading by Technology Acceptance Model | Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. Z. Chen; S. W. Wu | | | |
94 | 2014 | An analysis of the behavior intention of e-book employing structural equation modeling combine TAM and TPB model | D. F. Xiao; Yu-Kai Huang | | | |
95 | 2019 | An Analysis of Strategy on Service Failure and Service Recovery of 'Order Online Pick Up in Store | W. S. Fan; Yu-Kai Huang ; Y. J. Tu | | | |
96 | 2014 | An Analysis of Retailing Delivery Service using by Rasch Model | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. M. Fen; C. H. Hsieh; S. J. Dai | | | |
97 | 2015 | Analysis of Loyalty of Store-to-Store Delivery Service System: A Case Study of ezShip.com in Taiwan | Yu-Kai Huang ; C. C. Wen; Y. S. Huang | | | |
98 | 2013 | 2012-2013年台灣地區出版報告 | 黃昱凱 | 2012-2013年中國出版藍皮書 | | |
99 | 2011 | 2009~2010年台灣地區出版報告 | 黃昱凱 | 中國出版藍皮書(2010-2011年中國出版產業發展報告) | | |