Department of Shipping and Transportation Management


第 1 到 306 筆結果,共 306 筆。

2023A Study on the Port Resilience and Port PerformanceTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2023The Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Seafarers’ Safety Behaviors: the Mixed Effects of Mediating and Moderating of Mental HealthShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2023Assessment of Energy Effectiveness and Resilience under Uncertainties in TaiwanTat-Dat BuiNational Science and Technology Council
2022A Study of the Influence of Airline Crisis Management Capability on Air Passenger'S Brand Preference, Brand Equity and Behavioral Intention--Example of Covid-19Wen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2022Assessing the Strategies for Storing Containers in the Yards Using Simulation and Hierarchical Data Envelope Analysis to - a Case Study of the Taipei Port Container TerminalShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2022Service Network Design, Flight Planning and Aircraft Assignment of Dedicated Freighters for Combination CarriersHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2022Personality Traits Affect Seafarer Performance under the Anxiety of Pandemic Covid-19 SituationTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2022Applying Moderated Mediation Model to Link Lmx, Safe Climate and Safety Behavior Within the Context of Truck Drivers and SeafarersShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2022Municipal Solid Waste Management Technological Barriers under Industry 4.0 Practices: a Causal Hierarchical AssessmentTat-Dat BuiNational Science and Technology Council
2022補助大專校院辦理共通核心職能課程計畫Taih-Cherng LirnWorkforce Development Agency
2022國際供應鏈安全管理與風險評估方法研究Cheng-Chi ChungInstitute for Information Industry
2022111年度『國際空運資料庫』更新擴充及資料分析服務」Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2022蘇澳港至大南澳地區航運發展可行性研究Cheng-Chi ChungYilan County Government
2022海陽合作框架委託研究計畫Chih-Ching ChangYangMing Marine Transport Corp.
2021新冠肺炎疫情衝擊海洋運輸課題及因應措施Cheng-Chi ChungJing Shun Maritime Limited
2021海陽合作框架委託研究計畫Chih-Ching ChangYangMing Marine Transport Corp.
2021110年度兩岸大學法學期刊交流計畫勞務採購契約Chih-Ching ChangMainland Affairs Council
2021Using Structural Equation Modeling (Sem) and Network Data Envelopment Analysis (Ndea) to Ascertain the Impact from E-Service Quality on E-Loyalty for the Customers of Liner Shipping Companies - the Moderating Effect of Goodwill(II)Shih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2021The Potential Economic and Emission Effects of New Container Shipping Route between Asia-Europe: the Case of Kra CanalPo-Hsing TsengNational Science and Technology Council
2021Safety Climate, Safety Culture, and the Safety Outcomes on Handling Dangerous Cargo in a PortTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2021Measuring Group Performance Based on MetafrontierHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2021A Study of the Influence of Airline Crisis Management Capability on Air Passenger'S Brand Preference, Brand Equity and Behavioral Intention--Example of Covid-19Wen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2021Evaluating the Benefits of "Smart" Airport: a Case Study of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport(2/2)Jin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2021教學實踐研究計畫-自我導引學習輔助空運課程研修之成效評估Hua-An LuMinistry of Education
2021Service Network Design, Flight Planning and Aircraft Assignment of Dedicated Freighters for Combination Carriers(1/2)Hua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2021Effects of Airline Corporate Reputation on Customer Perceptions and Intentions: a Comparison of Full-Service Carriers and Low-Cost CarriersShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2021Building Sustainable Development Resilience Hierarchy Structure for Cruise Port CitiesFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2021Smart product service system hierarchical model in banking industry under uncertaintiesTat-Dat BuiNational Science and Technology Council
2021Bulk Shipping Strategy Management - Innovating for New Markets(II)Cheng-Chi ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年度教學實踐研究計畫「運用混成式學習實踐圖解航業英文創新教學研究」Cheng-Chi ChungMinistry of Education
2021我國海事案件統計分析與改善作為規劃案Feng-Ming TsaiMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2021「因應海運趨勢變化,研析航港發展策略」議題調查 —健全國內外航業監理法制研究案Rong-Her ChiuMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2021110年臺東縣向海致敬海域發展整合規劃委託專業服務案Feng-Ming TsaiTaitung County Government
2021Selection and Performance Evaluation of Overseas Agents for International Logistics CompanyHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2021我國海事安全資料蒐集與應用之研究Hsuan-Shih LeeInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2021110年度「國際空運資料庫」更新擴充及資料分析服務Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2021Key Factors and Feasibility Analysis for Promoting the Development of Taiwan's High-end Maritime IndustryJuei-Cheng JaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2021110年度教育部補助大學校院法律系(所)辦理中小學及社區法治教育 計畫Chih-Ching ChangMinistry of Education
2020Build up vessel dynamic information platform by combining automatic identification system (AIS) and liner shipping scheduleFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2020快遞貨物通關管理制度研究Cheng-Chi ChungCustoms Administration,MOF
2020基隆港旅運中心性別友善滿滿意度之研究Shih-Liang ChaoTaiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd.
2020海事校院推動航海/輪機學系海外實習課程作業參考手冊製作Taih-Cherng LirnMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2020Efficiency Decomposition of the Multi-Stage Network Dea in Variable Returns to Scale: an Additive DissectionHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Effects of Process Virtualization Capability, Interorganizational Trust and Institutional Pressures on Maritime Blockchain System Development: the Moderating Role of Market TurbulenceHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Study on the Development of Automatic Ship and Its Implication to Ocean CarriersTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2020A Study of Credibility of Typical Consumer Endorser of English Online Tutoring, English Learning Anxiety ModeratedWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2020Using Propaganda Information for Promotion Shipping Image and Its Impacts on Seafaring ChoiceKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2020Re-Constructing Smart Port Evaluation Framework with Green Port FoundationShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Using Structural Equation Modeling (Sem) and Network Data Envelopment Analysis (Ndea) to Ascertain the Impact from E-Service Quality on E-Loyalty for the Customers of Liner Shipping Companies - the Moderating Effect of Goodwill(I)Shih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2020影響郵輪安全績效潛在因素之探討Po-Hsing TsengNational Science and Technology Council
2020109年度「大專校院教學實踐研究計畫」Cheng-Chi ChungMinistry of Education
2020Linking Airline Service Convenience to Satisfaction: Dimensions and Key ModeratorsShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2020Cargo Operation Performance Evaluation and Loads Allotment Optimization for Freighter Flights(II)Hua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2020Evaluating the Benefits of "Smart" Airport: a Case Study of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport(1/2)Jin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2020Bulk Shipping Strategy Management - Innovating for New Markets(I)Cheng-Chi ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2020109年度『國際空運資料庫』更新擴充及資料分析服務」Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2019An Additive Slacks-Based Network Dea and Network Pareto-Koopmans EfficiencyHsuan-Shih Lee
2019Examining the Factors Affecting the Evaluation and Adoption Intention of Blockchain Technology in the Shipping IndustryHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2019Combining Structural Equation Modeling and Network Data Envelopment Analysis to Investigate the Antecedents of Behavior Intention for Using Block Chain Technology in the Supervision of Vessel Administration – in the Context of Boat Inspection ServiceShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Global Logistics Firms' Resilience and PerformanceChiung-Lin LiuNational Science and Technology Council
2019探討海運產業區塊鏈技術的評估與採用意願影響因素之研究Hsiu-Fen Lin
2019實踐圖解載貨證劵(B/L)創新教學法提升學習成效Cheng-Chi ChungMinistry of Education
2019Understanding Airline Service Convenience and Its InfluencesShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2019Cargo Operation Performance Evaluation and Loads Allotment Optimization for Freighter Flights(I)Hua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2019Applying the Tradable Bottleneck Permit to Investigate Airport Runway Slot AllocationJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Vulnerability and Resilience of Risk Management for Tramp Shipping Corporations from Anifragile PerspectiveCheng-Chi ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Research of Saving Ocean Tourism Innovation Development in Winter at Keelung BadouziCheng-Chi ChungNational Science and Technology Council
20192019基隆港盛世公主郵輪地接服務作業產學合作計畫Cheng-Chi ChungGolden Foundation Tours Corp.
20192019基隆港太陽公主郵輪地接服務作業產學合作計畫Cheng-Chi ChungGolden Foundation Tours Corp.
2019"108年度「國際空運資料庫」更新擴充及資 料分析服務"Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2019小三通(福澳-琅岐)客運固定航線票價分析案計畫案Yuh-ling SuMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
20192019 International Conference on Business Innovation and Technology ManagementTat-Dat Bui
2018A Slacks-Based Measure of Super-Efficiency in Presence of Non-Positive DataHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2018The Construction, Forecasting and Applications of the Composite Sentiment Index in Dry-Bulk Shipping MarketHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2018Low Cost Carriers and Full Service Carriers Attitudes Antecedents: the Perspective of ConsumersShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2018Characteristics and Decision Analysis for Aircraft Pushback Operations in AirportsHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2018Developing Taiwan$S Strategies of Business Aviation IndustryJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2017安平港發展郵輪碼頭可行性研究Cheng-Chi ChungInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2017Integer-Valued Projection in Data Envelopment AnalysisHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2017How Do Market Sentiments Impact Freight Rate Volatility? Evidence from Long Memory and Range Volatility ApproachesHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2017Measuring the Performance of Green Supply Chain Systems: Scale Development and ValidationHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2017Inside out Greening: the Role of Middle Managers, Employees’ Green Innovation and Green Competitive AdvantagesShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2017Time, Speed and Its Impact on Consumer Perceived Value of Travel ExperienceWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2017Exploring the Cross Boarder Cooperation Model of Free Trade Zone between Taiwan and Asean CountriesKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Unfolding the Team Flow in Seafarers’ Workplace —The Moderating Effect of Nationality HeterogeneityKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2017Evaluating the Productivity of Major Operation Models in Port Container Terminals Considering the Allocation of Yard Blocks and Cranes - an Application of a Metafrontier FrameworkShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Impact of Risk Management and Resilience on 3pl$S PerformanceChiung-Lin LiuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Optimize Yard Truck Routing and Scheduling Model for Container Loading and Discharging under Stochastic DemandFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2017Resources Planning and Managment of Tugboat Services in the Port of KeelungHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2017Developing Taiwan$S Strategies of Business Aviation IndustryJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2017A Study on Taiwanese Lsps’ Csr Performance in the Se Asia and Their Corporate PerformanceTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2017IAME 2017 KyotoTaih-Cherng Lirn
2017106年度船員分流管理委託檢討案Rong-Her ChiuMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2017兩岸小三通航運轉型發展及因應策略Cheng-Chi ChungMainland Affairs Council
2016Price Co-Movement, Lead-Lag Relationship, Volatility Spillover and Cross-Hedge in Bulk Shipping MarketsHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2016Measuring the Performance of Green Supply Chain Systems: Scale Development and ValidationHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2016Inside out Greening: the Role of Middle Managers, Employees’ Green Innovation and Green Competitive AdvantagesShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Heuristic Algorithm for Multiple Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window Constraint and Outsider Carrier Selection and Rental CarChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2016A Study on the Issues of the Super-Efficiency for the Slacks-Based Measure in DeaHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2016Applying Network Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Efficiency of Leading Container PortsShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2016Analyze the Strategies of Cruise Logistics Service by Considering Cruise Line RequirementsFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Influences of Service Guarantees -- the Perspective of Internal MarketingShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2016Resources Planning and Managment of Tugboat Services in the Port of KeelungHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2016Developing Taiwan$S Strategies of Business Aviation IndustryJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2016金門小三通客運固定航線票價及航商聯營可行性研究Cheng-Chi ChungMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2016105年度「國際空運資料庫」更新擴充及資料分析服務Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2015The Construction, Testing and Hedge Strategy of Shipping Freight Rate Volatility IndexHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Effects of Organizational Information System Resources and Functional Dimensions on Green Supply Chain Management Systems Implementation SuccessHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Research on Green Shipping Measures Performed by Shipping IndustryRong-Her ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Empirical Study of Customer Relationship Management of Cruise Line Vacations--Corporate Perspective and Customer PerspectiveWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2015Super-Efficiency DEA Based on Directional Distance Function in the Presence of InfeasibilityHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2015Measuring the Productivity of Global Major Shipbuilding Yards: a DEA Metafrontier AnalysisShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2015Using TOWS Matrix and ANP to Analyze Operation Strategies of Cruise Supply Chain Logistic CenterFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Effect of Time Pressure on Employee Creativity in the Logistics IndustryShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2015Aircraft Dispatch with Maintenance and Service Activity Arrangement for Regional AirlinesHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2015Airport Pricing with Cost, Dmand, and Market ConsiderationJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2015A Study on the Grain Shipping and the Food Supply Chain for Food SafetyTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2015104年度「國際空運資料庫」更新擴充及資料分析服務Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2015An Analysis of Overall Shiiping Transportation System in TaiwanCheng-Chi ChungInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014海運產業發展政策研究-航業法修正之研析Hsuan-Shih LeeMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2014The Hedge and Valuation Performance of Freight Option Pricing ModelsHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Effects of Organizational Information System Resources and Functional Dimensions on Green Supply Chain Management Systems Implementation SuccessHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2014Exploring the Benefits of Introducing AEO System into Maritime Freight ForwardersRong-Her ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Analyses and Applications on the Freedom of Contract in the Context of International Conventions on the Carriage of Goods by SeaChia-Yi LiNational Science and Technology Council
2014How Gender Culture Belief Forms Status Perception? – The Social Network PerspectiveKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Radial-Like DEA Measure for Nagative Data: An Undersirable Input ApproachHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2014Applying Malmquist Productivity Index and Distance Function to Evaluate the Performance of Leading Global Liner CarriersShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2014Antecedents of Service Employee Customer OrientationShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2014Aircraft Dispatch with Maintenance and Service Activity Arrangement for Regional AirlinesHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2014Airport Pricing with Cost, Dmand and Market ConsiderationJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2014Study on the Development of Free Economic Zone and Its Attractiveness IndexTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2014International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014 (SDM 2014)Taih-Cherng Lirn
2014103年度「國際空運資料庫」維護管理及資料分析服務Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2014103年度「國際空運資料庫」維護管理及資料分析服務Hua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2013A Research Proposal on Cross-strait Direct Shipping PolicyHsuan-Shih LeeMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2013海運安全整體研析及管理策略研究計畫Hsuan-Shih LeeMinistry of Transportation and Communications R.O.C
2013The Effects of Organizational Information System Resources and Functional Dimensions on Green Supply Chain Management Systems Implementation SuccessHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2013Research on Relationship Marketing for SeaportsShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2013Heuristics Algorithms for a Variant of Period Routing ProblemChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Evolving Discussion of the Associations among Group Heterogeneity, Status Characteristics Profile, and Status InconsistencyKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2013Radial-Like DEA Measure for Nagative Data: An Undersirable Input ApproachHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2013Establishing a Performance Evaluation System for Liner Shipping Industry by Using Fuzzy DEAShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Impact of Logistics Integration on 3PL's PerformanceChiung-Lin LiuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Using a Hybrid Mcdm Model to Analyze Cruise Line Planning Strategies across the Taiwan StraitFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2013Antecedents of Service Employee Customer OrientationShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2013Slot Optimized Allocation for Coping with the Schedule Adjustment for Container Shipping LinesHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2013Airport Pricing with Cost, Dmand, and Market ConsiderationJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Analysis of Maritime and Air Transport Policies of Major Countires Close to TaiwanJin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2013Origin-destination Data Linkage for International Air Passenger and CargoHua-An LuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2012The Designated Framework and Strategies of Developing Keelung Port as an International Cruise Home DepotFeng-Ming TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2012A Study on the Hedging Performance of Dry Bulk Freight FuturessHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Effects of Organizational Core Competencies and Partnership Attributes on Supply Chain Management Systems Assimilation and Effectiveness: the Moderating Role of Interorganizational Knowledge Diffusion and Information Technology GovernanceHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Development of Port Operation Industry in the Post ECFA EraTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2012Important Factors for Operating a Green port: An AHP-based modelRong-Her ChiuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Investigating Fatigue Factors of Harbor Traffic ControllerJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2012Research on the Cooperative Alliances among Port Corporation, Carriers, and Terminal Operators- the Case of TaiwanShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2012A heuristic alogrithm for air cargo container loading problemChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2012Discussion on the Gender Minorities’ Career Choice, Career Indecision and Achievement in a Sex-Atypical Career PathKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2012Operating Strategies for Taiwan Ports after Their Their CorporatizationChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2012On the Feasibility of Dematel and Its RevisionHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012Allocating Master Bays for Large Container VesselsShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2012Money Back Guarantee, Customers$ Perceptions and Behavioral IntentionsShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2012Optimization retrieval sequences of export containers for RMGC system at seaport yard blocksHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2012研發團隊提升專利技能暨技術移轉推廣人才培育計畫Hsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2012國際海運貨物完整流向資料收集與分析之研究Jin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2011The Supply and Demand Analyses and Cultivation of Human Resource in the Ocean Energy IndustryHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Professional Education Program of Ocean Biomass Energy TechnologyChorng-Liang PanNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Professional Education Program of Ocean Biomass Energy Technology-1Hsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Research on Professional Education Program of Ocean Biomass Energy Technology-2Chin-Kuo WuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Integrated Research of Professional and Popular Science Education on Ocean EnergyJiahn-Horng ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011Freight Rate Derivatives and Risk Management in Dry Bulk ShippingHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Effects of Organizational Core Competencies and Partnership Attributes on Supply Chain Management Systems Assimilation and Effectiveness: the Moderating Role of Interorganizational Knowledge Diffusion and Information Technology GovernanceHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2011Shipyard Selection in International Bulk Shipping: Assessing Critical Factors through AHPTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2011Researches on Sustainable Development of Seaports and Competitive Strategies- Green Port InnovationShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2011An Integrated Research of Theoretical Basis, Usage Behavior, Profitability Model, Future Development, and Strategic Thinking of Social Networking SitesWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2011A Heuristic Algorithm for Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Outside Carrier SelectionChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2011Discussion on the Gender Minorities’ Career Choice, Career Indecision and Achievement in a Sex-Atypical Career PathKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2011On the Feasibility of Dematel and Its RevisionHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2011Managing and Repositioning Special Containers for Liner Shipping CarriersShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Effects of Corporate Reputation on Customer Perceived Value and Purchase IntentionsShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Effect of Hub-And-Spoke Network of Iron Ore Supplyer and Impact to Tramp Shipping ServicesHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2011ECFA簽署後兩岸物流產業運籌中心規劃及發展策略Chih-Ching ChangMainland Affairs Council
2011公務船造、修合約合理性與因應對策之研究結案報告Chih-Ching ChangCSBC Corporation, Taiwan
2010Re-Examining the Default Forecasting Performance of Naive Merton ModelHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2010Using the Dynamic Capability Perspective to Examine the Impact of Knowledge Management Capabilities and Inter-Organizational Relationship Attributes on the E-Business Evolution Process--- Model Construction and Empirical ValidationHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2010Researches on Sustainable Development of Sea-Ports and Competitive StrategiesShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2010Empirical Study of the Usage of Technology Based Self ServiceWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2010Automated Transportation System with AGVS in Seaport Container TerminalsChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Discussion on the Gender Minorities’ Career Choice, Career Indecision and Achievement in a Sex-Atypical Career PathKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2010Consensus-Based Group Decision with Incomplete Fuzzy Preference RelationsHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2010Optimizing the Critical Operations for Automatic Container TerminalsShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Relationship between Service Convenience and Customers' Cross Buying IntentionsShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2010Scheduling Ship Survey and Dry Docking for Tramp Shipping FleetHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2010Investigating Mrt Controller Fatigue Factors Using the Structural Equation ModelJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2010基隆市觀光行銷精英服務團導入計畫Rong-Her ChiuKeelung City Government
2009Using the Dynamic Capability Perspective to Examine the Impact of Knowledge Management Capabilities and Inter-Organizational Relationship Attributes on the E-Business Evolution Process---Model Construction and Empirical ValidationHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Competition and Development Strategies for Keelung PortChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2009Empirical Study of the Usage of Technology Based Self ServiceWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2009A Comparative Study of Forecasting Methods Based on Containers Throughput of International Ports in TaiwanChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2009A Exploratory Discussion on the Association among Organizational Status Believe, Status Related Attitude, Group Status and Organization PerformanceKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2009Consensus-Based Group Decision with Incomplete Fuzzy Preference RelationsHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2009Repositioning and Managing Empty Containers for Taiwanese Liners in the Pearl River DeltaShih-Liang ChaoNational Science and Technology Council
2009How Consumers Respond to Money Back Guarantees---The Effect of Perceived Risk Types and Money Back Guarantee BelievabilityShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2009Optimizing the Flight PathJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Study on the Ecological Ports' Performance IndexTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2008我國海事管理技術體系整體發展規劃研究Chih-Li ChenMinistry of Transportation and Communications R.O.C
2008Re-Examine the Maturity and Volume Effects of Futures by the Information Contents of Price RangeHeng-Chih ChouNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Impact of Individual-Organizational-Technological Factors on a Three-Stage Model of Knowledge Management Evolution--- Combining Qualitative and Quantitative MethodsHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Competition and Development Strategies for Keelung PortChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Using the Critical Incident Technique and Dramaturgical Theory to Re-Position of International Commercial Ports of TaiwanShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Empirical Study of Application of TAM on Services IndustriesWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2008Export Containers' Stock Location Assignment in Container YardsChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2008A Exploratory Discussion on the Association among Organizational Status Believe, Status Related Attitude, Group Status and Organization PerformanceKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2008Some Issues on Incomplete Fuzzy Preference RelationsHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2008Efficiency Analysis of Major Container Ports---A Comparison of DEA and DEA with Non-Discretionary VariablesNational Science and Technology Council
2008How Consumers Respond to Money Back Guarantees---The Effect of Perceived Risk Types and Money Back Guarantee BelievabilityShih-Ping JengNational Science and Technology Council
2008Investigating the Abnormal Events in Airplane CabinJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2008Containerized Grain Cargo Transportation and Impact on the Grain Silo in TaiwanTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2008台海兩岸全面直航對台灣航運產業衝擊之研究Taih-Cherng Lirn
2007Using Toc to Develop Ubiquitous Port Information System and to Formulate Its Marketing StrategyShiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2007Modeling the Space Demand at Airport TerminalsJin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2007Attributes, Benefits, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Loyalty---An Integrative Research of Services Industry in TaiwanWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2007A Study on the Evacuation Route for the Passenger ShipChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2007A Exploratory Discussion on the Association among Organizational Status Believe, Status Related Attitude, Group Status and Organization PerformanceKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Competition and Development Strategies for Keelung PortChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2007Some Issues on Incomplete Fuzzy Preference RelationsHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2007An Analysis for Fleet Composition and Deployment of Liner ShippingHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2007Fatigue and Scheduling Issues of Air Traffic ControllersJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2007Modeling the Space Demand at Airport TerminalsJin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2007Modeling the Space Demand at Airport Terminals-2Chi-Hung WuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2007Investigating cabin safety of Taiwanese airlines-2Chi-Hung WuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2007Investigating cabin safety of Taiwanese airlinesJin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
20062006-2007商管產學個案發展與個案研究整合型計畫---子計畫二十:集元工業Shiou-Yu ChenNational Science and Technology Council
2006Using Social Exchange Theory to Examine Effects of Partnership Factors on E-Business Implementation SuccessHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2006An Integrative Research of Relationship Marketing of Service Industries in TaiwanWen-Hung WangNational Science and Technology Council
2006A Heuristic Algorithm for Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem and Selecting Outside CarriersChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2006Fuzzy Mulit-Criteria Group Decision-Making Based on Fuzzy Preference RelationHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2006Evaluating Efficiency of Ports in Asia Pacific Region with Multi-Layer DEANational Science and Technology Council
2006A Study on the Development of Aviation Speech Interaction Performance Assessment Method (II)Jin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2006Initiative of Outsourcing the Administration of Traffic Safety CoursesJin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2006A Research on the Feasibility of Implementing Ship Tonnage Tax in the RocChih-Ching ChangInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2005Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of e-Business Implementation: An Application of the Technology-Organization-Environment FrameworkHsiu-Fen LinNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Study on Feasibility of Implementing Tonnage Tax in the ROCChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Heuristic Algorithm for Integrating Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery and Selecting Outside CarriersChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2005Discussion on the Determinants of Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Owners' Human Resources InvestmentKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2005A New Fuzzy Opinion Aggregation Method under Group Decision EnvironmentHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2005Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Scheduling for Container TerminalHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Study on the Development of Aviation Speech Interaction Performance Assessment Method (I)Jin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2005A Study on Competitive Strategic Planning on Taiwanese International Ports Based on the Theories of Resource Base and Intellectual CapitalYuh-ling SuNational Science and Technology Council
2005The Study of Global Air Cargo Carriers' Hub Airports Selection and Decision-Making Behavior AnalysisTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
2005The Application and Integration of Global Logistics and Container Transport Information System (I)Rong-Her ChiuInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2005第84屆TRB國際運輸學術研討會Yuh-ling Su
2004The Enactment of the ROC Maritime Security Laws and RegulationsChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2004A Study on Inventory Management by Fuzzy Classification and ABC Inventory Analysis---Based on the Parts in the Warehouse of Port KeelungChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2004Discussion on the Association between Team Collective Cognition and Team EffectivenessKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2004Deriving Group Preference in AHP Based on AIJHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2004Deriving Group Preference in AHP Based on AIJHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2004The Assignment of Transport Vehicle in Container Terminal OperationsHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2004Investigating Flight Fatigue Factors Using the Structural Equation ModelJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2004我國漁港競爭力之研究-以澎湖群島主要漁港為例Taih-Cherng Lirn
2004澎湖縣老人理財規劃研習營Taih-Cherng LirnMinistry of Education
2003A Discussion of the Association between Organizational Communication and Employee's Attitude toward Change (I)Kung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2003Aggregation of Comparison Matrices in AHP under Group Decision Making EnvornmentHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2003Route Planning of Marine Liner under the Choice of Ports Calling and the Required Level of Container Transit TimeHua-An LuNational Science and Technology Council
2003A Study on Helicopter Pilot FatigueJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2003The Evaluation and Remedy of Fatigue in Aviation SafetyJin-Ru YenInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2002Unfolding the Organizational Change Implementation Model and Cross Culture DifferenceKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2002A Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Group Decision Making Model Based on Superior and Inferior SolutionsHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2002The Evaluation of Alternative Passenger Terminal Layouts at AirportsJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
2002研析加入世紀世界貿易組織對我國海運與港口服務業之衝突與因應措施Rong-Her ChiuNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
2002Establishing the Training and Developing Model of Coast Guard AdministrationKung-Don YeCoast Guard Administration, OAC
2001Exploratory Research on the Decision Model of Companys Faddish Organizational ChangeKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2001A Study of Ranking Methods for Fuzzy Number Based on Extended Fuzzy Preference Relation and Its ApplicationHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2000The Study for Keelung Port Diversified Investment and ManagementKung-Don YePort of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation
2000交通部基隆港務局特殊公法人組織架構與經營管理之研究Port of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation
2000The Study for Keelung Port Diversified Investment and ManagementKung-Don YePort of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation
2000A Study on Port State Control Regulations in the ROCChih-Ching ChangNational Science and Technology Council
2000The Study of Priority Arrangement of Container Terminals in the Keelung PortChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
2000台商跨國性人力資源管理經驗之學習---組織學習的觀點Kung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
2000A Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Group Decision Model Based on Fuzzy Preference RelationHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2000Modeling the Performances of Baggage Claim Derices: At AirportsJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
1999A Research on Formation and Transformation of HRM System---Multiple Constituencies ViewKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
1999A Heuristic Algorithm for the Truckload vs. Less-Than-Truckload ProblemChing-Wu ChuNational Science and Technology Council
1999A Study on Reaching Optimal Consensus of Fuzzy Opinions Under Group Decision Making EnvironmentHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1999Modeling the Time Slot Allocation of Airports---A Soical Optimization ProsepctJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
1998The Impact of the Draft Merchant Shipping Law 1995 on the ROC Shipping IndustryNational Science and Technology Council
1998A Study of the Relationship between Network Organization and Organization ChangeKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
1998Modeling the Level of Services in the AirportJin-Ru YenNational Science and Technology Council
1997Explanation Model of Change Resistance---A Social Information Processing ViewKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
1997A Study of Intranet for Freight ForwardersHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1996A Study of Organization Change Strategy and Change Effect---Take ISO 9000 Certification Promotion as an ExampleKung-Don YeNational Science and Technology Council
1996A Study of Distributed Processing Information System for Freight ForwarderHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
1995A Study of Management Information System for Freight ForwarderHsuan-Shih LeeNational Science and Technology Council
-A Study on the Service Quality and Safety Culture of Ferry CompaniesTaih-Cherng LirnNational Science and Technology Council
-郵輪娛樂設施相關法律調查案Taih-Cherng LirnMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
-「輪班單位之最適人力配置及合理排班方式」委託研究Taih-Cherng LirnTaiwan International Ports Corporation (TIPC)
-綠色供應鏈潮流下航運研究與教學的新思維Chih-Ching ChangMinistry of Education
-邀請國際科技人士短期訪問 ERIKA BUCHARITaih-Cherng Lirn
-IAME 2016 Conference (International Association of Maritime Economists)Taih-Cherng Lirn
-Ruth--BanomyongThammasat University, Dept. of International Business, Logistics & Transport ManagementTaih-Cherng LirnNational Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, NKUST
-Chandra-Chunnilal-LalwaniUniversity of Hull Logistics Institute, The University of Hull, HullTaih-Cherng Lirn
-THE 5th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2013Taih-Cherng Lirn
-the 9th EASTS Conference (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies)Taih-Cherng Lirn
-Fourth International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2010)Rong-Her Chiu