
第 1 到 27 筆結果,共 27 筆。

2022海上移民管制與不推回原則-國際海洋法、人權法及難民法下之國家義務Pei-Lun TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2022論聯合國國家管轄權外生物多樣性永續利用具法律約束力國際文書之科學與政治交界(1/2)Huey-Shian Elly ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2022Study on Competitive Analysis of Multinational Technology Companies in Major Digital Advertising Markets: Focusing on Advertising ResourcesThe Fair Trade Commission
2022The Research Report of Assessing the Values of Maritime Cultural Heritage (Northern Taiwan)Yin-Cheng HsuOcean Affairs Council
2022農村再生與文化資產共舞 - 墨西哥 魔幻農村視角下的新北市貢寮區Yin-Cheng HsuCouncil of Agriculture,Executive Yuan
2021海洋科技政策綱領暨行動計畫推動執行Juei-Cheng JaoNational Academy of Marine Research
2021海洋保育法草案研究Huey-Shian Elly ChungGreenpeace
2021A Study on Integrated Mpa Governance Framework(II)Huey-Shian Elly ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2021110年教學實踐研究計畫: 教室裡的公共政策提案Huey-Shian Elly ChungMinistry of Education
2021Effects of Environmental Change on the Impacts Associated with the Sustainable Development Strategies of Coastal Communities Nearby Kouhu Township in the Coast Zone of Western TaiwanMing-An LeeNational Science and Technology Council
2021Effects of Environmental Change on the Impacts Associated with the Sustainable Development Strategies of Coastal Communities Nearby Kouhu Township in the Coast Zone of Western Taiwan-3Huey-Shian Elly Chung
2021The Thinking and Reaction of Competition Authorities during Major Economic Changes - Using the Example of the Effects of the Coronavirus Epidemic (COVID-19)Ya-Chi ChiangThe Fair Trade Commission
2021The Development of the Industrial Paper Field and the Competition Law in the Digital and Environmental AgeYa-Chi ChiangThe Fair Trade Commission
2021Key Factors and Feasibility Analysis for Promoting the Development of Taiwan's High-end Maritime IndustryJuei-Cheng JaoInstitute of Transportation, MOTC
2021Maritime Domain Awareness, MDAHuan-Sheng TsengOcean Affairs Council
2020精進我國「遊艇及動力小船駕駛管理與相關法規政策」委託勞務採購案Ming-Hao YangMaritime and Port Bureau, MOTC
2020A study on integrated MPA governance framework(I)Huey-Shian Elly ChungNational Science and Technology Council
2020Technological innovation and CompetitionThe Fair Trade Commission
2020Exploratory Study on Behavioural Antitrust and Consumer Rights ProtectionYa-Chi ChiangThe Fair Trade Commission
2020中日韓海洋政策研析及其對我國之影響Ming-Hao YangInstitute of the Law of the Sea; Ocean Affairs Council
2020臺灣海洋保護區回顧與策進計畫Juei-Cheng JaoOcean Conservation Administration
2020海洋公約內國法化暨國際判例研編推動計畫Juei-Cheng JaoOcean Affairs Council
2019Marine Environmental Crimes: International Norms, Implementation, and Best PracticePei-Lun TsaiNational Science and Technology Council
2016Setup of an Innovative Industry 4.0 Sharing Platform and Verification of Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Processes( I )National Science and Technology Council
2014Ambush Marketing and Olympic Symbols Association Right Protection: with Special Reference to London Olympics 2012Ya-Chi ChiangNational Science and Technology Council
2014廣電事業影響力相關監理法規及量測方法之研究National Communications Commission
2014The study on the related regulation concerning the specific version of electronic publication for persons with visual impairments disabilitiesNational Taiwan University