
第 1 到 146 筆結果,共 146 筆。

12024/9/1China's gray zone actions in the East China Sea, Taiwan Strait, and South China Sea: A comparative study and impact on fisheriesChen, Wei-Chung; Ou, Ching-Hsiewn ; Yang, Ming-Hao ; Shih, Yi-CheMARINE POLICY
22024/5/1Impacts of battery energy storage system on power grid smartness: Case study of Taiwan Power CompanyLee, Dasheng; Chiang, Yachi ; Chen, Yen-Tang; Tsai, Hsin-HanJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE
32024/3/28Preventing poaching in marine protected areas: A crime script analysis to inform interventionsTsai, Chi-Heng; Chung, Huey-Shian Elly ; Tseng, Huan-Sheng MARINE POLICY
42024/10/14Cybersecurity risks of automated (and autonomous) offshore oil and gas units-the IMO cybersecurity rules frameworkJao, Juei-Cheng ; Chuah, Jason C. T.JOURNAL OF WORLD ENERGY LAW & BUSINESS
52023新興科技運用於航運服務業之趨勢江雅綺 ; 王怡婷航貿週刊
62022Chanllenges of Western Companies entering Asian Markets-IP Legal Mechanisms in Taiwan”, Growing Indigenous Business through TradeYa-Chi Chiang 
72022Maritime Delimitation Agreements and Relevant Practice of LithuaniaPei-Lun Tsai ; Huan-Sheng Tseng International Ocean Information
82022Sustainable and Smart Port 2.0 and High-end Maritime Industry: Assessing Taiwan’s Maritime Law Reforms in Global Sustainability and Digitalisation TrendsChunghan Yang; Ya-Chi Chiang The Laws and Policies of High-end Maritime Industry, Angle
92022新興科技應用與高端航運服務業的智慧轉型Juei-Cheng Jao; Jian-Jhong Shen; Özgenur Kara Balcı; İzel Varan Samut; Ya-Chi Chiang ; Chung-Han Yang; Mustafa Yilmaz; Richard Z. Li; Tran Thi Phuong Thao; Blake C.Y. Wang; Taih-Cherng Lirn; Huey-Shian Chung; SHANG-MIN高端航運服務業的政策與法律 第二章 新興科技於航運產業之應用與創新
102022「氣候變遷與永續發展:臺灣推動能源轉型的經驗、挑戰與未來」,民主永續的理念與實踐江雅綺 ; 陳治維永社十周年研討會論文集
132022推動臺灣發展高端航運服務業之關鍵因素與可行性分析饒瑞正 ; 林泰誠 ; 邱榮和 ; 江雅綺 ; 陳胤安; 黃致皓; 黃崇嘉; 謝良易; 許書耕; 王怡婷
142022The Correlation between the Ownership of COVID-19 Vaccine Patents and the Choice of a Patent Waiver: Cases in the US, the UK, Germany, and IndiaTingwen Wang; Ya-Chi Chiang Health Technology, (Health Technol)
152022The Development and Local Content Requirements of the Offshore Wind Power Industry in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
162022跨境數位稅制的發展與挑戰江雅綺 ; 陳俞廷華崗法粹
172022Improving marine protected area governance: Concerns and possible solutions from Taiwan’s practiceHuey-Shian Elly Chung ; Jao, Juei-Cheng MAR POLICY1
182022Major Issues and Countermeasures of Cybercrimes in Taiwan in the time of COVID-19Ya-Chi Chiang 
192022數位平台經濟的新思維?淺探行為經濟學對反托拉斯法的影響江雅綺 ; 楊宗翰; 程法彰萬國法律
202022從數位購物網站到數位電視購物頻道:談建構數位平台商標侵權案件合理注意義務之標準江雅綺 ; 陳琮勛臺灣科技法學叢刊
212022創新因素、創新要素與事業結合之審查江雅綺 交大法學評論
222022論提供網路侵權連結的著作權法責任–以電話亭KTV為例江雅綺 高大法學論叢
232021行為反托拉斯與消費者權益之探討江雅綺 ; 郭迺鋒; 楊宗翰; 程法彰第27屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集
242021技術創新與競爭議題之探討譚謹瑜; 江雅綺 第27屆競爭政策與公平交易法學術研討會論文集
252021綠能新政:歐盟之碳邊境調整機制江雅綺 ; 王政凱台電工程月刊
262021探討原住民族傳統智慧創作保護條例中合理使用條款之適用與突破江雅綺 ; 劉博文; 王綱世新法學
272021Sustainable and Smart Port 2.0 and High-end Maritime Industry: Assessing Taiwan’s Maritime Law Reforms in Global Sustainability and Digitalisation TrendsChunghan Yang; Ya-Chi Chiang 
282021Taiwan's Offshore Wind Energy Policy: From Policy Dilemma to Sustainable DevelopmentChung, Huey-Shian SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL6
292021網路反壟斷浪潮 台灣數位政策如何定位江雅綺 海基會交流雜誌
312021The Challenges and the Threats when Western Companies Entering Asian MarketYa-Chi Chiang 
322021從電子商務指令到歐盟數位服務法草案–論歐盟ISP責任架構之演變江雅綺 ; 陳俞廷全國律師
332021離岸風電與環境影響評估 – 國際環境法義務及對我國之啟示蔡沛倫 
342021A Synopsis of Online IP Crimes in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
352021歐盟與英國達成脫歐貿易協議的未來展望與挑戰江雅綺 新世紀智庫論壇
372021借鏡英國 論我國溫室氣體減量的挑戰:以部署無六氟化硫電力設備為核心江雅綺 ; 林明賢台電工程月刊
382021臺灣海域區劃:海洋保護區法治發展與策進鍾蕙先 海洋事務與政策評論
392021紐西蘭環境部及其國家海洋政策鍾蕙先 國際海洋資訊
402021Establishing a parody defence standard within the framework of Taiwan’s Trademark ActYa-Chi Chiang Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions
412020數位匯流下的科技傳輸與平台競爭─以智財法院 107 年度民著上字第 1 號民事判決為核心江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
422020OTT TV 對本國通訊傳播法制監理架構之衝擊江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
432020Republic of Koreas Practice of Domesticating the UNCLOSHuan-Sheng Tseng ; Pei-Lun Tsai International Ocean Information
442020Gig Economy of Digital Platforms: Legal Challenges of Atypical EmploymentYa-Chi Chiang 
452020A Marketplace or the Service Provider? The regulatory Models of Digital PlatformsYa-Chi Chiang 
472020Maritime Legislation and Delimitation - Practice of SingaporePei-Lun Tsai ; Huan-Sheng Tseng International Ocean Information
482019「平台經濟的法律挑戰」,平台經濟興起對產業發展與資源使用的影響江雅綺 財團法人中技社專題報告
502019零工經濟的法律挑戰:數位平台是市集或雇主?江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
522019金融科技與國家經濟發展之促進江雅綺 ; 黃致中; 呂宗勳 ; 王可言台灣法學雜誌
532019監理沙盒制度執行之困境與突破江雅綺 ; 蕭歆諺; 楊瑞芬; 林盟翔台灣法學雜誌
542019Sharing Economy in a Highly Regulated Market: The Case of Uber in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang R&D Management Conference
552019Harnessing Disinformation OnlineYa-Chi Chiang 
562019Legal Resilience in an Era of Hybrid ThreatYa-Chi Chiang 
572019The Concept and Judicial Practice on the Right to be Forgotten in Japan, India, China and TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
592019書評:Thijs Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin, and Barbara Egger, «Manual for Activities Directed at Underwater Cultural Heritage: Guidelines to the Annex of the UNESCO 2001 Convention» (Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2013)徐胤承 
602019Book Review: Francesco Francioni, «The 1972 World Heritage Convention: A Commentary» (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)徐胤承 
612019Development of a model for enhancing justice in MPA designation and zoning and its application to Taiwans South Penghu Marine National ParkHuey-Shian Elly Chung ; Warwick Gullett; Gregory RoseCoastal Management
622019Sharing Economy in a Highly Regulated Market: The Case of Uber in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
632018運動法學:由世足賽與奧運賽的轉播戰 檢討必載(Must Carry) 規範江雅綺 全國律師
642018歐盟GDPR 對台商的衝擊分析江雅綺 海基會交流雜誌
652018當FIN遇上TECH:以英國為例 論網貸平台的模式、風險以及管制建議江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
662018GDPR (歐盟一般資料保護規則):你的資料 由你定義江雅綺 新社會政策雙月刊
672018The Concept and Practice of RTBF (right to be forgotten) in Japan, China and TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang Amsterdam University
682018The Concept and Practice of RTBF (right to be forgotten) in Japan, China and TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
692018Cyber Security ForumYa-Chi Chiang 
702018BIG DATA時代:被遺忘的權利江雅綺 匯流、治理、通傳會論文集
712018Deciphering the Legal Meaning of ‘Sharing’ and ‘Public’ on Facebook Within the Framework of the Taiwan Copyright ActYa-Chi Chiang 
722018The Local Legal Responses Speeding Up Global Sharing-Economy Businesses: Facebook and Uber in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang Conference proceedings of  R&D Management Conference
732018The Local Legal Responses Speeding Up Global Sharing-Economy Businesses: Facebook and Uber in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
742017平台經濟的法律挑戰江雅綺 新社會政策雙月刊
752017共享經濟的商業模式與法規挑戰江雅綺 科技報導
762017Smart Manufacturing Enabled by Internet of MakersYa-Chi Chiang ; Da-sheng LeeSCI
772017多元文化下文創產業、娛樂產業與數位網路法制許育典; 張瑞星; 王勁力; 廖欽福; 羅承宗; 江雅綺 ; 封昌宏
782017Tackling Online Piracy: A New Legislation Proposal in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
792017內容授權的公平商業機制:談頻道授權的最低簽約戶數保證制(MG)江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
802017當FIN 遇上TECH : 初評「金融科技創新實驗條例」草案之演進江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
812017當FIN 遇上TECH:淺談英國金融法規沙盒的成功經驗與未來挑戰江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
842016由文化、經濟與法律談戲謔仿作(parody)之合理使用:以英國為借鏡江雅綺 智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編第5輯
852016The impact of Technical Examination Officers on the Taiwan Intellectual Property CourtYa-Chi Chiang QUEEN MARY JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
862016數位時代的公平處理(fair dealing)條款:以英國2014年著作權修法為例江雅綺 智慧財產權月刊
872016Private, Public, Public Domain : How the Judicial Decisions Shaping the Perceptions of Facebook Users in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 
882016封鎖侵權網站?從英國法及歐盟判決之演進論暫時封網處分江雅綺 智慧財產評論
892016The Impact of Technology Transfer Offices towards Technology Transfer Performances on Campus in TaiwanYa-Chi Chiang 0
902016Privacy Protection in the Context of BiometricsYa-Chi Chiang ; Junglong Chen
912016How to Regulate OTT--TV Model, Hybrid Model or Internet Model?Ya-Chi Chiang 
922016OTT浪潮來襲 談媒體壟斷與網路媒體:借鏡美英德之管制方向江雅綺 勇敢邁步:嶄新的匯流法論文集
932016評析遠傳以公司債進軍中嘉案:黨政軍條款與公共利益的角力Ya-Chi Chiang 台灣法學雜誌
942016談網路戲謔仿作的合理使用:比較英國、臺灣著作權法之規定江雅綺 開南法學
952016國族主義下的娛樂、經紀與產業-談黃安舉報周子瑜事件江雅綺 台灣法學雜誌
962015When Privacy Meets Social Networking Sites: With Special Reference to FacebookYa-Chi Chiang Cybercrime Risks and Responses Eastern and Western Perspectives
972015從數位產業出發 修正廣電三法Ya-Chi Chiang 工商時報
982015Public Office is Not a Private PlaceYa-Chi Chiang Taipei Times
992015著作權、個資、網路霸凌Ya-Chi Chiang 蘋果日報論壇
1002015The Making of Cultural and Creative ArtifactsYa-Chi Chiang 
1022015Opening up the Skies for DronesYa-Chi Chiang 
1042015Understanding Net Neutrality Debate in the Context of Digital PiracyYa-Chi Chiang 
1052015國際環境法與智慧財產權保護:規範之匯流與衝突楊宗翰; 江雅綺 萬國法律
1062015Ambush Marketing and Olympic Symbols Association Right Protection: With Special Reference to London Olympics 2012Ya-Chi Chiang 
1092014網路中立性與保護著作權的衝突-以歐盟法院封網處分決判為例江雅綺 科技法律評析
1102014Review of the CJEU Judgment on the Application of Site Blocking OrderYa-Chi Chiang NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Management
1112014From Public to Public DomainYa-Chi Chiang 
1122014The Impact of Technology Transfer Offices towards Technology Transfer Performances in CampusYa-Chi Chiang 
1132014績優技轉中心的意義與未來江雅綺 臺北科大專利技轉電子報
1142014The Conflict between Privacy Protection and National SecurityYa-Chi Chiang 
1152014提高學研機構技轉績效的最後一哩路:技術移轉單位的專業與效能江雅綺 專利師
1162014世足賽轉播權:愛爾達VS年代江雅綺 臺北科大專利技轉電子報
1172014The merger of law and technology in patent litigationYa-Chi Chiang 
1192014無形資產的保護、鑑價與商業化運用江雅綺 台北科技大學專利技轉中心電子報
1202014第三方支付與網路創業的發展江雅綺 台北科技大學專利技轉中心電子報
1212014多元的智財布局與技轉模式江雅綺 台北科技大學專利技轉中心電子報
1222014華為設備的調查報告江雅綺 台北科技大學專利技轉電子報
1232014電子商務與網路安全江雅綺 台北科技大學專利技轉電子報
1242013親親黃色小鴨江雅綺 臺北科大專利技轉電子報
1252013When Privacy Meets Social Networking SitesYa-Chi Chiang 
1262013永世中立と国際法浅田正彦; 楊名豪 
1272013From IP to IPO:創新創業風潮來襲江雅綺 台北科技大學專利技轉電子報
1282012英國《數位經濟法》中網路服務提供者對侵權使用者的科技義務江雅綺 科技法學論叢
1302011社群網站臉書(facebook)與隱私權保護江雅綺 教育部人權教育諮詢暨資源中心電子報
1322010Patent Licensing under FRAND Regime and Competition Clauses of EC Treaty in a Standard Setting Context-A View from EuropeYa-Chi Chiang Shih Hsin Law Review
13320102009台灣網路人權事件評析報告江雅綺 2009台灣人權論壇: 理論與實務對話 第八章
1342010網路人權淺介-由2009年的幾則新聞事件談起江雅綺 教育部人權教育諮詢暨資源中心電子報
1352009文化資產保存機構之著作權?-兼論故宮古物利用爭議楊智傑 ; 江雅綺 真理財經法學
1362009歐洲的著作權戰爭-瑞典海盜黨與法國三振條款江雅綺 臺灣國家政策學刊
1372009將網路購物納入電腦處理個人資料保護法江雅綺 臺灣國家政策學刊
13820092008台灣司法人權事件評析與立法建議江雅綺 2008台灣人權論壇-台灣年度人權重大事件:理論與實務對話 第一章
1392007論歐盟國際私法規則的統一-以國際民事管轄權為例江雅綺 臺灣國際法季刊
1402007臺灣的聯合國會員資格江雅綺 臺灣國際法季刊
1412006A Quest for Subrogation in Insurance: to Formulate a Model Statute by Comparative Study饒瑞正 
1422005The Diminishing Public Domain with Regard to the Copyright in the Digital Age江雅綺 資訊社會研究