Start Date | Title | P-Investigator | Funding Organization/經費來源 |
2022 | 111年度「輸外石斑魚養殖場登錄場驗證抽查暨餌料申請進口」計畫-「輸外石斑魚養殖場現場驗證查核工作」 | Fan-Hua Nan | Taiwan Aquaculture Development Foundation |
2022 | 臺灣蝦類產業發展與輔導計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2022 | 箱網養殖主要及新興物種研究 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2022 | White Shrimp Farming Industry Management Research Project | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2022 | Develop an Open Sea Area Disaster Prevention Smart Cage Culture Model | Fan-Hua Nan | |
2021 | 觀新藻礁生態系野生動物保護區保育成果及觀音、新屋海岸之多樣性調查計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Office of Coast Administration Construction |
2021 | 110年度箱網養殖研究成果論壇 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2021 | Practice of Circular Economy-The Application of Herbal Medicine Residue to Enhance Immunity, Growth and Disease Resistance in White Shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamei | Fan-Hua Nan | National Science and Technology Council |
2021 | 國際產學聯盟-協和電廠更新改建計畫-電廠工程(含海事工程)委託技術服務-協和人工設施珊瑚移置規劃與場域評估 | Fan-Hua Nan | Pacific Engineers & Constructors, Ltd |
2021 | 協和計畫發展海洋牧場可行性先期評估 | Fan-Hua Nan | State-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC |
2021 | 協和計畫發展海洋牧場可行性先期評估-2 | Fan-Hua Nan | State-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC |
2021 | 110年度「輸外石斑魚養殖場登錄場驗證抽查暨餌料申請進口」計畫-「輸外石斑魚養殖場現場驗證查核工作」 | Fan-Hua Nan | Taiwan Aquaculture Development Foundation |
2021 | 110年桃園觀新藻礁生態系野生動物保護區環境資源調查暨經營管理計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Office of Coast Administration Construction |
2021 | 白蝦養殖環境監測與智能生產決策系統研究與開發 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2021 | 臺灣蝦類產業發展與輔導計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2021 | 110年度「水產品產銷履歷環境獎勵輔導」計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2021 | 白蝦養殖產業管理研究計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2021 | 箱網養殖主要及新興物種研究 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2020 | 九孔育種與產業提升 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Research Institute,COA,Executive Yuan |
2020 | 雲林達德離岸風場海域環境及養殖生產區經濟調查分析 | Fan-Hua Nan | Yunneng Wind Power Co, Ltd |
2020 | 109年度「輸外石斑魚養殖場登錄場驗證抽查暨餌料申請進口」計畫-「輸外石斑魚養殖場現場驗證查核工作」 | Fan-Hua Nan | Taiwan Aquaculture Development Foundation |
2020 | 白蝦養殖產業管理研究計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2020 | 109年度水產品產銷履歷環境獎勵輔導計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2020 | 「協和電廠更新改建計畫環境影響評估案」-「海域生態及基隆市水產動植物保育區保育物種調查」計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Pacific Engineers & Constructors, Ltd |
2020 | 液態天然氣(LNG)冷排水養殖模場之經營模式及營運策略之研究 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2020 | 臺灣周邊水域養殖之利用研究-箱網新興物種養殖研究 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2020 | Research on Aquaculture Management-5 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2020 | advanced of the breeding management for white shrimp-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2019 | 推動與大陸進行兩岸冷水性魚類養殖技術交流計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2019 | 水產品有機驗證稽核員教育訓練 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2019 | 108年度「輸外石斑魚養殖場登錄場驗證抽查」計畫-「輸外石斑魚養殖場現場驗證查核工作」 | Fan-Hua Nan | Taiwan Aquaculture Development Foundation |
2019 | 修訂水產品臺灣良好農業規範(TGAP) | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2019 | 農產品受進口損害救助基金計畫「108年度細部計畫-養殖物種調查暨輔導」計畫 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2019 | 液態天然氣 (LNG)冷排水養殖模場之營運策略及示範效益分析之研究 | Fan-Hua Nan | Fisheries Agency,COA, Executive Yuan |
2019 | Research on Aquaculture Management-2 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2018 | Study on ocean ranch in Hsieh-Ho power plant: marine ecological and fishery resources investigation | Fan-Hua Nan | State-owned Enterprise Commission ,SEC |
2018 | Development and evaluation of the efficacy of the aquatic by-products for functional products-2 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2018 | Establishment of management model and cost-benefit analysis in low-temperature aquaculture system using LNG cool water-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2017 | Establishment of low-temperature aquaculture system using LNG cool water-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2017 | Studies on the Coordination between Offshore Wind Farms and Fishery Activities and the Spatial Planning of Friendly Fishery(Iii)-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | National Science and Technology Council |
2016 | Development of aquaculture techniques for cold water fishes-3 | Fan-Hua Nan | |
2016 | Establishment of low-temperature aquaculture system using LNG cool water-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2016 | Agriculture key technology research and development-97 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2015 | Development of Aquaculture Techniques for Cold Water Fishes-2 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2015 | Establishment of Low-Temperature Aquaculture System Using LNG Cool Water-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2014 | Risk Assessment of the Formalin on Aquatic Environment and Ecosystem | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2014 | Integrated Aquaculture Techniques of Different Temperature and Nutrition Gradients | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2013 | Feasibility Study into the Incorporation of Carbon Footprint Labelling on Aquatic Products | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2013 | Establishment of the Hatching and Propagation Techniques of Syngnathidae | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2013 | Study of Production and Management Technology of Rock Porgy (Oplegnathus fasciatus) | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2013 | Basic Study on Fine Variety Breeding of the Grey Mullet | Fan-Hua Nan | National Science and Technology Council |
2012 | Feasibility study into the incorporation of carbon footprint labelling on aquatic products | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2012 | The research and promotion of certification system on aquaculture - the study on marine culture mark certification system | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2012 | Evalation aseptic facilities for Taiwan abalone culture. | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2011 | Integrating and Establishing the Aquaculture Certification System for the International Trend | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2011 | Evalation aseptic facilities for Taiwan abalone culture. | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2010 | Exploiting and Researching in the Technique of Haliotis Diversicolor Supertexta (Taiwan Abalone) Pond Changed to Culture Epinephelus Bruneus | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2009 | The Development of Production Technology and Supply Chain of Animal-Type Live Food in Sea Water Fish Larvae | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2008 | The Research of Inspection Technology for Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2008 | The Research of Inspection Technology for Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2008 | The Establishment of Supply Chain Management on Live Food Production | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2007 | Application of Traceability System in Grouper Supply Chain | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2007 | Application of Traceability System in Oyster Supply Chain-1 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2006 | Establish Inspection Service Center of Seafood Safety and Hygiene | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2006 | The Study on the Farm Polluted by Dioxin | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2006 | The Studying of Traceability System and Hygienic Management Mechanism in Seafood Product in Eu | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2006 | Research and Mass Production of Probiotic Product | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2006 | The Study on Breed and Incubate Technology in Humpback Grouper | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2005 | The Monitor of Vibrio Cholerae in Fish Farm | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2005 | Study on the Establish of Seafood Traceability System and Automatic Reporting Mechanism-2 | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2004 | Development and Research of Induced Shrimp Ovarian Maturation and Immunostimulant Artifical Diet | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2004 | To Improve the Larvae Settlement and Juvenile Survival Rate of Small Abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2004 | The Management and Two-Phase Culture Model of Cobia in Cage Culture (III) | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2003 | The Management and Two-Phase Culture Model of Cobia in Cage Culture (II) | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2003 | To Improve the Larvae Settlement and Juvenile Survival Rate of Small Abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2002 | Induced Ovarian Maturation of White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2002 | The Management and Two-Phase Culture Model of Cobia in Cage Culture | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2001 | Development of Transport Technique in Larvae Cobia | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |
2001 | Studies on the Environment Control for the Super-Intensive Culture of Litopenaeus vannamei | Fan-Hua Nan | Council of Agriculture,Executive Yuan |