Results 1-42 of 42 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/9/5The stony coral <i>Fimbriaphyllia</i> (<i>Euphyllia</i>) <i>ancora</i>'s reproductive strategy involves a sex change every yearShikina, Shinya ; Tsai, Pin-Hsuan; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Chang, Ching-Fong COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
22024/8/1Microbiome heterogeneity in tissues of the coral, <i>Fimbriaphyllia</i> (<i>Euphyllia</i>) <i>ancora</i>Chuang, Po-Shun; Wang, Tzu-Haw; Lu, Chih-Ying; Tandon, Kshitij; Shikina, Shinya ; Tang, Sen-LinENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS
32024/7/24Genome and tissue-specific transcriptomes of the large-polyp coral, <i>Fimbriaphyllia</i> (<i>Euphyllia</i>) <i>ancora</i>: a recipe for a coral polypShikina, Shinya ; Yoshioka, Yuki; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Uchida, Taiga; Chen, Emma; Cheng, Yin-Chu; Lin, Tzu-Chieh; Chu, Yu-Ling; Kanda, Miyuki; Kawamitsu, Mayumi; Fujie, Manabu; Takeuchi, Takeshi; Zayasu, Yuna; Satoh, Noriyuki; Shinzato, ChuyaCOMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
42024/1/6Successive responses of three coral holobiont components (coral hosts, symbiotic algae, and bacteria) to daily temperature fluctuationsHsieh, Yunli Eric; Lu, Chih-Ying; Liu, Po-Yu; Kao, Jia-Min; Yang, Sung-Yin; Wu, Chien-Yi; Wong, Jing-Wen Michelle; Shikina, Shinya ; Fan, Tung-Yung; Yang, Shan-HuaECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
52023/11/14Possible germline progenitor cells in extra-gonadal tissues of the sea anemone, <i>Exaiptasia diaphana</i>Shao, Pei-Jung; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Tsai, Pin-Hsuan; Shikina, Shinya FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE
62023Cellular and Biochemical Changes in Early Embryonic Development of a Scleractinian Coral,<i> Fimbriaphyllia (Euphyllia) ancora</i>Shikina, Shinya ; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Chung, Yi-Jou; Yao, Yi-Chen; Liu, Tai-Yu; Lee, Yan-Horn; Mita, Masatoshi; Chang, Ching-Fong ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES
72022A First Insight Into the Heat-Induced Changes in Proteomic Profiles of the Coral Symbiotic Bacterium Endozoicomonas montiporaeChan, Ya-Fan; Chen, Chia-Yu; Lu, Chih-Ying; Tu, Yung-Chi; Tandon, Kshitij; Shikina, Shinya ; Tang, Sen-LinFRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE0
82021Development of an in vitro tissue culture system for hammer coral (Fimbriaphyllia ancora) ovariesChiu, Yi-Ling; Chang, Ching-Fong ; Shikina, Shinya SCIENTIFIC REPORTS2
92021Involvement of RFamide neuropeptides in polyp contraction of the adult scleractinian corals Euphyllia ancora and Stylophora pistillataZhang, Yan; Shikina, Shinya ; Ho, Yu-Ying; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Yao, Jack I-Chen; Zatylny-Gaudin, Celine; Dufour, Sylvie; Chang, Ching-Fong GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY0
102021Study on gametogenesis in stony coralsShikina, Shinya NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI0
112020De novo transcriptome assembly from the gonads of a scleractinian coral,Euphyllia ancora: molecular mechanisms underlying scleractinian gametogenesisChiu, Yi-Ling; Shikina, Shinya ; Yoshioka, Yuki; Shinzato, Chuya; Chang, Ching-Fong BMC GENOMICS9
122020Apoptosis in gonadal somatic cells of scleractinian corals: implications of structural adjustments for gamete production and releaseChen, C. C.; Chiu, Y. L.; Tsai, P. H.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences2
132020Production of functional eggs and sperm from in vitro-expanded type A spermatogonia in rainbow troutIwasaki-Takahashi, Yoshiko; Shikina, Shinya ; Watanabe, Masaya; Banba, Akira; Yagisawa, Masaru; Takahashi, Kasumi; Fujihara, Ryo; Okabe, Takafumi; Valdez, Delgado M., Jr.; Yamauchi, Akihiro; Yoshizaki, GoroCOMMUN BIOL18
142020Involvement of GLWamide neuropeptides in polyp contraction of the adult stony coral Euphyllia ancoraChiu, Y. L.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, Y. C.; Liu, T. Y.; Tsai, P. H.; Zatylny-Gaudin, C.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Scientific Reports6
152020The plasticity of gonad development of sexual reproduction in a scleractinian coral, Porites lichenChen, Chieh-Jhen; Chen, Wei-Jen; Shikina, Shinya ; Denis, Vianney; Chang, Ching-Fong GEN COMP ENDOCR1
162019Discovery of a receptor guanylate cyclase expressed in the sperm flagella of stony coralsZhang, Y.; Chiu, Y. L.; Chen, C. J.; Ho, Y. Y.; Shinzato, C.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Scientific Reports4
172019Testicular somatic cells in the stony coral Euphyllia ancora express an endogenous green fluorescent proteinChiu, Y. L.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Molecular Reproduction and Development2
182018Molecular cloning and characterization of proliferating cell nuclear antigen; its potential involvement in germ cell development of stony coralsShikina, Shinya ; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Ye, Man-ru; Yao, Jack-I-Chen; Chung, Yi-Jou; Chen, Chieh-Jhen; Chang, Ching-Fong FISHERIES SCI3
192017Immunodetection of acetylated alpha-tubulin in stony corals: Evidence for the existence of flagella in coral male germ cellsShikina, Shinya ; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Chen, Chieh-Jhen; Yang, Shih-Han; Yao, Jack I-Chen; Chen, Che-Chun; Wei, Jiou-Di; Shao, Zih-Fang; Chang, Ching-Fong MOL REPROD DEV5
202016Sexual reproduction in stony corals and insight into the evolution of oogenesis in Cnidaria.Shinya Shikina ; Ching-Fong Chang The Cnidaria, past, present and future0
212016造礁サンゴの配偶子形成Shinya Shikina ; Ching-Fong Chang 生物科学
222016Oocytes express an endogenous red fluorescent protein in a stony coral, Euphyllia ancora: a potential involvement in coral oogenesisShinya Shikina ; Chiu, Y. L.; Chung, Y. J.; Chen, C. J.; Lee, Y. H.; Ching-Fong Chang Scientific Reports10
232016Molecular cloning and characterization of a steroidogenic enzyme, 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 14, from the stony coral Euphyllia ancora (Cnidaria, Anthozoa)Shinya Shikina ; Chung, Y. J.; Chiu, Y. L.; Huang, Y. J.; Lee, Y. H. ; Ching-Fong Chang General and Comparative Endocrinology7
242016A Novel Female-Specific and Sexual Reproduction-Associated Dmrt Gene Discovered in the Stony Coral, Euphyllia ancoraChen, Chieh-Jhen; Shikina, Shinya ; Chen, Wei-Jen; Chung, Yi-Jou; Chiu, Yi-Ling; Bertrand, Joris A. M.; Lee, Yan-Horn; Chang, Ching-Fong BIOL REPROD10
252016Production of germ cell-deficient salmonids by dead end gene knockdown, and their use as recipients for germ cell transplantationYoshizaki, G.; Takashiba, K.; Shimamori, S.; Fujinuma, K.; Shinya Shikina ; Okutsu, T.; Kume, S.; Hayashi, M.Molecular Reproduction and Development45
262015Successful production of functional Y eggs derived from spermatogonia transplanted into female recipients and subsequent production of YY supermales in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykissOkutsu, T.; Shinya Shikina ; Sakamoto, T.; Mochizuki, M.; Yoshizaki, G.Aquaculture16
272015From Somatic Cells to Oocytes: A Novel Yolk Protein Produced by Ovarian Somatic Cells in a Stony Coral, Euphyllia ancoraShinya Shikina ; Chiu, Y. L.; Lee, Y. H. ; Ching-Fong Chang Biology of Reproduction13
282015サンゴの有性生殖 : ナガレハナサンゴの配偶子形成と一斉産卵Shinya Shikina ; Ching-Fong Chang 海洋と生物 = Aquabiology
292015Localization of early germ cells in a stony coral, Euphyllia ancora: potential implications for a germline stem cell system in coral gametogenesisChung, Y. J.; Wang, H. M.; Chiu, Y. L.; Shao, Z. F.; Lee, Y. H.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Coral Reefs20
302013Yolk Formation in a Stony Coral Euphyllia ancora (Cnidaria, Anthozoa): Insight Into the Evolution of Vitellogenesis in Nonbilaterian AnimalsChen, C. J.; Chung, Y. J.; Shao, Z. F.; Liou, J. Y.; Tseng, H. P.; Lee, Y. H.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Endocrinology32
312013Short-Term In Vitro Culturing Improves Transplantability of Type A Spermatogonia in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)Shinya Shikina ; Nagasawa, K.; Hayashi, M.; Furuya, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Yoshizaki, G.Molecular Reproduction and Development23
322013Generation of functional eggs and sperm from cryopreserved whole testesLee, S.; Iwasaki, Y.; Shinya Shikina ; Yoshizaki, G.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America100
332012Germ Cell Development in the Scleractinian Coral Euphyllia ancora (Cnidaria, Anthozoa)Chen, C. J.; Liou, J. Y.; Shao, Z. F.; Chung, Y. J.; Lee, Y. H.; Ching-Fong Chang ; Shinya Shikina Plos One27
342011Spermatogonial transplantation in fish: A novel method for the preservation of genetic resourcesYoshizaki, G.; Fujinuma, K.; Iwasaki, Y.; Okutsu, T.; Shinya Shikina ; Yazawa, R.; Takeuchi, Y.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics63
352010Lymphocyte Antigen 75 (Ly75/CD205) Is a Surface Marker on Mitotic Germ Cells in Rainbow TroutNagasawa, K.; Shinya Shikina ; Takeuchi, Y.; Yoshizaki, G.Biology of Reproduction38
362010Improved In Vitro Culture Conditions to Enhance the Survival, Mitotic Activity, and Transplantability of Rainbow Trout Type A SpermatogoniaShinya Shikina ; Yoshizaki, G.Biology of Reproduction49
372010Sexual plasticity of ovarian germ cells in rainbow trout (vol 137, pg 1227, 2010)Yoshizaki, G.; Ichikawa, M.; Hayashi, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Miwa, M.; Shinya Shikina ; Okutsu, T.Development0
382010Sexual plasticity of ovarian germ cells in rainbow troutYoshizaki, G.; Ichikawa, M.; Hayashi, M.; Iwasaki, Y.; Miwa, M.; Shinya Shikina ; Okutsu, T.Development108
392008Culture conditions for maintaining the survival and mitotic activity of rainbow trout transplantable type a spermatogoniaShinya Shikina ; Ihara, S.; Yoshizaki, G.Molecular Reproduction and Development52
402007Production of trout offspring from triploid salmon parentsOkutsu, T.; Shinya Shikina ; Kanno, M.; Takeuchi, Y.; Yoshizaki, G.Science 189
412007A novel transforming growth factor-beta superfamily member expressed in gonadal somatic cells enhances primordial germ cell and spermatogonial proliferation in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)Sawatari, E.; Shinya Shikina ; Takeuchi, T.; Yoshizaki, G.Developmental Biology159
422006Manipulation of fish germ cell: Visualization, cryopreservation and transplantationOkutsu, T.; Yano, A.; Nagasawa, K.; Shinya Shikina ; Kobayashi, T.; Takeuchi, Y.; Yoshizaki, C.Journal of Reproduction and Development67