
Results 1-34 of 34 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).

Start DateTitleP-InvestigatorFunding Organization/經費來源
2022The Study of the Diagenetic Processes and Sedimentary P Species in the Danshuei Estuarine SedimentTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2022111年度桃園市海域環境品質調查暨水質監測網佈建計畫Tien-Hsi FangCONTENT ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD.
2021Partitioning and Distribution of Different Mercury Species in Water and Sediment and Biological Accumulation in an Eutrophic Estuary in Northern TaiwanTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2020The Geochemical Cycle of Nitrogen in the Danshuei River Estuary, Northern Taiwan.Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2019The Mechanism Study of Phosphorus Geochemical Cycle in the Danshuei River Estuary.Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2019"108年度桃園市海岸環境品質 監測暨資訊管理中心建置計畫 桃園市海岸地區水質定期檢測"Tien-Hsi FangCONTENT ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES, LTD.
2019麥寮六輕周遭海域水質受濁水溪與新虎尾溪河水排入的影響計畫Tien-Hsi FangFormosa Petrochemical Corporation
2018The Study of Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements of Zooplankton in the Eutrophication Estuary.Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2017The Accumulation of Trace Metals of Copepods in the Polluted Estuarine EnvironmentTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2016The Ecological Change and Accumulation Variation of Trace Elements of Copepod under the Anoxic/Oxic Estuarine Environment.Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2015The Occurrence of PPCPs in the Northern and Central Coastal Water of TaiwanTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2014The Impact of Hydrothermal to the Zooplankton Ecology and the Accumulation of Trace ElementsTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2013The Accumulation of Trace Elements of Copepods off Kueishan Island, Northern TaiwanTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2012The Speciation of Sedimentary Arsenic in the Danshuei Estuary, Northern TaiwanTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2011The Accumulation of Hg by Copepods in Seawater around the Northern Taiwan and the Kueishantao IsletTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2010The Distribution and Fate of Antibiotics in Rivers and Inshore of the Northern TaiwanTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2009The Distribution and Fate of Pharmaceutical and Person Care Products in the Major Rivers of Northern Taiwan and the Danshui Estuary.Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Distribution and Fate of Pharmaceuticals Compounds in the Danshui Estuarine EnvironmentTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2008The Distribution and Fate of Pharmaceuticals Compounds in the Danshui Estuarine EnvironmentTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2007The Accumulation Capacity of Trace Metals in Copepods at the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea.Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2006The Study of Bioconcentration of Trace Metals by Copepods and Their Ecological Variation in the Polluted and Pristine EnvironmentsTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2005The Study of Terrstrial-Oceanic Environmental Change in the Okhotsk Sea during the Past 1500k YearsTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2004The Relative Influence of Phosphorus and Iron on Paleoceanographic Primary Production of the South China SeaTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2003The Concentrations of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Sediments of the Okinawa Trough and the South China Sea, and the Study of These Elements in the PaleoceanographyTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2002The Diagenetic Processes of Chemical Constitutes in Pore Water in the Southern Okinawa TroughTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2001The Diagenetic Processes and Geochemical Cycling of Phosphorus and Trace Metals in the East China SeaTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2000Primary Production, Ocean Color Chlorophyll Algorithm and Circulation Model -1Tien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
2000The Geochemical Cycle of Chromium in the Tanshui Estuary and Its TributariesTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
1999The Mechanisms Influencing the Distribution Coefficient of Particulate and Dissolved Phosphorus and the Geochemistry of Phosphorus in the Lanyang His EstuaryTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
1999Ocean Color Spectra and Pigment Algorithm (IV)-1Tien-Hsi FangNational Space Organization
1998The Distribution of Dissolved Trace Metals in the Tanshui Estuary and Its TributariesTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
1998Rocsat-1 Ocean Color Imager Science Team (III)-6Tien-Hsi FangNational Space Organization
1997The Geochemical Cycle of Phosphorus in the Tanshui Estuary and Its TributariesTien-Hsi FangNational Science and Technology Council
1997ROCSAT-1 Ocean Color Imager Science Team-7Tien-Hsi FangNational Space Organization