Results 1-244 of 244 (Search time: 0.019 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/9/24Director networks, accounting conservatism and director reputation: Evidence after financial reporting failureLiu, Chih-Liang; Lai, Shu-Miao ; Haw, In-MuBRITISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW
22024/7/5A bibliometric study based on seafarers' psychological issues: hotspots research and future agendaHayat, Muhammad; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Lirn, Taih-Cherng MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT
32024/5/29Factors that influence adoption intentions toward smart city services among usersWang, Hui-Ju INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT
42024/5/21Investigating the impact of spatial dependence and heterogeneity on airport relationships: Empirical evidence from ChinaWu, Zhen; Lai, Po-Lin; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Fang, MingjieHUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS
52024/1/1Leader-member exchange, team-member exchange, employee satisfaction, and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in the international logistics industry: The moderating effect of the service climateShang, Kuo-Chung ; Kuo, Szu-Yu; Hsu, Shih-Wei; Lai, Po -Lin; Ye, Kung -DonRESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT
62024/1/1Exploring Market Segmentation for Autonomous FerriesRachmannullah, Ashari Fitra; Lirn, Taih-Cherng ; Shang, Kuo-Chung JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN
72023/12/23Smart city branding vision: multiple stakeholder perspectivesWang, Hui-Ju INNOVATION-THE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH
82023Momentum investing and a tale of intraday and overnight returns: Evidence from TaiwanHo, Hsiao-Wei ; Hsiao, Yu-Jen; Lo, Wen-Chi; Yang, Nien-TzuPACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL
92023Design of an Artificial Intelligence of Things-Based Sesame Oil Evaluator for Quality Assessment Using Gas Sensors and Deep Learning MechanismsKu, Hao-Hsiang ; Lung, Ching-Fu; Chi, Ching-HoFOODS
102023服務接觸、關係品質對顧客忠誠度影響之研究-以海運承攬運送業為例陳秀育 ; 莊庭; 陳立昕運輸計劃季刊
112022Integration of safety quality function deployment in ferry services: Empirical study of IndonesiaKuo-Chung Shang ; Sheng-Teng Huang ; Erika Buchari; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Rhaptyalyani Herno DellaResearch in Transportation Business & Management0
122022Adoption of socially interactive technologies for shipping servicesYang, Ching-Chiao; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Lai, Po-Lin; Madhavan, MeenaMARIT POLICY MANAG2
132022Differential Proteomic Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes during High-Pressure ProcessingChen, Yi-An; Chen, Guan-Wen ; Ku, Hao-Hsiang ; Huang, Tsui-Chin; Chang, Hsin-Yi; Wei, Cheng-, I; Tsai, Yung-Hsiang; Chen, Tai-Yuan BIOLOGY-BASEL0
142022A Comparative Study of Key Success Factor between Digital and Traditional Maritime Freight ForwardersYu Chu; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Shiou-Yu Chen 
162022Dual bacterial strains TTI for monitoring fish quality in food cold chainLiu, Chia-Yu; Tsai, Guo-Jane ; Pan, Chorng-Liang ; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Tseng, Hsiang-Jung; Chai, Huey-Jine; Hsiao, Hsin-, I JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE0
172022A safety compliance model for container terminal operations: the roles of the safety climate, non-compliance cost and safety self-efficacyYen, Chia-Dai ; Hsu, Shih-Wei; Ye, Kung-Don ; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Wu, Chi-Hung MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT0
182022Understanding reviewer characteristics in online reviews via network structural positionsWang, Hui-Ju ELECTRONIC MARKETS1
192022The influences of seafaring advertising and shipping image on the willingness of students' seafaring career: A moderating effect of social informationChen, Chiuan; Chen, Shiou-Yu ; Ye, Kung-Don RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT0
202022In Silico and In Vitro Analyses of Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activities of Enzymatic Protein Hydrolysates from Taiwan Mackerel (Scomber australasicus) Steaming JuicePanjaitan, Fenny Crista A.; Chen, Ting-Yi; Ku, Hao-Hsiang ; Chang, Yu-Wei FOODS2
212022Assessment of potential human health risks in aquatic products based on the heavy metal hazard decision treeKu, Hao-Hsiang ; Lin, Pinpin; Ling, Min-Pei BMC BIOINFORMATICS1
222022AIS-Based Scenario Simulation for the Control and Improvement of Ship Emissions in PortsKao, Sheng-Long ; Chung, Wu-Hsun ; Chen, Chao-WeiJ MAR SCI ENG3
232022Market Segmentation of Online Reviews: A Network Analysis ApproachWang, Hui-Ju INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH2
242022Design of an Artificial Intelligence of Things Based Indoor Planting Model for Mentha SpicataKu, Hao-Hsiang ; Liu, Cheng-Hsuan; Wang, Wen-ChengPROCESSES1
252022我國大宗養殖水產品產銷變動及國際市場分析詹滿色 ; 蘇柏維農業保險半年刊
262022Operation Reform of the Ocean Freight Forwarders between Pre and On- Covid-19 Pandemic EraShiou-Yu Chen ; Hua-An Lu ; Yi-Ning HuangAnnual Conference of the IAME 2022,Busan
272022應用層級分析法探討消費者選擇電商購物最後一哩路配送模式陳秀育 ; 林上閔; 鄭勛中; 洪偉倫
282022Confllicts of Interest in Decision-making for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Sea: Perspectives of Freight-forwarding Sales PeopleChen, Hsi-Kun; Chen, Shiou-YU ; Ye, Kung-Don Journal of Marine Science and Technology0
292021玻璃瓶回收與再利用之逆物流系統改善建議研究—以T公司為例陳秀育 ; 莊庭; 黃宜庭
302021A Preliminary Study on the Prescription Drugs Home Delivery Service爐心妤; 陳秀育 ; 林上閔
312021Applications of Nisin and EDTA in Food Packaging for Improving Fabricated Chitosan-Polylactate Plastic Film Performance and Fish Fillet PreservationChang, Shun-Hsien ; Chen, Ying-Ju; Tseng, Hsiang-Jung; Hsiao, Hsin-I ; Chai, Huey-Jine; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Pan, Chorng-Liang ; Tsai, Guo-Jane MEMBRANES10
322021Enablers of safety citizenship behaviors of seafarers: leader-member exchange, team-member exchange, and safety climateChen, Shiou-Yu ; Lu, Chin-Shan; Lu, Kung-Don; Ye, Kuo-chung; Guo, Jiunn-Liang ; Pan, Je-MinMARIT POLICY MANAG3
342021Antecedents of behavioral intentions for green city touristsWang, Hui-Ju ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY5
352021Investigating the Relationships Among Security Communications, Passenger's Awareness and Satisfaction Toward Preflight Security ChecksPai, Yin-Long; Chen, Shiou-Yu ; Ye, Kung-Don INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE PSYCHOLOGY0
362021Antibacterial Activity of Chitosan-Polylactate Fabricated Plastic Film and Its Application on the Preservation of Fish FilletChang, Shun-Hsien ; Chen, Ying-Ju; Tseng, Hsiang-Jung; Hsiao, Hsin-, I ; Chai, Huey-Jine; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Pan, Chorng-Liang ; Tsai, Guo-Jane POLYMERS12
372021Applying DFA and goal programming to improve economic efficiency, material handling convenience, and sustainability of a product packaging systemChiu, Ming-Chuan; Chung, Wu-Hsun ; Lin, Hsin-HanRESEARCH IN ENGINEERING DESIGN1
382021An empirical investigation of green shipping practices, corporate reputation and organisational performance in container shippingPang, Kelvin; Lu, Chin-Shan; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Weng, Hsiang-KaiINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT LOGISTICS3
392020The study of safety behavior in ferry transportDella, Rhaptyalyani Herno; Lirn, Taih-Cherng ; Shang, Kuo-Chung SAFETY SCI6
402020Application of Statistical Process Control on Port State ControlYuan, Chien-Chung; Chung, Wu-Hsun ; Cai, Cunqiang; Sung, Shu-TeJOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING6
412020Optimization of double-vortex-assisted matrix solid-phase dispersion for the rapid determination of paraben preservative residues in leafy vegetablesYang, C. J.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Ding, W. H.Rsc Advances
422020Supply chain and external conditions under which supply chain resilience pays: An organizational information processing theorizationWong, C. W. Y.; Yang, C. C.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Taih-Cherng Lirn International Journal of Production Economics
432020Factors Influencing the Adoption of Open Government Data at the Firm LevelHui-Ju Wang ; Jin LoIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management12
442020運用角色扮演RPG 遊戲改善商管課程教學成效以生產管理課程為例 配合課程名稱:生產與作業管理鍾武勳 
452020Applying QFD to assess quality of short sea shipping: an empirical study on Cross-Strait high-speed ferry service between Taiwan and Mainland ChinaSheng-Teng Huang ; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Chien-Min Su ; Ki-Yin Chang ; Yi Ting TzengInternational Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics0
462020Internal Control Quality and Investment EfficiencyLai, Shu-Miao ; Liu, Chih-Liang; Chen, Sheng-SyanACCOUNT HORIZ12
472020Association rule learning to improve deficiency inspection in port state controlWu-Hsun Chung ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chang, C. M.; Yuan, C. C.Maritime Policy & Management7
482020How port aesthetics affect destination image, tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty?Chin-Shan Lu; Hsiang-Kai Weng; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Chi Wai Chiu; Hiu Yan Ma; Ka Wai Mak; Ting Chi YeungMaritime Business Review
492020Adoption of open government data: perspectives of user innovatorsWang, Hui-Ju INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL5
502020Design of an Ontology-Oriented Hand Rehabilitation Service Platform for Rheumatoid Arthritis PatientsHao-Hsiang Ku 
512020Applying QFD to assess quality of short sea shipping: an empirical study on Cross-Strait high-speed ferry service between Taiwan and Mainland ChinaHuang, Sheng Teng ; Shang, Kuo Chung ; Su, Chien Min ; Chang, Ki Yin ; Tzeng, Yi TingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT LOGISTICS
522020Gaming for Green Port Management as a Learning Tool: a Case Study of Green PorTechYing-Ru Liu; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Wei-Chueh Wang
532020臺北港未來如何帶動新北市地方發展陳秀育 ; 余坤東 Maritime Quarterly
542020第三方物流業者採用自動化倉儲系統之阻礙因素莊庭; 陳秀育 ; 王昱婷
552019Valuation of Reverse Mortgages Using Stochastic Programming Models何曉緯 ; 劉明郎; 曾郁婷
562019Value of supply chain resilience: roles of culture, flexibility, and integrationLi Chunsheng; Wong, Christina W. Y.; Yang, Ching-Chiao; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Lirn, Taih-cherng International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management39
572019Design of an intelligent ketogenic diet service platform using the ontology case-based reasoning strategyHao-Hsiang Ku ; Min-Pei Ling ; Wang, W-C.BASIC CLIN PHARMACOL0
582019Dual-vortex-assisted matrix solid-phase dispersion coupled with isotope-dilution ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry for the rapid determination of parabens in indoor dust samplesWu-Hsun Chung ; Lin, J. S.; Ding, W. H.Journal of Chromatography A6
592019Internal control quality and relationship-specific investments by suppliers and customersShu-Miao Lai Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
602019The circular economy of LCD panel shipping in a packaging logistics systemKuo, Tsai-Chi; Chiu, Ming-Chuan; Chung, Wu-Hsun ; Yang, Tzu-, IRESOUR CONSERV RECY19
612019More landings for higher profit? Inverse demand analysis of the bluefin tuna auction price in Japan and economic incentives in global bluefin tuna fisheries managementChin-Hwa Sun; Fu-Sung Chiang; Dale Squires; Anthony Rogers; Man-Ser Jan PLOS ONE9
632019Reverse Logistics Strategy of Women's Fashion Shoes-Two Taiwanese CasesShiou-Yu Chen ; Yin-Shu ChenEasyChair Preprint no. 1326
642019Green city branding: perceptions of multiple stakeholdersHui-Ju Wang Journal of Product & Brand Management0
652019The Valuation of Quanto Derivatives Using Bivariate GARCH-Jump ModelsChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Tzu-Hsiang Liao; Yaw-Huei Wang2019 FeAT Annual Conference
662019港口美學知覺與遊客滿意度關聯性之研究--以觀光動機為干擾陳秀育 航運季刊
672019衡量消費者對區域性海洋漁業永續生態標章的需求詹滿色 ; 林欣君
682019An evaluation of resource and dynamic capability in logistics service providers in VietnamTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Nguyen T.L.H.; Kuo-Chung Shang Journal of Asia Maritime and Fisheries Universities Forum
692019Green Dynamic Capabilities--The Necessity between Green Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: Evidence from Taiwan's Manufacturing SectorKuo-Chung Shang ; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Kung-Don Ye ; Hsin-Yi YuCorporate Management Review
702018Ultrasound-assisted emulsification microextraction for rapid determination of unmetabolized synthetic polycyclic and nitro-aromatic musks in human urineChen, T. A.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Ding, E. M. C.; Ding, W. H.Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences
722018Identifying Green Assessment Criteria for Shipping IndustriesTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Wong Christina W.Y.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Li Ya-TingEnvironmental Sustainability in Asian Logistics and Supply Chains, Edited by Liu Xiaohong0
732018A Study on the Quality Management of Containerised Grains in AsiaTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Peik Bremer; Gi Tae Yeo; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Liu Chen JiunThe Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics0
742018Supply chain resilience, firm performance, and management policies in the liner shipping industryKuo-Chung Shang ; Lai, K. H.; Lun, Y. H. V.; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Chiung-Lin Liu Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice30
752018Typology of Life Insurance Consumers: A Q-Methodological StudyShiou-Yu Chen 
772018青少年金融知識程度對其金融行為的影響蕭育仁; 李其峰; 何曉緯 
782017Consistency of Three Selected Bankruptcy Prediction ModelsNam Hoang Nguyen; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Shiou-Yu Chen 
792017Ontology-Based Backpropagation Neural Network Classification and Reasoning Strategy for NoSQL and SQL Databases.Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Ching-Ho Chi
802017Determinants of consumers' purchase behaviour towards green brandsHui-Ju Wang The Service Industries Journal33
812017A brand-based perspective on differentiation of green brand positioning: A network analysis approachHui-Ju Wang Management Decision0
822017The Impact of Local Low-Cost Entrants on Full Service Carriers in Taiwan何大任(Darren Ho); 何曉偉(Hsiao-Wei Ho) 
832017Inside Out Greening: The Role of Middle Managers in Green PortShiou-Yu Chen 
852017Association Analysis on Inspection Deficiencies of Ships in Port State ControlChun-Min Chang; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Sheng-Long Kao ; Chien-Chung Yuan
862017Career development for women in maritime industry: organisation and socialisation perspectivesWu, C. L.; Kung-Don Ye ; Ho, Y. W.; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Wu, Chia-Ling; Chen, Shiou-Yu ; Ye, Kung-Don ; Ho, Yi-WeiMaritime Policy & Management; MARIT POLICY MANAG2
872017Simultaneous Implication of Credit Risk and Embedded Options in Lease ContractsChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Henry H. Huang; Yildiray YildirimAmerican Real Estate and Urban Economics Association meeting
882017Country Heterogeneity and Home-Market Effects under FTA: With Special Reference to AEC黃幼宜 ; 黃登興; 蔡青龍
892017海洋運輸、物流績效、區域整合對出口的影響黃幼宜 ; 葛凱婷; 張淑滿
902017Common-Pool Resources, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development黃登興; 黃幼宜 
912017近代東亞貿易雙軸心現象之演變黃登興; 黃幼宜 ; 蔡青龍
922017生涯定錨、社會資訊與職涯堅持關係之探討--以航運管理科系學生為例陳秀育 ; 謝效昭; 余坤東 ; 賴昱豪
942017A General Framework for the Valuation of Loan Guarantee Contracts: Plain Vanilla Option Structures vs. Barrier Option Structures張傳章; 何瑞鎮; 何曉緯 管理學報
952016臺灣港務股份有限公司資源最適分配方法之研究黃千珊; 游明敏 ; 桑國忠 
962016Examining sustainability performance at ports: port managers' perspectives on developing sustainable supply chainsLu, Chin-Shan; Shang, Kuo-Chung ; Lin, Chi-ChangMARIT POLICY MANAG54
972016以Q方法探討廟宇美學認知類型之研究陳秀育 ; 劉仲矩運動與遊憩研究
982016The application of personality traits model on the freight forwarding service industry.Kuo-Chung Shang ; Ching-Cheng Chao; Taih-Cherng Lirn Maritime Business Review0
992016Implementation of a EcoPort management program: The Case of TIPCShiou-Yu Chen 
1002016Identifying crucial sustainability assessment criteria for container seaportsChin-Shan Lu ; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Chi-Chang LinMaritime Business Review
1012016Proactive environmental strategies and performance: role of green supply chain processes and green product design in the Chinese high-tech industryLi, S. R.; Jayaraman, V.; Paulraj, A.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Li, Shaorui; Jayaraman, Vaidyanathan; Paulraj, Antony; Shang, Kuo-chung International Journal of Production Research; INT J PROD RES119
1022016Simulating Feasibility Assessment of the Golf Swing by Kinect Motion-Sensing Photography.Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Wen-Cheng Wang; Yen-Wu TiSensors and Materials0
1032016Using Clustering Algorithm to Validate the Golf Backswing Action Simulated by Microsoft Kinect Motion-Sensing Photography.Wen-Cheng Wang; Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Seng-su Tsang
1042016Impacts of Climatic Variability on Vibrio parahaemolyticus Outbreaks in TaiwanHsin-I Hsiao ; Chi, H. J.; Man-ser Jan International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
1052016Study on cluster analysis characteristics and classification capabilities — a case study of satisfaction regarding hotels and bed & breakfasts of Chinese tourists in TaiwanSeng-Su Tsang; Wen-Cheng Wang; Hao-Hsiang Ku 
1062016Vortex-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction for the rapid screening of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in waterChang, C. Y.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Ding, W. H.Journal of Separation Science12
1072016Examining the influence of organizational capability in innovative business operations and the mediation of profitability on customer satisfaction: An application in intermodal transport operators in TaiwanLun, Y. H. V.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Lai, K. H.; Cheng, T. C. E.International Journal of Production Economics
1082016Adoption of open government data among government agenciesHui-Ju Wang ; Jin LoGovernment Information Quarterly0
1092016Exploring Green Brand Associations through a Network Analysis ApproachHui-Ju Wang ; Shun‐Ching HorngPsychology & Marketing0
1102016Technology Advantage and Home-Market Effect: A Poisson Quasi Maximum Likelihood Estimation黃幼宜 ; 黃登興
1112016市場規模、廠商規模與城鄉失業黃幼宜 ; 黃登興
1122016Vortex-homogenized matrix solid-phase dispersion coupled with gas chromatography - electron-capture negative-ion mass spectrometry to determine halogenated phenolic compounds in seafoodChen, J. M.; Yang, C. C.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Ding, W. H.Rsc Advances
1132016Special Issue: Towards Efficient and High-Quality Shipping ManagementLu, C. S.; Yip, T. L.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Yang, C. C.International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
1142016Green Brand Positioning in the Online EnvironmentHui-Ju Wang International Journal of Communication
1162015An Empirical Survey on port risk management in the Kaohsiung PortTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Kuo-Chung Shang Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies0
1172015CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF A CHINESE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONEChen, C. C.; Wang, Y. X.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Fosh, P.; Lu, C. S.Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
1182015A New Approach to Network Analysis for Brand PositioningHui-Ju Wang International Journal of Market Research0
1192015Optimization of dispersive micro solid-phase extraction for the rapid determination of benzophenone-type ultraviolet absorbers in aqueous samplesWu-Hsun Chung ; Tzing, S. H.; Ding, W. H.Journal of Chromatography A
1202015臺灣地區港區港埠美學內涵之研究陳秀育 航運季刊
1212015Analytical Study on Nanometer-Sized Ablation of Ultashort-Laser-Pulse for Alumina.Ho, Ching-Yen; Wen, Mao-Yu; Tsai, Yu-Hsiang; Lee, Yi-Chwen; Ku, Hao-Hsiang Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience3
1222015An application of centralized data envelopment analysis in resource allocation in container terminal operationsShu-Man Chang; Jaw-Shen Wang; Ming-Miin Yu ; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Shih-Hao Lin; Bo HsiaoMaritime Policy & Management0
1232015Determinants of strategic collaborations in container terminal operationsRong-Her Chiu ; Christina W.Y. Wong; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Kuo-Chung Shang International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics0
1242015The Intention of Job Seekers to Apply for Jobs in Small and Medium-Size Coastal Enterprises Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior.Seng-su Tsang; Wencheng Wang; Hao-Hsiang Ku Journal of Coastal Research2
1252015Prediction of Ablated Region of Ultrafast-pulse Laser Processing for Alumina.Ching-Yen Ho; Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Yi-Chwen Lee; Yu-Hsiang Tsai; Mao-Yu WenMaterials Research Innovations,
1262015臺灣海洋經濟的產業關聯變化與群聚效果黃幼宜 ; 張淑滿
1272015農業創業精神之決定因素:WTO前後之臺灣實證胡名雯; 詹滿色 
1282015軸心區位與配置模式應用於定期貨櫃航線規劃之探討陳秀育 ; 盧華安 ; 張榕峻
1292015esign of a Golf Swing Injury Detection and Evaluation open service platform with Ontology-oriented clustering case-based reasoning mechanismHao-Hsiang Ku 
1302015港埠美學內涵重要性與性別差異分析陳秀育 航運季刊
1312015The Relationships among Emotional Capital, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Cross-Level Analysis劉仲矩; 陳秀育 ; 廖智宏Chiao Da Management Review
1322015Towards Green Port Mindfulness: Driving from Institutional Forces & Mediation of Top ManagementShiou-Yu Chen 
1332014政府開放資料的策略與挑戰:使用者觀點的分析Jin Lo; Tung-Mou Yang; Hui-Ju Wang ; Jing Shiang電子商務研究0
1342014Dispersive Micro Solid-phase Extraction Coupled with Ultrasound-assisted Solvent Desorption for Determination of Synthetic Polycyclic and Nitro-aromatic Musks in Aqueous SamplesWu-Hsun Chung ; Tzing, S. H.; Huang, M. C.; Ding, W. H.Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society3
1352014Strategic groups evaluation and firm performance for logistics services providersTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Chin-Shan Lu International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics0
1362014K-MORE: Design of a Kinect Motion Oriented iRobotics Environment.Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Tsai Sheng Kao; Ching Ho Chi
1372014Creative Engineering Design Factors that Influence Consumers’ Attitudes towards Purchasing 3C Products via Smartphone.Seng-Su Tsang; Wen-Cheng Wang; Hao-Hsiang Ku 
1382014Affine Model of Inflation-Indexed Derivatives and Inflation Risk PremiumHsiao-Wei Ho ; Henry H. Huang; Yildiray Yildirim
1392014A Modular Design Approach to Improve Product Life Cycle Performance Based on the Optimization of a Closed-Loop Supply ChainWu-Hsun Chung ; Kremer, G. E. O.; Wysk, R. A.Journal of Mechanical Design17
1402014Life cycle implications of product modular architectures in closed-loop supply chainsWu-Hsun Chung ; Kremer, G. E. O.; Wysk, R. A.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
1412014基隆港轉型郵輪港之經濟分析黃幼宜 ; 柯冠宇
1422014臺灣農民對農業休耕補貼政策及農地出租之參與意願及接受金額分析陳郁蕙; 詹滿色 ; 陳雅惠
1432014Valuation of Quanto Derivatives Using Bivariate GARCH-Jump Models何曉緯 ; 廖子翔
1442014Cooperative Modes among Port Corporation, Carriers, & Terminal Operators-The Case of TaiwanShiou-Yu Chen 
1452014Uncovering the value of green advertising for environmental management practicesChristina W.Y. Wong; Kee-Hung Lai; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Chin-Shan Lu Business Strategy and the Environment
1462013Recreational Benefits of Ecosystem Services on and around Artificial Reefs: A Case Study in Penghu, TaiwanChen, J. L.; Chuang, C. T.; Jan, R. Q.; Liu, L. C.; Man-ser Jan Ocean & Coastal Management
1472013The Valuation of Employee Reload Options with Stochastic Interest Rates張傳章; 何曉緯 ; 何瑞鎮; 鄭濰昌Journal of Financial Studies
1482013Dispersive micro solid-phase extraction for the rapid analysis of synthetic polycyclic musks using thermal desorption gas chromatography-mass spectrometryWu-Hsun Chung ; Tzing, S. H.; Ding, W. H.Journal of Chromatography A37
1492013Identifying Green Assessment Criteria for Shipping IndustriesTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Ya-Ting Li
1502013Green shipping management capability and firm performance in the container shipping industryTaih-Cherng Lirn ; Hsiao-Wen Lin; Kuo-Chung Shang Maritime Policy & Management0
1512013Service Innovation of Logistics Service Providers and Their Green Logistics PerformanceShiou-Yu Chen ; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Feng-Ming Tsai ; Hsiao lan Lo
1522013Credit Rating Anomaly in Taiwan Stock MarketHsiang‐Hui Chu; Kuan‐Cheng Ko; Shinn‐Juh Lin; Hsiao-Wei Ho 0
1532013Valuation of the Inflation Rate Guarantee Embedded in Defined Contribution Pension PlansChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Henry H. Huang; Ting-Pin Wu2013 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association
1552013政府開放數據與信息增值:臺灣的經驗與啟示楊東謀; 羅晉; 王慧茹 ; 項靖圖書情報工作
1562013Determinants of citizens' intent to use government websites in TaiwanHui-Ju Wang ; Jin LoInformation Development0
1572013國際政府數據開放實施現況初探楊東; 羅晉; 王慧茹 ; 項靖電子政務
1582013Pricing Adjustable-Rate Real Estate Lease Contracts with Embedded Options and Credit RiskChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Henry H. Huang; Yildiray Yildirim
1592012An Application of Grey Theory to Global Trade Predictions Based on Airport Cargo TrafficHua-An Lu ; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Yu-Chin YuJournal of Grey System
1602012Evaluation of Correlation Functions and Design of Minimum Mean Squared Error Equalizer for A High-Density Magnetic Recording Channel with Partial Erasure Effect.Tsai-Sheng Kao; Hao-Hsiang Ku IET Signal Processing0
1612012Green operations and the moderating role of environmental management capability of suppliers on manufacturing firm performanceWong, C. W. Y.; Lai, K. H.; Kuo-Chung Shang ; Chin-Shan Lu ; Leung, T. K. P.International Journal of Production Economics
1622012Credit Rating Anomaly in Taiwan Stock MarketKuan-Cheng Ko; Shinn-Juh Lin; Hsiang-Hui Chu; Hsiao-Wei Ho 
1632012Credit Rating Anomaly in Taiwan Stock MarketKuan-Cheng Ko; Shinn-Juh Lin; Hsiang-Hui Chu; Hsiao-Wei Ho 
1642012Designing intelligent disaster prediction models and systems for debris-flow disasters in TaiwanHsu-Yang Kung; Chi-Hua Chen; Hao-Hsiang Ku 
1662012ECFA 簽訂對臺灣水產品的影響--石斑魚的價格傳遞效果與經濟效益分析詹滿色 ; 黃徹源
1672012應用灰色理論於港埠貨櫃吞吐量預測全球貿易之研究盧華安 ; 陳秀育 ; 尤郁晴
1682012Building A Sustainable Development Management System for Seaport-A Case of Taiwan International Ports CorporationsShiou-Yu Chen 
1692011The Concept of Extensible Authentication Protocol for Mobile Equipment to Heterogeneous Network (EAP-M2H).Hsia Hung Ou; Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Te Yu ChenWen-Hsiang Hsieh
1702011An Evaluation of Free Trade Port Zone in Taiwan.Rong-Her Chiu ; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Chia-Yi Li ; Bing-Yan Lu; Kuo-Chung Shang 0
1712011Market segmentation of airline cargo transportChing-Cheng Chao; Taih-Cherng Lirn ; Kuo-Chung Shang The Service Industries Journal0
1722011The Valuation of Quanto Derivatives Using a Bivariate GARCH-Jump ModelChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Tzu-Hsiang Liao; Yaw-Huei Wang2011 Korea Finance Association and Taiwan Finance Association
1732011The effect of safety management on perceived safety performance in container stevedoring operationsKuo-Chung Shang ; Chung-Shan Yang; Chin-Shan Lu International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics
1742011Pricing Adjustable-Rate Real Estate Lease Contracts with Embedded Options and Credit RiskChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Henry H. Huang; Yildiray Yildirim2011 Taiwan Finance Association Annual Meeting
1752011Exploring digital capital of automated cargo clearance business websitesShiou-Yu Chen Expert Systems with Applications
1762011航空公司安全氣候對意外事故之影響林泰誠 ; 陳珮鈺; 桑國忠 
1772011The Valuation of Employee Reload Options with Stochastic Interest RatesChuang-Chang Chang; Hsiao-Wei Ho ; Ruey-Jenn Ho; Wei-Chang Cheng
1782011Exploring the relationships between IT capabilities and information security managementChang, S. E.; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Chen, C. Y.International Journal of Technology Management
1792011異質商品動態特徵價格之研究--以黃豆及其製品為例陳郁蕙; 詹滿色 ; 莊鈞婷; 陳重江
1802011北方三島海洋國家公園的資源保育效益分析詹滿色 ; 鄭茜云; 莊慶達
1812010Relations of Machiavellianism with emotional blackmail orientation of salespeopleShiou-Yu Chen Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
1822010Criteria for services of air cargo logistics providers: how do they relate to client satisfaction?Shiang-Min Meng; Gin-Shuh Liang; Kuang Lin; Shiou-Yu Chen Journal of Air Transport Management
1832010國際快遞業運務員最適取件路線規劃問題林振榮 ; 桑國忠 ; 郭秋泔國立臺灣海洋大學海運學報
1842010A taxonomy of green supply chain management capability among electronics-related manufacturing firms in TaiwanKuo-Chung Shang ; Chin-Shan Lu ; Li, S. R.Journal of Environmental Management
1852010A RISK ANALYSIS OF STEVEDORING OPERATIONS IN SEAPORT CONTAINER TERMINALSKuo-Chung Shang ; Tseng, W. J.Journal of Marine Science and Technology-Taiwan
1862010Web2OHS: A Web 2.0-based Omni-bearing Homecare System.Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Chung-Ming HuangIEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
1872010臺灣地區國際物流中心安全氣候與安全績效關聯性之研究林曉雯; 桑國忠 ; 呂錦山
1882010臺灣地區海運承攬運送業市場區隔之研究連淑君; 蔡雲陽; 桑國忠 
1892009影響臺灣地區自由貿易港區業者經營績效因素之研究魯炳炎; 李佳逸 ; 李權元; 桑國忠 
1902009Prioritization of digital capital measures in recruiting website for the national armed forcesLiu, C. C.; Shiou-Yu Chen Expert Systems with Applications
1912009臺灣船員聘僱問題分析呂淵華; Chia-Yi Li ; 張志清 ; 陳秀育 海運學報
1922009港埠治理體制之研究--以基隆港為例陳秀育 ; 李金成海運學報
1932009Efficient Power-Consumption-based Load Sharing Topology Control Protocol for Harsh Environments in Wireless Sensor Networks.Chung-Ming Huang; Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Hsu-Yang KungIET Communications
1942009Growth and characterization of well-aligned rutile TiO2 nanocrystals on sapphire substrates via metal organic vapour depositionChen, C. A.; Korotcov, A.; Huang, Y. S.; Tsai, D. S.; Kwong-Kau Tiong ; Wu-Hsun Chung Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics7
1952009Raman spectroscopy study of the phase transformation on nanocrystalline titania films prepared via metal organic vapour depositionChen, C. A.; Huang, Y. S.; Tsai, D. S.; Kwong-Kau Tiong ; Wu-Hsun Chung Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics
1962009衍生性金融商品之使用對盈餘屬性及盈餘資訊性之影響劉志諒; 賴淑妙 
1982009技術優勢、本國市場效果和產業消長黃幼宜 ; 黃登興; 李政德
1992009臺灣種植基改木瓜的潛在經濟效益評估詹滿色 ; 蔡坤霖
2002009臺灣地區海運承攬運送業經營風險管理之研究曾文瑞; 桑國忠 ; 張靜怡
2012009A user study of accessing web applications via voice cellular phone: a model comparison approachChang, S. E.; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Liu, Y. H.Behaviour & Information Technology
2022009Adoption of mobile Location-Based Services with Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation TechniquesTzong-Ru Lee; Shiou-Yu Chen ; Shiau-Ting Wang; Shuchih Ernest ChangInternational Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC)
2032009Identifying and prioritizing critical intellectual capital for e‐learning companiesShiou-Yu Chen European Business Review
2042009Types of Customer Emotional Blackmail Perceived by Frontline Service EmployeesShiou-Yu Chen Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal
2052008Intelligent and situation-aware pervasive system to support debris-flow disaster prediction and alerting in TaiwanH. Kung; Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Ching-Yu Lin17
2062008Effects of Safety Climate on Perceptions of Safety Performance in Container Terminal OperationsKuo-Chung Shang ; Chin-Shan Lu Transport Reviews
2072008Efficient Sensor Deployment Control Schemes and Performance Evaluation for Obstacle and Unknown Environments.Hsu-Yang Kung; Chung-Ming Huang; Hao-Hsiang Ku Wireless Personal Communications
2082008交通可及性與生態旅遊區的消長:雙區模型黃登興; 黃幼宜 ; 楊筱屏
2092008軍事威脅、國防資源和勞動調整李政德; 黃幼宜 
2102008風險管理能力與績效關聯性之研究--以臺灣地區海運承攬運送業為例桑國忠 ; 曾文瑞; 張靜怡
2122008國際快遞業利益區隔之研究--以臺灣地區進出口廠商為例連淑君; 林莉芳; 桑國忠 
2132008臺灣地區貨櫃集散站利益區隔之研究連淑君; 曾世隆; 桑國忠 
2142007A conjoint/logit analysis of consumers' responses to genetically modified tofu in TaiwanMan-ser Jan ; Fu, T. Y.; Huang, C. L.Journal of Agricultural Economics
2152007Efficient multimedia distribution architecture using anycastHsu-Yang Kung; Chung-Ming Huang; Hao-Hsiang Ku ; Ching-YuLin0
2162007臺灣漁產品HACCP安全認證的價值評估--雙界二分假設市場評估法之應用詹滿色 ; 傅祖壇
2172007臺灣外岸磯釣遊憩效益之評估詹滿色 ; 林妍伶; 莊慶達
2182006Classifying river waves by the Saint Venant equations decoupled in the laplacian frequency domainWu-Hsun Chung ; Kang, Y. L.Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-Asce3
2192006AC loss characteristics of the KSTAR CSMC estimated by pulse testLee, S.; Chu, Y.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Lee, S. J.; Choi, S. M.; Park, S. H.; Yonekawa, H.; Baek, S. H.; Kim, J. S.; Cho, K. W.; Park, K. R.; Lim, B. S.; Oh, Y. K.; Kim, K.; Bak, J. S.; Lee, G. S.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity10
2202006兩岸三地貿易流量的變遷--引力模型的驗證黃登興; 黃幼宜 
2212006論生態旅遊區的管制政策黃幼宜 ; 黃登興
2222006基改豆腐屬性之偏好與相對重要性分析:聯合分析法之應用傅祖壇; 王思薇; 詹滿色 ; 胡克威
2242006臺灣稻作農家農地轉作能源作物的意願分析黃瀕儀; 詹滿色 
2252005An empirical investigation of safety climate in container terminal operatorsChin-Shan Lu ; Kuo-Chung Shang Journal of Safety Research
2262005Generation of continuously wavelength-tunable optical short pulses by use of two self-seeded Fabry-Perot laser diodes and an optical switchFang, X. H.; Wang, D. N.; Jin, W.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Ho, H. L.; Hoo, Y. L.; Ju, J.; Wang, Z.Applied Optics0
2272005Thermo-hydraulic analysis of the KSTAR central solenoid model coilWu-Hsun Chung ; Park, S.; Wang, Q. L.; Jeong, S.; Yoon, C. S.; Oh, Y. K.; Kim, K.; Bak, J. S.; Lee, G. S.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
2282005Logistics capability and performance in Taiwan's major manufacturing firmsKuo-Chung Shang ; Marlow, P. B.Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review
2292005認知環境不確定性情況下運籌策略與組織績效關係之研究--以臺灣資訊電子業為例孫儷芳; 桑國忠 
2302004Heating surge and temperature oscillation in KSTAR PF and TF coils for plasma disruption under continuous plasma discharging conditionsWang, Q. L.; Kim, K. M.; Park, H.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Yoon, C. S.; Fen, Z. G.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
2312004農村失業模型的理論與應用:WTO架構下的農業政策黃登興; 林柏生; 黃幼宜 
2322004貿易、經濟作物與土地利用黃幼宜 ; 黃登興
2342003運輸成本、資源和貿易量黃登興; 黃幼宜 
2372002Influence of inlet pressure and mass flow rate on the temperature rise of superconducting strands in SSTF under the normal operating conditionsYoon, C. S.; Wang, Q. L.; Suh, Y. S.; Choi, S. W.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Park, H.; Kim, K.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
2382002Operating temperature margin and heat load in PF superconducting coils of KSTARWang, Q. L.; Yoon, C. S.; He, J. L.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Kim, K.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
2392002Simulation on helium expansion and quench in CICC for KSTAR with moving mesh methodsWang, Q. L.; He, J. L.; Yoon, C. S.; Wu-Hsun Chung ; Kim, K. M.Ieee Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
2402002Improved tuning accuracy of fiber grating lasers using a linear variable differential transformerWu-Hsun Chung ; Tam, H. Y.; Demokan, M. S.; Wai, P. K. A.Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
2422002模糊中位數及其在財金與經濟分析之應用何曉緯 統計學類
2431994開放外籍船員及國貨國運的經濟效果黃登興; 黃幼宜 
2441992生產邊界估計方法、函數型式與個別農場技術效率--臺灣稻作與果樹農場之實證傅祖壇; 詹滿色 ; 劉錦添