
Results 1-119 of 119 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)SourceWOSFulltext/Archive link
12024/6/15Synergetic effects of micro-shot peening and gas nitriding on the fatigue performance of AISI 4140 steelLin, Guan-Wei; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Hsu, Hsiao-Hung; Tsay, Leu-Wen SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
22024/5/1Corrosion Resistance of Fe-Based Amorphous Films Prepared by the Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputter MethodLin, Tai-Nan; Liao, Pin-Hsun; Wang, Cheng-Chin; Lee, Hung-Bin ; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS
32023Mitigating Stress Corrosion Cracking of 304L and 316L Laser Welds in a Salt Spray through Micro-Shot PeeningKang, Chia-Ying; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS
42023Improved fatigue strength of Cr-electroplated 7075-T6 Al alloy by micro-shot peeningSu, Chih-Hang; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Tsay, Leu-Wen INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE2
52023Effects of Micro-Shot Peening on the Fatigue Strength of Anodized 7075-T6 AlloySu, Chih-Hang; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Ding, Yi-Shiun; Lu, Guan-Xun; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS0
62023Effects of Micro-Shot Peening on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic Stainless Steel WeldsKang, Chia-Ying; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS2
72022Failure Analysis of a C-276 Alloy Pipe in a Controlled Decomposition ReactorChen, Tai-Cheng; Yue, Gui-Lin; Kai, Wu ; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS1
82022Vacuum Brazing of Metallized YSZ and Crofer Alloy Using 72Ag-28Cu Filler FoilHuang, Liang-Wei; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Liu, Chien-Kuo; Cheng, Yung-Neng; Lee, Ruey-Yi; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS0
92021The Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Resistance of Fe-Based Amorphous Alloy Coating Prepared by High Velocity Oxygen Fuel MethodLee, Chun-Ying; Sheu, Hung-Hua; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Hsiao, Po-Sen; Lin, Tzu-Jing; Hung-Bin Lee 
102021Dissimilar Brazing of Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al and Commercially Pure Titanium Using Ti-Cu-Ni Foil<br>Yue, Gui-Lin; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen MATERIALS2
112021Effect of Micro-Shot Peening on the Fatigue Performance of AISI 304 Stainless SteelChung, Yu-Hsuan; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Lee, Hung-Bin ; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS11
122021Effects of heat treatments on the microstructure and environment-induced cracking of CF8A steel in simulated BWR waterChen, Tai-Cheng; Huang, Jiunn-Yuan; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING1
132021Microstructural Evolution of 9CrMoW Weld Metal in a Multiple-Pass WeldChuang, Yu-Lun; Wang, Chu-Chun; Chen, Tai-Cheng; Shiue, Ren-Kae; Tsay, Leu-Wen METALS1
142020Effects of Thermal Simulation on the Creep Fracture of the Mod. 9Cr-1Mo Weld MetalLiao, C. C.; Wang, C. C.; Chen, T. C.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals3
152020Vacuum brazing Zircaloy-2 alloy with a clad 60Ti-25Ni-15Nb fillerLin, C. Z.; Kao, C. S.; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Shiue, R. K.Vacuum1
162020Phase Transformation of a Ti-15Mo-5Zr-3Al Brazed Joint Using Clad Ti-15Cu-15Ni FillerYue, G. L.; Chen, T. C.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals2
172020Phase Transformation of Furnace Brazed Ti-15-5-3 Joint Using the Clad Ti-15Cu-15Ni FillerGui-Lin Yue; Tai-Cheng Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay 1
182019Stress corrosion cracking of simulated heat-affected zone in a CF8A weld in high temperature waterChen, Tai-Cheng; Chang, Hau-Han; Huang, Jiunn-Yuan; Tsay, Leu-Wen J NUCL MATER3
192019Microstructural Evolution and Short-Term Creep Rupture of the Simulated HAZ in T92 Steel Normalized at Different TemperaturesTai-Jung Wu; Chien-Chun Liao; Tai-Cheng Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals
202019Vacuum Brazing Ti-15-3 with a TiNiNb Braze AlloyKao, C. S.; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Wang, S. B.; Shiue, R. K.Metals1
212019The Comparison of Cracking Susceptibility of IN52M and IN52MSS Overlay WeldsMin-Yi Chen; Tai-Jung Wu; Tai-Cheng Chen; Sheng-Long Jeng; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals2
222018The Effect of Normalizing Temperature on the Short-Term Creep Rupture of the Simulated HAZ in Gr.91 Steel WeldsHao-Wei Wu; Tai-Jung Wu; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals6
232018Liquation Cracking in the Heat-Affected Zone of IN738 Superalloy WeldCheng-Kai Lin ; Tai-Cheng Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals32
242018Correlation between Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior and Fracture Surface Roughness on Cold-Rolled Austenitic Stainless Steels in Gaseous HydrogenTai-Cheng Chen; Sheng-Tsan Chen; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Ren-Kae ShiueMetals
252018Effects of Grain Boundary Microconstituents on Heat Affect Zone Cracks in a Mar-M004 WeldmentTai-Cheng Chen; Yi-Hsin Cheng; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Ren-Kae ShiueMetals7
262018The Application of 40Ti-35Ni-25Nb Filler Foil in Brazing Commercially Pure TitaniumShan-Bo Wang; Chuan-Sheng Kao; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Ren-Kae ShiueMetals0
272018The Evolution of Cast Microstructures on the HAZ Liquation Cracking of Mar-M004 WeldYi-Hsin Cheng; Jyun-Ting Chen; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals1
282017The Evolution of the Weld Metal Microstructures in Dissimilar Titanium Welds Based on Al and Mo EquivalentsYun-Da Tsai; Cheng-Ta Hsieh; Ren-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance0
292017Air-oxidation of FeCoNiCr-based quinary high-entropy alloys at 700–900 °CWu Kai ; Li, C. C.; Cheng, F. P.; Chu, K. P.; Kai, J. J.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Corrosion Science95
302017Creep Rupture of the Simulated HAZ of T92 Steel Compared to that of a T91 SteelYu-Quan Peng; Tai-Cheng Chen; Tien-Jung Chung; Sheng-Long Jeng; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials11
312017Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of 304L Substrate and 308L Weld Metal Exposed to a Salt SprayChia-Hao Hsu; Tai-Cheng Chen; Rong-Tan Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials14
322017Effect of Low-Temperature Sensitization on Hydrogen Embrittlement of 301 Stainless SteelChieh Yu; Ren-Kae Shiue; Chun Chen; Leu-Wen Tsay Metals4
332016Effects of Simulated Microstructure on the Creep Rupture of the Modified 9Cr-1Mo SteelT. H. Hsiao; T. C. Chen; S. L. Jeng; T. J. Chung; L. W. Tsay Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance13
342016The oxidation behavior of an equimolar FeCoNiCrMn high-entropy alloy at 950 °C in various oxygen-containing atmospheresWu Kai ; Li, C. C.; Cheng, F. P.; Chu, K. P.; Kai, J. J.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Corrosion Science93
352016Air Oxidation of a Ni53Nb20Ti10Zr8Co6Cu3 Glassy Alloy at 400–550 °CWu Kai ; Chen, Y. T.; Zheng, F. P.; Chen, W. S.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Huang, H. H.; Zhang, W.Oxidation of Metals3
362016The effect of phase transformation in the plastic zone on the hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth of 301 stainless steelChen, T. C.; Chen, S. T.; Wu Kai ; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Characterization8
372016The effect of post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and notched tensile fracture of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Al-3Sn to Ti-6Al-4V dissimilar laser weldsHsieh, C. T.; Shiue, R. K.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing14
382015Stress corrosion cracking of austenitic weld deposits in a salt spray environmentCai, J. B.; Yu, C.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Nuclear Materials13
392015Effects of Aging Treatments on the Mechanical Behavior of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al AlloyChou, Y. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chen, C.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance8
402014The effect of post-weld heat treatment on the notched tensile fracture of Ti-6Al-4V to Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn dissimilar laser weldsHsieh, C. T.; Chu, C. Y.; Shiue, R. K.; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials & Design19
412014The oxidation behavior of three different zones of welded Incoloy 800H alloyW.S. Chen; Wu Kai ; Leu-Wen Tsay ; J.J. KaiNuclear Engineering and Design14
422014The role of induced alpha '-martensite on the hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth of austenitic stainless steelsT.C. Chen; S.T. Chen; L.W. Tsay 
432014Microstructure and notched tensile fracture of Ti-6Al-4V to Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo dissimilar weldsChu, C. Y.; Hsieh, C. T.; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials & Design15
442014The Effect of Nb and S Segregation on the Solidification Cracking of Alloy 52M Weld Overlay on CF8 Stainless SteelH. A. Chu; M. C. Young; H. C. Chu; L. W. Tsay ; C. ChenJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance10
452014Effects of microstructures on the notch tensile fracture feature of heat-treated Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn alloyRong-Tan Huang ; Wen-Liang Huang; Rong-Hsin Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing13
462013Effect of microstructure on hydrogen embrittlement of various stainless steelsC.L. Lai; L.W. Tsay ; C. ChenMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing56
472013The effects of rolling and sensitization treatments on the stress corrosion cracking of 304L stainless steel in salt-spray environmentLi, W. J.; Young, M. C.; Lai, Chai-Lin; Wu Kai ; Leu-Wen Tsay Corrosion Science
482013Hot cracking susceptibility of alloy 52M weld overlays onto CF8 stainless steelH.A. Chu; M.C. Young; H.C. Chu; L.W. Tsay ; C. Chen16
492013Air-oxidation behavior of a [(Fe50Co50)(75)B20Si5](96)Nb-4 bulk metallic glass at 500-650 degrees CWu Kai ; Wu, Y. H.; Chen, W. S.; Tsay, L. W. ; Jia, H. L.; Liaw, P. K.Corrosion Science
502013Relationship between Microstructure and Notch Tensile Strength in Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al Alloy at Elevated TemperaturesRong-Tan Huang ; Wen-Han Chen; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Transactions1
512013Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of a Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al Alloy with Variously Aged ConditionsLeu-Wen Tsay ; S. T. Chang; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions2
522012The effects of rolling temperature and sensitization treatment on the sulfide stress corrosion cracking of 304L stainless steelL.W. Tsay ; Y.J. Lin; C. ChenCorrosion Science20
532012Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-4V Laser Welds at Elevated TemperaturesM. Y. Lu; L. W. Tsay ; C. Chen
542012Notch brittleness of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al alloysHsiao-Hung Hsu; Yen-Chieh Wu; Leu-Wen Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing11
552012Fracture properties of hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding in recrystallization and stress-relief anneal conditionsHsiao-Hung Hsu; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Nuclear Materials10
562011Notched Tensile and Impact Fracture of Ti-15-3 Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yan-Jie Wu; Chun ChenMetallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science4
572011The Effect of Preheating on Notched Tensile Strength and Impact Toughness of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yun-Chen Jiang; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions4
582011Effect of hydride orientation on fracture toughness of Zircaloy-4 claddingHsiao-Hung Hsu; Leu-Wen Tsay Journal of Nuclear Materials31
592011Stress corrosion cracking in the heat-affected zone of A508 steel welds under high-temperature waterWei-Chih Chung; Jiunn-Yuan Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun ChenJournal of Nuclear Materials7
602011Microstructure and Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of the Weld Metal in Alloy 52-A508 Dissimilar WeldsWei-Chih Chung; Jiunn-Yuan Huang; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions45
612010Notched tensile fracture of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo welds at elevated temperaturesL.W. Tsay ; C.L. Hsu; C. ChenMaterials Chemistry and Physics16
622010The effects of cold rolling and sensitisation on hydrogen embrittlement of AISI 304L weldsC.L. Lai; L.W. Tsay ; W. Kai; C. ChenCorrosion Science
632010Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Laser WeldsL. W. Tsay ; Y. S. Ding; W. C. Chung; C. ChenMetallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science1
642010Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Laser Welds at Elevated TemperaturesL.W.Tsay ; C. L. Hsu; C. Chen0
652010The Influence of Microstructures on the Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Welds at Elevated TemperaturesLeu-Wen Tsay ; Chung-Liang Hsu; Chun ChenIsij International11
662009The Effect of Preheating on Notch Fracture of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yun-Chen Jiang; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions6
672009Notched Tensile Strength and Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn Laser WeldsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Chun-Xian Lee; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions15
682009The effects of hydrogen on fatigue crack growth behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe alloysY.S. Ding; L.W. Tsay ; C. ChenCorrosion Science18
692009Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement of PH 13-8 Mo steelY.S. Ding; L.W. Tsay ; M.F. Chiang; C. ChenJournal of Nuclear Materials26
702009Microstructure and Notch Properties of Heat-Treated Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe Laser WeldsWei-Chih Chung; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions17
712009Notched tensile tests of cold-rolled 304L stainless steel in 40 wt.% 80 °C MgCl2 solutionC.L. Lai; L.W. Tsay ; W. Kai; C. ChenCorrosion Science15
722008Influence of Microstructures on the Notched Tensile Strength of Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Fe-2Mo AlloyWei-Chih Chung; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Yi-Shiung Ding; Chun ChenMaterials Transactions6
732008Hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth of AISI 316L stainless steel weldL.W. Tsay ; J.J. Chen; J.C. Huang30
742008The effect of grain size and aging on hydrogen embrittlement of a maraging steelL. W. Tsay, ; H. L. Lu,; C. Chen
752008The effect of sensitization on the hydrogen-enhanced fatigue crack growth of two austenitic stainless steelsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Liua, Y. -F.; Rong-Tan Huang ; Kuo, Roang-ChingCorrosion Science
762008Notched tensile strength of SP-700 laser weldsL.W. Tsay ; Y.S. Ding; W.C. Chung; C. ChenMaterials Letters17
772007The effect of short time post-weld heat treatment on the fatigue crack growth of 2205 duplex stainless steel weldsM. C. Young; L. W. Tsay ; C. S. Shin; Sammy Chan
782007A comparison of hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of two austenitic stainless steel weldsTsay, L. W. ; Yu, S. C.; Chyou, San-Der; Lin, D.-Y.Article13
792007Effect of Austenite Instability on the Hydrogen-enhanced Crack Growth of Austenitic Stainless SteelsL.W. Tsay ; S.C. Yu; R.-T. Huang32
802007The influence of aging treatments on sulfide stress corrosion cracking of PH13-8Mosteel weldsL.W. Tsay ; H.H. Chen; M.F. Chiang; C. Chen
812006The influence of porosity on the fatigue crack growth behavior of Ti-6Al-4V laser weldsL. W. Tsay ; Y.-P. Shan; Y.-H. Chao; W. Y. ShuJournal of Materials Science35
822006Hydrogen Embrittlement Susceptibility and Permeability of Two Ultra-high Strength SteelsL.W. Tsay ; M.Y. Chi; Y.F. Wu; J.K. Wu; D.-Y. Lin
832006An Investigation of Hydrogen Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking of PH 13-8 Mo Stainless SteelL. W. Tsay ; M. Y. Chi; H. R. Chen; C. ChenMaterials Science and Engineering A
842006Investigation of hydrogen sulfide stress corrosion cracking of PH13-8Mostainless steelL.W. Tsay ; M.Y. Chi; H.R. Chen; C. ChenMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing42
852005Hydrogen-enhanced cracking of 2205 duplex stainless steel weldsM.C. Young; S.L.I. Chan; L.W. Tsay ; C.-S. ShinMaterials Chemistry and Physics40
862005Embrittlement of T-200 maraging steel in a hydrogen sulfide solutionL.W. Tsay ; Y.F. Hu; C. Chen
872004The effect of residual thermal stresses on the fatigue crack growth of laser-annealed 304 stainless steelsL.W. Tsay ; M.C. Young; F.Y. Chou; R.K. Shiue
882004Fatigue crack growth behavior of laser-annealed IN 718 alloy in hydrogenL.W. Tsay ; H.H. Lin; R.K.Shiue
892004The use of laser surface-annealed treatment to retard fatigue crack growth of austenitic stainless steelL.W. Tsay ; Y.C. Liu; D.-Y. Lin; M.C. Young
902004Fatigue crack growth of AISI 304 stainless steel welds in air and hydrogenL.W. Tsay ; Y.C. Liu; M.C. Young; D.-Y. Lin
912004The effect of residual thermal stresses on the fatigue crack growth of laser-surface-annealed AISI 304 stainless steel - Part I: computer simulationRen Kae Shiue; C.T. Chang; M.C. Young; L.W. Tsay Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing42
922004Laser beam welding of 2205 duplex stainless steel with metal powder additionsH. C. Wu; L. W. Tsay ; C. ChenIsij International30
932003Fatigue crack growth behavior of laser-processed 304 stainless steel in air and gaseous hydrogenL.W. Tsay ; M.C. Young; M.C. YoungCorrosion Science56
942003Notched tensile testing of T-200 maraging steel and its laser welds in hydrogenC.P Wu; L.W Tsay ; C ChenMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing19
952003A study of Sn-Bi-Ag-(In) lead-free soldersRen-Kae Shiue; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chun-Lun Lin; Jia-Lin OuJournal of Materials Science31
962003Tensile properties of LBW welds in Ti-6Al-4V alloy at evaluated temperatures below 450 degrees CS.H Wang; M.D Wei; L.W Tsay Materials Letters96
972003The reliability study of selected Sn-Zn based lead-free solders on Au Ni-P Cu substrateR.K.Shiue; L.W. Tsay ; C.L. Lin; J.L. OuMicroelectronics Reliability36
982003Tensile properties of LBW welds in Ti–6Al–4V alloy at evaluated temperatures below 450 °CShing Hoa Wang; M.D Wei; L.W Tsay Materials Letters
992002Notch tensile properties of laser-surface-annealed 17-4 PH stainless steel in hydrogen-related environmentsL.W. Tsay ; W.C. Lee; R.K .Shiue; J.K. Wu
1002002Effect of hydrogen environment on the notched tensile properties of T-250 maraging steel annealed by laser treatmentL. W Tsay ; W. C Lee; W. C Luu; J. K Wu
1012002Improved Impact Toughness of 13Cr Martenstic Stainless Steel Hardened by LaserL. W. Tsay ; Y. M. Chang; S. Torng; H. C. WuJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance
1022001Influence of gaseous hydrogen on the notched tensile strength of D6ac steelChang, Ta-Li; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chen, CMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing27
1032001Embrittlement of laser surface-annealed 17-4 PH stainless steelL.W Tsay ; T.Y Yang; M.C YoungMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing25
1042001Stress corrosion cracking of A588 steel weldments in flue gas related environmentsTsay, LW ; Chen, WY; Shiue, RK; Shiue, RHJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance1
1052001Sulfide stress corrosion cracking and fatigue crack growth of welded TMCP API 5L X65 pipe-line steelLW Tsay ; YC Chen; Sammy ChanInternational Journal of Fatigue
1062001Fatigue crack propagation in 2.25 Cr-1.0Mo steel weldments in air and hydrogenL.W. Tsay ; C.C. Liu; YH Chao; Y.H. ShiehMaterials Science and Engineering A
1072000Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of laser-hardened 4140 steelL.W Tsay ; Z.W Lin; R.K Shiue; C ChenMaterials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing13
1082000Reduction of hydrogen embrittlement in an ultra-high-strength steel by laser surface annealingLeu-Wen Tsay ; Yang, T. Y.
1091999Microstructures and fatigue crack growth of EH36 TMCP steel weldmentsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Chern, Tsann-Shyi; Gau, Chung-Yun; Yang, Jer-Ren
1101998Effect of laser beam radiation on fatigue crack propagation in AISI 4150 steelLeu-Wen Tsay ; Lin, Z. W.0
1111998Crack growth behaviour of heat-treated 4140 steel in air and gaseous hydrogenChuang, Jia-Hao; Leu-Wen Tsay ; Chen, CArticle
1121998Hydrogen sulphide stress corrosion cracking of weld overlays for desulfurization reactorsLeu-Wen Tsay ; Lin, We-LiangArticle
1131997The effect of microstructures on the fatigue crack growth in Ti-6Al-4V laser weldsTsay, LW ; Tsay, CY
1141997Hydrogen sulphide stress corrosion cracking of 2.25Cr-Mo steel weldmentsL.W. Tsay ; W.L. Lin; S.W. Cheng; G.S. Leu22
1151997Gaseous hydrogen embrittlement of T-250 laser weldsL. W. Tsay ; W. B. Huang; C. ChenJournal of Materials Engineering and Performance9
1161997Hydrogen embrittlement of a Ti-strengthened 250 grade maraging steelTsay, LW ; Huang, WB; Li, YM; Chen, C
1171997Fatigue crack propagation of D6AC laser weldsTsay, LW ; Chung, CS; Chen, C
1181997Assisted crack growth in maraging steel welds by gaseous hydrogenLeu-Wen Tsay ; Huang, Wenbo; Chen, C